Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 41

by Theodore Daniels

  While there were coordination and tapped Shepard poring over meager line of information materials. Picturesque planet. Thriving agriculture. One of the first colonies earthlings outside repeater Charon. The biosphere of the planet is surprisingly well suited for distribution is terrestrial life forms. Natural familiar and even somewhere safe abundance has led to the influx of a large number of immigrants from the planets of the solar system and above all the earth. Building the world were not only the Systems Alliance, but other corporations belonging to countries that are not members of the Alliance.

  It was believed that at present the Eden Prime is a perfect model of sustainable and orderly development. The world's population lived mostly in metropolitan areas, good use of spare space and towers over thousands of kilometers of green fields, greenhouses and orchards.

  The materials were found and the details of what happened back in the days of the arrival of a strange planet on a large ship. As usual, we put forward a variety of versions, from a purely philistine up very similar to the scientific. That was found a lighthouse, said little, and those who said it, and commentators often opponents are not taken seriously. Few commentators and informants was able today to give an objective and complete picture of what happened.

  Synthetic, no matter how trying, we could not find anything that even remotely correspond to the truth, now known otryadovtsam. Perhaps, indeed, as stated in his report Olivia was some complete information in handwritten materials still held with earthlings in personal archives, but these materials are so rarely got into the Internet and digitization under the ...

  - A strange feeling, Captain. - Cabin exec quietly entered Yavik. - Now I am looking at the planet from orbit ... and felt like it's my second home. - Proteanin sat in the empty chair, looked at Shepard, looking up from reading. - And if I tell someone that I have - twice born ... Now I think I will not argue with that.

  - It may be the way it is. - Said the owner of the cabin. - I looked here ... some of the materials. As if this column is not primarily interested in the Reapers "Cerberus".

  - Interested. - Said the old warrior race. - For now the "Cerberus" - if not the Reapers, then something very close to them. Will attack. There will be battles. Will distress signals. - Proteanin looked at the screens to broadcast the views of the planet. - The field will burn a huge monorail will turn into a pile of metal. It is unlikely that "Cerberus" to let the Reapers attack on the colony failed. But if the attack succeed - humanity will lose a powerful and valuable source of resources. Yes, vospolnimo resources, but - powerful and valuable resource. - Yavik suddenly changed the subject. - By the way, Captain, I've checked. We want to see the archaeologists. Those same. In addition, a good idea to let go of Richard to his parents. Let visit home. And you can be, it will be interesting to visit the places where it all happened.

  - Let Richard Anderson. If it deems necessary and possible. - Shepard said. - I'm not going to interfere with. While it is still possible to do - let it be done. Since archaeologists ... If the commander of the frigate will allow - I will meet. But - only if the commander himself did not wish to take over the bulk of the contact. You're right, Yavik, all of us, anyway - so many otryadovtsam - should visit the Eden Prime. This - the best of the available parking detachment today. I do not really believe that Eden Prime - best base for the squadron, as it is trying to present some of the local media, but that it is - a very comfortable parking, I - I do not doubt.

  - Go down?

  - Yes, Yavik. Go. As an ordinary officer, as an ordinary person. If you want to Svetlana - I'll make her company. Now, you know, I'm more worried about the X-57. There will be hard work. Maybe I just do not know how to fully relax and rest ...

  - Maybe the captain can be. - Yavik stood. - As for myself - I do not know. Not really want to pull back invisibility. I think about it more. - With these words he left the cabin, senior assistant.

  Shepard meant it when he said that he does not know how to relax and rest. It was in most cases, that's right - impacted long bachelor life affects life tightly linked with the army, where the concept of "doing nothing" is easy to match a concept of "sabotage" and "military crime" and therefore did not make the soldiers simply did not exist as a phenomenon - the soldiers were constantly loaded their studies, work and improvement.

  - Joe. - In the PHONES Speaker Svetlana manifested voice. - You are alone?

  - Yes, the Light. - Shepard closed the door to the cabin, he returned to the table, sat down in a chair, - I'm glad to hear you. How about you?

