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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 52

by Theodore Daniels

  The hydrogen-helium gas giant's Wort has been known that in the upper atmosphere clouds of sulfur present, and hydrocarbon compounds are formed in the lower layers. On the unlit side of the planet were confirmed thunderstorms. On one of the satellite's Wort during the in-depth scan volgovtsy discovered a new large gold deposit, details of which, after the formalization and depersonalization was transferred to the share on the accessories.

  - Ahead - Eletaniya captain. - Saren said, entering the cabin and the senior assistant to the owner permission sitting down in a chair at the desktop. - Interesting planet.

  - Yes, Sar. You're right. The main problem is that there are some symbiotic organisms that are believed to be at the present level of our science and technology can not be separated from the air, and which are essential to the normative existence of the planet's ecosystems. If they were not there, it could legitimately believe - Eletaniya extremely well suited for colonization. Yes, there is a green, pleasant to the human perception of the layer of moss, lichen and algae, there is a thick layer of the atmosphere containing oxygen. But these symbiotic microorganisms with their presence suggests that the population of the planet by any other reasonable representatives of organic life can be organized and carried out solely on the basis of maximum seal habitat settlers. Dome and so on.

  - Pyzhaki. - Turian said. - There is reason to assume that it is - their parent planet.

  - It is possible Sar. - Shepard nodded. They do, according to our experts, are well adapted to living in conditions Eletanii. We, as foreign organisms ... Well, if we can partially settle at altitudes objectively inaccessible to the above-mentioned organisms.

  - You can, of course, to settle there, where the wind constantly blowing in a favorable direction. - Said Saren. - However, even Palaven we try not to trust the winds and do not rely on their consistency.

  - For us it is important to explore the planet and come into contact with pyzhakami. - Shepard said. - Whatever it was, these creatures lived and not particularly tuzhatsya as much as three planets and lose contact, we can not afford them.

  - Agreed, Captain. - Saren nodded. - Probably, I, like many others simply have a great desire to visit the planet where there is no need to be suit. Eletaniya, unfortunately, does not apply to such planets. But this - the object of our work and we will work as it should be there. I was surprised when I saw how these relate to your space ...

  -Monkey ... - suggested softly and gently XO.

  -- Exactly. Monkey. So I was very surprised, and Nihlus ... he was just amazed that these curious and mischievous creation so relaxed in contact with you, Shepard. Maybe you, John, once again become a key to our success.

  -May be. - Quietly and somehow casually I agreed with Spectra legend opinions Shepard. - We need to be any progress for the common and a big win, Sar. Whatever it was, would have to work for Eletanii and, as I understand it, pyzhaki not particularly bother the fact that all other sentient beings on their planet must wear insulated suits.

  -Maybe the time has come to doubt their unreasonableness, Captain? - Saren stopped at the door of the cabin.

  -May be. Work on Eletanii it will show better than anything else. - According to Shepard nodded.

  Mobilization. Lost module. Contact pyzhakami

  - Captain, with the permission of Captain Anderson sent to you materials received from the VCS Command Systems Alliance. - In the speaker's voice sounded PHONES Olivia. - Forward. - Kiborgessa immediately went to the canal, could not hear even the usual rustle-rustle change channels. She did so not always, but this time it did.

  Melodic signal receiving files sounded from instrumentrona decomposed desktop senior assistant. Pointing to himself, that the possibilities themselves find someone who can use them, Shepard became absorbed in the study of the contents of received files.

  The task was simple and fully in line with the main directions of activity of the Troop. Alliance Command requested command of the "Volga" and "Normandy" to assist in the search probe and software used to gather information about peremeschaniyah geth in the cluster Beta Attica. The module, as indicated in the submitted materials containing already a lot of valuable information, but now the signal from the probe comprising a module disappeared just near Eletaniya planet. Command Staff knew that it is quite possible - the parent planet pyzhakov who are quite capable to open the probe module and steal.

