Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 39

by Theodore Daniels

  -I Took. - Said the commander of the frigate, cruiser. - More?

  -Camp privateers, fortified, mineral deposits - three: one - light metal, two - heavy metal. Data fields specified. Location one turian logos - one. Additional information forwarded.

  -Accepted. Captain Shepard - receive information. Prepare for landing on two conveyors.

  -Yes, commander. - Shepard looked forwarded Anderson files. - Information received. By planting ready.

  -The landing - allow. -Get confirmation of the willingness of all members of the landing party, Anderson switched channels.

  Zavin .. Fighting privateers

  Both turian proteanin Shepard and the crew made the first head of the conveyor. Alenka, Jenkins and ten policemen paratroopers - the crew of the second conveyor. Such a large number of participants of the landing party was caused by the presence on the planet Zavin privateers camp.

  - If you search for clues and neponyatok "Magnificent" - the only camp captors, Captain. - Kaidan said as conveyors more fell on the planet. - More anywhere. In an abandoned miner's camp traces of the crew members is not present, the world is also nowhere to be found traces or signals indicative of their stay. We at least know that the captain "Magnificent" has a brother - Garot. It was he who turned to our headquarters in the Citadel, hearing that we can do here such investigations. In a conversation with our employee Garot said he was afraid of his brother - a ship belonging to the Will does not carry any weapons and is therefore an easy prey for pirates, which many in the galaxy. He had not heard from his brother and suggests that if the brother did not become a victim of the pirates, its elementary ship could break. A repaired in space - the pleasure is clearly below average and certainly not from the category of cheap, simple carrier available. Our staff has promised to help and Garot surprised - in a few offices, where he spoke before, he immediately said that there will not exactly help. And a few - do not give a clear answer.

  - With pirates carriers usually do not fight. - Shepard said. - Base of privateers, which can be Garota brother, is, according to the map to the north-west of the site of our landing. - XO corrected kursoprokladchik and conveyor little dovernul left - cruise control brightened up the monotony of the trip and not forced to strain unnecessarily. - Out of the conveyor is very cold, so I ask all to remember about the danger of low temperature, if you have to operate outside armor.

  - Captain. - Nihlus scanned with radar data. - Base of privateers protected by four heavy turrets and four mercenaries snipers. Snipers are located in the towers. In addition, there are five snipers mercenaries - three men and two Turian, and there are also mercenary-Croghan.

  - We fire your conveyor, maneuvering, knock out the turret. A fire Alenko its conveyor deals with the infantry. After that break through to the base buildings and begin to sweep. - I ordered Shepard.

  Heading to the privateers based both conveyor primarily drove the snipers in the towers fire their heavy guns. Earned four turrets were demolished coordinated response of both fire trucks - Saren and Jenkins did not let us down and no turret failed to catch dance at a respectable distance from the base of the attacking machine.

  Finally fell all walks mercenaries. Leaving belts near the entrance, group planting in full force entered the base of the building, once a small "dressing room". Alenko signs indicated that, according to the scanner Posse, among mercenaries have krogan.

  First mercenary Shepard laid trёhzaryadnoy burst of assault rifle. Behind it was the turn of a few krogan, who tried to run and attack furiously in close combat, but fell before reaching the slightest success. Snipers laid Saren and Nihlus until Alenko Jenkins and his men destroyed the rest of the mercenaries. Yavik Shepard and insured members of the landing party, working primarily with collecting trophies. Several containers had to crack that was not hard, with the support from orbit.

  - Captain. Willem body. - Alenko said, leaning over the body of a person in a suit. - In his hand he compresses some data block.

  - Taking the body and block data in the conveyor. Ordered Kaidan. - Shepard said conducting a cursory examination. - Unpleasant will report a brother, but have to. Well, that at least will be able to bury his brother as they should, and give him the duty of memory.

  Silently nodding Alenko made a sign to his cops-paratroopers. After re-inspected the base and search, landing party members left the set limits.

