Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 67

by Theodore Daniels

  - Jenny, then distracting the group "Cerberus", is trying to break into tehurovni Citadel. - To communicate out Olivia. - Close to you - the elevator shaft. They come on top of the elevator. The cabin will soon be at your level. They're on the roof of his lift.

  - I Got it, Olivia. - Jennifer landed a blow biotics flap lift shaft and leaped onto the roof standing on the floor below liftbloka. - Gryunt, show silushku valiant, Lock this liftblok, so he could not fall. - It intensely looked up at the lights of the approaching liftbloka. - And be ready to jump and compete with heavy skafandrikami. I know you love it.

  - Ugum. - Gryunt few blows made impossible any movement liftbloka on which they stood. - Done.

  - Well. Get ready. - Jenny just sat down, activating biotics. - Jump!

  Quest on wildly down the carrier rails liftbloke lasted only a few tens of seconds. Finally Jenny sat up, turned off biotics. Gryunt trampled last attack aircraft, shot him in the head, jumped to cover liftbloka.

  - We will stop? - he asked.

  - Come on. And then stomp up ... - Jenny with obvious displeasure watched plate with floor number. - Station hefty majority. And thick. I do not like thick.

  - Made. Hold on. - I said Croghan, inflicting several blows to the structures liftbloka. There was a rattle and the cabin began to quickly reduce speed. Finally, she jerked and froze.

  - Ugum. - Jenny looked around as possible to mine the darkness. - Now we are five hundred meters from the level where they could catch up with Shepard.

  - At this level, - Gryunt slammed his instrumentron - should be parking. Force majeure enable us to take advantage of the machine is the usual protocol.

  - Umnesenko. - Jenny for a few seconds, turn biotics, forcing flaps surrounding "external doors" of the elevator shaft to bend and fall out. - Come on. Grab mashinёshku - and forward. The main thing - to catch the signal Advisors and Shepard. And bearings. - Taking care krogan, she first climbed out and immediately ran to the nearest car. Gryunt, podtyanuvshis, jumped up and ran after him.

  - What? - he asked.

  - This. - Jenny has allocated a number of heavy and clearly not a new flyer. - At this point we will be able to fly as we want. In it there is a manual mode.

  - Access is open. - Croghan paw smashed glass and pressed the sensor lift doors. - Sit down. - He missed the girl in the salon, slumped in his seat, his fist smashed the lock-start panel. - Done. Flew.

  - Flew. - Jenny strapped in, with mixed feelings watching shrinks parking. Flyer broke into the open. - Course Gryunt. - Biotic led panel data direction. - And try to hurry.

  - I'll do. - I nodded lizard.

  - Jenny, a virus is detected in the Citadel systems. - There was a speaker in the voice of Olivia. - We've got a small "window", so I'm part of the facilities are aimed at countering. I see you are flying to the area.

  - Yes - confirmed biotic. - Fly. We're already late.

  - I give the location of the modern data. - Olivia sent a file.

  - Noted, thank you. Before connection. - Jennifer opened instrumentron, threw up Gryunt. - Grew, receive clarification and try to accelerate. We still have a missile into the side there are no words.

  - Will be done. - Croghan made flyer wag and entered the car in the narrow technical tunnel. - Reduce the time to approach six minutes.

  - And the bread. - Biotic said.

  Citadel. "Cerberus" Attack. Advisers held hostage by Cerberus. Completion confrontation

  Beaten Tevosov tried to go ahead and stay on his feet, because they surround the tserberovtsy vengeance enjoyed helplessness asari, whose hands were bound behind his back with handcuffs, shackles with antibiotic inserts. Antibiotic collar hugged his neck and counselors Tevosov knew - one wrong move - and will tear her neck spikes, which will be immediately passed strong discharge. Tevosov not see where it is now - on the head was Asari bag reliably suppresses all a chance to see even a glimmer of light. Hear also gets worse - the bag is clearly screened sounds - attacked the counselor tserberovtsy were clearly more professionals in the capture of prisoners.

  Feet aching - break the ceiling of her office in five places at once stormtroopers "Cerberus" knocked her with a chair, and then long kicked and beaten with rifle butts. She quickly lost consciousness and did not know what happened to her secretary and assistants, did not know about the sad fate of the employees of its machine.