  The official view is that pyzhaki - it unreasonable creation, collapsed with a roar of mountain rockfall. The article notes that the success of the search for interested Admiral Hackett. This clarification did not impress Shepard, and not only, perhaps, to it. Yet the work of Spectra forced to think, to go beyond the paramilitary structure of the Alliance and realize deeply that eighteen countries can not fully represent the whole of humanity.

  - Group of landing the basic structure - ready for work. - Shepard ordered, glancing at his watch. Troop ships have already entered into the orbit of the planet and now shuttles would take less than half an hour to reach the surface Eletanii.

  On landing, it became clear - pyzhaki really managed to open the probe and disembowel him. One could argue, it was done a reasonable creature, semi-intelligent or foolish - there could be no consensus, but the fact remained that of a probe module has disappeared, and the probe was moved pyzhakami from the landing site at a fairly long distance, and even hidden. More precisely - masked. Unaccustomed to such a turn of events, and people could not doubt that pyzhaki have developed intelligence.

  Bearing in mind the specificity of the planet, landing party with "Normandy" was waiting a few minutes, without leaving the shuttles and doing the study received information from multiple sensors. Rush was already nowhere - opened a probe module is stolen. One could, of course, to start the massacre of all by nearby pyzhakami and even over their colonies, only this time such action would not lead to a positive result. We had to do things differently, and to do this it was necessary to wait for a closer look closely and think. What, in fact, a group planting in full force now engaged.

  - Aggressive pyzhakov not see the captain. - Alenko reported. - Shuttles "Normandy" hung a few meters above the surface of the planet. Insulation salons and suits - the norm.

  - We are looking for unit - or rather, most likely have to look bibizyana who took the thing itself. It is unlikely that he would do with it - a module originally molded. - Shepard checked the tightness of the suits of the first inhabitants of the shuttle, was taken removed at the ready in the back wraps rifle suit stoppers. - I'll walk until the planet. - First mate opened the salon door shuttle and jumped down. - Olivia, let radii for the next colony of monkeys.

  - To carry out, Captain. - She replied kiborgessa. - Done. These are mailed to your instrumentron.

  - I Took, I see, thank you. - Shepard looked at the screen of the average instrumentrona, which already shone card. - I went to, the first colony near here. It is better to keep the shuttles from the colony at a distance, colleagues. It - their settlement, we are all there to show this technique - it is not necessary.

  -Well, Captain. - Alenko switched channels.

  While Shepard walked to the location of the nearest colony pyzhakov, he had to make sure that this planet at the present level of science and technology most races Citadel space terraform would be incredibly difficult. Pyzhaki accompanied by slow walking man in the suit - which alone, and where - in small groups. Several obezyanok kept closer to the guest not showing yet understandable apprehension or fear.

  The colony - in a clearing, where there were several similar pot-bellied wood dwellings hives, each of which settled nearly half a dozen pyzhakov, the stranger was surrounded on all sides. Shepard had never seen so much pyzhakov of all ages - from the oldest to the youngest in one place. Monkeys gradually calmed down, seeing and feeling that the guest is not going to harm them or their homes, near Shepard soon there was only a group of young and somewhat older pyzhakov.

  Shepard sat down, waited a few minutes. Young and old pyzhaki jumped on the shoul
ders of the man, seated, legs touching the helmet easily. Second - and the man felt inside the familiar voltage - Returns the state of Strings.

  Less than a quarter of an hour took an intense communication. If not for these opportunities ... The search would be too lengthy and complicated. Not the fact that they could be completed in a few days. And ... In three hours and three pyzhakov came to the colony. The legs of one of them was caught desired module. Pyzhak module went to the man in question a few seconds looking at the fellow, then laid at the feet of the module Shepard and departed. Shepard bowed his head - for some reason he was sure that this movement pyzhaki interpret correctly. Pyzhak looked to the human eye and, together with two compatriots gradually left the colony.

  - Captain. This is urgent. Geth squad left the ambush and moves in the direction of a neighboring colony pyzhakov. - Said Olivia. - I suggest the possibility of an attack on the Goths colony. Since this - geth heretics, operating under the control of the so-called old car ...

