Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 59

by Theodore Daniels

  When she came to the Admiral, his immediate commander and chief, I came then to get the next battle, and others in razvedastroflote Empire and it was not a job she did not think that soon it will have to actually combine the service with motherhood. Yes, and participate in the implementation of such complex projects, "or even more complex and multi-faceted project." Detachment "like this one" project "Dis. And now she's stronger feel like running out at the last second of peace. As disappears like the morning mist the last opportunity to "sign off on the beach."

  Yes, she is well aware that this is just a consequence of mood swings so common for pregnant women. And not only for the pregnant woman. Once John and her inconstancy kinks stand? Sometimes she did not understand himself, and what to understand it, John? He loves her, really loved, she knows and feels, feels every second. He Loves, constantly thinking about her, care for her. And at the same time - and is working. As if confirming to her usual, in general, the idea - one life and you can not always do everything consistently. Many, many will have to do, even if it is very difficult to parallel.

  Nap once again overcame Svetlana. Falling asleep, she mechanically noted the time before the arrival of the cruiser in Bahak system. Then it will need to wake up and get back to work.

  Mobilization. Arrival. Annexation Bahak system

  While ships groups involved in the transportation and installation of the remains of the Leviathan of Dis, returned to the limits batarian Hegemony other fleets and groups carried out the preliminary stages of the plan to annex Bahak system. Batarian leadership desperately appealed to the Citadel Council, tried to organize something like a movement in support of humiliated Hegemony, but seeing as around Bahaka concentrated quite civil, but only warships of several races, still acutely understood - with Bahak system will have to say goodbye. For a long time to say goodbye. Because there was no doubt: one wrong move - and be subject to annexation, not only Bahak, but other worlds batarians.

  Khar'shan, Adek, Anhur, Aratot, Kamala, Logasiri, Lorek, Ersbat, Wan - all these worlds, where the influence of batarians was particularly strong, were already in the area of special attention to the forces involved in the complex operation of "Invasion of the contrary." Yes, annexation is the forcible annexation of the territory of one race to the territory of the other race. Within a separate planet, it is quite possible, it would be possible to refer to a kind of international experience, but the experience of interracial said another - can not indefinitely maintain a regime of existence, the essence of which is contrary to the basic settings of most races of the community. Batarians, coming from the area of the Citadel races, decided that they could indefinitely be applied damage sensitive areas and public worlds of these races, they have ceased to be, batarians, partners and allies.

  Shepard, being in his cabin, recalled how he had to save the girl, who spent ten years in bondage batarians. Girl dugout, which chipped and which recently began to feel completely free from the influence of external control. And how many of these slaves in Bahake-dugouts, as there in Bahake, earthlings-slaves as-Turian slaves as slaves asari as slaves salarians? And while batarians believe that they can not overtake retribution? No retaliation will be. And it will be terrible. With slavery, produced, and supported by the broadcasting batarians, it's time to finish. Fully and completely stop. And if it means to occupy and annex all the worlds batarians - now it will be done. Realistically and practically it is done.

  Once batarians famous for their medical technology. They really saved the lives of patients often hopeless reasonable organics. Not only batarians, but also of many other races. Sometime during this batarians appreciated and sometimes even love. How can you not love the one who saved your life? It's unnatural. Save the life for saving his life is saved could make his savior and his brother. Whether it is recognition of the importance and value of such an act?

  And then ... there appeared another. As one famous old movie said surgeon: "I, in fact, chinyu skull, but you can ... and vice versa." And now batarians-wide race realized this terrible content kryvsheesya by the word "vice versa." They stopped to save lives and began to hurt these lives. They were deprived of organic sentient mind, translating them into the category of dumb obedient tools.

