Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 44

by Theodore Daniels

  Of course, manufacturers can not do when deploying their activity without accurate research data, so the in-depth scanning of Tyre was discovered and Research Alliance Fleet Systems. Not all of course, but significant and not the worst part. The captains and commanders of his ships and vessels with great interest the data transmitted from the sides Troop ships and regulatory perceived clearly worded warning about the need to be in constant readiness to depart from the planet in connection with the expected invasion of the Reapers. Scientists of the Alliance for the most part were not fixated on the policy dies, so to prevent treated with the utmost seriousness. Somewhere a warning made by Squad, whose activities were already known to many, has spurred research

  A huge gas giant Borrego with hydrogen-helium atmosphere, has more than nine dozen natural satellites with a mass greater than the familiar earthlings Jupiter is more than six times and is known for his high fever, he was on the verge of becoming a star. The strong gravity of the planet, of course, hampered the extraction of resources, but it was the only gas giant in the system. The demand for hydrogen used in the local production of fuel cells, as well as the need to increase the supply of helium-third was used as a fuel for fusion engines, economically justified development of the planet's resources, even though this development costs were prohibitive.

  Shepard habitually noted that this planet Alliance will not give up without a fight - likely will have to lead here at least one of the fleets of the Alliance - the only supranational structures to which such costs are not critically disastrous. Reapers in turn, using the intelligence data, especially developed infrastructure destroy helium-third of production - the most valuable part of the infrastructure created reasonable organics around the planet. The resistance of the Alliance fleet is likely to be, fierce and desperate, the Reapers will inevitably suffer losses, will slow their advance deep into the reclaimed areas organics reasonable. The situation is almost one to one resembled the one which already faced in his time Protheans.

  Maybe even during the conflict will have to find and explore the wreckage of the biggest ships of the Reapers. The fact that the Reaper ships will be retrofitted and rearmed, Shepard doubted. Hence, it is necessary to look for such debris and to spend time and resources on their study. The fact that this is an extremely dangerous occupation and say something is not particularly necessary - is understood as a purely automatic.

  Terra Nova. presentiment of danger

  Standing at the Star Maps next to the officer of the watch, Shepard read with side screens data on Terra Nova. The duration of the year - a half Earth years, the duration of the day - nearly four hours, atmospheric pressure - low surface temperature - nearly sixty degrees, reduced gravity, four million people have made the world's population. Not as much as in Asari, for example, but still - to people - this is an important and a large colony.

  It was included in the list of First Class planets suitable for colonization and immediate open during the implementation of the program of the First Wave Alliance research expeditions. It's been a long time - two thousand one hundred and fiftieth year. Planeta Terra Nova, in translation - the New Earth, became the second colony of people outside the solar system and the first on the other side of the repeater Charon. The equatorial region of the planet occupied by vast deserts, but the areas that are closer to the poles, different temperate climate.

  Shepard remembered that colonization of the planet carried out at first rather slowly. Up until twenty years later, two thousand one hundred and seventieth year, or in the corresponding decade on the planet's richest platinum deposits were discovered. This rare metal, it is necessary for the production of powerful and pure hydrogen fuel cells for private vehicles, has led to the population struck by this Terra Nova "platinum fever."

  Over the past twelve years, the population of the planet has increased by thirty percent and the growth rate will not fall far. The picture of population growth somewhat spoiled batarian threat of attack, due to the reality that the name "cluster Exodus" got a new meaning - the largest and most advanced of the colonies began to leave en masse settlers. Shepard tried to keep under control the problem, but even he did not know what they are capable to batarians in order to once again try to make fun of the earthlings.

  - In the area of the planet Terra Nova acts Alliance cruiser "Shanghai", sir. - I reported to the officer of the watch. Shepard nodded, listening to the radio by connecting between the squadron and the Alliance warship. - The question of the satellite, sir. Again, our colleagues recognize the X-57 satellite. We are ready to take another point of view, especially since natural satellites of the planet does not really originally. It is difficult to say, sir. - The watch has switched channels in connection with the transition to the automatic exchange of data packets. - I do not understand, sir. Are they prepared to meet here Reapers, once sent a cruiser?

