Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 26

by Theodore Daniels

  The hydrogen-helium gas giant, named after the ancient goddess azariyskoy seasons, storms and agriculture. It could become the basis for asari troops could quickly attack the Reapers fire at invaders to retreat to prepared positions. There could also be a static discharge capacity of ships and their engines, relieve tension in the planet's magnetic field and prepare for a new offensive against the enemies. Maybe resistance Yaniri help pull some troops from Tessa the Reaper. The fact that it will be thrown on Tess main forces shrimp, Shepard never doubted.

  Lyusen. Large and bright asteroid, which in ancient times Asari began to mine the platinum group metals. Named in honor of the asteroid was priestesses of the goddess Atama, received from his mistress gifts in the form of pottery, blacksmith and biotics. Generously distributed servant of the goddess of death, these gifts. Of course, it did not stop there and tried to steal the gift of prophecy, seeking to find out whether the asari thrive in the future. For which he was punished.

  Miners complex on an asteroid from a military point of view, does not have great strategic value and is far from the repeater. Reapers, Shepard thought, getting acquainted with the reports of the materials, it may not pay close attention to this celestial body, which, however, does not facilitate the participation of Tess - on Lyusen will not be able to pull at least part of the strike force, then the capital planet asari get on the full program. Well, do not give the desired spray strength in Asari, did not work. And because the tip of the main attack with all certainty pointed to Tess. Tess collapse - crash Republic Azari. And yet very little has been done to Tessa collapsed.

  Lifeless nurse Tess - Piares planet, where there was no water, no oxygen. It is covered by deserts, the atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide and ethane. Temperature and gravity were acceptable to active mining operations, and what to do in Piarese asari soon after went into space. Now, at the moment of arrival to the Piaresu squadron, almost all the fields were completely exhausted. The planet was named after the ancient goddess azariyskoy death, which does not take the life, but only accompanied the souls in their last journey. It was decided to believe that Asari, who has lost the love goddess Piares may allow reborn in another body.

  Population Piaresa were few. So, the Reapers, most likely will not land troops - no need to spend resources that will quickly break the backbone of the race if they are directed to attack the parent planet asari. But orbital attack ... It will not be left in the rear of a possible center of resistance. Spaceport and dome city Piaresa will, no doubt, shattered orbital bombardments. Having lost the connection and the possibility to fly, people will die, ceasing to be a problem for the Reapers.

  Tess was approaching. The planet, which was to make even short-term, but stop. Parking lot. Asari homeworld called the jewel in the crown of the Galaxy. Azari avoided wars, disease, crime, and starvation. Stable economy metropolis naturally supports a rich colony and huge deposits of local zero element. Almost all the fauna and natural flora, have been forced to adapt to life in a concentration of zero element.

  In preparation for landing on the planet, Shepard looked at reports of locating and scanning, as well as reports on military Synthetic forecasts. The latter were disappointing. Reapers attack, which no doubt will be a massive and extremely brutal, put an end to the welfare of Tess as the capital of the planet asari. Infrastructure and communications connecting Tess colonies will be immediately destroyed, it will leave the inhabitants of the capital of the planet with no energy reserves, water and food. Lack of resources was predictably push asari to surrender to the Reapers. Legion with all hardness indicated that even assault the Reapers can not get carried away - Husky, whatever they may be numerous and strong, can not quickly cope with the whole planet, on which so many lives biotics. So, most likely, the planet will be taken in the siege. In blockade. The troops of the Reapers, holding Tess in isolation, will be able to escape the defeat azariyskih nearby colonies. Such action plans of the enemy was the most real - this Legion was right.

  Mobilization. Azariyskoe space. Tess. Justiciary

  Bringing together the ship's officers to the meeting the commander of the frigate, cruiser was gloomy. Do not take extra cheerfulness and officers of the landing party, and those officers who remained on board. "Volga" Tess went on orbit, taking parts of the world under control and protection.