  Shepard had no doubt - if slavery hit a six-year girl, then batarians the term "servant" of organic covers reasonable all genders and ages. This can not be tolerated. This should stop at the root of this and now have every reason and every opportunity. It is information about how many sentient each race contained in the slave camps on planets within batarian Turian Hegemony made and a number of other races to invest in "Edge of Darkness," a project to complete. Annexation Bahaka will inevitably be combined with the implementation of an ambitious program for the liberation and the socialization of more than hundreds of thousands of slaves and slaves of all races. Razvedmissiya Squad helped to clarify the situation on a number of planets in Bahak system. This information made it possible to adjust the "Revenge" operation plans.

  Batarians have been in direct priority access and use almost all Viper nebula - cluster is still not exactly certain size. Even if it was not batarian technologies present level would be no need for chetyrёhglazikov settle somewhere else - according to preliminary estimates there, in the space of the Viper, there were several quite suitable for the development of star systems, each of which had two or three planets suitable to colonize it batarians. But no, batarians tried once again to continue to rake up the fire proxy.

  - Attention on the force. Troop ships entered the Bahak system subjected to the annexation process. Battle mode. - Notified the officer of the watch normandovtsev frigate. - Prepare for participation in the procedure of successive annexation of all the heavenly bodies star system.

  After passing asteroid belt, Troop ships approached Bastsude. Now it is no longer hiding, with the full support turian battle fleet. Now ships Turian Hierarchy landed on a military base-station assault division. It went mass disarmament batarian military contingents. At the same time power electronic warfare carried deactivate all arranged around a hydrogen-helium giant spy satellites and an overload of information gathered by them in the storage complexes isolator warships groups. "Volga" imposed a blockade on the area Bastsudy and "Normandy", which, as has been well known to all batarians, placed four spectrums of the Citadel Council, carrying out control and monitoring functions, record course annexation of the first planet star system.

  Yavik accompanied by Mark and Legion flew to the Dreadnought "mass", which brought batarian officers from the occupied Cosmostation-bases. It was necessary to carry out mass interrogations batarian officers to eliminate the possibility of action blindly here proteanina help was just invaluable, because it avoids delaying the process of obtaining the necessary information. The presence of two Synthetic - Squad members from all over the certainty demonstrated taken into custody by officers-batarians that it would be better if they were four-eyed servants of the Hegemony, will actively cooperate with investigators Corps spectrum. Otherwise, they are waiting for the huge trouble. It is huge, but certainly not great.

  Olivia tried to join their partners, but it is enough time and firmly reminded that it is now not just a Synthetic, she - the mother of the little AI and owes the lion's share of his time at every conceivable opportunity is given to the education of the baby and its development. The ability to support multi-channel communication with partners Olivia none of otryadovtsev limit did not, therefore kiborgessa did not particularly insist on their right to participate actively in dialogue with the captured battery-officers.

  With soldiers batarians-one much further ado. They were sent to prison planets Corps spectrum, and there they were engaged professionals. In any case, the soldiers disarmed and deprived of any opportunity to provide even a single, not to mention the group resistance.

  Once the infrastructure Bastsudy was worked out, the squadron moved to the next planet anneksiruemoy system - Urmole. There had to restore order in the economy, not only in the mi
litary sphere. Petrol stations and processing infrastructure of hydrogen-helium gas giant opened to access simple, do not belong to the number of the army batarian, ships races Space Citadel. Proceedings with the contents of storage systems and numerous sputniikov spyware did not take long. Civilian personnel and producing gas stations gave all the secret agents of the Hegemony, including opogonennyh, after which he returned to the controlled special representatives Corps Spectra, Spectra protected units of special forces, and the performance of their professional duties.

  With old spy satellites, guarding the tiny rock planet Yunak sorted out even faster. However, it was necessary to press batarians for the use of slave labor - in the bowels of the planet showed up camp suicide-slaves, leading to harsh conditions mining. Batarian lie, connected with the use of slave labor in the conditions, when freed from the yoke could only death, forced crews and team groups work at lightning speed - all the camp staff's death, including all the guards, was sent aboard the dreadnought "Massena" and subjected to biased questioning involving Yavika.

