Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 35

by Theodore Daniels

  While there were coordination with the leadership of the clan Urdnot Shepard spoke with a mechanic clan. Anyone presumptuous calling themselves the center of military power Urdnot clan, nevertheless acknowledged the limitations of their capabilities, and asked to find the missing piece to one of the carriers, trucks. This part is called the bridge assembly - two huge wheels and axle drives. The mechanic said that the bridge was torn in overcoming one of the trucks rocky ridge and then the damaged conveyor had to be taken in tow. Looking at the same machine, which talk time mechanic just put in order, Shepard hardly imagine how it was possible to pull out the bridge in such a colossus, but promised that the case will look for this piece, called a mechanic "collector".

  Synthetic viewing Tuchanka surface from orbit, indicated that such detail is not far from the hospital Clan Veyrlokov. She could only hope that such a heavy and three-dimensional design will be able to remove from the territory of another clan without any problems.

  And while transporters were moving to the border-lands of Clan opponent using tunnels in a variety of laid under the surface Tuchanka. Shuttle landing party was ready - the driver was warned about the details of the overall plan for the forthcoming operation and advance to prepare the machine for the arrival to the hospital and to the fact that it is quite possible have to shoot out of cannons and machine guns like on land, still air targets - he already knew of harvesters and zmeechervyah enough to prepare the appropriate ammunition.

  Conveyors stopped in a tunnel near the limits of the land of the clan - opponent. Shepard and his teammate left the dark interiors of conveyors and machines left - it was decided that the conveyor drivers wait for a conditional signal from the group otryadovtsev then fail belts close and evacuate normandovtsev within the lands of Clan Urdnot.

  The first who attacked the newcomers, as soon as the group got out of Shepard dilapidated tunnel, steel klikseny. Gryunt got a lot of fun, shooting fire-breathing "dragons", stubbornly climbing under gunfire and exploding with light and bright pops of fireworks. Then came the varren. Their young krogan had shot with as much pleasure and very quickly. Teammate do not interfere with the exercises of the young warrior - the enemies are not too strong and it was not necessary to provide a number of active and substantial aid. After a few turns in the ruins, we had to destroy the missile-coo. The bridge, built over a group of soldiers were waiting for the channel "Bloody Pack". There Alenko and Jenkins have tailored their cops paratroopers out to keep away close to the combat formations landing party krogan mercenaries. On the other mercenaries were no problems - Gryunt successfully and quickly shoot almost everyone yelling in his lungs, "I - Croghan!" and disclosing these cries through the speakers suit space for many hundreds of meters.

  After passing the bridge and beating the bodies and coos krogan, landing the group came across a collector. Noting its location on instrumentrone by reading and securing position, Shepard ordered to move to the building of the hospital. It also had to shoot a few dozen coos and five krogan who tried to set on attacking her hand combat varren.

  Hospital door outer wall, looks more like a fortress or citadel-tower was broken in record time thanks to the support Synthetic Corps.

  - Heck. - Cursed Alenko, coming up on the wave of the hand of one of the policemen - paratroopers. - Captain, here - human corpse. In appearance - a victim of the experiments. For communication with the Solus. Let explain how a doctor that here get up with him.

  - I give you my bond. - Shepard joined with the board of the frigate. - Solus give a picture and telemetry for the full scheme. Explain the situation. - First Mate made a sign and the cops took up defensive positions around the room, where he was found dead of an earthling.

  Explanations medical expert heard by all members of the landing party. Mordin told about the essence of this man conducted the experiments, indicating that the location of the tumor, may challenge means deliberate mutation pineal gland and adrenal tissues. The general idea for Solus opinion was that if genophage alters levels of hormones, then it can be cured with the help of hormonal counter. In this case, the counter-attack on the cancer was successfully reflected genophage and guinea person died.

  - Leading the way - something like a hall of receptions, Captain. - Reported Jenkins, whose Five of paratroopers-cops this time served as the long-range reconnaissance landing party. - And to the balcony Croghan moves - the herald of Clan Veyrlok. It looks like he wants to say something to us.