  - Your main task, colleagues - only familiarity with the organization of the lawyers, and asari. With Justiciary. For the rest of time and opportunity we simply do not. - Anderson did not go against the habit of the cabin, and sat at the head of the desktop to open instrumentronom. - We've got a large parking lot in Kroganskoy DMZ. And before that - a small parking lot on the Citadel. Very short. So here we are on Tess to stay more than a day can not and should not. Preliminary information on the Justiciary you have already received and, as I see, have already learned. Matriarch Samara already informed of our arrival. She's waiting for us at the spaceport Tess. Not the Central and Main. Normal Regional spaceport. From there, it will be easier to get away unnoticed in the area of accommodation structures Corps of Justiciary. If questions and comments for the coming of our work there - all free.

  Fifteen minutes later, two of the shuttle carrying the full composition of the landing party down to the buildings of one of the regional spaceports. Yavik habitually went into invisibility, and Jenkins Alenko undertone explained his cops-paratroopers are problems with the stay at the Justiciary. Shepard stared absently out the window on approaching the vicinity of the spaceport.

  - I'm glad to welcome you, colleagues. - Samara nodded normandovtsam all, unload the shuttles. - Come on, we are waiting for a large passenger flyer. Half an hour later we are on the spot. - With these words matriarch turned and walked out of the arrival hall. Group landing in full followed.

  While flyer overcome the distance to the perimeter of the security zone of the town, which houses the central structure of the Corps of Justiciary, Samara passed on instrumentrony normandovtsev few dozen files and asked to get acquainted with their contents before begin the process of exploring the Corps.

  Having had time to view the files proposed, Shepard returned to the contemplation of the landscape Tess. He recalled that already knew of Justiciary. Yes, the goddess was Tevura including patron laws. The laws themselves were necessary to stabilize the life and development of intelligent community. And the laws are powerless, if there was the reasonable, who swear to defend these laws and ensure their effective implementation. But if these laws are always valid and perfect enough to require a reasonable addition of organic, which required the service of the laws of the asari, who decided to become a Justiciar?

  It is well known that the Justiciary could become only the asari. Unlike the C-Sec, for example. Justiciar refused to have children, to have a family, and refused to have, hold and dispose of any worldly possessions, except for weapons and armor. After a course of training and education, after taking the oath, after studying the vast space patrolling Code Justiciary asari, correcting errors exactly as prescribed strict Code of Justiciary justice. Samara once compared the Code and the responsibilities of Justiciary to the fact that they had to do and did the knights in the medieval Christian earthly human world and that made the Japanese samurai. Samara has never concealed from otryadovtsev that during the course of training and education of many asari die, never silent about, and did not deny the fact,

  Code of Justiciary was the center of life for every servant of the law asari. It consisted of more than five thousand sutras describing every possible situation that could confront the existing Justiciar. Each of Justiciary had to know by heart the entire Code. All without any exceptions and distortions. Samara, speaking of the Code stated that living in accordance with its installation, it has always made a simple choice: if she followed the Code, it was true, but if it is not followed the Code, it was unfair.

  In accordance with the Code of Justiciary, there can be no morally undefined, so-called "gray" situations and the more action - every Implemente
d action gets only one of two categories - righteous action or npravednoe action. Justiciary as told Samara, protect the village farmers and the farmers themselves from bandits, but if the farmers themselves will help the bandits, the Justiciary, and mercilessly destroy the farmers and bandits who are these farmers are helped. With every cruelty Justiciary destroying leaders of criminal organizations. This Samara clarifies that she is forced to sharply restrict their natural curiosity: if it killed the perpetrator, she did not want to know about anything that could potentially justify this criminal in her eyes Justiciary.

  As soon normandovtsy disembarked from flyers, already past the outer perimeter of the town, Samara low voice began to talk about the Corps of Justiciary, which is limited to the most common and malokonkretnoy survey information.