  - I am quite fit. How about you take a stroll down? Let's look to the archaeologists, visited farmers. Walk, get some air. Just dream is to lift the helmet outside the ship.

  - If you let Anderson - I'm ready.

  - Release. I already spoke to him. He said he will do everything to otryadovtsev most visited on the planet, at least a few hours spent in normal, almost terrestrial conditions. For my part I did everything to volgovtsev most visited on the planet longer.

  - Then ... - Shepard read received from the commander of the frigate, cruiser message. - That's just received permission from the commander on instrumentron.

  - Lada. Then - we meet at the place where started "Normandie", moving away from the planet. I have a few more things. Once the deal with them - arrive in his canoe.

  - I also. It should help Olivia Adams. To purchase, if possible, some of the materials.

  - I see. Olivi need to create a great body for her daughter. Okay. See you, Joe.

  - See, my Light. - Shepard broke the connection, stood up, turned and began to gather instrumentron.

  After talking with Adams, he helped the chief engineer to make urgent requests to many materials and components, has signed some papers as a spectrum that local officials did not put unnecessary obstacles, then I talked to Olivia, wrote her wishes on materials and equipment.

  - I'm staying on board, Captain. - Kiborgessa said. - I know, Svetlana will be on Eden Prime. I'm glad for her. If that - just me, Captain. - Olivia smiled. - The Legion will also go down, and Mark ... it is interesting to shovel a couple of hundred local servers.

  - Well, Olivia. - XO smiled. - I hope that information you will forward me?

  - As soon as the so - immediately, Captain. - Olivia nodded. - It's safe. I was just reviewing the materials telling about what happened here then. Interesting.

  - Yeah. But, well, that now from our appearance on planet one problem does not. - Shepard picked up styling. - See you later.

  - See you soon, Captain. - Olivia returned to her information room, which has shared with his daughter. the hall door closed smoothly and quickly - usually kiborgessu in her solitude nobody bothered without extreme need personal visit - quite had enough of audio and video. Personal visits were rare and therefore allowed Olivia calmly and freely engage in the education of his daughter. Normandovtsy and volgovtsy not yet know how Olivia called her - for them a newborn AI was just a "daughter Olivia."

  Going down the shuttle was already full normandovtsami. Inside, there were Alenko, Jenkins, both of Turian, three policemen paratroopers. The latest in the salon came Yavik, kivnuvshy all passengers and immediately took his usual place on the bench, to begin the transition to a state of invisibility.

  - John. - At the aperture on the ladder appeared Chakwas. - How do you return on board - will go to me.

  - Yes, Karin. - Shepard nodded politely. shuttle driver included preparation signal to the departure and the beginning of the aperture cover flap. - Always will.

  - Good. - The ship's doctor came down the ladder and walked out of the hangar.

  The shuttle began to go beyond the protective field hangar, overcame the protective field frigate, cruiser and began a leisurely descent to the planet. the shuttle driver knew about the points where passengers wish to board this flight - a map screen on the wall in the cabin of the shuttle was decorated with a number of individual icons. The light next to the small screen, the text is already a schedule of freight, passenger
and mixed flights were put on board and on board the frigate, cruiser. It seems Corps command decided not to take place on the inner roads, bypassing the usual practice of using shuttles.

  After consulting with the latest novopostupivshimi reports, Shepard discovered that supplier frigate has already received orders from Adams signed Shepard and placed them at local businesses. Those few hours promised to deliver packaged goods on the platform from which they will take away a few shuttles "Normandy". Olivia will be happy - at her daughter will have a real chance to find a body in the shortest possible time. And Gardner will also be pleased - he was finally able to buy the real, earthly products in wholesale and industrial scale, scoring warehouses, storage rooms and refrigerators frigate, cruiser top.

  The first came off the cops paratroopers. They waited at the local headquarters of the Police Forces of Eden Prime. Then came Kaidan Alenko - he was scheduled to meet with members of the local branch of the Society, "El-Two." Jenkins came down at the third stop - it waited Corporate mobility farmer association in whose territory his parents lived. The fourth stop - shop and shuttle leave turians - they were invited to take part in any sports game with elements of the power of sport. Yavik, does not manifest itself, alone with Shepard.