  - I Took, Olivia. - Shepard switched channels. - Alenka, Saren. Destroy the detachment of the Goths, coming to the colony. We do not want casualties pyzhakov.

  - Carry out, Captain. - Responded the lieutenant and spectrum. The map on the middle screen instrumentrona Shepard saw the mark of two shuttles moved to the icon of the colony and took up a position between the colony and the geth. A few minutes and one by one mark geth began to disappear from the screen.

  - The task is completed, the captain. Loss on our part no. Losses from the residents of the colony - no. In the attack on the colony took part in the main geth-attack aircraft and destroyers. At three hundred meters from the place of the battle group presence fix geth snipers. - Reported Saren. - Shuttle Alenko lieutenant went to destroy them.

  Soon I received a text message from Kaidan - geth snipers were destroyed.

  - Captain, ready to pick you up at any time. Both the shuttle - to the starting position. - Nihlus said.

  - Okay. I'll stay here a little more. Let pyzhaki accustomed to our presence. We have a work plan.

  - If you please, Captain. - I wedged into the conversation Lieutenant Alenko. - To reduce the time, we could deal with other points of the plan. And until you find a common language with our new partners.

  - I agree. - Shepard looked over at the screen instrumentrona work plan and a map of the operation, which includes all the areas to be visited. - Proceed.

  - Yes, Captain. - Alenko switched channels. Marks shuttles on-screen map instrumentrona left the starting position.

  Several young pyzhakov watched with interest what is happening on the screen instrumentrona. Movement of the stranger does not frighten them, chances are they are already used to it and did not feel the signs of threat or danger. Shepard saw shuttles hang from the present level of the place of accommodation razvedzonda disabled. Colleagues Lieutenant Alenko, as seen on the screen - was broadcast live with cameras mounted on the suits - packed car into the cargo hold of a ship: the probe completed its task and is now at the first opportunity will be given to the Alliance.

  A few minutes - and mark shuttles freeze at the icon, mark the place of the engine debris crashed location for more than eight years ago, a cargo ship. There is, according to Synthetic Corps, it was a small cargo compartment, to which pyzhaki and could not be reached. Nihlus sent a message that in the compartment were found some improvements for weapons and armor.

  Two and a half hours Shepard colleagues spent on documentation and designation of two new mineral deposits - palladium and gold. Of course, it is difficult to believe that such a specific planet soon arrive Miners and immediately begin to develop these resources, however, the information is so valuable metals entered the impersonal and formalized in the form of special segments of the Extranet.

  - Captain, this is incredible. - Suddenly manifested voice Alenko lieutenant was filled with sincere amazement bordered with genuine surprise. - Here in the rocky ridge manifested sphere diameter of almost five meters. We just wanted to cross the stone ridge, and there is. - Lieutenant switched channels by connecting the video channel. - See for yourself, Captain. Yavik remained in Normandy, we contacted and he confirmed it, that this is - Prothean scope for full activation of which need a special key. He himself, not being a professional scientist, does not know where and how to look for the key, but I'm sure that this area contains important information in the form of mental images. Such spheres are actively used Protheans in deep space communications systems. As one of the subsystems, sir.


  -Yes captain. Key. Yavik not sure, but it suggests that there is a key .... If the key has been destroyed or damaged, the sphere would have behaved differently. He expressed surprise at the obvious, that the scope responded to us. Usually, it is explained how we have reacted on the scope of reasonable, which may have a key. But we do not even know what he looks like. - A whole range of feelings manifested in the voice of Lieutenant. - Yavik continues to assert that the scope was so react to our approach. This is what he is currently absolutely sure. I believe that whether Yavik scientist, he would have said more, but it is - not a scientist, but a warrior.

  -Okay. - Shepard picked up the data module from the ground, put it in a container. - Kaidan, I took the direction of the sector, it is only three - four kilometers away. I think I take a walk to the place.

