Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 62

by Theodore Daniels

  Silently Chakwas approached, bent over John, conducted a cursory inspection and survey looked at state drives monitors, looked short reports on mikroekranah. Reassuringly nodded tensely monitoring its manipulation Svetlana. Svetlana motioned to move away from the bed.

  Streltsov got up zadёrnula canopy, came to the desktop, is still closely watching Chakwas, knowing that the doctor is able to show concern even in the most critical situations.

  - Have a seat, Light. - Karin said softly, pushing kaperangu semi-soft chair. Umostilas itself to semi-hard, work. - John everything is normal. ... He is recovering, there are positive changes, but need a few hours of complete rest. How many - I do not know. Fair. Ahead of us - the Citadel.

  - Translate it there ... - as if meditating, said Svetlana.

  - Agree. A special need for this. He should wake up here on the ship familiar to him. I'm aware that Citadel - under the gun "Cerberus". Tsitadeltsy aware of the threat and prepare to repel the attack "Cerberus". Frankly, I assume that the attack is ... very serious. The materials received me there are signs of threat of use of Divers Group. And if so, then the Head Office - will be among the priorities. Therefore, it would be better if John pobudet on the "Normandy". And you, Light will be ... safer.

  - I thought Karin. I'll be there with him. Until then, until it is completely oklemaetsya. Only when you confirm the officially documented that he's healthy, I will return to the "Volga". - Svetlana said quietly. - Previously, I did not leave the side of the frigate.

  - I understand and agree with your decision, and light. - After a pause, said Karin. - Him - ship doctor looked in the direction of the curtains - will need your presence. Your and your children. - She nodded timidly went down the steps into sickbay Jenny. - Here and Jenny came.

  - I brought lunch. Triple portion. - Jennifer put the containers on the table next to the doctor's desk. - Gardner surpassed himself, preparing special night serving. He said that you have to ... Light to eat well, to John ... - Jenny sobbed - that John was calm. Eat. I - have eaten, so I ... Let me, Karin?

  - Permission granted. - The doctor nodded. - Just quietly and briefly, Jenny.

  - Absolutely. - Best biotic human shadow slipped behind the curtain. Chakwas began to unpack the containers, pushed her working instrumentron:

  - Eat, Svetlana. - Karin said softly. - You need it right now. And after the meal, you need to lie down. As a doctor ... I advise.

  - I submit, Karin. - Svetlana began to eat, and only now felt how she is hungry. - Umm. Delicious! Gardner - a magician. Good magician pots and ladles. - Without a smile he said kaperang caught an approving glance Chakwas.

  Returning to the "office" Jenny wiped area handkerchief eyes. And with some caution I glanced at Svetlana.

  - Sit down, Jenny. - Streltsov has finished, finished her second glass of herbal infusion. - Sit down. - Repeated kaperang, waiting for Jenny falls in standing in front of the chair. - And let's agree once and for all. I know you love John. You have the right to love him - John deserves your love, I'm sure. And I know that John will not manipulate you, will not restrict your freedom. I also know that you understand limits which should not go. Therefore, until you approach these limits - I will not come between you and John, who also loves you. I know this well, and I understand and accept the normative. Agreed? - She stared straight into the eyes of Jennifer and at the same time very soft look.

  - Yes. Agreed, Svetlana. - Biotic said quietly, standing up. - I ... I'll go. I soon time training ...

  Chakwas silently watched the departure from the sickbay Woman. Svetlana folded utensils and tableware containers, shifting boxes at a small table.

  Taking a shower, changed into a new Svetlana formёnku - old was already too small in the waist. Coming out of the bathroom, I saw kaperang Chakwas be gaining something on instrumentrone. Bed allocated Strel'tsova already been dismantled. Looking up from the "scribbling", he stated Svetlana Karin eyes on the bed and shook her finger jokingly - say, do not break the regime and not jeopardize their firstborn. Svetlana, barely perceptible nod appreciatively, with pleasure overturned on the bed mattress and tried to relax. If John and sleeps with him everything is in order, and it can sleep peacefully next to John. A few minutes later Streltsov was fast asleep, without noticing how Karin zadёrnula canopy between her bed and her "little study."

