Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 31

by Theodore Daniels

  Krogan were characterized by self-centeredness, cruelty and brutality. Lizards appreciated the physical strength, the ability of reasonable organic rely only on themselves, not paying much attention to the betrayal. Although, as argued documents found Synthetic Troop krogan often wishful thinking. The same Rex, for example. He nearly killed my father. Own father almost killed his own son. And the son was forced to kill his father - Rex does not remain simply another way out. The apparent betrayal and Rex as Synthetic proved not only indirectly, but directly, thought, even storing it deep in my heart that his father gave him his own son. Krogan were a dangerous "select the plug", when in fact the principle of "only saves his own skin" did not guarantee their survival and well-being, although in many other situations - perfectly breakdowns, allowing to achieve certain positive results. How can you not know that such a betrayal, driving the endless war with their own kind, Shepard did not understand. How was it possible to conduct endless war with their own kind and thus assume that someone will be able to survive - and it was not clear.

  Krogan finally realized that the other inhabitants of the galaxy, other races, together, are able to eliminate them completely, lizards, as a phenomenon and as an entity. The power of united Galaxy made today krogan very pessimistic about the chances of survival of their own race. Most krogan, not seeing the distant and average prospects for either race as a whole, not for themselves, are now guided by the principle of "kill, steal, and cares only about himself, because soon all krogan will die." About to become more developed, more cultured and more adapted to life among the other races of the galaxy few krogan even thought, rather than something that would operate in these areas, seeking to correct the dangerous and unenviable situation.

  Krogan were separated - even tongue lizards contained a set of expressions, as interpreted very specifically each of the known kroganskih clans.

  Gryunt. Thoroughbred Croghan, in which there was not a grain of genophage. Net Croghan. It is, of course, could be considered artificially created. Shepard imagined, at least in general terms, what will have to face it, young lizard, when he set foot on the ground krogan homeworld. Already Gryunt too different from most krogan. And, nevertheless, he was to be at home among their own, including representatives of their race. Now Gryunt had only to choose their name. And now, when the next - Tuchanka, he had to solve no less important for all krogan question - to choose a clan. Krogan clan to which he wants to join. Yes, he did a lot for Rex to become the leader of a small but powerful clan. And Rex's support in this matter, the issue of Gryunt could be decisive. And one Rex with little decided. Religion krogan, their morals. So, what other races have sought to pay as little attention as possible. They dictated the procedure of entering a new, young krogan in the race. The rite of initiation, a rite of passage.

  It was believed that religion, as a strict set of beliefs about the universe does not exist krogan. Holy place for Raptor was an altar on which were placed the skull ancestors - the former martial artists and clan leaders. This place was supposed to resemble the roots of krogan and the inevitable future - where they came from and where they go. It is possible that krogan did not believe in an afterlife.

  Nevertheless, the initiation rite demanded by the young candidate for full membership in the community kroganskogo prove their fighting qualities in the first place. As indicated Synthetic, transmits information about both Shepard and Gryunt, candidate members of the clan had to fight with varren, kliksenami and thresher. In practice, it was that of a young lizard had to show themselves above all skilful and persistent fighter. If a varren and kliksenah Shepard somehow not particularly worried, the need to survive in a battle with thresher his somewhat puzzled - he saw that Gryunt, podnabrat information and is not contaminated by local kroganskimi zabobonami, sees no need to even be lifted up with zmeechervёm, which on Tuchanka and so it was not too much.

  Yes, the young krogan were well aware of some kind of the mother of all threshers, though inhabiting the Tuchanka, was known to him also that not every krogan has survived and even more so - triumphed over zmeechervёm. Gryunt did not see the need to kill zmeechervya. And it turned out to be as strong, healthy krogan could completely kill the thresher, even opposing zmeechervya alone.

  Only after going through a rite of passage, initiation rites Croghan, survived, survivor, may be eligible to become a member of society. Entering the clan Croghan got the name, the right to own property, as well as fight for the clan and to fight under the leadership of the leader. Last was the only bearer of power in any kroganskom clan and the only area that remained the leader of the clan is not subject to - it was a question of religion, they are in charge of clan shaman.