  - It may be an officer. Quite possible. - Shepard prolistnul on the side screen, the X-57 data and thought that here, in the area of the most valuable and populous colonies also need to keep the whole fleet. You could not even specify what kind - of course, sixth. Having estimated the odds, Shepard knew that most likely will have to withdraw the fleet, having in the future with continued resistance to inevitable defeat. The retreat gave the chance to join up with the rest of the forces, and subsequently - the possible otvoёvyvanie planet from the Reapers. But disputes disputes disputes. The inevitable disputes stolen so important in time of war. Unfortunately, people do not know how to live without dispute, without utryasok opinions. And it's when people have tried to communicate with the AI.

  X-57. batarian terrorists

  - Attention on the ship. - In handsfree speaker came the voice of Captain Anderson. - From the planet Terra Nova received a signal of danger. Lost communication with the X-57 engineering asteroid service. Radar-scanning station, placed on the Terra Nova noted fact start jet engines. Dispatching Service Terra Nova reported that the asteroid is moving straight to the planet. Group planting in full force to gather in a hangar for preflight briefing. The ship - the combat readiness of the number two. Perhaps batarian attack on a satellite of the planet.

  As soon died away last words of the commander of the cruiser frigate like a hangar ship turned out to be full. We came all the members of the landing party, and they are not alone. Even the three Synthetic arrived at the hangar. Anderson met logged wary looks.

  - I confirm colleagues. - A bit tired, but calm voice, the captain said. - Batarian attack. So it is necessary to shoot to kill. There are casualties among the peaceful civilian population of the asteroid. The main task. - On a sign Anderson techniques including wall screens and the commander gave them the information from your instrumentrona. - Turn off motors or asteroid to change the asteroid's course so as to take away the boulder away from Terra Nova. Very little time, so take advantage of the fact that on board the shuttle. The rest will get information in the flight. The entire group of landing - on board. - Anderson stood up, followed by tightened and everyone who was in the hangar. - To be a combat operation. - He turned and walked out of the hangar.

  - On Board. Legion - you are with us. Olivia - you stay in touch.

  - Yes, Commander Shepard. - Het said, checking his sniper rifle and jumping on the first shuttle.

  - Good Shepard. I will try to be helpful. - Olivia nodded gently, do without a smile and quietly slipped out of the hangar. In the second shuttle is already loaded and colleagues Alenko Jenkins. The lieutenant and a corporal were engaged in checking equipment and weapons.

  - The second shuttle ready to take off. All normally, sir. - Kaidan reported.

  - Accepted. - Shepard, waiting until the board first shuttle will rise Yavik both Turian, closed parlor door and nodded to the driver. - Shuttles one and two - take off.

  - Shuttles one and two take-off permission. The course is laid. - I responded specialist metrist of CIC. - Watch you clearly and completely, colleagues. Communication - the norm.

  - Accepted. - Shepard check
ed PHONES speaker connected laringophones and closed helmet. If terrorists on an asteroid - even firing on them can be expected shuttles flying up. However, now that we can expect from everyone and everyone - the situation is rolled to the war at an accelerated pace.

