Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 28

by Theodore Daniels

  Beness, ice giant, the furthest planet from the center of the system. He could be formed near the local star, and eventually move away from it. As it has always been a gas giant surrounded by mining and gas stations. Synthetic clearly noted in their reports a high probability of destruction of the infrastructure of the Reaper forces even with a simple passage through the system. One and a half hours took routine survey of the planet and its placement area, and then squadron moved to the methane-ammonia gas giant foreknowledge.

  Where huge reserves of platinum, which asari were detected on the satellite were selling fund Sirte, known for his humanitarian work, much lower than market prices. This action saved the fund from bankruptcy and has brought tangible benefits to the entire galaxy. Legion in its report suggested that the need to increase the maximum production of platinum from the bowels of the satellite to the arrival of the Reapers to a single gram of the precious metal so no longer remains within Pronoia.

  The hydrogen-helium gas giant Niagolon traditionally surrounded the fuel station. Marc by forwarding the report, in a short conversation with Shepard noted a high probability of destruction of the infrastructure of the Reaper forces when passing through the star system. No favorable prospects for the inhabitants of stations around the gas giant is not in sight, unless, of course, will not be on time - or rather, in advance, carried out the evacuation of all intelligent organic matter in a safer place.

  Shepard did not pay much attention to the fact that it was under Nialogone suffered a crushing defeat one of the commanders kroganskih - Kredak. Troop asari commandos managed to penetrate while on board his flagship, risen to repair the planet and detonated a bomb inside the vehicle distorting. Azari died, but the ship kroganskogo military leader, along with all the crew and the team was completely destroyed.

  Only when the squadron reached Lucia, which was considered at that time purely azariyskoy colony Shepard more closely acquainted with the materials of research devoted to the kroganskih uprisings.

  Krogan tried to seize Lucia, trying to expand the area of their residence. Citadel Council has taken concrete steps for the protection of Luss, interrupting supplies krogan way through the mass relay and krogan causing great losses in direct clashes with the forces of the Citadel. Krogan, attacking Lucia, were forced to surrender, but the lizards which were based on other planets, naturally exasperated and defeated kroganskih troops when Lucia was the detonator of a much more bloody and protracted war.

  As I noted in its report the Legion since asari strengthened protection Luss, but its level was clearly insufficient for any length of confrontation Reaper forces. The only way to delay the advance of the troops invaders to Tess and other densely populated azariyskim colonies would be a manifestation of mass heroism of the defenders of Luss both orbit the planet and in its atmosphere, the seas and on land. Do Luss inhabitants be able to protect the planet at this time could show with all certainty only real future.

  Ahead was the Snake Nebula. Ahead was the Citadel. The detachment returned to the system with a repeater was expected ten-flight because Shepard decided to pay two and a half hours of memories and reflections. So he always tried to do, just work in any cluster or in a nebula coming to an end and began multi mezhretranslyatorny flight.

  Reflections Shepard

  Then there was the horizon. The ship, the cruiser Collectors arrived to clear a colony of people, gather a rich full. Not allowed. Although ... it was quite difficult. Olivia then otsushit hand not cope properly with his duties mechanics. The first time among the attackers on Shepard from teammate soldiers Praetorian Reaper appeared. Flying Tank. But deal with it. A Collector cruiser was forced to resign from the planet without the prisoners, to make a jump in the atmosphere.

  Turians-shot spectra of several officials. For negligence, to be exact - for the criminal attitude to their duties. In rocky ridge shot, did not spoil the charge beam web. Shepard returned to the cruiser. Reassured Svetlana. She alarmed when John grappled with the Praetorians. It alarmed.

  Colonial Triangle, in which included the infamous Menduar, detachment was closed tightly mode. There is no connection with the outside world. No. Also shockingly small required protocol. So it was easier.

  Chaska, became a colony of the dead. All the colonists were converted to husks. It was hard to look at the planet that has lost so many people. Again, "Cerberus" manifested again Reapers appeared arm in arm with the collector.

  "Terminus" operation planning and development. Stay on Illiume meeting with Gianna Parazinho, protection from illegal colonists Ferosa medical experiments quarian escape from the worst case slave share Samara assistance, including in-command Drell liquidator.