  Jennifer really late for training. This time she gave herself will only slightly limiting the power of biotics, not to smash to pieces the whole uneventful furniture hall. She regretted only one thing - that it was not given the opportunity to kill this Kenson and its employees. Personally kill all those indoctrinated. Now Hasco-Kenson sat in the insulating container and its comfort and convenience of one normandovtsev not worried - it was no longer a person was not a person. Husk Husk he is. Even Yavik not show Amanda slightest interest. During the war against the Reapers, the one old war, it is likely seen enough of all kinds of husks. Seen enough to disgust them. And I do not wish to look at the next Husk.

  By sending the hall biotic lightning and balls, Jennifer thanked Svetlana. Thanks to the silent mind, but clearly, clearly and precisely. Svetlana right - she, Jenny Shepard loves. He loves and can not do anything with this his love for a married man to do. Do not do not want and can not. And if her love will help Shepard - she, Jenny, this will be only too happy. Shepard her nowhere urging he does not command it, it does not interfere in her life. It is the first time in many years, found a family, which feels its not formally, but in fact. Yes, she has a mother, love, and my own mother, but now she has a family, and the second - the crew and a team of "Normandy". The family of warriors, the family of intelligent beings, for which the protection of the weak and unarmed was not only a profession but a vocation, an absolute necessity.

  The time will come and it is Jenny, love a man who would be her husband, and then - the father of her children. And she would know that it is for him - everything. Just as Svetlana knows about John. And yet Jenny would know that she was a worthy love of another, without a doubt, a very decent man, because nearby there was such a man as John Shepard.

  Karin behind a desk filled the next "formatki". Gradually, the situation is getting better, Shepard obviously went to the amendment, as soon as Svetlana was in sickbay - talked about this all the data of the objective of the instrument control. This was stated by the entire medical experience Chakwas.

  She is a doctor of the ship, clear and complete saw Shepard incredibly expensive to most normandovtsev, although he was very strict and very demanding and merciless. It turned out, all this is not perceived as a normandovtsami shortcomings, but rather perceived as not only the dignity of the senior assistant, the second most important officer on the board after the commander of the frigate, but also as a man, as a human being. And Svetlana Streltsov ... As she relaxed and loose and at the same time clearly and definitely accents. It is not forbidden to love Jenny Shepard, but did everything that Jenny has not closed on John, he remained free in their choice. Probably, this is a piece of craftsmanship, female family relationship management skills.

  - Commander, in touch - manager of the Citadel. - I reported to the watch "Normandy". We see already identified. Welcome, and are willing to accept.

  - Pass the previously agreed solution, the officer. - Anderson said, for a few seconds looking up from reading the next file pack.

  - Yes, commander. - Watch paused. - I'm sorry, there Vakarian asks why there is no brand Shepard? What did he say?

  - Answer that Shepard is in sickbay. Now he - the doctor of the patient Chakwas. Details Garrus tells Chloe Michelle. Those that allow the doctor to inform Chakwas.

  - Submitted by the commander. Vakarian satisfied. Communication graduated.

  - Welcome. - Anderson went back to work.

  Troop ships entered the outer harbor a giant plant. According to the plan, all communication with the Citadel was to be carried out only by a shuttle - the station is ready to repel the attack and now ships are not moored directly to the ring, a
nd had to send shuttles. For the "Normandy" were willing to make an exception - from the frigate had its own dock in "The Ring," but Anderson decided not to make use of this advantage - it was necessary freedom of action.

  Sleep woke Svetlana is now standard. Smoothly and without jerks she got up, went to John the bed, touched his arm. John is clearly recovering - care Karin has done its job. Looking at the map screen, Svetlana noted that "Normandy" and "Volga" were already in the outer roads. Moving away from John's bed, Svetlana zadёrnula curtain, sat down on his bed, turned on the instrumentron, took a stack of papers to get a grasp in the abstract. Everything was fine on board the cruiser - her need for direct intervention was not.

  - Karin ... - Svetlana looked up at the approaching Chakwas. - Thank you. Thank you for John. I saw and felt - he recovers.