  When she woke up the first time, it was already far away from the lobby Advisors, dragged her two burly tserberovtsev, by type - Centurions or something similar. She did not feel the people in them. It catches up to an additional counselor fear. The third centurion overtook his colleagues, Tevosov lifted his head, holding her chin.

  - She's awake. - Roared a little similar to the human voice in the dynamics of heavy broneskafandra. - Needless to drag her. Let goes itself. Get it. - After that, put on the head of the asari black bag.

  And it made. Then she felt that now can not use biotics. After all, she knew that now the biotic not save everyone asari. I Knew. And she did not understand the meaning and essence of knowledge, I did not believe in this knowledge. And now a few tens of minutes, she walked, overcoming the wraith in the head, and weakness in the muscles. Chagall, because I understand - if it stopped or slowed down - it will be even worse than it is now.

  She did not know what happened to salarians Velarn, but guessed that the worst had happened to him. She vaguely felt that Sparatusa are behind it and for some reason was convinced - it is still weaker than it. It certainly beat stronger and much more thoroughly tied, forcing to go now. Probably on his head, too, a bag and he is not oriented in space.

  Needless to say, none of the Citadel Advisors are not supposed to be in this unenviable position. Although they were offered to pass a training course, but ... how do they Advisers will get used to the idea that they can capture, seize hostages or targets to make ... this can not be. Here and refused to undergo such courses. And no one could object to them and their force. And things turned out exactly the way they are now, and until the hostages and prisoners, and perhaps even the victim. All at once.

  Sparatus was not only beaten to a pulp. Tserberovtsy tied him up like a sausage, tied up in such a way that almost any movement is now an adviser gave untold suffering. He was led behind Tevosov, were holding onto the ropes, without giving a moment's rest. Turian felt suffocated, realized that his captors will not stand on ceremony with him and quite clearly aware that oppose them, he can not do anything significant. He does not believe in what he said Yavik that proved him to Shepard. Few believed it and now - paying for their lack of faith, knowing that now he - or a prisoner, or - a hostage. Second - most likely. After the prisoners tserberovtsy usually converted into the husks. Stairs, passages, corridors, climbing. - Advisor-turian lost to them for a long time and did not understand the score now

  When through six breaks in the ceiling in his office broke heavily armed centurions, he tried to jump up from his chair, but did not even move as he was thrown to the floor and beaten. And beaten so that not for a moment lose consciousness. He was beaten with skill, beaten brutally and methodically. And when it is sufficiently weakened, he was tied up and taken out of the office, throwing a bag over his head. And now he does not even dreamed that someday see the light. I do not dream, because it was broken. It is broken again. Yavik regretted it then, did not break completely. He Sparatus not heed the warning proteanina, I thought it was an empty threat. It turned out - no, not empty.

  - Watching ahead of five Avengers and five phantoms, Shepard - Commander. - I reported to the Legion. - Olivia confirms. I assume - this group is set to allow withdraw of Counsellors away and provide additional time for safe evacuation.

  - Destroy. - Shepard pulled off the suit stops rifle, reloaded. - Divide, Leg. Use their movement.

  - Yes, Shepard - Commander. - Het jumped from a place on the wall, he moved to the ceiling, and disappeared into the breach. Mate took the position and began vytselivat first phantom. And Avengers and phantoms were
extremely tenacious, and why - is extremely dangerous, liked to hide in shelters. They could not be underestimated - nor as a sniper or as masters of melee and fatal blow.

  She earned the Legion rifle and the rifle came to life in the hands of Shepard. Not expecting an attack from the usual unforeseen directions up, phantoms and Avengers rushed about, trying at the expense of flexibility and speed to get out of the fire, but they could not compete with the AI on the accuracy and speed. A few seconds later survived only two and two phantom avenger, and they were pretty larded charges.

  - Pursue, Commander Shepard? - The Legion did not take his eyes off the optical sight, which was clearly visible, as trembles die phantom.

  - Everyone. - Shepard held at gunpoint avenger and barely caught a shot het, right clicking on the rifle trigger and sending a servant three-headed dog in oblivion. Ten seconds - and the barrier was destroyed.

  - Following on, Commander Shepard. I am watching the next wave of enemies. Simple infantry. With initial diversionary landing training. - I reported to the Legion.