  - Yaw ... I do not understand ?! - Shepard interested reason that proteanin changed his mind to remain on board the frigate, cruiser.

  - More precisely - pretended they did not understand, Captain. - Yavik without removing the invisibility field, made contact on a coded channel starpomovskogo speaker. - I thought that I had better be with you. Not everywhere and not everywhere in this time, of course, but - next to you.

  - Glad. At the same time look at Eden - Prime vicinity. - Shepard nodded, rising. Shuttle out to the point where the frigate was launched, leaving the planet on that memorable day. - How vivid picture before my eyes is ...

  - Yeah. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - I still remember how we Protheans, retreated to the shelter. And the day of his departure from the planet - I remember in great detail. I surprised himself, as bad, disgusting itself felt after hibernation, and remembered so much. Perhaps, then appeared the details. Most likely - exactly. - Figure proteanina flickered. - I just show Svetlana, her not to worry, John.

  - Good. - Shepard nodded farewell to the driver, he picked up and clipped to his belt and laying a dorsal anchorages. - Come on, what?

  - Come on, Captain. - Proteanin, still faintly glimmering, stepped behind XO on planet earth. Shuttle, freed from the passengers, went steeply up to the frigate - the schedule of flights required to withstand.

  Close down the shuttle commander with the "Volga". Svetlana, nodding his paratroopers, eyes pointed at the shimmering figure proteanina. Those nodded and remained inside the machine, immediately accepting the course to orbit.

  - Hi, John. - Svetlana hugged and kissed Shepard turned priobnimaya Yavika. - Good to see you, Yaw.

  - And I you too, Svetlana. - Proteanin bowed exec wife, reduced flicker. - I'll stay in stealth, and even here nabegut curious.

  - Good. - Svetlana smiled approvingly and Yavik disappeared. - Come on, John. There's a country road between fields. We breathe air, move, talk.

  - Good Light. - Shepard took part pilings his wife, hitched them to the dorsal anchorages. - Come on.

  - Come on, Joe. - Svetlana hugged her husband and together they made the first steps on the path leading to fields divided among areas in a country road, equipped spacious sidelines. - Okay, now here are grown crops, and are not engaged in the excavation.

  - Excavations here were engaged a few months after our departure to the Citadel, Svetlan. - Shepard said, - We are just a little spurred the process. The rest of the local self-made. And the protection and restoration, and recovery procedures - everything is done by them. We at that time were already far away, and Nazar ... In general, he aimed to get away once in closed areas of the Galaxy, even away from the place where so drawn adventurers, explorers and scouts.

  - Yeah. Galaxy even for our party was ... to say the least, an unexpectedly large. - Svetlana assented. - How many planets we explored again with great care - dozens. And ahead - they are unlikely to be less than John.

  - Less - will not. I'm thinking more and more often that when the invasion begins, our detachment will have to break into many star systems have already fought. - First mate said. - Because we are missing too much, too much one way or another reserve for later. This inertia ... and thinking and acting ... a rather unpleasant thing, if you think about it.

  - Not only unpleasant, John. Harmful. - Svetlana confirmed. - At least the majority of normandovtsev already landed on the planet in a few hours here and will most volgovtsev. - She consulted with her instrumentronom without revealing medium and large screens. - To organize the change of the minimum crew. Hmm. You got it? - She pointed to a message icon with Jenkins code.

  - Did not watch. - Shepard turned his instrumentron. - And I sent. Invitation. We'll have to go to the nearest settlement, and then ask the transport. Ches peshedralom eighty-ninety kilometers ... More Walk that happens.

  - Just I hope you're not going to emphasize the difference between you and me? - Svetlana smiled.

  - I will not, but this difference, I will never forget my Light. - Shepard embraced his wife and kissed her on the lips. Svetlana definitely liked it and she fervently kissed her husband.