  - He is the Light, is recovering thanks to your presence. - Said Chakwas. - Only you. You and only you are helping him to get out more than I can help. I understand that for you it will come back from anywhere. Bring yourself to order and eat.

  - Well, Karin. Can i ask you?

  - About David? - Shrewdly I asked the doctor. - Can. Yes, I know that he loves me. And I love him, Svetlana. About our love knows normandovtsy. We are a little violated the tradition of the commander - Captain's isolation from the crew. And David is no pressure on me. Do not hurry. He understands that I yet married to his job. He knows how to wait. And I really appreciate it in and respect. We are together. And both of us until this level is enough. And John ... I know he loved me too. And love is now. But as soon as he realized that I gave preference to David, he immediately stepped aside. And I did not insist on any certain his priority for me or chase me. For him, for John Anderson - the authority of the highest order. Perhaps John himself about it and does not think, but it ... it acts as a pupil of David. A good student, which dreams of any true teacher. And David is able to learn a lot, especially if he has a good pupil. John is not between me and David Light. And I respect that Shepard for more.

  - Thank you, Karin. - Svetlana disappeared behind the bathroom door. A few minutes later she was sitting next to Chakwas for her desk and absorbed a double lunch. - When?

  - Perhaps by the evening light. - Chakwas said, realizing that time Svetlana interested Shepard calls. - I still hold it on drugs, but in the afternoon and spend the full inspection, if there is no reason to extend the course of therapy, sometime after six in the evening, he is quite able to regain consciousness. Gently so wake up. Non-violent, independently.

  - I Got it, Karin. - Svetlana cleaned up the dishes and utensils. - Then ...

  - Just gently and briefly, Svetlana. - Said a little grumpily Chakwas. - You are not yet fully entered the norm. Take a walk, but do not ship themselves with work.

  - Yes, ma'am. - Humorously saluted Streltsov, pushing a chair up to the table and turned to leave the sickbay. - Will be done, ma'am.

  - Come on, come on. Move. - Chakwas included instrumentron, intending to check the health of the crew members who have applied for access to the Citadel.

  Svetlana came out of sickbay. A few hours later she went on a frigate-cruiser, showing a keen interest in all the details. Normandovtsy were glad the presence of the commander of the "Volga" and the exec's wife, did not see in her appearances or attempts to escape from the enforced idleness, nor the desire Pester engaged reasonable. Staying in one of the corridors of the ship at the window, Svetlana caught myself thinking that she did not want to leave the frigate. Of course, it will come back on board the cruiser returns to its crew, to my team, to my sobachatami. Not now. Only when Shepard recovers completely. His and her children need healthy and strong father. And Svetlana intended to do everything possible to Shepherd recovered.

  Gardner was delighted Strel'tsova appearance, instantly set the table, not paying any attention at an inopportune time. Svetlana was forced to eat a double lunch and drink almost a liter of vitamin and herbal infusions. Thanking cook, she went into the CIC frigate, which was already working on the parking option. Posts specialist combat units and weapons is also not empty - the frigate was ready to meet with the ships "Cerberus".

  Get the latest information about the alleged attack "Cerberus" the Citadel, Svetlana, and she wondered desperately wanted to ask Karin not to awaken John a few days. When she went to the sickbay, he stepped toward her and Saren Kaidan. Turian and the man motioned for Svetlana Streltsov and stay stopped.

  - Svetlana, I'm sorry. Perhaps my request will seem out of place. - Turian said. - We know that John has not fully recovered. And we want to say - we will do it ourselves. Let him not seek to be restored and again under fire. "Cerberus" will be punished. And we - turian exchanged glances with Kaidan - ask you about the captain had no doubt the servants three-headed dog will pay in full. And John - our common wish: to recover and stay with you as long as possible. both it is more important to you. And we ... we know that Shepard - always close to us. He taught us a lot, perhaps, and not trying to teach.

  - Well, Sar. - Svetlana barely noticeable nod. - Thank you. For the understanding and wishes. - She saw turian and people almost simultaneously make two steps back, releasing the passage. - Thanks again. - Streltsov stepped forward, leaving the legendary Spectrum and biotic officer behind.

  As soon as she stepped into sickbay, Chakwas looked at her a knowing look:

  - I ask?