  - Yeah. Post a final opportunity to change their minds and turn back. - Ominously grinned Alenko, after hearing the report of the non-commissioned officer. - We have come to the hall, Captain. Herald waiting for us on the balcony.

  - Let's hear what he says. Then - all fell. - Shepard ordered by checking the level of charges in the assault rifle and adjusting the sights. - I repeat - all fell.

  - Acknowledged, Captain. - Reported Alenko, quittance received from members of the landing party. - We are ready.

  Herald Clan Veyrlok was professionally eloquent, but all his attempts failed to get the desired response. Yes, it is fair normandovtsev warned that for the bloodshed and clan members Veyrlok "Bloody Pack" newcomers face death. In this herald reported that the head of the clan - Veyrlok Galda ordered not to touch strangers, giving them the freedom, as well as - the ability to spread the news about the future of the clan ascent to the heights of power and wealth. Salarians led by Galda certainly heal genophage clan Veyrloka rastechёtsya the galaxy, shedding rivers of blood along the way.

  Statement on the rivers of blood inflamed herald to the limit, and he lost all vigilance. Volley assault rifles for gas cylinders naturally led to a massive explosion and fire, and then between otryadovtsami and krogan, accompanied immediately killed in the fire herald, fierce fighting broke out. The victory went to normandovtsam who had the opportunity to go into the hospital interior.

  - Laboratory. - Alenko reported. - Great. Terminals improvement money. The body of experimental female krogan. Next - a locked room in which the Scout Clan Urdnot. By all indications - he is sick.

  - Mordin. - Shepard called the relationship expert. - Explain the situation. I give telemetry.

  Mordin for a long time said, giving a professional medical opinion on the found the body of the female guinea-krogan, and then launched into thinking aloud. Shepard interrupted him and asked to give an opinion on the scout-krogan.

  - Seized, is given in the hospital guards Clan Veyrlok. - Said salarian. - Tortured, used drugs on it, as well as various other "heavy" drugs. By injection. They were also subjected to physical influences that helped convince the prisoner to consent to participate in the experiments genophage treatment. Now he firmly convinced that there should even obliged to participate in experiments genophage treatment.

  - It will be possible to convince him to reverse without severe methods? - Asked the XO.

  - Yes. You were in the hospital quickly. The next batch of injections he did not have time to do, the effect of a previous injection portion comes to an end. In this state ... it may well be receptive.

  - Then I'll try to convince him to return to the clan.

  - Maybe this will work. But for a long time in a clan he will not live - on it is already too much to experiment. His health has been undermined. - Solus sent some explanatory files. - Although, if he is within his native clan ... This will allow him to live a little longer. Good thing you can do, Shepard. And, taking into account the sweep, you made along the way, as well as taking into account his condition - he is quite able to get back on their own outside of his native clan lands.

  Hearing sobering speech Croghan Reconnaissance perk and left alone outside the hospital, I went home. Shepard managed to convey a warning guard the conveyor and the protection of the clan Urdnot. They promised to meet, receive and accompany his fellow tribesman.

  Hospital natural burrow deep into the ground. Time after time members of the landing party had to go down lower and lower on the stone stairway. Cleaned floors by guards Veyrlok cl
an normandovtsy moved farther, picking up the premises designated on the plan provided by Synthetic Corps, as it takes the leadership of the clan.

  Fight with the leader of the clan "Veyrlok" Gulden was short-lived. Croghan-leader and his bodyguard were shot normandovtsami of sniper rifles, and not having to approach to a distance that is acceptable for the effective salvo of the favorite weapons of dinosaurs - shotguns. Hacked and cleaned several terminals normandovtsy entered the floor that housed the main research laboratories and as claimed Synthetic, was salarian Malone.