  It was hard to say right now, why he, John Shepard then so gently treated the Miranda and Oriana. Perhaps he still hoped that the two girls, the mothers did not know ... is that the surrogate will find the strength and the opportunity to live a normal life. I hoped that defeating the Reapers, and, consequently, the "Cerberus", can provide reasonable here so that's "fellow sufferers" minimum conditions for normative life, snatching them from the roads service of evil? Even now, when the war had just begun, Shepard did not know the answer to this question: why he did not immediately dealt with both poluzhenschina-poluhaskami.

  Yes, from the outside, for the uninitiated in the details of a reasonable and Oriana and Miranda looked quite normal and were representative of the human race. Even conventional doctors did not find much difference. However, these differences have occurred and have been quite serious. And then ...

  Then Shepard helped and Oriana Miranda and above all to find each other. Get full sisters. Learn what be in charge of the existence somewhere close loved one.

  Miranda lost the desire to be considered as a full-fledged senior Lawson's father - it was clear and understandable. He, Senior Lawson broke daughters life, deprived of her right to motherhood.

  Because of the inability to have a child Miranda broke off relations with Jacob. That was nothing to do with anything. Believed that Miranda, as was typical of so many women, just waiting for a more worthy than him, man. She was right. But it turned everything to banality is simple - Jacob wanted children. That's right then and despite all the difficulties and challenges like. And Miranda could neither get pregnant or give birth. No, even available for "Cerberus" ways and methods. Since becoming pregnant, to convince in the regulatory process, Jacob, who by then was able to smell any cheating, and any lie per kilometer. In general, Miranda and Jacob parted, there were only colleagues.

  Foster parents Oriana certainly were not guilty of anything. They honestly grown daughter, not separating it nor formally nor actually on my own. And so we had the opportunity, together with Oriana visit the squadron. However, Oriana and Miranda, who found each other.

  Conversation with Etitoy. About her past. About her parents. Matriarch already felt with all certainty that the time of peace of the galaxy is about to end. While Svetlana was resting, he Shepard handed Etite credit chips. From all the members of the Troop.

  Yavik decided to help her daughter Samara - Rila and Falera. And to make sure that these two asari have helped her sisters by misfortune become normal telepathic psionic. Maybe Shepard then guessed that not even being as strong telepaths, which became the world, Rila and Falera are, naturally, more than other telepaths asari. Maybe it was necessary to evolution?

  Answer Shepard did not know when they flew on Lessus nor now, when it is time to reflect on the past. Yavik then made a mother and her two younger daughters happy. Samara psihoprogrammy rid of Justiciary. We did what other asari, even the experts, was considered impossible.

  What to do, Elder Race have Elder Race. And its representative regularly available that is not available Jr. Races and their representatives. Shepard remembered was unhappy Yavik Protheans role in the fate of the race asari. As he was strongly and deeply dissatisfied with the role of his fellow ...

  Yavik, quite expectedly, the asari back Samara opportunity again repeatedly to become
a mother. Probably, it was necessary to ensure the complete success. Probably ... If Yavik considered that it is necessary - and solve it.

  Rila and Falera acquired the status of mentors. And they began their work. To succeed Azariyskogo Resistance. Which must be fought with the troops of the Reapers in isolation. Alas, each race will be locked in their star systems when the Galaxy come Reapers. Make three or four years, that would make the race Milky Way space of thirty or three hundred years ... objectively expected, proved to be impossible. We had to prepare for the battles in isolation, surrounded.

  Job Corps ships in the cluster Snake Nebula

  Although the repeater through which the detachment entered the nebula Serpent, located on the system's widow, Anderson ordered to send a frigate to the stage in Boltzmann - the average system, in which there were five known planets and the asteroid belt. None of otryadovtsev did not think to object - at the Citadel were the only mass relays and fuel depots, but in these five planets Boltzmann required research - you never know which will have to break away from the station ...

  A few hours ferrying. Several hours of waiting. Shepard was exhausted. He felt that a little more - and he starts making mistakes. A lot of mistakes. Normandovtsy tired. Everyone was tired, even Synthetic. Of course, each of them tired in different ways, but in that tired, XO was absolutely sure. Saved only a constant reminder that they are tired and volgovtsy. It is now impossible to write off fatigue on the uncomfortable conditions on the ship, on the contrary, to the frigate, cruiser was now all that was imperative for sentient beings - both of organic and Synthetic long-distance and ultra-long campaign.

