Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 17

by Theodore Daniels

  Scanning Implemented spices Corps as soon as ships have gone beyond the security zone catapult immediately brought to the attention of specialists on duty shifts planet Equitas. Long-range scanners have helped to get time on the action plan. While the squadron approached Equitas could decide what to do.

  - Scan revealed a mine full of life and obviously otherworldly artifact. There are traces of the Earth's engineering and technology. - Anderson said. - And most importantly - there are traces of "Cerberus". Explicit or implicit - it can be completely clear only in the course of landing there. Our findings lead me to announce the frigate embattled number two. A similar degree of readiness on the cruiser has already been introduced. "Volga" takes control and protection of the area of the planet, so that we nothing will prevent to come closer to the orbit. At the very orbit, we will not go. The reason for such a decision, I'm sure you clear from the materials provided to you. - Anderson spoke clearly, briefly, a little curtly. Shepard, who had some time to read all the files, knew - the commander of the frigate had it all right. That

  - All wear heavy insulated suits. Enter the complete isolation protocols. Weapons to take on the full norm, as well as ammunition. MedLab frigate, cruiser and cruiser - ready. Announced readiness all shuttles and conveyors. - Continued Anderson. - Yavik.

  - The mine is an artifact, which in the age of Empire Protheans be destroyed without question. - Proteanin did not get up from the chair. - Now I can not do much to explain, because I do not know very many details, but I will say at once - at the very least, that we are obliged to do - is to provide a complete unavailability of the artifact for all reasonable current cycle of organic. To do this, you have to not only leave activated two bombs next to the artifact, but also to fill up the entire mine rock. So that there was no way to quickly unearth the artifact. This is - the most fundamental. The rest will have to decide on the spot, but there is manifested not only "Cerberus", but the Reapers and the Leviathans.

  - Then - all the work. - Summed up Anderson.

  A quarter of an hour or two out of the shuttle hangar gateway frigate, cruiser.

  - Husky any less active. - There was a speaker in the voice of Richard Jenkins. - Do not run forward, do not try to blow up next, not waving with his hands, trying to funny to say, stay at least two meters away from you. There offspring, but also less active.

  Report NCO interested otryadovtsev. Information was fully confirmed - just landed, the landing of the group headed for the mine.

  - Signal ... very kind. - Walking near Shepard Olivia looked around - it was a completely unnecessary. - With these characteristics, I have not yet met.

  - Locate the container with the logo of "Cerberus" and the body of a man in overalls tserberovskom decayed. - Reported by the Speaker of the deceased with a few cops, Marines forward Alenko. - This container has a bit of everything. Basically - valuable minerals and credits in significant quantities. I am leaving the lighthouse. Following the entrance of the mine.

  - Container Presents check for the full scheme, then - take, take to the shuttle to take custody. - I ordered the XO.

  After receiving the report of the task, Shepard had seen the tip of the shaft.

  - Be careful, Captain. - Yavik without leaving stealth, spoke these words chirping voice. - Artifact cocked and two bombs. Remember, John. In my time in the Empire such artifacts destroyed without question.

  - I'll try to start with this artifact in contact Yaw. Only everyone else ... Let go forth a hundred meters. You will need to go to the surface - let go.

  - Good. - Yavik Shepard did not read a lecture about safety and about the dangers of reckless desires and ill-considered actions, simply agreed with the opinion of the exec.

  Reaching the production, where there was an artifact, Shepard saw a pile of boxes, placed, however, in a certain system. Yavik was just pootdal. Referring to the latter, the nearest box, XO felt goose bumps on the arm slid soon the whole body vibrated. And there was a picture in my head. Yes. Yavik was right. It was not even an artifact Protheans not even innusanon, it was an artifact associated with the originator of the Reapers, Leviathans. Kind regards from the race that ruled the galaxy a billion years. On two cocked bomb lying at the walls of a special attention to development of Shepard did not pay. Not up to it. Finally sverblenie subsided - the artifact came into contact with Shepard completely.

  A few minutes later Shepard woke up, took two steps back, felt the next rises ever left the invisibility proteanin. Mate knew felt that a warrior of an ancient race is waiting for him, man, at least minimal explanation.

  - It's not a weapon. This - the repair and recharging station "Eye". Those most balls observer. Yes, it's Leviathan. - Shepard confirmed, in response to the most likely question teammate. - You were right. This artifact should be walled up in the formation. - Shepard transferred to the frigate message about the need to put a sign in the world of total risk. - Getting Started.

