Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 47

by Theodore Daniels

  This, in fact, run out the clock memories. Shepard returned to work. Now, it had less to think about the distant past, to pay more attention to the analysis and reflection on the results and the recent past. The planning and exec to do in your spare time.

  Work squadron in the Cluster Voyager

  Sleep eight hours, Shepard woke up rested and full of energy. Squad just entered through a repeater in Colombia - the average system has four planets and two asteroid belts. The information screen is automatically included in the cabin, warned members of the crew and command a squad of ships that are already marked by a noticeable activity of ships and stations "Cerberus", in connection with what was supposed to flow in a semi-closed mode. Synthetic Corps already included filtering and protection channels, took control of the audio and video sharing, connect additional firewalls and firewalls.

  Gromar planet - a rocky, Earth-like, with a very tenuous atmosphere composed of krypton and xenon. Its surface was cold, according to the scanning, mostly copper, calcium deposits encountered. Before the start of the expansion of the Alliance forces in the System Cluster Voyager for Gromare located one of the parts turian interferometric telescope, connected through a chain of expensive superluminal communication buoys with the second part of the telescope, located in the cluster Beta Attica. The pair were both part of a virtual "lens", the effective value of the aperture which is equal to a few thousand light-years away - in fact, it was the distance that separated the two parts from each other. So great and unique telescope allowed turians a very precise map of the Terminus Systems.

  In the squadron continued normal, for the most part - routine work. Adams engineer with probes has withdrawn from next Gromara found during the scan of the planet Unity League badge, which was handed over to the Mordina Solus. The professor was happy to get another artifact for research and immediately took the badge to his lab.

  Half an hour later detachment was approaching the Ontaetru - unusually large ice planet, the core of which confirmed by double - distal and proximal scanning consisted of silicates and light metals. The planet also has an extremely rarefied atmosphere consisting of krypton and xenon. The bark of the planet consisted mostly of water ice. Ice formations Ontaetra had clearly traces of faults and re-freezing to the city center, is located in a massive crater near the south pole.

  Synthetic who continued to comb Extranet, find information, they ascribed to the category of speculation: in the days before the Empire Protheans, Protheans ship crashed, breaking through the crust of the planet. It assumed because he, this ship is still in the center of the world, the cause of her unusual yavlyas large mass. Careful measurement of the gravitational field of the planet, experts Implemented several races Citadel space satellite, meanwhile showed that the core of the planet had no abnormalities. In the process of carrying out in-depth scan of the planet Squad experts discovered a new deposit of rare earth elements - samarium. Details of the discovery was transferred to share - to lose such a resource before the invasion of the Reapers would be extremely unwise.

  - Captain, you've read a summary Synthetic? - Yavik audio-speaker contacted Shepard, when he returned to his cabin after breakfast. - They found there are rumors about Prothean ship in the center of the planet.

  - Read Yavik. I do not know how this should be treated. - Shepard said, looking at the reports of experts CIC - approaching starpomovskoy watch time. - There are more accurate?

  - No. Actually, on your level of development to find the ship, which would have sat down in the core of the planet ... it is a non-trivial task. In short, right now none of the races of the space of the Milky Way does not have the equipment and technology, as well as all the associated necessary resources to definitively confirm or deny the presence of our ship in the core of this planet, Captain. - With the chirping voice rasping notes proteanina pointed out that an ancient warrior race with difficulty held by stronger expressions, and especially - by its catchphrase "primitives." - I also would not confirm or deny this fact, referring to the information detected by discharge allowable idle fancies.

  - Maybe, maybe Yavik. - Shepard stood up, walked across the cabin, looked at an aquarium with fish - a means to calm the nerves and relax the eyes. Automatic feeders thrown into the water portion of the feed and the fish rushed to the surface, trying to pick up more crumbs. - Who is somehow not up to it, Yaw.

  - I see. The invasion of the Reapers - an imperative priority. - Yavik calmed down and spoke almost without strёkota. - Okay, John. Sorry for radiovtorzhenie.