  While shuttles overcome the distance to the asteroid, every second waiting for the shelling, Shepard looked through the screen last received files. As usual, Synthetic distilled landing party members all the information on the X-57, extremely actualize it and leaving only the most important. The metallic asteroid, originally located in the Lagrange point behind the gas giant Berra. Due to the rapid razviiem human colony on Terra Nova, needed a new, already orbiting the port is now. "Building a new one from scratch was, of course, expensive. Doekonomilis." - Thought the XO. Now, not only he - all members of the crew and command a squad of ships know what "Omega", know that the first to develop this asteroid began Protheans knew how much effort and most importantly - the time it took. Here, both showed data from many different sources accurately and completely mixed by Synthetic together, as was made clear the asteroid from the inside, and on the means of implementing this material extracted during "decorate" the interior living space. The problem was that the same jets that are now used by terrorists and directed the asteroid pryamёhonko on Terra Nova, were necessary and much earlier - when the asteroid moved to Burr orbit to orbit the Terra Nova. Indicators, every second you shoot the asteroid with the squadron clearly indicated - the terrorists surely keep deadly asteroid on the planet to date. interior living space. The problem was that the same jets that are now used by terrorists and directed the asteroid pryamёhonko on Terra Nova, were necessary and much earlier - when the asteroid moved to Burr orbit to orbit the Terra Nova. Indicators, every second you shoot the asteroid with the squadron clearly indicated - the terrorists surely keep deadly asteroid on the planet to date. interior living space. The problem was that the same jets that are now used by terrorists and directed the asteroid pryamёhonko on Terra Nova, were necessary and much earlier - when the asteroid moved to Burr orbit to orbit the Terra Nova. Indicators, every second you shoot the asteroid with the squadron clearly indicated - the terrorists surely keep deadly asteroid on the planet to date.

  - Captain. - Nihlus looked up in surprise at who was sitting in a chair Exec. - Do I understand correctly Galax-lingua. Here it is stated that whatever the outcome of the situation, the commercial exploitation of the asteroid will begin before the end of two thousand one hundred and eighty fourth year. This is because people are joking?

  - People can be Nihlus, and not joking. Just a lot of people are not used to think about the bad more than the good. - Shepard said. - And they will fly, ie Highlands, that is going to be very bad in many ways, perhaps even financial, if they do not indulge in wishful thinking, keep the brand of the company and give confidence where such confidence can not be. After all, they have confirmed that the impact of an asteroid on the planet will destroy the fruit of many months of work?

  - Yes, but how do you ... - surprised even Nihlus leaned more forward from the bench, never taking his eyes from the face of the First Mate.

  - Well, I'm also a human being, and human people understand intuitively ... or something. Standard scheme blurring brain, a kind of indoctrination, stultification, programming. Without this manipulation will not be any credit or rating or shareholder approval. Nothing. - Shepard found in his instrumentrone appropriate file - an asteroid because you plan to still bring in geosynchronous orbit after the completion of all work on the arrangement? Here commentators and maintain the faith of students in it. We humans have never believed, do not believe and will never believe fully what is said in the news. It's just a point of view of the representatives of a particular group of people, no more. And it is not always the point of view of most people.

  - Captain. - Manifested in the speaker driver's voice. - In connection with us some of Kate Bowman. She passed the information that three jet engines as confirmed dispatching service area of movement, are really an asteroid straight to Terra Nova. Kate very strongly, I would say - even too urged us to find and turn off their engines.

  - Nervous. - XO grunted.

  - Yes captain. - The driver confirmed. - At this rate - and this is confirmed by Synthetic Corps - an asteroid with the planet will face in the next four hours.

  - Captain. - Wedged into the conversation, Olivia. - I looked through all the data on this woman. It seems a number of features, from someone hiding. In earlier messages sent by it via other channels, she says that someone "they" captured asteroid.

  - We'll have to jump. - Shepard has contacted the shuttle driver. - Ravshan, as we do with the ability to maintain the machine in non-stop mode, four hours?

  - Right, Captain. - The driver hesitated, apparently checking some data from shuttle systems. - In most cases, the problems should not be. Weapons machines put on alert, sir.