  A few hours almost all of the landing group was preparing the mine collapse. Shepard personally vzvёl last bomb fuse, leaving him in a position of readiness for an immediate detonation. Then accurate undermining small charge brought down all access to the actual bombs.

  After waiting for the collapse of the mine shafts, landing the group has inspected the area and orderly retreated to the shuttles. Twenty minutes flight to the frigate in the salons of the two ships was quiet.

  Discussion of the details held operation took place immediately upon arrival and it was the commander in the cabin of a frigate.

  - The fact that we received valuable minerals and loans - good. - Anderson said. - The fact that we have blocked access to the gifts from the distant past - too well, because we do not need new devices spies. I know that many of you are already thinking about what we have to deal with the Leviathans. I confirm - have. But - later. Not now and not any time soon. I understand that I speak like an ordinary phrase, but nevertheless, I note - we are now to face the Leviathans are not ready. Yes, we know that they exist, that they are hiding, we'll have a planet where the most likely located their main lair. Yes, the same Despoyna. That, I am convinced, many of us continue to halloo to one another. Now we have made another step towards Leviathan. A necessary step. We received valuable new information about the race. She has already received for processing. Ahead of us - the other planets in this cluster. So - a little rest, and - for the job. Waiting on you reports on individual work on the landing. Everybody's Free.

  Troop ships already headed to the next, the next planet star system. Planet Pietas. On which it was very much ready for the appearance of their own lives. Organic life. The temperature of the planet has been acceptable, the atmosphere consisted of nitrogen and argon. Pietas could have been made habitable by means kislorodoobrazuyuschih cyanobacteria. The planet's crust contain a large amount of silicates and carbon, and it makes it easy to produce construction materials.

  Shepard looked through data from the planet Vault Extranet already returned to starpomovskoy watch, sitting as usual on her bed in a half upright position. He is now so easier to work and even think. Pietas proved that the planet, which is quite allowed terraforming, having to do all the qualities. But the Citadel Council ... It is a gathering of officials ... Port whole future of this world. Port is so fundamental that already came to jokes - a little more and the planet will own intelligent inhabitants. Local residents, Aboriginal people. And the Council will have to negotiate with them already.

  The planet was ready for the generation of life. But reasonable organic ... not ready. On Pietas is that flew only ships of pirates or smugglers. To hide or make repairs. Reinsurers-officials who are aware of, but never recognized in his apparent weakness, and even more so - in their incompetence, considered its mission accomplished, hung out wherever possible, official warnings that due to visit the planet's variety of criminal elements in the first place and because of the unpleasant climatic and other conditions and secondly, stay civilians Pietase not recommended.

  What is
still a convenient phrase - "not recommended." Straight from the series "is understood to want to" and "clever - enough." He said that - having heard and let the fine in that case himself. A few hours Troop ships hung on Pietasa orbit, removing all possible information. Specialists clearly aware of - is unlikely in the near future will be able to come back here again and so work as if back here will not have to ever. Synthetic organics provided strong support and found once again the satisfaction of knowing his need, its usefulness and its relevance. On that planet with the mine fire, fortunately, not particularly necessary. So, just to ward off the most zealous husks. So Olivia could not complain - it really does not substitute for the charges. And she went back to the usual analytical work. The one to which it was prepared as a scout, as an agent. And to make this work has already been the main, sverhprivychnoy. Legion, which consisted in touch with the true geth, also contributed to the overall work, peretryahivaya terabytes of data.

  By the time the ships came into the orbit of the planet next star system - Viru, Shepard returned from another bypass frigate. Stopping at the viewscreen, he spent several minutes studying the panorama of the planet.

  - Hot planet has a dense nitrogen atmosphere, a nickel and carbon stocks, which can be found on almost any other planet, ve just that with more normal temperatures at the surface. - Approached Anderson said. - We, organic, zazhralis. This planet - just a treasure, and we noses gates - hot, they say. Although ... maybe in our unwillingness to pay special attention to this planet, even now, before the invasion of the Reapers our galaxy, there are certain essential meaning. - As if thinking aloud, said the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - Maybe we need to do something and leave our descendants and the planet will be our gift to them.

  Shepard nodded, inwardly agreeing with the words of Anderson. Really, what is now to extort resources from this planet that's when there are other planets, the conditions on which the softer and popriemlemee. Maybe descendants ever say thank you. Unless, of course, be able to survive and defeat the Reapers. Defeating these cuttlefish. Defeat over them last, final, and most important because - very hard-fought victory.

