Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 22

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard took filed Justiciar reader included, got a grasp. Falera Rila and did a great job. Preliminary work. And it moved on to the main part of the work plan, began to transform itself Ardath-yakshas. If so, and in the former monastery was enough "silent" and adequate Ardath, now the sisters have worked on the transformation of the complex and "violent" pupils. Miral remotely, without leaving the "Omega", observed the process, advised and helped. Rila and Falera do an excellent job, the monastery leaders were satisfied with seeing tangible and extremely useful results.

  - Many asari able to reunite with their families, John. - Said Justiciary, determining that the XO finish materials reader. - I have received many letters of appreciation for personal ... It - a merit of my daughters, not mine, however, I like Justiciar consultant, personal letters continue to come from the parents and relatives of former Ardath. Now, they quietly returned to them, reunite live in families. Now they can not only live in the monastery, but also everywhere in Azariyskom Space. This gives hope .... Decreases. Already monastery.

  Flyer met two daughters Samara. Yavik grinned, seeing as they had made my mother's arms as she began to excitedly tell something. Turians looked around, noting the external changes. Yes, as seen Shepard Convent being completed, and strengthened.

  - They are preparing for war on the surface, John. - Yavik quietly came and stood beside him. - And is ready to ... well. This monastery will be hard nut to crack even for "shrimp".

  - Suggests that these ships ... - Shepard did not look at proteanina, zasmotrevshis on the game highlights on the roof of the nearest residential housing.

  - Yes, John. They will make stops and move along the surface of the most important and most difficult of the planets. Cut its rays pockets of resistance. It was all in our history. I do not think that there is something radically and fundamentally changed. - Confirmed the thought XO ancient warrior race. - But this time we will be able them something to oppose. - Proteanin took Shepard's hand, setting a direct connection. - Got it? - He said, showing a variant of struggle with powerful psionic attacks on ships and troops of the Reapers.

  - If this works, such contact ... It will be very good. - Shepard said briefly.

  - Should work. The complex is right, we will have a positive impact. - Just not voicing the parts, said Yavik. - Come on.

  Samara went forward, her left her daughter accompanied Turian. Shepard looked up from his contemplation azariyskih architectural delights, and caught up with Saren a few tens of seconds, as usual, to keep back.

  - Strongly resembles our old fortress. It seems reasonable in our galaxy is really a lot in common. - Arterius said. - Of course, to modern fortresses Turian, this is clearly not up, but given its weapons it may not be so significant. - Catching willing nod XO, turian continued. - I Never believed that telepathy can be so numerous. Looks like you, people were right again. We did go on a uniform way to the field forms of life. These Beings of Light, which we know now ... It is possible, it is our very distant, but it turned out to be a real future.

  They passed the outer perimeter of the walls, entered the territory of the monastery.

  - I did not think ... that there is pressure on the psyche. - Kaidan said softly, coming up with Shepard. - Miral here very much. The same was in the "zero-jump", though there was pressure on the body, and here - on the brain.

  - Sorry. - I approached them Rila. - We are working on this, we plan to eventually distribute our pupils evenly throughout the planet and Cosmostation Azariyskogo Space. Unfortunately, it took too much time and not all pupils wish as soon as possible to leave the convent ... When you live in one place for a hundred years and more ... can not help you get used to and do not want to change anything. Falera We went through it - we very quickly began to recommend to frequently visit outside the monastery, but we did not want to leave its limits - did not see a need.

  - Thank you, Rhyl. - Kaidan said. - I do not really bother ... just a bit unusual. I do not feel attempts to scan ...

  - We will orient our pupils that the main permanent staff Troop - untouchable for medium and heavy types of scanning. Light will always be carried out, it is - for the insurance agents from interfering with our enemy. A medium and heavy - only on request or on the testimony Squad ... If, for example, we uchuem that someone is hiding something more than the standard level ... In other words, you, the people sometimes say, is encrypted.

  - In other worlds you are planning to send telepathic? - Asked Nihlus.

  - Yes. Experience our tribeswoman, though not a telepath and psionic who became defense minister in a remote human colony very useful to us. After examining it, many pupils have decided to settle outside Azariyskogo Space. We gradually form a network, we strive to ensure that our pupils are not settled individually. - Confirmed the Rila, prompting approving nods and interested listeners. - All azariyskie colony, both large and small, will have several of our pupils, covering the population of the colonies and the worlds of the introduction of the enemy agents, and massive invasion forces and Reaper ships.

  - It's good. - Alenko said, walking to the door body, relating to the administrative quarter. - Where to go?

  - On the second floor, in the conference room. - Rila said. - Mom while negotiations with the leadership of the monastery - there is a level of problems, and we still tell you about the preparation of the pupils.

  - I agree. - Shepard nodded.

  The meeting room was a large table, comfortable semi-rigid chairs, projectors and tablets instrumentronami. Rila and Falera not have to sit at the head table, and sat down next to normandovtsami, pulling out planchettes readers and displaying them in front of a fan.