  - Captain - again wedged Olivia. - In connection with the frigate - the chief engineer of the asteroid's X-57 Simon Etvel. Text, he said that he managed to escape from the asteroid attacked batarians, get into one of the motor control station. Forwards it to the forecast about the collision of an asteroid with the planet. - Melodic short signal instrumentrona reported on the arrival of the file, immediately scanned Shepard. - Simon family, including children and grandchildren - live on Terra Nova for a long time. According to data collected by us, it turns out that Simon loves and respects quarians, he hired quarian working for mining activities on the asteroid. We also learned that in gratitude quarians snablidi Simon's many technical innovations and developments.

  - Good. Landed near the first jet engine. The machine is not put on the ground, to keep one meter away from the surface. Next to the engine will have to go on foot. It is necessary to warm up, we move a little impermissible. - Shepard stood up, checked weapons. - Next, desantiruemsya.

  The shuttle to a few tens of seconds, freezes, and one after the other members of the group jump landing on the surface of the asteroid.

  - Engineer Hut, sir. - Nihlus said, rolling his barrel of a rifle. Saren laid sniper and viewed through the optical sight neighborhood. - Our desantiruyutsya not yet, but the weapon was activated shuttle. - Turian have a second shuttle, hovering twenty meters from the surface of the asteroid.

  - Examine the hut the engineer colleagues. - Shepard ordered by checking the level of charge in the store assault rifle. - Come on, run.

  - Looked called. - Muttered Saren. - Immediately went and found the corpse. - He pointed to the dead body of a man, who turned engineer Mendel.

  - Found a set of tools with some margin omni-tool inside, sir. - Nihlus reported. - What to do with the body, sir?

  - It - monitoring station number three. If I'm not mistaken, engineers should be here a lot, anyway - more than two or more than three. One we found. Already dead. - Shepard spoke on the encoded audio communication with Alenko. - We can move to the engine, it's time to start working ahead of the curve - time is running out. Alenko his men will do everything that is necessary to reconnoiter the situation further and take necessary measures. Next, the engine! - Shepard first engineer left the hut near the building of the post, received a message from the Synthetic that the observation post number three building one of the living or the dead, or of organic Synthetic found.

  - Captain, you have to come at the approach to the engine have a handicap. - In the speaker's voice emerged again Olivia. - Underground terrorists buried six turrets. I give the location and placement of the plan. These refined - we do not have to give advance information - shoot at air targets, these turrets can not - these are their limitations. They are dangerous or wheeled transports, or for hiking groups. In addition, these turrets, as we discovered, are only activated when approaching them and immediately hide when out of their way to depart.

  - The sniper rifle on him does not apply. - Nihlus said.

  - Too true - Shepard slowed down, looking through the neighborhood shturmvintovki sight. - Next, Olivia.

  - So, one turret - high up on the cliff to the right of your course of promotion to the engine, four - are located directly around the motor and one to the left of the engine at a distance. Coordinates taken by drivers of the shuttles and implemented on-board weapons machines. We can also use high-precision turret frigates and cruisers.

  - In the extreme case, only Olivi.

  - The same is ordered to do, and Captain Anderson, sir. The cruiser will fire only when absolutely necessary.

  - Accepted. Thank you, Olivia. - Shepard acquainted with the layout turret placement.

  - Captain, turrets and were preparing to open fire.

  - Drivers shuttle - take targeting in a "Dance-four." Attack! - I ordered Shepard. Both the shuttle until peacefully drifted a considerable distance, quickly proved to be ahead of the approach to the landing engine walking group.

  - I'm at the post number three, Captain. - Alenko reported. - The whole band with me. No casualties, we have taken all the necessary measures. Information on the Terra Nova on the death of the engineer sent and received on time. We are asked to report any details as possible.

  - If possible, we will communicate. - Shepard watched the gun shuttles crumble working bodies and "glasses" turrets. - So pass.

  - Submitted by the captain. They understood. - Alenko switched channels.

  - Captain, turrets destroyed. - I reported to the driver of the first shuttle. - Machines are pushed to their original positions. Ready to work. Damage.

  - Welcome. - XO watched brisk boats.


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