  Senior assistant to the commander of the frigate and cruiser spent in the overview screen for over an hour, discussing a variety of issues in a low voice Squad. Leaving, Anderson noted:

  - We're going to Kestus system, John. According to long-range reconnaissance ahead of us a lot of planets inhabited turians. So now it will be necessary to give priority to our spectrum. Let visit the planets, talk, look. We should not interfere too much. And shine Synthetic is not worth. Turians - different and not all clearly positively inclined towards the cyborg. So I informed Kaidan and he prepared for our Spectra support of the six policemen paratroopers led by Jenkins. Let Richard also look at the life of professional soldiers near. Not only the lives of soldiers, but the Turian and normal life. - With these words in the mouth of Anderson dove gateway hatch.

  In Kestus system has only two planets, turians lived mostly. Looking through the scan data, Shepard admired the fortitude and tenacity Turian. Yes, the planet had the difficult conditions that cost the lives of hundreds of brave colonists. Diseases, carriers and distributors which operate within the world, mowed Turian thousands. Two decades - and the first population-based turian colonies halved because of the high mortality and the outflow of the colonists. Terrified primarchs Palaven naturally quick to say about the decision to leave the planet and evacuate all Turian ... And then turianka politician Shastina Imperus dunked these polumuzhchin-nedovoinov with all rigor. She has managed to establish a colony Turian no where else but in the desert, where the number of pests appeared, naturally, is minimal. As a result, the population of the colony based real doubled in just five years. Shastina naturally became popular among the Turian. Nobody said that the entire planet is subject to, or even more so - submissive tuoriantsam. Full development of the planet has been proven coming from scanners and radar data, it's fairly distant future. However, already now a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere of the planet, deposits of aluminum and silver oxide have confirmed the view that the Invictus was just enough to survive. Unless, of course, know how and be prepared to work. Favorable climate and, to a certain extent - the natural conditions allow to hide on this planet for many offenders, which in the main part of the Citadel Space actively searched law enforcement. Shastina naturally became popular among the Turian. Nobody said that the entire planet is subject to, or even more so - submissive tuoriantsam. Full development of the planet has been proven coming from scanners and radar data, it's fairly distant future. However, already now a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere of the planet, deposits of aluminum and silver oxide have confirmed the view that the Invictus was just enough to survive. Unless, of course, know how and be prepared to work. Favorable climate and, to a certain extent - the natural conditions allow to hide on this planet for many offenders, which in the main part of the Citadel Space actively searched law enforcement. Shastina naturally became popular among the Turian. Nobody said that the entire planet is subject to, or even more so - submissive tuoriantsam. Full development of the planet has been proven coming from scanners and radar data, it's fairly distant future. However, already now a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere of the planet, deposits of aluminum and silver oxide have confirmed the view that the Invictus was just enough to survive. Unless, of course, know how and be prepared to work. Favorable climate and, to a certain extent - the natural conditions allow to hide on this planet for many offenders, which in the main part of the Citadel Space actively searched law enforcement. been proven coming from scanners and radar data, it's fairly distant future. However, already now a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere of the planet, deposits of aluminum and silver oxide have confirmed the view that the Invictus was just enough to survive. Unless, of course, know how and be prepared to work. Favorable climate and, to a certain extent - the natural conditions allow to hide on this planet for many offenders, which in the main part of the Citadel Space actively searched law enforcement. been proven coming from scanners and radar data, it's fairly distant future. However, already now a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere of the planet, deposits of aluminum and silver oxide have confirmed the view that the Invictus was just enough to survive. Unless, of course, know how and be prepared to work. Favorable climate and, to a certain extent - the natural conditions allow to hide on this planet for many offenders, which in the main part of the Citadel Space actively searched law enforcement.

  Saren and Nihlus on the shuttle flew into one of the central parts of turian settlements. The shuttle people are asked to leave at the site of the spaceport, has agreed to be in touch all the time and with a frigate and a hook. More than six hours they talked to relatives, studied documentation turian acquainted with the life of the colony. Situations that would require intervention of attendants, fortunately, was not. So at the appointed time up Saren and Nihlus reported on the arrival of the frigate commander and returned to his cabin. Consider and analyze the information, to realize felt and learned.