  - Nothing. - Mate returned to the table, sat down in a chair. - The system is quite large. I have a feeling that the coming several landings and we'll have to shoot again.

  - Probably, the captain. I have the same feeling. - Yavik switched channels and Shepard returned to the study reports.

  Neferon - barren volcanic Earth-like planet, whose atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide and krypton. The surface has a high content of sodium, magnesium deposits encountered. Except geological attractions, among which excelled impressive volcanoes, this desert planet of no interest. Shepard said in a report on Synthetic Corps Neferonu pointed directly at the strangeness - information about the planet astrobaze data Citadel space was unusually poor. After a few tens of minutes to instrumentrone XO came on orange beacon that attracted attention by a "Danger." Cerberus "."

  - Shepard, your watch starpomovskaya tolerated. - To communicate with his assistant came Captain Anderson. - Neferon - box with a double bottom. Already far scan shows - this planet will have to engage closely. I collect a meeting, after which you should be prepared for planting by the full group. Meeting - fifteen minutes. Prepare for landing. I am waiting for you in the cabin.

  - Yes, commander. - Sending a standard receipt to obtain a formal call, Shepard checked the weapons and equipment, first-aid kit reloaded suit and refill backup power cylinders - oxygen and nutrient mixtures. This preparation for landing ended for him.

  Thirteen minutes XO already entered the cabin captain. There were almost all officers, including Chakwas and Adams.

  - Colleagues, the situation is, frankly, a serious. - Anderson began without preamble. - Neferon not just briefly described in the main Astrobaze data space of the Milky Way. This - the location of the main base of Cerberus. One of the first of the central database organization problem. Now, as you know, uses the Cerberus network structure, so the main base of the like as well as non-existent. More precisely - it is, but it changes its position continuously. Today it is - the station tomorrow - an underground base, the day after tomorrow - any cruiser. In our present task is not to search for the main base of Cerberus, and any operations with this database. Our task is to issue, called simply and clearly - Admiral Kahoku. - On a wall screen manifested official portrait senior officer. - All of you somehow know that the Admiral was gone. AND, unfortunately we had the ... I do not even know how to say ... in a word, as a result of the scanning of the planet Neferon we found signs of Admiral body. Because we now have robust evidence that the Admiral was captured by members of the Cerberus, which was brought here and tortured and abused. Admiral of the body on the planet Neferon we have not found, but the scan drives configured in a preliminary mode, gave us an indication of the planet bandages. It is - in a nearby star system. It is possible that there is admiral. Or ... - Anderson paused for a few seconds - most likely his body, dead body is there. Walk past this fact we can not. So I ordered a very deep scan Neferon planet. On your instrumentrony transferred data collected in the survey. All of which only we could find and justify. - Anderson was silent a few minutes, allowing the ship's officers to get acquainted with their Forward instrumentrony files. - Our first task and complex and simple - to find out the details associated with these "dogs of Hades", tserberovtsami. We need information on the blemish jack. We need to make sure that the admiral on this planet do not. And to prepare for the attack on the bandage, which is likely, it is the body. The planet Neferon also traces turian presence of deposits of minerals,
once the probe on board the cargo compartment found to improve the armor and weapons. There salarian corpse, with which the Unity League badge. All this can be inspected later, when a group of landing, this time - the whole and with heavy weaponry - sort out from the underground base of Cerberus. Shepard I sent you to instrumentron spetspaket files. Lieutenant Alenko - some of these files - your. Some of your files set in modified form mailed Corporal Jenkins. At this time will clash with the elite fighters of "Cerberus" - commandos and snipers. So I order not to stand on ceremony and shoot exclusively on the defeat. Yavik as possible gutting brains organize these employees and the base guards.

  - All right, commander. - Proteanin nodded, looking at him instrumentrone forwarded files. - Organize.