  - At first it was not easy. - Rila said. - We're a little burned, immediately navigate the complex Ardath-yakshas. Fortunately, there were no consequences. Serious consequences. - She glanced briefly at Yavika, who nodded. - Then we decided to start with the likes of us and things have gone, start go well. On the figures I will not say out loud, but is generally estimated, we completed the first phase of our work. Now the monastery is a work with pupils of having an average level and we are getting ready, now preparing in earnest to work with the pupils of the heavy level. All these pupils in turn, of course, divided us on the weak, medium and strong telepaths. Education - individual and group, in the decade of practice and then a control test. Then - distribution, but here ... here easier. We tried to ward reunite with his family or with relatives, and then give her the choice of vacant until the settlements and colonies in Azariyskom space. If she wants to settle down outside - no questions, and provide the opportunity, but again considering the formation of a redundant mesh cover.

  - Rila modest, colleagues. She - the main telepathy - Falera said. - And her work here - main.

  - In turn, I would say that being modest and Falera. - Retorted Rila. - We took into account the experience of Justiciary and now are preparing pupils to the fact that they must possess not only telepathy, and biotics, as well as owning and conventional weapons at a high level. And if I am responsible for the preparation of a telepathic, then Falera - just behind the biotic and physical. Since it is also a powerful telepath, she has no problem in communicating with our pupils of - they do not see it as an outsider.

  - Well, I just identified from among the most able pupils tribeswoman who are either physically well developed, or have professional training biotic. - Clarified Falera. - They are the teachers in the respective directions. And what lessons are the same ward, it only contributes to the efficiency and quality. No more. There's no particular my services.

  - I think Falera, Rila, you are ready to show our guests the very preparation process? - Said Samara, entered the room. - I've already talked to the leadership of the monastery. We were given carte blanche, we can examine everything. Naturally, teachers want to know our opinion, even the most common, and our impressions of what he saw. I'll take care of. So that...

  - We just want to offer it. - Rila stood. Behind it rose Falera. - Ask us.

  Familiarization with the training began, of course, with the living quarters. Clean double room, quite reminiscent of prison cells of the old monastery buildings. It was immediately evident that women live here - all cozy, neat, full order. Pupils are willing to share their experiences, they asked questions and were glad to get the answers.

  From residential buildings intended for pupils, went to the school district housing. There are individual and group audiences treninogovye and exercise rooms, corridors with an obstacle course. Everywhere were a class, no one to interrupt the learning process, so that normandovtsy seen all live without any embellishments, and talked with the pupils of and with mentors and teachers. Shepard saw that indeed the telepath training course included a solid handling with light and medium small arms, driving course a variety of vehicles, including shuttles. Alenko was impressed sector biotic preparation.

  - This even "zero-jump" was not. - He said in a whisper, watching a group exercise dozen asari. - Users of the program are not included. It seems that we really begin to prepare. It would be enough time for this training.

  - We we force training. - Falera came to Kaidan, stopped a step away from the lieutenant. - But the quality of do not want to forget under any circumstances. Everything is brought to an individual maximum, given the program self supporting training, and strictly individual. The army must be multi-layered, and we carry out this requirement.

  - A phase of the entrance? - Nihlus distracted from the observations of a group of asari, performing exercises with assault rifles

  - Today testing is not performed. - Rila spoke with someone on the speaker. - We have introduced a complex preparation for testing, so the procedure is not carried out every day. Yes, and without us it is rarely carried out. We go to work with medium and heavy Ardath, so without us hardly possible to test the quality. Here, the responsibility falls on me and Falera. We try, of course, to prepare a replacement, but still, to lose such a filter would not be desirable - is fraught.

  Consonant nods attentively heard the mentor-telepath normandovtsev were Rila answer.

  - But we can show you the graduation test. It is purely formal, because basically all indicators and all relevant opportunities identified during the preparation and training, so that the test is only a confirmation and final qualifying ward character. And then - a week in the case of graduates and the monastery for them - behind. They returned here only teachers and mentors. There was no case that someone came here under escort. - Falera, as always, could not resist.

  - Readily see. - Shepard nodded. - It will be interesting and useful to us.

  Nearly two dozen mentors carefully and very critically watched as each graduate rents kind of creative exam, showing off their best professional quality. Three dozen graduates had to take the test today, it lasted a whole day without eating - that was the order.

  - Only five have not passed. - Impressed Alenko looked at Rila.

  She nodded:

  - We are not driven by the marriage. Five, ten, twenty, but at least the whole group. Any number. If mentors appears at least doubtful though objection - we do not give the nod to the telepath going beyond the monastery. Uplearning, additional training courses. The usual thing. We do not make a problem of failure in delivery of the test.

  - Do I understand correctly that while you are working as a primary school ...? - Kaidan asked.

  - Yes. - Confirmed almost unanimously Rila and Falera. - Among other monasteries to us in the hotel quarter, come the best, who collected our mentor. They are also trained, but in a separate complex, pass our tests, creative examination. Yes, there is not handed over tests and test more, but in fact with our pupils of which were originally here, we worked longer. - The initiative of the story caught Falera. - And that's why we do not make a problem of failure in delivery of the test and the exam. So pupil will have to prepare better, exercise, exercise. Preparation, as you have seen intense. So while we have time. To transfer the program to other monasteries we do not plan. Only the selection only allowed to conduct pre-deployment training. And then - under our tight control. We try and keep up with bigger and marriage in his work to avoid. Miral control everything remotely. To her opinion is also heard. Very listen. After all, she - the first and most powerful.

