Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 57

by Theodore Daniels

  All reasonable organic repeatedly heard that the repeaters are indestructible. Everyone has heard this statement. It is possible that none of the living of organic and did not want for centuries that expired really know what will happen, if at least one transponder will be able to really break down. Amanda Kenson in their calculations proved that the repeater explosion destroyed the entire contents of the star system Bahak because repeaters themselves - the most powerful engines, working on Mass Effect, and the energy released in the explosion of the repeater could be theoretically comparable to the energy of a supernova. Bahak - remote, to be exact - distal system, but in this colony there are more than three hundred thousand batarians. Explosion relay, without any doubt, will serve as the only and main cause of their death.

  The problem was the complete uncertainty of prospects for the activities of intoxicated employees Project database. Not only that batarians can "calculate" the supply to the asteroid parts and engines, not only that they could not believe in the scientific status of the project database, but the prospect of further action to indoctrinate employees Databases quite pleased: there was no guarantee that the undermining of the repeater asteroid strike and the subsequent death of almost half a million batarians be sufficient and, most importantly, the necessary price that must be paid for preventing an immediate invasion of the Reapers. The blast wave could easily carry all the planets of the star system Bahak and kill all three hundred thousand batarians and about the same number of chipped slaves. Batarians can not forget the destruction of their star system,

  Maybe repeater undermine and delay the invasion of the Reapers. And if not? If Reapers contrary deem such an active performance reason enough to immediately start the next harvest? How, then, will look like the deaths of almost half a million intelligent beings in a particular star system? And more so, how it will look if the invasion of the Reapers will coincide with the beginning of batarian-human conflict? Hacket may well consider that the undermining of the relay - this is the right step to delay the arrival of the Reapers at the cost of numerous victims among the civilian population. Briefly delayed. Reapers may well come into the system and bypassing the repeater will begin arriving excesses Reapers and other systems. The harvest will begin.

  While there were hours required for the concentration of strike force operations on the borders batarian Hegemony, on board the frigate and cruiser was its work in preparation for the raid to batarian planet laboratory, which conducted the study residues Leviathan of Dis. At the same time carried out the preparation and movement of the forces necessary to prevent possible aggression and batarian batarian unrest in the colonies of the Milky Way. Some squadrons have been specifically highlighted in order to destroy an asteroid with the object of the Po, if the destruction of the relay "Alpha" will be recognized as inappropriate and frankly harmful if necessary.

  Mobilization. Arrival. The operation to seize and return to Yartar remains Leviathan of Dis

  - Attention on the ship. - I took the watch from Anderson reader with text messages. - Fleets special squad evacuation Leviathan of Dis handed tone. According to the plan of operation squad joins ships riot evacuation. Ship to fight and make campaign. Prepare for masking removal.

  After two and a half hours frigate and cruiser have come to an area where there were four terrestrial Dreadnought surrounded by three ships Fleets Turian Hierarchy. Spectra-turians contacted the commander of the fleet, and between them and held a short substantive discussion about some details of the upcoming operation.

  Finally, after forty minutes on the ships of a special squad was given a consistent tone. Took his place in the ranks of the ships, a frigate and a cruiser moved to the borders batarian Hegemony.

  Shepard and Anderson did not leave the CIC, "Normandy." Now conventional lighting was replaced by combat, the suits were prepared for an instantaneous transition to a fully autonomous mode, all weapons were provided with only warheads, a rapid response team on duty took kontrdiversionnomu kontrabordazhnomu and ensure the ship.

  - On channels batarians - cries. - Said the expert-communicator. - A common occurrence. In the case entered the other units involved in the operation. Other boundaries also tightened Fleets of the earth and the Hierarchy.

  - Prior to entering the limits of border territory - twelve minutes. - I reported specialist lokatorschik. - Activities pogransil Hegemony not watch.

  - Do not believe it. - Anderson said. - Do not believe it. They do not believe that the combined fleets of the Citadel finally came to him to direct the proper order. It is time to put an end to slavery, put on an industrial basis. It is time to put an end to lawlessness.