  - Captain, looks like Malone did of their own accord joined the krogan. - Reported Alenko, read information from instrumentrona. - Signs of a struggle, torture, injection on his body there. Traces of mental pressure and not - for behavior is not felt. And that report Mordin?

  - I do not want nothing to report. - Mordin entered the room, putting a heavy gun. - I arrived as promised, as soon as you find Malone. I had, of course, to shoot at varren and put one krogan-guard, rushing to intercept me, but it is mere trivia - I is not seen. Cayden let me feed.

  - Submitted. - Said the lieutenant.

  - I see, I accept. - Salarian buried his eyes in a display of his tricked instrumentrona. - Confirm your findings, Kaidan. Apparently, he did voluntarily came to the krogan and engaged in the development of drugs genophage. I understand it - my students and my co-worker. A very gifted young salarian. Quite. Only here the methods that he uses ...

  - We stand here for several minutes ... - Alenko said.

  - Kaidan, you never fond of? - Mordin smiled. - When I am passionate about, I did not see or hear and feel around them. Well, except that it is very close. A room in which he is working, very big. So it is not surprising that he did not feel and does not hear and does not see. He was completely absorbed work.

  - What do we do with the results of research? - Lieutenant looked at Shepard.

  - I personally do not care. - Mordin said. - Alone, he could not develop anything. It - teamwork, but in this case it is possible to reduce development time and increase the probability of success. And alone, even if he will sell the entire clan for the debts of supply - it is little reach.

  - Taking. - Shepard said, nodding Jenkins. After a few seconds around Malone, and is not divorced from the work, he stood a semicircle of armed men.

  - Melon. - Mordin said.

  - Professor?! - Young salarian turned. - How are you here ...

  - Is that you explain to me how you got to the kind of life. - In Mordina hands was a gun. - Have you forgotten what I taught you ?! You can not go directly to the experiments on living sentient beings! And you?!

  - Professor, I ...

  - Yes Yes Yes. - Mordin said in his favorite manner of tongue twisters. - You're not my student. But it does not mean that you have received the right to violate the fundamental principles of work ?! Does not mean. So why?! - Barrel of the gun turned out to be put in charge of the barrel to the neck of a young salarian. Do not stop even standard salarian scientific suit coverall. - I promised them that the results of your research will not be destroyed. - Mordin nodded toward Shepard with Alenko. - But I did not promise them that I will keep you, Malone, life.

  - Professor! - Young salarian cry was interrupted by a heavy blow. Young scientist kulёm fell at his feet Mordina.

  - Shepard! - Turning to the captain, he said. - Thank your gods ... I would have killed him and would not regret it, even in the hour of death. Take the results of his studies and working papers.

  - Alenka. - Shepard nodded lieutenant. - Proceed.

  - Yes, sir. - Kaidan nodded and motioned cops allow paratroopers to start search and collection of materials. Fifteen minutes later the laboratory was clearly a non-working kind. Malone continued to lie still at the helm. - The results and materials collected, sir.

  - Welcome. Take this dunce. - Shepard pointed the gun barrel at Malone. - Took him on board the frigate, cruiser, put the camera. Then - we think about what to do with it. - Shepard looked at Mordina, who nodded, indicated their agreement with the decision of the commander of the landing party. - The shuttle, which arrived professor - next to the hospital, so that - deliver it to him.

  - Captain, Urdnot krogan clan attacked Veyrlok clan. Go fights. - Olivia reported by the Speaker. - It is recommended to stay for an hour or two in the hospital.

  - Accepted. - Shepard sign instructed to wait for the implementation of the evacuation, drawing attention to the behavior of the elderly salarian. - Mordin ?!