  Transporters went to the abandoned camp. Shepard, including batting average heating spacesuit, repaired a small generator to power the devices were in the camp. On the one instrumentronov appeared mark two mineral deposits - it was quite obvious that the geologists were actively exploring the wealth of this planet, except that the lack of funding has not allowed them to prepare well to work in such difficult conditions.

  - Captain, transferred from orbit - and the third deposit there, but there could not be included geological lighthouse. Scanners indicate the presence of near mine destroyed shot from a gun with an accelerator mass conveyor Civil modifications and a human cadaver. - Alenko reported. - I suggest to check and include geological lighthouse.

  - Keep. - Shepard took a part of the apparatus from the abandoned camp with them, threw them into the interior of the first conveyor. - With the memory blocks We will understand later. - He slammed the hatch cover, sat at the controls. - Alenka, your machine - head. Next to the mark of the third field.

  - Yes, Captain. - Replied the lieutenant. The second conveyor, ryknuv engine burst forth, and, picking up speed, rolled, waddling on potholes. The conveyor is controlled by XO, I followed him.

  - Hmm. - Only and Jenkins said when completed survey the neighborhood area of the third field. - It seems that before he was shot, the man tried to still notice mineral deposits. And they say that geologists do not risk ... I do not agree - even as a risk. Often - no less than we, warriors.

  - Richard, including geological lighthouse, take the body into a conveyor. The rest of the body we found. So at least one body give relatives. They may be buried in normal. - Shepard said, reading the complete information on the area.

  - Yes, Captain. - Corporal switched channels. Ten minutes later, the lieutenant gave the signal Alenko ready to move on.

  - Specify the next point, Captain. - Kaidan said, coming on communication starpomovskomu speaker.

  - The wreckage of a ship wreck turian. - Shepard said. - Then - we shall understand ambush Geth. They're established beacon and trying to draw attention to profit property gullible. This must stop.

  - Acknowledged, Captain. - Alenka gave several instructions to the driver of his car. - Ready to move.

  - Forward. - I ordered the XO. Two conveyor, howl engines, departed from the lighthouse tower, emit uniform light pulses.

  - This - a fragment of an old cargo ship model. - Saren stared at the screen, image broadcasted crash site while checking the suit. - We are, of course, accustomed to low temperatures less, but it's - our work, Captain. Allow?

  - Permission granted. - Shepard nodded. Saren and Nihlus left the cozy womb of the conveyor. A few minutes later they were cut from the wreckage of a cargo ship base Chatty logo - one of the first turian bases. When finished, both turian took place in the conveyor.

  - Captain, it seems geta lures and probes. - Alenko passed XO image from the scanner of his car. - And they dramatically eased the task of us - the probe was supposed to go down into the slot thresher.

  - Maybe. - Shepard left the driver's seat, giving his Saren. - Sar until you understand the geth, I'll deal with the probe. At the same time divert the attention of walkers from me.

  - Yes, Captain. - Turian fairly snarled, settling into the driver's seat comfortably. - Nai?

  - Ready. Embedding - will not find it. - Junior Spectrum turian also quite grinned, playing with joysticks. - We'll cover you, captain. Work.

  While conveyors fire their cannons and machine guns destroyed geth, Shepard had to disable getskogo lighthouse and open cargo bays crashed probe. All improved armor and weapons that were dist
ributed hitherto unknown well-wisher safely moved into the cargo compartment conveyors and getskogo probe Saren was shot from a gun, so that the Goths had no more opportunities to lure into the trap of naive curiosity of organic.

  - Done. - Shepard sat down on a chair near the hatch addl checking closing locks. - What do we have on minerals? There specifying data?

  - Yes captain. - Yavik opened his instrumentron. The first field - iridium, the second - cobalt, and the third - palladium. These cross-checked with the orbit. The accuracy and completeness verified. Information transmitted to the destination.

  - Then - back.

  - Yes captain. - Yavik turned instrumentron. Saren agreed liaison Alenko, brought forward conveyor and soon both cars already included within the evacuation area.