  An hour later, a detachment of ships stuck in orbit Temerarusa - he was perfectly visible from Invictus. The data followed the Code of Navigation, the planet named after turian spirit, inspire the team turian first expedition to travel to the moon. Temerarus was rocky planets, much hotter than the Invictus, has a dense atmosphere composed of carbon dioxide and helium. Scans confirmed that the main component of the bark Temerarusa is boron. Surrounded by dense and thick cloud of dust, Temerarus often subjected to bombardment. Therefore, it is an intensive study was quite dangerous.

  Flight to neighboring stellar system Arran, also colonized turians, did not take long - Engineer Adams decided to check engine frigate, cruiser on the forced modes and how normandovtsy said their "bird" has informed its inhabitants to the limits of Arran with incredible ease and speed. The engineers were pleased with the results of tests carried out, and were convinced that now, knowing the possibility of the engines, you can plan and carry out more risky works within the route plan.

bsp; The average size of Arran System has four planets. As always, the first under the gun and radar scanners caught hydrogen-helium giant - Nirrus - a medium-sized planet, whose atmosphere scientists turian impressed with its unusual composition - there was too little of the expected methane, but it turned out to be a high content of carbon monoxide and ethylene. Something, of course, turians made using the provided opportunities planet but is it something that does not go beyond the test and experimental applications. So that the gas giant squadron stayed on a few hours, having nevertheless the most comprehensive volume of research and measurement, having carried out a detailed mapping and on the good tradition of the Corps transferred once the data system owners with the signatures of all four of the spectrum on titulkah files. Turians-natives were pleasantly impressed and pleased by passing on board Detachment of the known data on their star system. These data were added to the total otryadovtsami array and used in the preparation of the refined schemes, maps and plans.

  While the squadron went to the next planet - Antinaksu, Shepard had to defend starpomovskuyu three hour watch and talk to specialists vooruzhentsami relatively complete landing party increased Ammunition. The conversation was long, because it was necessary to discuss not three, but eight configuration options, which vooruzhentsy - three sergeants videoconferencing, and joined his four options as they then expressed, developed between times.

  Reading passed preliminary Synthetic materials Antinaksu, Shepard was not surprised, but only noted with bitterness as still alive in organics desire to bite off more than they currently are not only able to swallow and digest. The same Antinaks served as a clear demonstration of the destructiveness of this aspiration. Most Earth-like planet, for which fought two strong and big race - and turians krogan. As it turned out, we had to settle krogan Antinaks first in a burst of the next wave of its expansion. Then, during antikroganskih operations turians with heavy losses won Antinaks at krogan, but not in order to settle themselves, but in order to offer it to someone else, any other race, of course, except krogan begin to Antinakse commercial production mineral. This point was recorded in the documents marked, causes great confusion XO - turians could not find buyers. The wording of this point caused even more confusion: it was absolutely not clear on what exactly turians could not find buyers - to the planet as a whole or only a concession for the extraction of minerals? Moreover, restless and extremely suspicious and unscrupulous Synthetic unearthed plenty of evidence of the extremely negative review turian scouts about the prospects for the development of this planet. Members of one of the first reconnaissance groups several times in their reports planet called "stinking hole where there is nothing but bad sulfur and iron ore." Not only that, the scouts were, to put it mildly, non-professionals in your field - have long scanners and radars squadron in the implementation of the standard of primary data collection showed that in fact Antinaks quite as bad as it is, these scouts in the past was characterized as more and added uncertainties to the overall characterization of the planet. How could a planet-garden be so negatively described? Probably could. Only when it is reasonable organic tried to take longer than normal. Antinaks, as shown by reports of specialists Squad, was located far enough away from the local luminaries possessed a thick atmosphere of greenhouse gases - nitrogen, methane and ethane, which, of course, reliably retains heat really on the planet was a little bit of minerals, the most common It was sulfur and iron. But why would admit to this krogan planet? Why then was this krogan knock off this planet, using elite units turian special forces and airborne? Why put the lives of hundreds of organic reasonable in an armed confrontation, rendered useless? Why then forcing civilian specialists - economists and financiers frantically seek ways to compensate for the two races incurred huge financial and material costs when a planet-garden as a result of the armed conflict has really turned into unattractive in many ways a celestial body? What for? turned out to be worthless? Why then forcing civilian specialists - economists and financiers frantically seek ways to compensate for the two races incurred huge financial and material costs when a planet-garden as a result of the armed conflict has really turned into unattractive in many ways a celestial body? What for? turned out to be worthless? Why then forcing civilian specialists - economists and financiers frantically seek ways to compensate for the two races incurred huge financial and material costs when a planet-garden as a result of the armed conflict has really turned into unattractive in many ways a celestial body? What for?


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