  Finally he appeared in front of Feynman - hydrogen and methane gas giant, which the colonists with Bekenstein wondering how to prove scan znachielno less than his companions. All twenty-four satellites competing companies were active in the extraction of minerals in almost continuous operation. Three firms were linked contracts obliging them to sell the mined material only to corporations, based on Bekenstein, which led to a natural increase in investment in Bekenstein industry. Feynman himself remained at virtually untouched as a powerful magnetosphere and incessant storms extremely difficult to study it.

  No more than one and a half hours drifted close to the giant ships Squad then went to Veltman - hydrogen-helium gas giant, in an atmosphere which formed large cell Burevoi visible even Bekenstein. At the orbit of the planet were a few gas stations, sucked helium-third mainly merchant vessels. Near Veltman were several warships Citadel Fleet, to implement the proactive patrolling the Boltzmann system and makes it impossible to call at her pirate, mercenary and the slave ships. The commanders of warships Citadel greeted ships Troop Command Squad mirror your greeting and asked is not to dwell on their arrival in the negotiations with the Citadel. Taking into account the fact that on board the squadron were four Spectra Citadel

  A few hours and at gunpoint vdvinulsya 't Hooft - a dwarf planet, with the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and magnesium oxide rich reserves. A few hours drift for standard research procedures, and Detachment moved to Bekenstein.

  Mobilization. Dossier - The talented thief. Bekenstein

  Approaching Bekenstein stopped short vzrёvyvaniem main siren.

  - Commander, over us with passazhirnika siganula some girl in a spacesuit. It is trying to plan as much as possible, aiming directly to the area of evacuation hatch fifth bulkhead. - I reported to the officer of the watch. - She, incidentally, is quite perfect skafandrovaya stealth system. This is worth a fortune. From the side, without special equipment - can not be overlooked.

  - Approx. Try to open the door - fall into the clutches of the alarm group. - Anderson nodded Jenkins, appeared on the screen. - Action, Richard.

  - Yes, commander. - Sergeant beamed and disappeared from the screen, utterly delighted a real opportunity to prove himself in the case.

  Within seconds of the fifth district of the bulkhead he was surrounded by a dense ring of troopers-policemen. The lights went out - in this corridor of normandovtsev rarely appeared, and it was conceived as an evacuation route.

  - Gateway opened from the outside. We did not obstruct burglary. - In text mode reported normandovtsam Mark. - Olivia popped up to you. Legions of Terror, has prepared a rifle with paralyzing cartridges.

  - Okay. - Shepard's not seen on the screen, firsthand, standing a little farther around the bend of the corridor. - Inside the hatch opens. Thrust.

  - Channels of communication are blocked and removable. - Reported Olivia came up. - I beg your permission, Captain. Still, she is a lady.

  - Good. Proceed Olivi. - XO nodded, acknowledging the truth of colleagues.

  - There is. - Kiborgessa enveloped the field of invisibility and disappeared in the darkness of the corridor. Stuk inner hatch was not followed - his guest opened very quietly. Short fuss - and now Olivia, including shoulder spotlights his suit, pack Woman in a suit in obezdvizhivateley belts, taking care that the guests do not see anything around - a bag of five layers of fabric with a metallized, really, it is an effective remedy against excessive curiosity.

  Flash of light corridor spotlights.

  - To her, Captain? - Olivia weighed on his arm immobilized guest.

  - In doprosnuyu. Let's talk, we learn that she needs. - Shepard nodded techniques, had come up with his tool box. - Check all gateway and hatches. Completely. I could leave gifts.

  Those XO nodded and started to work.

  - Good. - Kiborgessa without any tension and quickly, almost running, carried the body into the prison cell circuit frigate-cruiser. - Fixed. - I reported it on speaker.

  - Lada. - Shepard entered the doprosnuyu. - Shoot it this hood. Anyway, we all know who is in front of us. Kasumi Goto himself.

  Olivia pulled off quietly with a helmet bag, allowing the prisoner to finally see those who are so fast and professionally packed it.