  Upon returning the landing party on board the frigate, cruiser detachment headed to Trelina - lifeless rocky planet has an extremely rarefied atmosphere consisting of xenon and krypton. The planet was rich in deposits of iron ore and magnesium silicate, but to organize a massive production prevented the complex topography - a large number of craters seriously hampered landing spacecraft and robotic systems plant producing blocks. In addition, against the active exploration and even more so - the mining activity seriously and strongly objected to the followers of one of the salarian worship, proves (very convincingly) that the location of the crater group in the southern hemisphere of the planet reminds his outline of their most revered goddess, and thus disturb the planet and especially - the group of craters - do not.

  Following a standard reconnaissance detachment moved to the normal hydrogen-helium giant - Antitarre, which was held in an atmosphere of ammonia and some hydrocarbons. The news was the discovery in the course of scanning a high concentration of helium-third. Under certain conditions, this could allow smaller components of the supply of fuel for spacecraft.

  For more complete Yuntorla card, covered with a thick atmospheric layer, consisting of complex hydrocarbon compounds failed to make at this time. The surface of the planet is characterized by high fever and was completely covered by a hydrocarbon ocean. Biologists have found a squad once again and recorded the signs of this ocean of primitive organic life forms.

  In orbit Yuntorla scanners Troop ships found an ancient probe designed to study deep space. There are signs that it has been identified as belonging salarians. Under the guidance of an engineer Adams semiautomatic probes were taken on board the machine. In the cargo hold of an ancient medallion of the probe it was found unity of the League. Mordin promised to establish the history of this artifact and with the permission of Anderson took the medallion to his lab.

  A few hours, "Normandy" and "Volga" traveled to the limits Fortuna star system in which the majority of directories and sailing directions fixed the presence of four planets.

  Ventana - the first of these four planets, the size was small, rocky, ice-covered, it had a very rarefied atmosphere, consisting of krypton and sulfur dioxide. Initially about Ventana was little known - Alliance ship "Coupe" to survey this relatively remote from the center of the planet's star system, for unknown reasons, it is now used only one small unmanned probe. Since the planet so no one was interested. Troop Experts undertook a detailed survey of the area and the planet and its placement, then pointed to the possibility of mining, suggesting that the planet's core is made of pure aluminum. Now and in the near future, of course, willing to start the development of the planet's core exists a little, and then, when the Reapers descend - definitely will not be before then.

  - Captain. The first data driving operational scan Amaranth planet. Operation "Next Syndicate". The planet found refuge Helen Blake. - I reported to the watch. - "Volga" reported a willingness to accept the prisoner in a cell.

  - Accepted. Running time?

  - Three hours eighteen minutes, sir. According to the chief pilot Moreau, sir.

  - Accepted. - Shepard said on his arrival instrumentrone file with permission to disembark. - Commander of the frigate Resolution cruiser received on landing group. We do prepare all the necessary work.

  - Yes, Captain. Data is transmitted to Captain Anderson, sir.

  - Welcome. - Shepard switched channels.

  While both ships Squad traveled to neighbors outside the deployment area of the planet Amaranth, members of the landing party prepared transporters to work. Going decide the composition of the same - people turians and proteanin. Yavik usual notified everyone that will be in stealth mode and intervene only when necessary. With this option, the ancient warrior race was accepted by all members of the group - had nothing to shine in front of the bandits all its possibilities, despite the fact that the presence of proteanina in the team and squad crews was known to so many intelligent inhabitants of the galaxy.

  Shepard took into account that the Syndicate base in Klensali already been tipped earlier. Now the detachment had to clean up the database to Amarante and the last point, for which can still seriously cling created by Helen Blake syndicate, became Mavigon to which had yet to reach. The main thing - the very Elena Blake as testified skanerschikov report, it was at Amarante and beheading structures, removal and neutralization of the main control unit is largely guaranteed the subsequent success of the operation as a whole.