  - Well, do not forget. - Kaperang pressed several sensors on the keyboard instrumentrona. - And do not worry about transport. The spaceport in standby mode, there are several shuttles from the cruiser. They can take advantage of all normandovtsy all volgovtsy. Ten minutes later, one of the shuttles come here. We can go so far, our location is already known to the driver.

  - Enchantress! - Shepard stronger hugged her friend.

  - Yeah. - Grinned Streltsov.

  The shuttle arrived on time. Politely greeted the commander of the cruiser, the driver of the ladder and immediately posted as soon as Shepard helped to board machines Svetlana, closed the door.

  - Course, commander?

  - According to the coordinates of this message. - Svetlana said, showing the driver the small screen of your instrumentrona. A knowing nod, the driver disappeared into the cabin, and a few seconds later the car was flying in the right direction. Svetlana and John stood at the window of the side door of the salon.

  - A look at the green and yellow waves ... a true delight for the human eye. - Shepard said quietly.

  - I agree, Joe. - Svetlana leaned her head on her husband's shoulder. - Really, it soothes and calms.

  A few minutes later, they stared at the endless fields, occasionally interspersed with areas of greenhouses, mesh paths and roads - both conventional ground, roads in the villages, and had solid pavement.

  - We fly, sir. - The driver turned on the screens in the cabin. - You are waiting for and meet.

  - Thank you. - Shepard picked up styling. - Come on Svetlana. We'll have much more to tell. Maybe even something Yavik supplement, if he wants to, of course.

  - I want to. - Yavik made contact on the captain's Speaker, not manifesting of "invisibility". - In the circumstances, John.

  - Of course, as appropriate. - XO smiled, helping Svetlana go on plate landing pad in a spacious three-story farmhouse. - Where are we without these circumstances.

  Richard Jenkins, who had changed into grubotkanye farmer shirt and trousers, presented the arriving guests with their parents and sister. While the women, tying a lively conversation, went into the house, the men were held in the courtyard and began to get numerous barns - a farmer could not wait to show off his farm and Shepard is well understood and accepted. The tour took almost half an hour - the farm was large and complex, and the explanation of his father Richard liked to give full and even somewhere exhaustive. Mate said that the manner of speaking of the head of the family Jenkins came through not supposed superiority over the citizens of the peasants. Richard was silent for most of the tour, occasionally confirming his father's remarks short remark
s or just nod. It seems that the father was holding his son in a large rigor. Well,

  Going into the house, the men, without waiting for reminders from the women changed their shoes home slippers and washed several times with hand soap.

  - Captain. - Richard said quietly, seizing the moment when his father went to the kitchen, where at that time were all women, - If not the five landing, then ...

  - Our friend here. Next to us. - Shepard confirmed as quietly. - There will be a window of opportunity - it will manifest itself. If he wants to.

  - Confirm. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - Rich, you left your speaker in the ear, so I'll tell you what - confirm.

  - Good. - Quietly said Cpl. - Now, I have heard you, friend.

  - So. - In the kitchen doorway there was a sister of Richard - Milena. - Washed his hands, changed shoes. I see. Now - at the table. Dad...

  - Everything, everything. - Jokingly raising both hands to shoulder height, the head of the family he said. - Table and dinner with guests - a holy cause. In the kitchen?

  - Yes, Daddy. - Milena nodded, returning to the kitchen. - Follow me, please.

  For ample, a peasant thorough table this time the whole family had gathered Jenkins. Svetlana, of course, sitting at the right hand of her husband, and Milena - close to Richard.

  Read a short prayer, the head of the family gave an example to all, first scooping myself ladle nourishing soup and cut off a piece of the large, clearly homemade, loaf. Keeping the traditional alternate, adopted by the farmers, the soup poured himself by cutting pieces from the loaf and his wife and daughter. Then it was the turn of his son. Jenkins tried to pour himself more soup and bread cut slightly smaller than the father, calling on the head of the family face an approving smile. John missed his wife forward and poured the soup and sliced bread last thing it does not offend or hurt - tradition is tradition. A few minutes at the table reigned usual silence - people quickly worked spoons and bit off chunks of soft and hearty slices of bread.


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