  Listening to the matriarch, Shepard simultaneously thought about the essence of the oath that is forced to use the Justiciary and saw these oaths cause many problems and questions. For example, the Oath Oath of qualification or attribution provided that Justiciary will protect the innocent, punish the perpetrators and protect always and everywhere the common law and the general rules by which all of society lives asari. Protect, without going into details, no doubt knowing and not seeing the dangerous problems and differences. This oath automatically meant that the Justiciary will never overthrow the existing government, on the contrary, they will always retain existing in society asari laws, even if the government's actions asari at a particular time and in a particular real case, in a real situation, not only can, but also Justiciar should be assessed as unfair and, therefore,

  It was strange to find the relationship between the duty of Justiciary with cruelty and persistence to pursue the leaders of criminal groups and the duty to protect the Justiciary unfair incoming and existing azariyskoe government.

  Third Oath of qualification, Third Oath Assignments Justiciary gave right after the liberation from the bonds of the oath to kill those who swore Justiciary, if they did very shameful thing. Of course, even in the Code were articles automatically and completely removed from the list of subjects such oaths government structure azariyskogo society.

  Yes, well-known for asari Justiciary personal sacrifices, their upscale military skills and most importantly - solid commitment to the Code were highly respected in azariyskoy culture. Without going into details, Justiciary could and should have been admired, often exaggerating their level of merit and holiness.

  Azariyskie security forces, especially the police, in what has already become aware Shepard on their own experience, rather ambiguously treated as Justiciary, and to their activities. Simply put - the presence on the territory, "on the ground" Justiciar strained police who were forced to let the Justiciary perform their duties guided not by law, and morality, within a simple interpersonal respect. The police had the right under the law to arrest Justiciary, Justiciar delay just for a day, but then Justiciary had the right, already guided by its own Code, the power to escape from custody, even using primitive violence against law enforcement agencies. Such a scheme police relations and Justiciary contrary to generally accepted and recognized in public a written law, according to which any asari should be law-abiding. It turned out that the Justiciary had the right to violate the generally accepted laws and this could not reduce their level of recognition in the law enforcement environment.

  The Code has been cruel to the holders of its norms. He demanded commit ritual suicide by each of Justiciary, only to feel their inability to perform their duties. Samara became the first Justiciar, avoiding the need to commit suicide, dictated by the Code. Under normal circumstances, except by killing herself, Samara could not lawfully, in accordance with the provisions of the Code, to settle its obligations to the Corps of Justiciary and to his love for his daughter. As Shepard knew himself very veiled Code required the self-destruction of Justiciary in such cases. Direct wording requiring suicide in the Code in the understanding of man and the Earthman did not contain that, as shown communicating with Samara,

  Knowing that the Justiciary rarely remain within the capital planet, Shepard did not doubt - they returned to the parent planet asari to help protect her. The problem was that there was little Justiciary. Not only were the soldiers with a uniquely high level of military training and are not forced into the war, and settle conflicts in azariyskom society. So, what should have been doing cops, police, engaged, as is shown by the entire set of known information about Shepard Corps, professional soldiers will often by force of arms and the force of extreme violence.

  Yes, Justiciary, administer justice extrajudicial methods and operating almost exclusively in the territory of their race, were able to act and tidy and cruel, they were strong biotics, had a high level of inventiveness, used to live in conditions of extreme asceticism, while having the ability to absolute ruthlessness. Justiciar acted alone, had high-level access to the most diverse information, because their activities are in most cases has been extremely effective. The Justiciar did not take the youngsters asari, each asari, join the Order, it had to have a solid experience of intelligence work, the investigation of crimes and the conduct of hostilities, which is calculated purely chronologically, often hundreds of years old.

  Prefer the independence and rarely needs the help and support of Justiciary were inclined to abandon any foreign assistance, maintaining a high level of self-esteem disastrous for them.