  - I'm talking about the full composition of the group, then - without Synthetic without Jennifer. And without Gryunt. Let me explain why. - Anderson said. - This is - one of the central bases "Cerberus". I know that the Legion wishes to take part in the landing. I know that the same want and Gryunt and Jenny and Olivia. And I think that all this time, make a backup second landing party, being in readiness for immediate dropping on the planet. I suppose that during the attack on the main base of the need to remove the information from multiple drives. Therefore, the second group can, if the need arises, to land on the planet as soon as the first group of complex Strip most of the defenders. Experts CIC frigate, cruiser ready to cover the areas where the old main base of "Cerberus" a continuous field of isolation and to organize a multi-channel data with a fence located at the base of drives. Synthetic warned and ready for a stronger version of the work. Tserberovtsy, as we assume, will seek to defend the base until recently, so landing the group - a special order. Do not prevent the destruction or storage of information undermining the base. "Volga" will keep the planet under its control mode Border isolation, if necessary, the surface will be in emergency mode thrown assault cruiser division. They, no doubt, will give us substantial assistance, but we can not make mistakes and miscalculations. The information you have received. After half an hour - landing. Please prepare. Everybody's Free. Tserberovtsy, as we assume, will seek to defend the base until recently, so landing the group - a special order. Do not prevent the destruction or storage of information undermining the base. "Volga" will keep the planet under its control mode Border isolation, if necessary, the surface will be in emergency mode thrown assault cruiser division. They, no doubt, will give us substantial assistance, but we can not make mistakes and miscalculations. The information you have received. After half an hour - landing. Please prepare. Everybody's Free. Tserberovtsy, as we assume, will seek to defend the base until recently, so landing the group - a special order. Do not prevent the destruction or storage of information undermining the base. "Volga" will keep the planet under its control mode Border isolation, if necessary, the surface will be in emergency mode thrown assault cruiser division. They, no doubt, will give us substantial assistance, but we can not make mistakes and miscalculations. The information you have received. After half an hour - landing. Please prepare. Everybody's Free. if necessary, the surface will be in emergency mode thrown assault cruiser division. They, no doubt, will give us substantial assistance, but we can not make mistakes and miscalculations. The information you have received. After half an hour - landing. Please prepare. Everybody's Free. if necessary, the surface will be in emergency mode thrown assault cruiser division. They, no doubt, will give us substantial assistance, but we can not make mistakes and miscalculations. The information you have received. After half an hour - landing. Please prepare. Everybody's Free.

  Shepard traditionally stayed in the cabin of the commander. Anderson calmly reacted to the presence of his first mate and he plays around, stopped at the chair in which he sat, John.

  - Kahoku dead. This means that "Cerberus" cuts out the strongest and most valuable, whole people. Ceasing to be a human organization, he now seeks to weaken the people very hard and fast. It exempts from the ranks of the very best. I know that holding a meeting is not the best way, John. Confused, fuzzy. But Kahoku ... very dear to me. ... I do not know if I was right to say so now now, but I have learned from him. He studied implicitly, even in absentia. Just I heard a lot and read and talked with those who knew him well. And all this affects me. To shape me. Educate me. It helped me to become what I became. - Anderson paused briefly. - I know that Bintou us Otryadovtsam, too, will not be easy. If the "Cerberus" has passed to the frontal confrontation techniques - he will do anything to survive and win. It means, he finally took the side of the Reapers. That is only just beginning to move up to the space Milky Way. And we, the people already batters, because their presence is already being felt by us too clearly. Because of their agents - among us. And these agents - a lot. And they - are strong. - A new short pause. - I do not underestimate the enemy, John. "Cerberus" - this is the idea. The idea - this indoctrination. Indoctrination - indoctrination. Indoctrination - influence. Influence - submission. Submission - depersonalization, obezvolivanie, manipulation. And then, in the final - pasta. And it turns out that we, ordinary people, are to blame for their problems themselves are guilty of their mistakes. It has always been, but we do not always properly reflected on the fact that someone is manipulating us. Someone cleverly does so, that we do not think about the essence and the consequences of their actions - whether words or actions. Going into this system ... we Otryadovtsy, close to the watershed, John. And ahead of us - batarian hegemony. After the accumulation of Voyager Sigma we go in Gemini, then - look at the Beta Attica and Nebula Viper. And then - come the turn of the territories batarians. There's ... there's going to be very difficult, John. We have to take advantage of the full scheme, the scheme and the most complete support for the Alliance and the Empire support. Okay. Make this base ... ceased to exist, John. And then - come the turn of the territories batarians. There's ... there's going to be very difficult, John. We have to take advantage of the full scheme, the scheme and the most complete support for the Alliance and the Empire support. Okay. Make this base ... ceased to exist, John. And then - come the turn of the territories batarians. There's ... there's going to be very difficult, John. We have to take advantage of the full scheme, the scheme and the most complete support for the Alliance and the Empire support. Okay. Make this base ... ceased to exist, John.