  Election of the head of the clan took place in full accordance with the needs of the krogan: each member of the clan leader could throw the challenge and defeat the leader in battle, to take his place. If the applicant for a position of the leader loses, he died along with his race. After kroganskih uprisings such calls have become a rarity - the largest number of clans was now only a few hundred individuals.

  The isolation and not passing selfishness krogan were the main obstacles to the creation of a centralized government. Krogan did not feel fear, easy to ignore the need to obey orders, making any short-term alliances clans.

  There was another problem - Gryunt was young and, of course, interested individuals of the opposite sex. And krogan on Tuchanka kroganki enough that never leave the home planet, but still were completely separate female clans, who have not participated in the wars, and cared only about how to maintain the krogan population at a desired level. Able to effective conceive a child kroganki valued as a strategic resource. And as will be appreciated Gryunt in which there was no trace genophage - it was terrible to imagine. Closely communication with race played krogan its almost inevitable bad joke - many krogan were blood relatives on the maternal side, and in this regard the emergence Gryunt - absolutely pure, special krogan could also have an ambiguous role.

  Before such an enemy as the Reapers and their supporters, it was necessary to unite krogan race under a single management. As argued Synthetic, an official at the government's krogan did not exist until now. There was only possible and the most effective way - the union of most of the krogan clans under the leadership of the leader of one of the clans. It is clear that in this position, most otryadovtsev saw Rex, already had time to arrive to Tuchanka squadron to become the leader of the clan Urdnot.

  Natural Born warriors krogan, however, was frankly weak and unprofessional. Traditional military tactics lizards was built on leading an exhausting war, which actively used the numerical advantage. Soldiers-krogan were equipped with cheap, but reliable equipment, troops command was carried out centrally, there was a certain understanding of the subtleties of tactics and strategy.

  Priorities after applying genophage inevitably replaced with a numerical advantage for maximum efficiency. Sami krogan could not afford to bear heavy losses in battles and battles. Kroganskie wizard battle worth ten warriors of any other race, because for them, the murder was no longer function without challenge, and science. Masters of combat among the krogan were concentrated in the battle on the net saving power, reducing movement to a minimum and suppressing its gross energy to then immobilize a single blow of his opponent. But such masters are able to combine the rich practice with theoretical studies, including krogan was not enough. Outside Tuchanka outside the DMZ krogan we worked mainly guards and hired goons. Most of these works were blatantly illegal,

  - Attention on the force. - Revived handsfree speaker in the cabin Exec. - Troop Ships entered the Aral system. CIC duty shift - get to work. Locators and activated scanners.

  A large system with six planets are traditionally offered to guests to get acquainted with the hydrogen-helium giant - a planet Vaul. Named in honor of the planet was kroganskogo ancient deities nёsshego, according to a number of legends and stories, eternal patrol waiting enemies. Giant moon are named after some of the many eyes and ear
s of Vaul. The only reason for the krogan could visit the neighborhood Vaul was purely scientific interest, as it turned out, the krogan has always lacked.

  Next under the scanners and radars squadron was Ruam - the smaller of the hydrogen-helium giants Aralaha system. He has already been used for the production of helium-third, but the depth made gravikolodtsa planet unprofitable export of raw materials. Visitors arriving at the Aral system often refueled at Ruama stations, where they were placed and the military station forced disarmament Service of the Council of the Citadel. The aim of the staff of the plant in that area was the elimination of sale of fuel known anarchists, terrorists and their accomplices. Identifiers and both ships codes Troop Service Station took without question, a traditional one and a half hours have elapsed drift quickly enough and seemed to come Tuchanka - parent planet krogan.

  Tuchanka. Krogan. Gryunt - Initiation Rite

  Homeworld krogan was a fairly pathetic. Mutilated craters from bombing covered the radioactive rubble shrouded by clouds of choking fumes, spotted by salt wastelands, seas alkali, it was barely habitable.