  - Quickly and accurately, Kasumi. The goal of your penetration? - Shepard stood in three steps from fixed in women chair. - And try not to procrastinate.

  - Deftly you swaddled me, Shepard. - Goto said, opening a helmet and making several shallow breaths. - I thought that the free on board your ship not get.

  - You are not very much and hiding. - Olivia said.

  - No. I do not really hiding. - Confirmed Kasumi. - But I ... I have a business that without your help I did not finish. That's why I decided to come to you in such a way that's even before you approach the Bekenstein.

  - Interesting instrumentronchik. - Nihlus twisted into claws taken from the hands of Kasumi device. - And the information in it ... Just Yum.

  - Copy and deciphered. - Olivia said, clearly disapproving glance at Japanese girl. - The times are long gone ninja Kasumi. And for the most part of their work is presented only as a beautiful legend. - Kiborgessa looked up to the ceiling. - Jeff, how to Bekenstein?

  - An hour and forty five minutes. - The pilot responded.

  - Well thank you. - Olivia looked back on Goto. - Nay, that there is in her case?

  - Many things. On Bekenstein in a secret museum of mafia kept the so-called gray box with the memory of her beloved - hacker Keiji Okuda.

  - I've heard about this. - Shepard inserted. - One time he worked for the Alliance of exploration. A talented man.

  - Well, then Kasumi vowed to get the box to the mafia could not open it. There - a lot of secrets and a lot of the Alliance, - Nihlus briefly looked at strained Woman - personal information.

  - Stored stolen from public Galaxy public museums, including The Museum of this secret - and the Earth exhibits. He does not show them to anyone. - Kasumi said. - I know what I like as a prisoner, but is it possible to even hands free. I will not run away. I run, except on Bekenstein now and nowhere.

  - Kasumi, you know. None of us does not believe you. You are the most talented, well one of the most talented thieves in the galaxy. And to give you the freedom to spetskorable - I'm sorry, but we are not suicides. So you have to be bored in a fixed state. - Shepard said.

sp; - Okay. Your taken. So you help me ?! At the same time you return to the Galaxy a bunch of museums exhibits. I think it's ... a mutually beneficial exchange.

  - What is an exchange? You alone have dared to go, then we got cold feet and decided to take support on spetskorabl broke, caught. - Nihlus frowned at Japanese girl and she retired to the background. - No exchange.

  - Well, I do not exchange ... So I hope to get this box?

  - Only with personal memories. - Olivia said. - The rest of the information I personally will take away out of the store and she can no longer be restored to its storage.

  - So I know that I will catch Synthetic. I knew it. - Kasumi whispered bitterly.

  - I hear everything. - Olivia retorted. - And I - not just Synthetic. I - Cyborg. More precisely - kiborgessa. And for you, Kasumi, because we are not close friends, I - kiborgessa Olivia. And nothing else.

  - Agree. - Kasumi nodded firmly. - Where am I to go. Swaddled and recorded. Infrequently, this happened to me.

  - Maybe. - Olivia acknowledging nod. - We have to you, Kasumi, a very detailed dossier. We'll have my colleagues read it at your leisure. I think it will be very interesting.

  - Now, Kasumi, you will be able to think about a lot. And do not try to escape. - Shepard said, the first coming from the camera. - All I ask to go to the Room of operational meetings. We'll keep thinking.

  In the hall of operational meetings, often referred to as normandovtsami just a room, it was at this time is very crowded. Such extravagant appearance of uninvited guests on board the frigate, cruiser interested many.

  - Shepard, as you take it - you and report. - Anderson said, taking a seat at the communal table on the side, leaving the center chair free.

  - All right, commander. - Shepard stood up, turned on several wallboards. - The founders of colonies on Bekenstein, to accept, as we know, the first, and for the region - the main wave of settlers from Earth, held a development plan with a lower slope in agriculture than was used on Eden Prime. Bekenstein was to become a major industrial base of people outside of the Earth, mankind entered into the galactic community, is making the earth he needed goods. The success of the first generation was followed as well as you know, a real breakthrough and now high-quality products with Bekenstein supplied, in particular, straight to the Citadel. Bekenstein many races are called "human Illiume". This is the place where the newly wealthy are spending their money, and no one remembers the poor.


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