  - Let's try to finish. - Shepard said. - To do everything necessary for that.

  - Making. - Anderson confirmed by taking another batch of reports and giving a few orders.

  Batarian border guards for the first time faced with such a numerous group of warships of several races. Hold promotion groups in the territories at depth batarian pogransil Hegemony did not have any opportunities to. Shepard calmly watched as frigates pogransil drifted without risking rock the boat to intercept ships, aliens.

  - Almost all of the ships pogransil Hegemony given broadcast concerted warnings about the progress of our forces. - I reported specialist communicator. - Response from the VCS command Hegemony has not yet been reported.

  - Wait, want to know what we have within them. - Anderson looked at the star map. - A few hours and our group of ships will enter the limits of the district Yusmaly.

  - No evidence of settler activity aimed at the destruction of the remains of the Leviathan of Dis - do not watch. - Once said specialist skanerschik. - Planet-Lab - under tight control. We actively help skanerschiki lokatorschiki special squad and ships. Batarians not be able to cover their tracks.

  - As long as they are not even sure if we're going to do the planet lab. - Anderson said. - After all, with other sections of the border into the territory of the Hegemony also went big groups of warships. This is strongly reminiscent of the occupation or peacekeeping operation, although not. Peacemaking here and does not smell - it is able to understand even batarians. They soon realize that it is - to bring to the world. And yet sooner they will understand that this time they are - one. And no one, no Citadel Advisors will not help them.

  Streltsov not leave the control room. He commanded, disposed of, led, of course, Titov, but her presence volgovtsy perceived as something compulsory and because - normative. Sitting in a chair, throwing shoulder seatbelts, away from chest and stomach compression, Svetlana took the reports along with Titov. Stanislav was glad the presence of the cruiser commander in the Central. He knew that, if necessary, Svetlana intervene quickly and effectively, but this time it will not be wedged into the process. A monitor, observe and control - is its right and duty, as the supreme leader razvedkreysera crew.

  - Batarians amazed by the presence of so many ships of the Russian Empire. - I reported to the Lieutenant-communicator. - They are also amazed that have not previously been particularly active in the space provided and the country is now their ships and their crews Intervention Force.

  - Contact with the ships of Force Interventions by videoconferencing Hegemony has not yet been observed. - I reported specialist lokatorschik.

  Svetlana listened to reports and thought. I thought that would be very good if batarians understand: ships and soldiers Intervention Forces are not going to fight with all the race batarian. They are not going to put things within the territory batarian only their orders. They have a clear goal and a clear task, not associated with the boundless violence or occupation-effects liquidation mode. So far, everything went as well as possible: the ships just moved to a pre-specified points batarians seen that none of the ships, alien commander is not going to attack the oncoming ships and vessels and dictate their commanders and captains of his will. Soon, however, the confusion will inevitably take place and then batarian can deliver corny nerves. Will begin to actively oppose attempts Interven
tion Force. Of course,

  She thought about how it is now, John is sitting next to the commander of the frigate, cruiser from the Star Maps and works too. It works to their overall mission success. To managed to pull ahead at the start of invasions Reapers. Streltsov had no doubt - the Reapers through its agents watch. Wait. Assess. Predict.

  - The special squad - the planet. - As a shot rang metrista report.

  - There is a place. There stamp. There drift. There are scanners and radars detect underground storage leviathan remains. There are shuttles from the start kosmopehotoy and Space Marines. Prior to landing - Eight minutes. - Rained reports of experts and officers of CIC riot vehicles.

  At the bottom of many Space Marine squads and kosmopehoty already penetrated into the territory of a top-secret research complex, forcing the guards to abandon any attempt to counter. A few minutes - and the leaders of the scientific center already gained on consoles codes, opening a giant leaf on the storage location of the remains of the Leviathan. Marines, and the Marines did not prevent scientists-batarians disconnect the equipment from the remains - their task was not part of the pogrom and the undermining of the scientific complex. Only in case of the slightest counter were permitted to use weapons. Only in the case of resistance. But the counter just was not there.