  To none of those captured during the annexation batarian did not have the slightest illusions about his future fate, they were sent to the dreadnought standard slave clothes, chains and blocks. Perhaps, if it were possible, the camp staff would be subjected to chipping, but the presence in the Dreadnought Yavika allowed to do so without the involvement of violent measures.

  Medical transportation and medical staff groups to provide all possible and necessary assistance to the former slaves and passenger transport under guard frigates Corps Spectra former slaves brought to their parent planet's races, where the liberated passed into the hands of family members and physicians. Technicians group opened data protection camp bases Pumped out all the information about the prisoners and the staff of the camp. Some of this information was made public, and many reasonable could finally learn the truth about the sad fate of their loved ones, relatives, friends and acquaintances.

  At the very Yunak it was installed a memorial sign, which was mounted capsule with a list of names of all the prisoners of the planet, ever set foot on its surface.

  By the time the squadron as part of the group appeared Aratotom local batarians already knew that retribution will inevitably, and that will not save the planet from climate nor he nor the temperature or pressure, nothing. According scan many batarians then finished his suicide, many have tried to organize attacks on warehouses and critical infrastructure, including for their protection has contributed to the speedy translation of the assailants in the category guaranteed by the dead.

  On Aratot went airborne dozens of frigates, Bulk dropping airborne divisions. Civilians, if any, of course, took place after verification and identification to let go with the order not to harm and not to resist actions anneksatsionnyh forces.

  Technical experts group under the protection of amphibious and kosmopehotnyh units Turian Hierarchy took control of the industry and provide companies, institutions and organizations, organized a massive pumping of information files on an isolated protected media and forced staff consisting of batarians quickly realize that times muhlevaniya, kickbacks, fraud and doing nothing are over and gone.

  Particular attention was paid to the mines, which, as proven materials collected by Troop, are actively using slave labor. There were mined iron and heavy metals. Landing subdivision Turian seized mine for mine, was isolated from the staff workers, organizing delivery managers aboard the dreadnought "mass", where all managers were inevitable interrogation process, and then sent to prison uniforms and shackles on the special prison planet Spectra Corps.

  Because on this planet had the most inhabitants, the annexation Aratota procedure lasted more than ten hours. Shepard, Anderson, turians, but almost all were able to attend the normandovtsy Aratote, to see with their own eyes the conditions in which slaves worked. Those who have not yet had chipped, passed the medical, the rest had to be filtered and is transferred to the hastily organized camps liberated. The whole apparatus of control and subordination Marines cut down in the first minutes of the assault of the mine, then comes in doctors use the most effective rehabilitation techniques.

  Volgovtsy on Aratote did not appear - the cruiser went to distant frontier region of the planet, performing border support for the regime of isolation.

  Information about survivors liberated immediately transferred to the mother worlds respective races. On the planet began arriving military medical transports, which with the permission of doctors, many former slaves and the slaves were moved to the parent planet.

  Assaults several major military bases, is located on Aratote, supported by military groups orbit kosmokorabley invariably ended in a shameful surrender deposited at the mercy of the victors. Officers batarian-awaited interrogations at "Massena", where the captive warriors were delivered in prison clothes and shackled in the holds of trucks groups and soldiers - filtration, and then the prison camp at spetsplanetah Corps spectrum.

  Space Station captured paratroopers kosmopehotoy and then landed to art, and the staff was directed to the interrogations in the prison camp. No one is not particularly batarians ceremony, everyone was well aware that the ideological and propaganda machine Hegemony warriors accustomed to the idea of the imminent and inevitable death for the glory of the Hegemony, but that's to die gloriously in batarians, caught off guard by superior forces did not work.