  - Accepted. Loan position - otsignalyu - destroy. - Captain reloaded the rifle.

  - Got it. - Het disappeared from the channel, clearly having started to change position.

  Passing a break, which could jump, throw Shepard went under the protection of the concrete cube - before it was part of some kind of a small architectural form, and now - just a concrete cube.

  - On-site. We attack. - Shepard gasped, taking in the sights of one of the stormtroopers. Less agile than the Avengers and phantoms, attack aircraft and infantry tried to answer, but came under sniper fire, quickly found for the benefit of hiding behind cover. Replaced once again position het went to them in the rear and was able to destroy most of the soldiers barrier without any problems. The rest, tried to pop out, struck XO trёhzaryadnymi bursts from his shturmvintovki.

  - Everything is clean, Commander Shepard. Olivia confirmed. Ahead - a simple infantry, but there - twenty foreheads and piloted by ATLAS. I leave them in the rear, knock engines from Atlas. I will try to decimate infantry.

  - Accepted. Wait until I get in the position. - XO controlled the headshots of all tserberovtsev and down the stairs to the lower floor.

  - Well, Commander Shepard. - Het again disappeared from the airwaves.

  Shepard was really hoping that when they are together with the Legion overcome this barrier, in tserberovtsev there will be no longer any possibility to delay the promotion of XO and geta behind uvodimymi Advisors to the shuttle. And while the XO understood that dampens, Tesha such hope, it is not necessary. Therefore Marines "Cerberus", tried to block his way, he destroyed with a particular mood. The Legion served its purpose - ATLAS, received charges in the cooling fan and servo manipulators exploded, taking the ferry life Hasco-pilot. The rest of the Marines "Cerberus", are not used, that they shelled from the sniper rifle with such speed and such provisions could neither retreat nor hide.

  - I'll stay at the top, Commander Shepard. I monitor the situation. - I reported to the Legion when the last infantryman Cerberus fell.

  - Welcome. And I do "Check" corpses. Then - a throw forward.

  - Acknowledged, Commander Shepard.

  Reward every tserberovtsa personal hole in the skull, Shepard reloaded the rifle. Legion came down and stood next to the XO, opened instrumentron.

  - They stopped. Three hundred and fifty right - twelve. - I reported het sniper.

  - Forward.

  Finally, this marathon is over. Tevosov it felt right, just jerked her back, forcing to stop. Azari staggered, but kept on his feet. She was sick, sick and tired of not seeing before my eyes anything but black bag it metallized and hear all sounds as if through a thick layer of moss.

  Sparatusa guards stopped even harder, pulling the ropes by showing that it is not necessary to rock the boat.

  Senior convoy made contact with the pilot of the shuttle, received information. We had to wait a few minutes. Starting to fold instrumentron, tserberovets did not understand what happened. The surrounding area seemed to explode. Centurion felt a blow on the helmet, and no longer felt anything.

  - Finished. - I heard a voice Gryunt. - Senior - sedated. Udine - dead. Five charges in the head, three - in the chest. Not tenant.

  - Me too. - Jennifer responded, extinguishing biotics and pulling out a gun. - Now, just trupakov "Check". I do not like to stare back.

  - Come on. - Gryunt began to liberate from the shackles of the asari.

  - Me-me-shock remove. - Breathed Tevosov. Croghan heard pulled off the bag. - You?

  - Ya - Raptor did not smile, knowing that the Councilor is not in a position to see him safely crocodile smile. - Gryunt.

  - I ... I remember. Where ... where are Sparatus.

  - Release me from the shackles of your Turian. But he - in a dead faint. - By sitting on the curb of the metal plate asari approached Jennifer. - All of your guards, Counsellor, is guaranteed to be dead. I supervised.

  - Commander Shepard. - A voice of the Legion. - Looks like our colleagues and we coped without.

  - It seems that Lay. - On the pavement slab he landed Mate, stood up and walked to the asari, pulling cube Avtodoktor. - Now we have a little energized. Gryunt, Loans Sparatusom.

  - It flies to some shuttle Commander Shepard. - Het reported.

  - Destroy, Leg. It - Cerberus.