  Star class F, the Aral Sea, which translated to one of kroganskih adverbs mean "Angry eye", allowing beings to be fruitful in abundance under its rays for thousands of years. Analogs of the trees formed a dense jungle. But then there was a nuclear winter and a large part of the remaining vegetation on Tuchanka died inevitably. Most people went to the underground bunkers, and followed to the level of the Dark Ages descended and culture krogan. Power passed to tribal clans.

  Global warming had to stop the high-tech measures - to keep the temperature suitable for life within a point of Lagrange was a huge reflector, which was assigned the duty of care for staff SPRS orbital battle stations.

  Until now rightly considered that the environment Tuchanka - fatal. A representative of the living world was in one degree or another predator, is no exception, and the majority of plants. Live quietly it was only possible in well protected areas.

  - Captain, received a message from Rex. It confirms readiness to landing party. - Reported by the Speaker of the watch. - But it does not hide the fact that they have there ... intensely.

  - Thank you. - Shepard stood up to the harsh bed, put aside a stack of readers, the content that is viewed. - Warn - only the people go. Turians, Synthetic, Yavik - remain on board. Down are the only people and Gryunt.

  - Eager to participate. - Said the watchman, - Well, Captain, I warn.

  - Welcome. - XO switched channels, pulled the suit, checked weapons strapped helmet and styling. - Need to go. But kill another zmeechervya razvlekuhi sake I will not let the krogan. You never know what's Rex accepted in the clan. Clan small, one time will have to be patient and do without spectacles.

  - Captain. - Gryunt loomed over Shepard, sadivshimsya in a chair in the cabin of the shuttle. - You ... against me to kill Thresher?

  - I am opposed to you even fought with him. Not because ...

  - I understand, Captain. Poor zhivotinka not deserve to die just because someone wants to test me. - Gryunt gently down on the bench in front of exec. - But what is the alternative alterna ...?

  - Gryunt, you are strong enough, I know. Krogan always fought among themselves. You also know it. They destroyed almost entirely fauna Tuchanka. - Shepard said, watching as the shuttle leaves the frigate, cruiser limits and begins to descend to the planet. - You know it, too. Tell me, do you think that fight or krogan fight thresher - the only way to prove their strength and power?

  - No. - Young krogan looked at Shepard's gaze. - What then?

  - Need to unite krogan. And you - you can combine them. Or, at least, contribute to their union. Effectively contribute.

  - I ... have to stay there? - Raptor looked through the porthole in the grayish atmosphere Tuchanka hash. - I ... I do not want to. I want to be next to you, Captain. With all otryadovtsami.

  - We have to stay here. - Shepard said. - Your initiation Gryunt, only part of the problem.

  - Alliance with krogan? - Rumbled lizard.

  - The problem-maximum. - Confirmed the XO. - And in the meantime we will try to make it so that you do not have to stay on Tuchanka.

  - It is good to. I'm used to you. To all. - Gryunt said, closing his eyes. Before landing on the patch in the mine crater remained for another ten minutes.

  - The leader of the clan is waiting for you. - Said the old Croghan, retreating from the open aperture of the hatch of the shuttle, which dropped to a rusty plate landing pad. - He does not like to wait.

  - I believe. - Shepard nodded, going up the stairs. - Richard, security hook - four people. You and the rest of Alenko - with me. Gryunt, stay near and behind me.

  - Yes captain. - Raptor nodded disapprovingly looking at krogan who tried to sniff the newcomer. - They're trying to see if I'm real.

  - Their right. - XO-seekers crossed the threshold, walked down the stairs, turned right. - Fallout shelters.

  - Yeah. The third class according to the classification of the Alliance. - Confirmed Alenko, not even looking at instrumentron. - To build a powerful, but also undermined the charges - much heavier. That's why the devastation is greater than the draft permits.

  - Encryption weak, Captain. - In the speaker came the voice of Olivia. - I'll be in touch, I warn about the problems Mark and Legion support.

  - Well, Olivia. - Shepard said quietly, coming to zadraenoy leaf hatch and waiting cylinder utyanet flap aside. - Stay with me. - Number One, a quick glance slid by satellites, crossed the threshold, turned slightly to the right and began to climb the pile of gravel in which across different size pieces of cement and whole blocks of stone.