  The cold rocky planets - Amaranth, whose atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide and nitrogen in its icy crust containing a large amount of titanium and aluminum oxides, and deep in the bowels of the planet met deposits of thorium and other heavy metals. The name of the planet gave the poet-dugout Sofia Cabral, who worked on the already noted in the system of the Alliance ship "Coupe".

  - Captain. - Cabin XO, which is sometimes still called Shepard "cubicle" came Olivia. - I have received information about Helen Blake. Request permission to join the landing party.

  - Would you like to personally apprehend this woman? - Shepard asked.

  - I think it would be better. In humans, because it is assumed that the army and police officers do not fight with women? - Olivia asked.

  - In general, yes. But...

  - Captain. Everyone understands that not everything depends on you and everyone also realize that you can not every time to take on all the landing. But Jennifer, and Gryunt, and the Legion, and I can not indefinitely remain inactive. I know that Helen Blake - absolutely not a saint, and in principle there is no difference whether you hold it yourself, or I will. I just do not want to be ballasted.

  - By the way, Olivia ...

  - My daughter feels fine, Captain. It is quite adapted to life on the ship, all happy and gradually begins to participate in the processing of information. Since the body is not yet clear - Engineer Adams is not found in the warehouses of the frigate, cruiser many materials to quickly create the body that my daughter would be the best. Therefore, the question of the body has been postponed.

  - Clear.

  - So I do not want to languish in inaction. Of course, you can say that the increased information flows, but I - a fighter, not just a machine for processing information. Legion, incidentally, is also willing to participate.

  - Good. - Shepard checked the instrumentronom. - At the head conveyor landing party there are empty seats. Let Legion joins you. Allowed to participate in the landing.

  - Thank you, Captain. - Olivia smiled. - Here is the information on the last scan Amaranth. - She filed XO reader. - In general - three phases: the capture of Helen Blake, once seizure turian logo and mark the three deposits of valuable minerals, including two deposits of rare metals and one deposit of heavy metals. I think you should start with neutralizing Helen Blake, Captain. According to some reports she tries to escape, but with the "Volga" I received a notice that the cruiser has blocked most of the opportunities for leaving the planet's surface all the shuttle or even more - of the ship.

  - Clear. Get ready, Olivia.

  - Yes, Captain. - Kiborgessa turned and walked out of the cabin starpomovskoy.

  Amaranth. Bandit War. Next Syndicate

  Inside, the first conveyor
tense silence reigned. landing party machines sent to a fortified outpost engineering. As shown by scanning, re-spent to orbit Amaranth, Helen Blake was in the premises of the post almost alone - not counting the five mercenaries as a serious obstacle for a group of special forces. Saren and Nihlus, sitting next to Olivia, considered location of the wreckage of the ship turian - scanners found there another emblem image turian colony and now both turian undertone, closed helmets, discussing among themselves the possible options. Their talks were in one of the interior of the conveyor did not pay any attention. Alenko confirmed a few minutes ago,

  Shepard, who was sitting as usual for the conveyor control levers, recalled that one crime boss has been eliminated on the basis of the Syndicate on Klensale. Now that's the way of the Troop was very new-found chairwoman of the Syndicate, and competitors who traded slaves and hard drugs - red sand. The third criminal authority waited for their fate, and yet he could not have known that, too, is in the plan for the destruction. Or plan to capture that did not make a significant difference for him. First Mate He knew that sooner or later, and Helen Blake and all the movers and shakers of the Syndicate will be executed. Even if it will have to build a wall for the mass executions of each of the bosses.

  - The base is located in the crater of the Syndicate in the southern direction. - Alenko reported. - The distance to the base at the moment - .... kilometers, time on the approach to the limits - and forty-six minutes.

  - Accepted. - Shepard has made changes to a cruise-control. - Follow in the former regime.

  - Watching a two-story complex, Captain. - Saren moved to the place of the arrow and is now considered the surrounding landscape through powerful periscopes, combined with the video sensor. - It seems that this is the base.


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