  Four other Turian Hierarchy Fleet Bahak entered the system as soon as the general broadcast was issued to signal the end of annexation Aratota. The ships of the fleet took two repeater, the asteroid belt, and all the planets of the star system under full control, management and security, allowing the group to go to the control of the process of submission batarian largest settlements.

  Taking a lot of time Klogona annexation did not take - by monitoring the planet, the group neutralized spy satellites placed in orbit Klogona, pumped them with the information and gave the signal, allowing passing ships of all races carry on the Citadel Klogone discharge motor nuclei.

  Implementation of the subordination of the largest settlements outside batarian Bahaka happened without the participation of the Troop. So, Khar'shan, birthplace batarians posted in Harthy system in the cluster Kite's Nest, proved inhabited just a half billion batarians and not fifteen as trying to convince the inhabitants of the Milky Way's propaganda machine batarian Hegemony. Seeing the planet two fleets Turian Hierarchy batarians Khar'shana realized that the Citadel Council was not kidding when they warned of the imminent introduction of the border regime of isolation.

  In Adek, the planet is located in a cluster Kite's Nest, but the star Untrel system, lived a little more than six million colonists lived here mainly released to rest slaveholders. Ships another turian fleet took Adek under isolation mode border, and approached the planet Dreadnought "Virsara" became a base on which there were mass interrogations Adek inhabitants. Particularly stubborn unwillingness to talk and share information awaited meeting with Yavikom.

  Highly paid workers and engineers, who served mechanisms and infrastructure, both placed on the planet, and to satellites around it checked, but not subjected to reprisals began. By Adek were pulled three back-up earth and two reserve turian fleet - colony was densely populated, and groupings of ships needed to carry out the control of other inhabited worlds batarians.

  By agreement between the commanders of the fleets Adek was to isolate one of the backup turian fleets. The rest of the fleets of the reserve followed the group ships.

  Inhabitants Anhura located in Amun system Eagle Nebula already very negative attitude to slavery, so that after learning about the incident in Bahak system to learn of the return of the Leviathan of Dis on Yartar, residents Anhura managed to do to restore order to the moment when the planet appeared group ships. Landing subdivision, using extracted as a result of mass interrogation officers and senior officials of compromising the nature of the information, nevertheless detained, captured and brought tens of thousands of batarians aboard the transport. Ships tur
ian reserve fleet ships arrived with a group Anhuru took the planet by Border isolation mode.

  Inhabited not only batarians, but also representatives of other races Kamal posted in Indris system in the cluster Kite's Nest, took isolation mode border one of the reserve fleet of earthlings. Using the information received from the interrogated batarians information, paratroopers and special forces during the landing was detained and taken to the transports groups thousands batarians who waited interrogations, filtration camp and prison planet Corps spectrum.

  Remediation planet Logasiri posted in Batalla system in the Omega Nebula, taken a few hours. This planet was very notoriety - worked here most persistent and recalcitrant slaves, subjected to almost continuous harassment and beatings by guards and batarians slaveholders. Now is the moment when Logasiri wealth will be developed with machine guns, robotic complexes, controlled reasonable organics from a safe distance. All of the slave-owners, security guards and service personnel and prison camps Logasiri taken in shackles and slave clothes in the transports, which are then sent directly to prison planet Corps spectrum where all unwitting passengers waiting for their interrogation and long prison terms.

  Located in Fatar system Omega nebula planet Lorek (former Ehsan), had expedited return under the control of the asari as Lorek was enormous violations of procedures, protocols and agreements forcibly absorbed batarian Hegemony and self absorption provoked large and heavy galactic scandal. Terrestrial habitable planet was rich in mineral resources and is immediately there and the prison camp for slaves, doomed by their own labor to enrich their owners-batarian. Landing and kosmopehotnye unit grouping after a massive landing took all the camps and prisons of the planet under its full control, personnel and security guards were taken out in shackles and prison uniforms already right on the prison planet Spectra Corps, where all of them were waiting for the interrogation and prolonged detention,


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