  Four dreadnought smoothly and slowly went to the area of the scientific complex, decreased over the place of storage of the remains. Down on the canoes went group of experts, whose task was to prepare the leviathan for transportation. Dreadnoughts were fully prepared for battle, and inhabitants of the planet batarians-lab is clearly seen. But they understood it as clearly - that no one involved in the operation was not sure: someone else's soul remained quite dark and obscure place.

  You could get by with two or even one dreadnoughts, the benefit of the Alliance was not only a union of earth countries capable of building such ships, and diplomats and lawyers mezhrasniki quickly proved its opposing inorasovym colleagues that Fariksenskie agreements lose any weight and sense when it comes to the survival of organic sentient life across the galaxy. Therefore dreadnoughts, who came to the planet laboratory, did not belong to either the Alliance or the Russian Empire. Because their appearance and promotion of inland areas batarian did not cause quite the expected negative, protective and defensive reaction - they too were suddenly here. Too suddenly, too fast.

  - Attention. The remains isolated. Outputs a signal of readiness to rise. - I reported specialist metrist.

  On many ships CIC screens riot was clearly seen as a little flinch hanging over the remains of the location of the bulk of the four dreadnoughts. We pulled and steel coiled ropes Conveyor-stabilizing system. Batarians, scientists have observed the process of removal of the remains as reported ground troops specialists with mixed feelings. They may well expect violence, brutality expected. But the newcomers, so quickly and easily penetrated the planet did not even confiscate and destroy the scientific information gathered by them drives. They just picked up the main research object itself without producing any excessive noise.

  Located near the planet's three ships Fleets Turian Hierarchy made it impossible for batarian videoconferencing provide any resistance to withdrawal so valuable finds. And the signs of four Spectra Citadel Council, shone above the mark frigate-cruiser "Normandy" made it clear - any support from the hegemony of the Citadel Council this time will not receive.

  - The remains of abandoned underground storage limits. - Followed by a new report of the expert-metrista. - Space Marine Forces and kosmopehoty remain on the planet until the output remains outside the orbit of the planet. To implement the evacuation Space Marine Forces and kosmopehoty - everything is ready.

  - Batarians included live coverage of seizures in their "public" internal channels. - I reported specialist communicator. - The reaction to what he saw - mostly quiet. Troops and naval forces Containment positioned within the territory of the Hegemony. Their presence does not permit the command and leadership of the Hegemony hoped that manage to get the support and assistance from outside. And on their own fight against the fleet participating in the operation, batariane as data prove not ready.

  Svetlana, tracking the situation, it is hoped that you hear any one shot, after which will have to fight in the open. It hoped. If the withdrawal operation remains Leviathan of Dis will be held without a shot, and we can hope that will be implemented and bloodless annexation Bahak system and evacuation indoctrinate employees top-secret Alliance Project. If you manage to deliver the remains to the place in a peaceful way, then, it may be possible to avoid the invasion of the Reapers. Looking at dozens of different-vehicles involved in carrying out seizures, Svetlana dumb glad that perhaps the first few races were united so extensively to solve really complex and multifaceted problem. For the first time since rahniyskih kroganskih wars and uprisings.

  As time went on, the clock on the Intervention Forces ships counted care in the past more and more new minutes. Dreadnoughts slowly and majestically pulled over the remains of the leviathan, raising them to the orbit of the planet's laboratory.

  - Confirmed orders for units. - Revived handsfree speakers to "Normandy" and "Volga". - Troop Ships follow in combat mode to Yartaru where control remains in the vicinity of the installation process from which they were seized. Thereafter, it is planned squadron participated in securing control over the annexation Bahak and evacuation of employees Laboratory system.