  - We asked. - Svetlana confirmed, carefully sat down in a chair at the desktop. - They like it. And respected.

  - He deserves it. - Chakwas stood. - I also thought about the fact that John has been here a little longer .... I understand that if he wakes up until the attack on the station, it will be difficult to keep within the limits.

  - I believe John, Karin. - I said, thinking, Svetlana. - And I think that he is not inclined to do silly things. So it would be better if he wakes up tonight. Do not keep it on drugs. When he returned, he did not throw himself into the fire because it's like he needs to do again and again. Now he is on the ship, but not at the station and on the planet and an asteroid. So ... let him wake up tonight. And all normandovtsam will be easier to see him healthy and vigorous than lying and sleeping here in sickbay.

  - I realized the light. - Chakwas stood. - Well. Then wait, I conducted a survey, and then process the results and decide.

  - I agree, Karin. - Svetlana leaned back in his chair, ready to expect. Chakwas included instrumentron, revealed an average screen and stepped behind the curtain.

  As soon as Karin came, zadёrgivaya canopy, Svetlana got to her feet.

  - Sit Light. - Chakwas came to the desktop, shut down instrumentron. - In short, John almost came back to normal. I disabled the medical preparations and now he wakes up after five o'clock in the evening. It wakes up almost healthy. Almost, I emphasize. So ... if he is impatient and walk to the Citadel ...

  - He goes only under heavy guard. - Svetlana graduated. - And I'll make sure personally that he never climbed alone.

  - It is perhaps the best option - agreed Chakwas. - He has yet to pass a week-long course of rehabilitation, and taking into account the threat to attack ships "Cerberus" the Citadel ... It is difficult to expect that he is a good boy will go to sickbay, regularly confusing it with ice cream parlor.

  - I'll come back to the cruiser only if John is completely back to normal, Karin. - Said Svetlana. - Does not matter now, "Volga" almost all commands Stanislav, Alla I almost locks in the commander's cabin, so it's better if I do here will help John and the rest of normandovtsam.

  - Just do not think that I will not follow your regime and state, Svetlana. - Grudgingly I noticed Chakwas. - Alla send me all the necessary materials.

  - I seem to have got. - With a half smile on his face said Streltsov.

  - While not give birth to normal - will fall. - Tone seasoned experiences grandmother said Karin. - And now you have to sleep in the afternoon. I know that Gardner has said that fed you. By five o'clock you will be in full form, and there John wakes up.

  - I submit
, Karin. - Svetlana said, walking to his cubicle and sat down carefully on the bed. - I hope I wake you do not give?

  - You do not oversleep. - Chakwas extinguish the force of the spotlight. - You are in it, and he - in you. Relax.

  - Yes, ma'am. - Svetlana said sleepily, nestling comfortably.

  Chakwas returned to my little study, went over styling with medications, some packages put into a container with a sign Exec. Whatever it was, but Shepard was in need of treatment.

  Waking up fifteen minutes before the moment when the clock sickbay would show "17.00", Svetlana brought myself up and sat down in the chair next to the bed, John. Karin checked indexes tracking medical equipment, Svetlana indicated on the banner "natural sleep" and walked out of the cubicle.

  Shepard opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was his face Svetlana.

  - Sveta?! How are you here? And where am I ?! - John propped himself up on his elbows and looked around. - Ugh. In sickbay, "Normandy." I do not remember from the moment entered the room with the artifact.

  - You do not have to remember, John. The main thing - you're on board his ship.

  - How much time has passed? - Shepard felt the eyes and the clock card. - I slept more than a day? And we are already at the Citadel ?! No, I'm definitely not ...

  - As long as you, John, you have to stay in sickbay. - I entered into a cubicle with Chakwas reader. - And you think it's time that you first of all - the senior assistant to the commander of the frigate, cruiser, not only landing the crew commander.

  - But, Karin. It's Citadel. And there is so much work ... - Shepard's voice came clear pleading tone.

  - Work can wait. Or it will be done by others. - Chakwas approached, conducted a cursory inspection. - You are so not completely recovered, John. So forget about the statement. On the next day - in any case. And by the light - she spent with you all these few days.


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