  Listening to Samara, was finishing an introductory lecture in the lobby of the administrative building of the town of Justiciary, Shepard pointed out that the society itself asari asari government itself is not entirely clear and fully represented, which Justiciary were generated and how they should act. Justiciary had to chase the leaders and ordinary members of the criminal community, but studiously ignore criminal acts and intentions, if they were peculiar to officials azariyskogo government and its agencies.

  Third Oath Involvement was able to make its own Code of Justiciary to betray for the sake of short-term, selfish interests of government officials. This whole mess was justified the need to display so-called flexibility of thinking. Why, then, was to fence the Code, why would enter it in the very essence of Justiciary asari by a crippling psychotechnics? It is unlikely that these questions it, Captain Shepard, will receive clear and precise answers, having been in the midst of the Corps of Justiciary.

  It seems that Anderson was right. Normandovtsy can not go beyond the trial protocol. The structure of the landing party did not enter Synthetic. Yavik remained invisible and completely silent. Turians-spectra did not show any emotion outwardly, that could well mean their displeasure by the fact of staying with their competitors. It is well known fact that the Justiciary in many situations were effective spectrum.

  Acquainted with Nazarov, Reaper reconnaissance, Shepard Now, months later, no doubt - the community Reapers plenty of information about the Justiciary. And it really is, for the Reapers, was oriented to carving the best and strongest of organic and whole communities, there was no alternative solution - they came to the Galaxy again and again to destroy rather than to sort their opponents on the degree of compliance with the criterion of danger to themselves the Reapers. A Justiciar-balancing organic, forced to engage in sorting and thus not to be bound by the generally accepted rules of law and morality.

  The selection procedure of candidates for the Justiciary shown Samara, impressed. No, of course normandovtsy they were soldiers, professionals commandos. But what is already on the opening loop Applicant could be a corpse, and in most cases - guaranteed ... It did not seem regulations. No earthlings or Turian or even Yaviku. Shepard remembered all too well his words, the words of an ancient warrior race that wants to catch up with other races Protheans Protheans do not destroy the polls, not humiliated, but simply and clearly translated into a subordinate position, saving their lives and the opportunity to develop. As part of the Empire, of course. But - to live and develop. And here in the entrance tests for some two hours - five corpses asari. Not-nine youngsters, and it is formed b
y experienced matrons and matriarchs. And preparedness check female candidates to physical overload and fighting preceded all other checks, even the interview. The landfill has been virtual, yes. But there was once set the highest level of trauma. If you use more acceptable and common terminology, it was a question of the level of "madness". And it is - on the entrance test.

  Those who still survived at the site, waiting for a medical examination. Rarely Shepard could see such barbaric methods of research. Compared with the fact that he had to watch right now any medical military commission, even giving access to outer space is at a level of paramedical examination. Turians not impressed cruelty azariyskih physicians, they may well have been checking and pozhёstche - military race oriented in the war from the beginning. And ... Well, asari asari have not had a military race. Professed diplomacy tool. Yes, special forces, yes, intelligence. Yes, biotic wizard. And here ... No respect for the test. No. Only the naked calculation - meets or does not meet the requirements. And if the result of the survey the tested die - then she is guilty.

  The interview, conducted with survivors has two circles of hell the candidates impressed, perhaps, all the members of the landing party, except Yavika. Such penetration level, a level of scanning identity was difficult to expect in the norm, even knowing about mergers mind. There was not a merger, there was not only the merger, but also digging. Delving into the details of who did not have any relation to what the candidates have to do after getting the status of Justiciary. No personal information. Full nudity. Full clarity. Compromising on each female candidate nakapyvalos - any cop just obzaviduetsya black and white envy.

  Past interviews were placed in conditions to say the least ... overly ascetic. Passage of the interview could well draw on the passage of the third circle of hell, and when you lower the right to at least a decent professional survivalist, but still extremely limited in scope and resources ... It's annoying. Two months living in almost complete isolation in such spartan conditions were the last filter. There already is not limited to simple injuries, often leading to death. Here asari have every opportunity corny crazy.


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