  Looking at Titova Svetlana caught him confirms a quiet nod. Yes, so be it. Two hours before the relay course, the three-hour course on the chain of repeaters, two hours by high-speed transition to Yartaru five hours for the installation remains in its place. Then and "Normandy" and "Volga" in high-speed mode, return to the limits batarian Hegemony, where by the time the Intervention Force ships will carry out the preliminary stages of the plan to annex Bahaka.

  - Attention. The remains of the Leviathan of Dis - orbiting planet lab. Ten minutes before the issuance of the agreed departure signal. - Reported on speakerphone experts CIC Troop ships.

  Four earth dreadnought. Incorporated power surrounded by smaller warships plurality Earth countries. For a number of countries - this is the first experience of its practical, active participation in such a large and complex operation. There are no major and minor. All work on the final result, the price of which - the elimination of the threat of immediate invasion of the Reapers. Streltsov knew that now, at this moment on a number of channels goes Extranet massive broadcast materials about the Reapers. Movies, Meeting documentary evidence, interviews with many not previously recognized by researchers and scientists. The purpose of this broadcast - not the universal hatred of the gigantic machines, although it is also expected, but the understanding of the threat. Understanding the reality and universality of this threat.

  Titov ordered the gathering of "Volga" from the orbit of the planet - the laboratory. Now two o'clock had to go to the nearest repeater. All this time, all the way dreadnoughts will be surrounded by a dense cloud of ships. We can not allow the remains batarian hit a single ship. We can not allow this. Yes, such a move by the batarians predicted, planned, anticipated. And because "cocoon" around four dreadnoughts was incredibly tight. "Normandy" and "Volga" followed in the general order. "Volga" - including frigates and "Normandy" - among cruisers.

  Normal operation. The usual readiness to repel an attack. Reid to the planet - the lab will be completed only when the last ship from the special squad will enter the relay. There will come a time, implementation of the plan for the delivery of the remains of the Leviathan of Dis Yartar on the planet. While the ships slowly followed by a special squad to the repeater. Brisk and a few fighters patrol frigates dispersed in the side of the ship of traders and civil court, providing the ships for a special squad to quickly pass the relay.

  Looking at the colossus leviathan, hanging on ropes, Svetlana thought that acting within exhibited evolution, intelligent organic forced to use any opportunity and every opportunity to go beyond the routi
ne and ordinariness. And now who would have previously thought about the reality of such an operation? Yes, any scientist, any researcher, try it to say that such an action will be implemented in practice ... just to peck. Or so declared, which, figuratively speaking, "not all there". And now reasonable organic Milky Way concerted efforts return to the place of burial of the corpse is actually his worst and the main opponent.

  Among otryadovtsev among volgovtsev normandovtsev and there was no longer anyone who would know full enough about who these Leviathans. There were those who would not have Despoyny who have not felt the power and hopelessness deadening radiation - a precursor Smash Leviathan. There were those who did not understand - sooner or later have to deal with the problem right up Leviathan.

  In fact, the removal of the limits of the Leviathan of Dis batarian Hegemony, carried out now, in this moment, it was part of the efforts to solve the problem of Leviathans. Not too expected part, not too predicted. Circles on the water can disperse far. That alone batarians attempt to take over the remains of the Leviathan was one of them dispersed far from the center of the circle.

  - Attention on the ship. - Watch the cruiser again activated the speakerphone. - Began entry riot forces in the relay. Frigate "Normandie" as a part of the cruising division has already made the jump. Ready for the entrance of the repeater cruiser "Volga" - first.

  Listening to the radio communications batarians shaft, otsmatrivaya pomace of video content transmitted civilian information agencies Hegemony, Svetlana could not help but notice that they were able to do without armed confrontation. Of course, within batarian Hegemony there is now a powerful fleet and Turian people "Operation Invasion contrary" continues to be translated into reality, but the first step, which could well be the beginning for batarian-man armed conflict, was completed. Easy push - and the cruiser "Volga" dives into the repeater.


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