  - Good. - Shepard exchanged glances with Samara. - Let's go back to the room for meetings, negotiations on the basis of reference.

  - And for lunch you will not stay? - I surprised Falera.

  - No. - Shepard confirmed. - We can not have lunch here. No time. We must continue to work on your plan. And you have to go back to his work. It is not waiting for and close the Reapers.

  - Reapers really close. - Rila nodded. - We all feel it. In different ways, of course, but we feel.

  Back in the conference room, normandovtsy seen discussed and agreed on a few changes, which should pay particular attention. Transferred part of the recommendations and guidance of the monastery.

  The group returned in full to the waiting flyer on the outside parking lot. Samara just stayed with her daughters, normandovtsy took it normally: a half-hour wait was not a problem. The spaceport was released flier, we said goodbye to Samara, flying the next shuttle at passing passazhirnik.

  - Telepaths asari, it is certainly good. But we throw in a battle with a new race of Reapers. Almost new race. - Said Alenka, when the shuttle with the identification signs "Normandy" took a course to the frigate. - I now understand quarians. Better I understand. As if we do not make the same mistakes the hard and heavy.

  - I agree. - Nihlus said. - Telepath-biotic owning rukopashku combat and weapons at a level close to Turian special forces - this is a serious warrior. Why Rila and Falera did not say anything about The Mentalist?

  - They are not so numerous, and their training is conducted separately. - Yavik said. - There's Rila and Falera are also busy. But their light ... it is too early. Their time will come in the most difficult moment of confrontation. In the meantime, they are preparing. Seriously prepared. The details I'm talking, of course, will not, but there is preparation goes into normal mode. Effectively prepare. And professionally. We do not need to interfere.

  - If it says Yavik, then the way it is. - Saren said. - Let's not forget that we have in front of locating more scans and multiple star systems. Today it is - is our main job. - Turian noted that the shuttle picked up "legs" of the transport mechanism of the hangar. - Arrived.

  Report on the results of work carried out on Lessuse each member of the landing party was represented by the commander of the frigate, cruiser individually. There were important personal opinions, personal appearance, personal feeling. On a planet full of telepaths and mentalists joke was critically dangerous. Because of no poslepolёtnom general meeting and no one stuttered - everyone understood that it is important to individual judgment. Which was to bring together only the commander.

  "Volga", patrolled the area Lessusa, reported on the readiness to care on the stage in Kallin system, has three planets. Titov and Anderson agreed plans and detachment from the left Lessusa to three and a half hours to reach the system, which had to check three planets.

  The main inhabitants leading to issue, or rather - not the planet itself, and orbital stations, settlements were miners, as placed in orbit and control systems of automatic mines, leading to issue leading to the production of transuranic elements. On the radar scanners and was full of stray light from the operating mechanisms, so much that the experts who observed this variety, joked about the "New Year tree", which can be seen from afar.

  A few hours - and the squad goes to another planet whose orbit is also full of control of mining complexes - Spain, which received its name in honor of the legendary heroine asari people. According to legend, the music, composed by pany was so gentle that the Company's Atama goddess granted the opportunity to fulfill all her wishes.

  Further legends differed. Not really delving into the essence of the differences in interpretation of the legend, Shepard sadly watched the multicolored ill
uminations locators on screens and scanners. Both miners planet fonili just mercilessly and certainly attract the attention of the Reaper forces, which, of course, will not fail to destroy the orbital station automatic control of mines and kill sentient organics, trying to escape from death in an escape pod, quickly turns into a relatively comfortable sarcophagi.

  Third Rock intron was known rich deposits of cobalt, but the conditions of its production was close to a nightmare - the world there were many active volcanoes, the surface is covered with a thick layer of intron ashes and soot. Even for the installation of automatic mines was of little planet. Because asari kept it in reserve.

  Three-hour flight - and the squad comes within a small Agaiu system, which were known only to the two planets made to the majority of sailing directions, register and catalog.

  The farthest planet - ice Neargas, as shown by preliminary scanning system was already preparing to leave the Agaiu. Double Star, illuminating system, made this planet once revolve around it in orbit, strongly reminiscent of the familiar to earthlings the number "eight" or the sign "infinity", but such an orbit was too unstable, so Neargas in the next few thousand years had to go beyond the star system, having lost all relationship with her.

  Closer to the local luminary Karkoza planet once belonged to the category of classifiers hot. Not so long ago integrated azariyskaya expedition proved that the planet is much more interesting - there is a plateau in the middle of a huge lifeless ruins of the palace were discovered. The researchers determined the age of the ancient ruins of two and a half million years and now claimed that around the palace has a significant size town. The most fully preserved in the palace throne room overlooking the pit, it is likely that the former lake. Further studies have shown that people living on the planet, polluting their common home to complete unfitness for life, destroying the water supply and run an irreversible greenhouse effect.


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