  -We are waiting for you, Captain. - Alenka, saying it switched channels.

  Pyzhaki never left shoulders exec sitting on them firmly and without showing fear and apprehension. The path to the place of manifestation Prothean artifact took a little more than forty minutes and, judging from the behavior accompanying XO pyzhakov, they clearly enjoyed this walk.

  In the shuttle was a lieutenant, with interest examining shimmering and iridescent sphere. The rest did not leave normandovtsy shuttles limits. Hatches were closed cars.

  - In this state, it remains all the time. - I reported to the officer-biotic. - No threat, no risk, no harmful effects. It seems that it is really a sort of archive of information, Captain. But after hearing Yavika, I doubt that I can properly imagine even its capacity. Our warrior argues that the key to this file exists and that he is the key - the only one.

  - I've got one thing Kaiden. - Shepard took out his suit keychain referred to it Shair-companion. - She knows almost nothing about it, but argued that this keychain-key he is able to find the intended keyhole for him. At a reasonable distance, of course. - With these words Shepard, holding stick on an open palm, took the first step to the field. - Just in case - keep away. Who knows what the effects will be.

  - It is clear, Captain. - Alenko waved and both the shuttle flew on the field for another thirty meters. Then, at the same distance he retreated.

  "Southwestern Area map angle of the operation -. Memory identified Mate, gently, in small steps closer to the field -. Area suspiciously similar in its overall performance on the location of the ancient Prothean ruins -. Key ring in the palm of XO trembled -. It seems companion I had a correct and accurate information. This key is really able to find intended for him and only for him keyhole completely independently. "

  What happened a few seconds later, Shepard remembered fragments. In my head it sounded marvelous melody - a slow, calm, familiar to state Strings fancies appeared quickly and easily as a dream.

  Mysterious ball has been proven, these mental images, really was an artifact Protheans, an anomaly that is located in the ancient Prothean ruins. The artifact was kept a backup copy of information about the past of mankind. It turned out that Shepard was able to obtain independent confirmation of Yavika that Protheans studied people then dwells in the Stone Age.

  Tremble all the more palpably and visibly Keychain finally broke with his hands and flew XO, quietly and quickly, in an almost perfect straight line to the artifact in the surface of which at least keychain approximation wider and more precisely designated slot. When the stick disappeared into the gap, the ball flashed bright white light, blinding Shepard and deprived of any pos
sibility to navigate the exec. At that moment it was not known exactly how the outbreak had taken place inside the ball, he worked on his teammate.

  Regained consciousness jump. The speed and completeness of his return, some sensations coincided with those who were familiar with Shepard Ilos. But then everything was determined Yavikom and artifact acted here.

  Around was a forest. Looking around, Shepard remembered the teachings of the program "survival." Then Program listeners "Al-Seven" were sent to the most black spots of different planets with a minimum of things or none at all - and survive as you want. And there were quite a number of inhabited caves infested Shepard and suddenly felt that he was now - a member of the ancient human tribes that lived and in these caves. In his hand, in his right hand was clamped XO spear with a bone tip.

  His head was a fog like the XO and woke up after many hours of deep sleep. Based on the spear, Shepard got to his feet. His attention was attracted by the noise coming from above.

  Looking up, John noticed a strange creature that flies over it. It was not like those of birds, in which Shepard, as a member of the tribe, had to hunt during outings to the lake: this creature was not the head and wings, but somehow he was able to fly. Being shimmered silvery light, often hangs like a cloud. Shepard saw it being very fuzzy, but he knew, felt, felt that it was constantly looked at him, just an ancient member of the tribe to learn it. Such a view, the view of the scientist and explorer was somehow familiar Shepard. Needless to say - an unpleasant sensation. When someone looks at you so studied, and you can not even really consider it, it's annoying, makes nervous.

  Wanting to show essentially the extent of their displeasure, Shepard squeezes fist free hand and directs his spear threateningly toward hovering a few meters creatures. It is in response to climb high into the sky and out of sight.


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