  - Confirm. - Legion reloaded sniper rifle, cocked it, and immediately opened fire. - Done. Shot down. - I heard an explosion. - Destroyed, Commander Shepard.

  - Thank you, Captain. - Counselor, based on Shepard stood up, looked around. - We would like ...

  - Most likely to steal, and then ... Then take a hostage. - Jennifer said.

  - Gryunt as Sparatus? - Shepard looked at krogan, crouched in a supine already liberated from the shackles of Turian.

  - Came a captain. - Said the lizard. - I did a little energized. Tested Avtodoktor. Good stuff.

  - No doubt. - Shepard looked at Tevosov. - As we move from here will not we, Counsellor.

  - Captain, you can see on the radar. Three minutes will close. - I heard in the speaker's voice Kaidan. - Our cruisers already complete destruction "Cerberus", frigates from the servants three-headed dog was nearly empty, so the little things. Army Citadel caught last Divers-group techniques are prepared for recovery efforts.

  - Kai, Advisors, both will have to be evacuated to headquarters. - Shepard opened instrumentron received the latest figures on board the frigate, cruiser. - Then we will deal with everything else. Velarn Advisor died, his body has not yet been found.

  - It is clear, Captain. - Lieutenant few minutes conferring with the duty part of the Headquarters Troop. - We have orders to Titova and Anderson - pick you up and surviving advisors. We are on a large cargo-armored shuttle. Places will suffice. Two minutes before the arrival of the captain.

  - Welcome. - Shepard looked at Asari. - Jenny loans. I - to Sparatusu.

  - Yes captain. - Jenny approached Tevosov, that sigh of relief - Shepard and Gryunt, despite the fact that they saved her from the unenviable fate, aroused fear and asari because she was happy that she was approached by Jennifer - opёrlas on it.

  In the distance there was a gray point of the approaching shuttle. Shepard withdrew to Sparatusu, helped him to his feet. During this time, the shuttle approached very close - it was possible to distinguish between the trunks of machine guns and cannons on external mounts. Finally opened the side door, the shuttle stopped on the sidewalk and jumped Alenko and Jenkins.

  - Captain. - Lieutenant saluted. - Let's boot and back. While sabotage is not caught and destroyed - operations continue to identify them. Do not light up on the streets.

  - Good. - Jenny Shepard nodded and she led Tevosov to the hatch of the shuttle. Two policemen paratroopers helped asari-advisor to board. Jenkins helped Sparatusu ascend to the shuttle and sit in a chair. - Georgia and flew.

  At the entrance to the headquarters of the shuttle met Yavik and Chakwas with Chloe.

sp; - Both Councillors - Staff at the medical center. - Dryly ordered Karin. - Chloe, to trace.

  - Yes, ma'am. - The doctor hurried after Jenny and Richard, leading into the building and Tevosov Sparatusa.

  - Shepard. - In the voice of the head physician of the frigate, cruiser clearly heard displeasure. - You ...

  - He's always been under our control, ma'am. - Said Legion. Gryunt just nodded. - And he never suffered in any way.

  - In sickbay diagnosis. - I ordered Chakwas. - I still have to be explained to Svetlana.

  - Yes, ma'am. - Shepard nodded and tried to quickly get past the extremely irritated Karin.

  The doctor kept him in his office for half an hour, while comprehensively examined and made sure that Shepard does not in any way affected or violating the strict limitations.

  - What am I to do with you, John? - Chakwas asked wearily, sitting down and starting to fill in the medical "formatki" - You're insatiable in their desire to complicate your life.

  - Just because I want to simplify and facilitate it to others. - Said the first mate, zastёgivaya bronenakladki locks on the suit.

  - I see. Go to her, John. And do not deny the right to Svetlana meet and talk with you.

  - Well, Karin. - Shepard came out of sickbay.

  - John. - To him the same hour came Yavik. - I understand Tevosov severely damaged. So you decided to take her to the headquarters. As well as Sparatusa. I would not say so categorically about this, but I do have some grounds. Allow. - Proteanin he reached out and exec put it in his. - See for yourself. - A few minutes passed Yavik Shepard fancies. - As you can see, Tevosov unreliable. And this unreliability has only grown since our previous communication with her. - Said the old warrior race, holding the hand of Captain. - Replace it now - too much and there is no one, but we must be ready for replacement.


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