  - Yes, commander. - Shepard stood up.

  - The landing - permission, Captain. - Anderson, rising from his chair, a little ahead of his first mate. The officers exchanged statutory salute and Shepard rushed into the hangar. A few minutes - and both the shuttle to break out of the protective field frigate, cruiser.

  Mobilization. Dogs Aida

  Shuttles went down to the planet Neferon. Shepard, looking at screen instrumentrona recent data sent in update mode on board the frigate, cruiser, knew that two other shuttle ready for an immediate departure of the ship's hangar. In readiness are Legion, Olivia, Gryunt, Jack. Maybe Anderson and rights, creating the second part of the landing party, a kind of an operating reserve. Maybe Anderson and wrong, because it was necessary to attack the main base of Cerberus, one of the best, no doubt, the bases of this problem organizations combined forces. Four shuttles and most complete composition of the landing party. Yes, the risk was. The risk of the planet Cerberus ships - including cruisers, not to mention the frigates - was. And the squadron would have to take the fight in orbit, and landing the group - who were able to fight with the parachute on the planet members of the organization. Hammer and anvil. That is the reality, is - quite likely scenario. Anderson is right when he says that it is necessary to remove all information, even if it sverhzashifrovana. A base ... base must be destroyed. Enemy weaken very quickly and completely. Do not give it to relax, do not give secured, not to leave him comfortable conditions for activity. The destruction of the underground complex would provide a small but significant weakening of the network cells of the organization. So, you will have to blow up the complex. You can of course use the regular system of self-destruction - o
n such basis, it certainly has. But it is better to err and to impose themselves complex explosives. When finished, of course, with pumping information into isolated storage Troop ships. Who knows, there are mixed in these tserberovtsy data. Hedge never interfere.

  Shepard looked up at the cabin wall screen, took the pointer and said location base Cerberus red dot. He knew it was a silent operation correctly understand his teammate. The number one goal, a priority objective. Since then begin their work on this planet.

  Bintou ... When Admiral Kahoku really dead ... No, still have to first eliminate the problem at Neferone, and then only look for and neutralize base in bandages.

  - Snipers and rocket men, Captain. - Nihlus reported. - Guard base. Quite numerous.

  - Greg, do the hair they just do not touch the very base of the structure. - Shepard ordered by switching on the driver channel chelnoka.- long as you shoot, we desantiruemsya. - Shepard switched channels. - Alenka, you planted just behind us.

  - Acknowledged, Captain. - Replied the lieutenant. - We are ready.

  Earned implements both shuttles. Rocketeer and snipers, cordoned off the entrance of the cap to the main complex were destroyed in a few minutes.

  - Desantiruemsya. - Shepard commanded, when the shuttle down to a height of five meters. Already in flight Shepard noted that the second shuttle also showered policemen paratroopers. So, everything is normal.

  - We go inside the object. - Shepard saw that paratroopers triple-cops have already completed the control bodies defenders outer perimeter of the base. Simply put - shot in their heads that it was not possible to detect suddenly revived, only badly wounded enemy for their own backs.

  - Upgrade Kit is taken. - Nihlus reported, coming out of the first room, encountered on the left side of the corridor. - There is only one room. It seems that the next - something big, like a main hall.


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