  Rex was busy. He was talking with a shaman of the clan. And the conversation went just about Gryunt.

  - No matter how cursed Okeer, he - the great commander and one of his status and rank are not deprived. - Resounded under the arches of asylum voice Clan leader. - Okeer never throw words to the wind, he always kept the word. If this information is correct. - Rex shook his paw, which was jammed pack readers. - I have no reason not to trust the Shepard and his colleagues - he put readers on the block of stone from his throne. - The Gryunt - Croghan. This Croghan, and not a fake or dummy. Not stuffed or bait.

  - As you wish, Rex. You - the leader. You will decide. But other clans have less kindly disposed towards us. Many are already trying on how to select our three female clan. You should know that the birth rate in our clan is the lowest of all the clans.

  - It is precisely because it is low, I never chase for the number. I first of all strive for quality, Shaman. And you know it.

  - Is known. - Croghan Shaman stepped back and left.

  - Shepard, Alenko, Jenkins! - Rex stood up, straightened to his full growth rather big. Red battle armor gleamed in the rays of mining lamps. - I'm glad to see you. And this ... - view the clan leader touched Gryunt person standing next to Shepard, - and is that purebred Croghan? - Rex came down from the pedestal, stood a step away from Gryunt, sniffed at the top of their lungs. - It smells like a krogan. This - not fake, dummy and not stuffed, Shaman. He - a real Croghan. - Rex walked away, went up to the podium, took the stone chair, looked at more closely Gryunt. - You really are ... son of Rico?

  - Yes. - Gryunt nodded, continuing to talk about it.

  - Okeer ... - Rex rumbled. - The well-known name among the krogan .... Nice name ... But at the same time - I hated the name.

  - More than hated. - Wedged into the conversation hitherto silent and stood pootdal Gatatog Uvenk. - Rex, you've decided to ...

  - Uvenk, go through a rite of passage can every young krogan. I'm convinced that Gryunt - Croghan real and not a fake or dummy. It may take a rite of passage, or at least start it pass.

  - I know Gatatog Uvenk that between you, and the head of the clan Gatatog Rex, head of Urdnot clan truce. - Gryunt said, looking askance brash leader. - And you feel that if I stay alive, it is likely to accept the rule of Wrexham. None of your rule, Uvenk. And your inter-clan truce signed up to the
moment when one of the clans in power of various reasons not become stronger. You now feel, as befits the leader of the clan, that if I stayed in the ranks Urdnot clan, then I thereby strengthen this clan and your clan will weaken. You try, breaking the truce, to declare war and to try to win. - The roar of voices Gryunt almost reached the strength and power of the voice of Rex - I declare with all responsibility and certainty - you can not win. The reasons you yourself, as a leader of the clan, are well known.

  - He says, as I said, if I were a simple krogan. - Shaman said approached Clan Urdnot. - Krogan, who wants to be your assistant, Rex. Maybe even - military assistant. In it there are leadership qualities. And he is brave and honest.

  - I gave birth Okeer, but brought up and raised Shepard and his wife Svetlana. I think both of them with their foster parents. - Rumbled Gryunt. - And I pray let me go through the rite of initiation. - He looked at Rex and bowed before him in a formal bow of respect to the head of the clan.

  - It is grown in a test tube ... - I began Gatatog Uvenk but Gryunt abruptly turned and threw his right arm forward, almost touching her head brash leader:

  - Not a word more. Or Gatatog Clan - will have a new leader. - Quietly rumbled young lizard. - The leader must speak a little. For it must talk business. - Gryunt lowered his paw, seeing that the opponent is not going to soon to say anything. - I'm waiting for your decision. -povernulsya it to Rex, who was sitting on his stone throne, and with interest looks at what was happening at its foot.

  - I see no reason to try to prohibit Gryunt undergo a rite of passage. - Shaman said Urdnot clan. - He is real. I watched him. No sign of a job or stiffness. He - a real Croghan and has the right to try to go through the ritual.


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