  - I do not know, Shepard. I do not know. ... I've just looked at in a different way genophage problem on the kind of work I had to do, and with colleagues in this field. ... It turns out that we were wrong. All of us, all of our group, and I include myself in the wrong. Genophage was not the solution to the problem, and even more of a problem. I had to act comprehensively and we have restricted genophage and faced a tangle of problems. If a cure is genophage ever created - return kroganskie uprising. I know krogan. I know their behavior, I know they are installed. Krogan will tend to spread across the galaxy. This is inherent in them too deeply. Too deep. And to solve this problem once and quickly ... it will not work. Well, you, Shepard, managed to end the experiment of my former students and colleagues. Very Good Shepard. Now we must make sure that research data do not fall into the wrong hands. If we can keep a secret operation Malone, maybe we win a little time until then, until someone else from reasonable of organic can not be closer to the results already obtained by Maloney. And he, as I see it, too came close to solving the problem genophage to neutralize it. But he did not think about that, never, probably not seriously thought about the fact that the withdrawal does not mean the solution genophage kroganskoy problems. It is causing even more problems. - Mordin looked into his instrumentron, flipping through files. - An even greater problem. Where we got into?! ... Where are we climbed?! ... until someone else from reasonable of organic can not be closer to the results already obtained by Maloney. And he, as I see it, too came close to solving the problem genophage to neutralize it. But he did not think about that, never, probably not seriously thought about the fact that the withdrawal does not mean the solution genophage kroganskoy problems. It is causing even more problems. - Mordin looked into his instrumentron, flipping through files. - An even greater problem. Where we got into?! ... Where are we climbed?! ... until someone else from reasonable of organic can not be closer to the results already obtained by Maloney. And he, as I see it, too came close to solving the problem genophage to neutralize it. But he did not think about that, never, probably not seriously thought about the fact that the withdrawal does not mean the solution genophage kroganskoy problems. It is causing even more problems. - Mordin looked into his instrumentron, flipping through files. - An even greater problem. Where we got into?! ... Where are we climbed?! ... It is causing even more problems. - Mordin looked into his instrumentron, flipping through files. - An even greater problem. Where we got into?! ... Where are we climbed?! ... It is causing even more problems. - Mordin looked into his instrumentron, flipping through files. - An even greater problem. Where we got into?! ... Where are we climbed?! ...

  - Terminal banking system cracked in the next room. - Jenkins reported. - Get more credits.

  - Captain, the attack is complete. Clan Veyrlok crushed. - Olivia reported. - Krogan found manifold and organized his evacuation to land outside his clan. I think the mechanic wants to express to you personally most grateful. Women Veyrloka clans attached to the female clans Urdnot. The land issue is solved .... Now return to the land beyond Urdnot Clan - safely.

  - And I just tuned in to war on the way back. - Growled Gryunt.

  - Have time, Grew. - Alenko said.

  - Hope so. I do not want to be idle. - Rumbled young krogan.

  - Go back upstairs and - go to the land outside the clan. We must talk to Rex. Solve some questions. - Shepard looked up from his thoughts, looked around. - Forward and upward.

  Picking up and did not come to mind at the hands of Mal
one, paratroopers, cops went forward. Following up to the surface and the rest of the landing party, including Gryunt and Solus. The fighting on the surface really ended. Having emerged from the hospital building, the warriors of Clan Urdnot indicated where there is a safe landing site and called belts. Now the machine can be briefly display surface.

  Malone on the shuttle, accompanied by two policemen and paratroopers Solus sent to the frigate, cruiser. Together with them were taken away and drives with information about the conducted work on Maloney vaccine genophage. Order the loading conveyors coming up in the already unfolded noses to a tunnel entrance, Shepard looked around. It may be true that much change for the better. But it had a lot more to do on a lot of work. A time before the invasion had very, very little.

  The conveyor going through the tunnel, Shepard remembered that automatic protective turret, which could be used to protect the clan Urdnot food reserves against pests, mostly for obvious reasons, were used on the front lines. Only a few protective and defensive weapons were used to kill regularly tried to break through to the places of storage of food supplies pyzhakov. The bulk of the instruments protecting women's camp in the depths of the land of the clan. The commander of the scouts Clan reasonably believed that if women and children are destroyed, it will be gone hope so - and very clan.


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