Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 72

by Theodore Daniels

  Gently having brought the exec to the next cell, divided by a wall into two compartments, Yavik said, after a moment. - And here in front of you two sisters. Now - two brothers. The elder sister - left, the youngest - right. The eldest is almost completely transformed into a male, some signs of "it" remained, and everything else - a purely masculine. Including physical and biotic effect. By the way, Shepard, men asari - biotics stronger than standard conventional asari. This is confirmed by documents and research data that Olivia had already copied and transferred to the frigate.

  - The transformation of the youngest? - Shepard looked at asari defocused look.

  - Taking place in the automatic mode. - Mordin, as always moved closer to the glass cage, threw instrumentron. - Virtually no longer stop, and even more so - not to deploy reverse. Even no extraneous interference is no longer required. A few weeks before us and will be a standard, normal male asari. Yes, the same age and approximately the same build. - Salarian looked at the screen of his device. - Alas. Return to the previous state of any older or younger will not succeed. They both are normal, but still need further adaptation. Most likely they were trained how to influence agents or terrorists. I'm not sure signs lubricated, the characteristic is not formed in a single-valued. Yavik ...

  - I know, Mordin, I know. - Proteanin passed forward to the next cell cage. Another creation is gloomy zhnetsovsko-the collecting of genius, John. - Yavik said, pointing to lie on your back on the floor completely naked middle-aged asari. - Marble skin color with bluish patches ...

  - Means that in front of us is likely - very powerful biotic. - First mate said.

  - Worse, John. Pay attention to her head and on its ridges. Not so important markings on the face, but the ridges are developed too.

  - It is able to generate a wave of biotic and provide energy to all the body and especially the head?

  - Unfortunately, yes. Combs, far from calling on the forehead, are hubs. Do not worry, from the eyes of the radiation she will not, but the arms of eternity in her, according to the protocols of local researchers - just stunningly powerful. And if her anger, then hit the body biotics is stunning. Olivia has already established who she is and where. This is - one of the officers of the most dreadnought.

  - Fast work. - Shepard said. - Empty room, except this chetyrёhnozhnoy stools ...

  - Biotics that level of force is not necessary furniture. She will break her just when activated.

  - But she...

  - Supine position, in all probability - only when it is in relative peace, and is not looking for the point of application to their biotic talents, John. - Proteanin passed on to the next cell. - There - also asari officer from the Dreadnought. She is standing. Do not be surprised, Captain. It is - in stasis. Otherwise, you would be here and not survived a second.

  - Look. - Shepard stopped in front of one-way glass, his eyes focused on his face standing in front of him in which the meter is completely naked mature asari. - And the head ... I do not understand, or combs, or hair style. Almost human, as if indicating the hair.

  - Yavik rights Shepard. Collectors transformed the asari so that it uses the eye as radiators biotic energy. The strength - as in the anti-aircraft gun. Due to heat the skull is deformed, these four deep furrows from nose to forehead - something like the main cooler. - As always approached Mordin instrumentron raised, stared at the readout. - Identification is made, who it is - I already know. But this is a different person. Walking Weapon Thane to which very, very far away. Stasis - the only thing that can hold her except, of course, biotic cocoon. Only this, that is capable of creating only our Jennifer. Skin color - uniform, indicating good health. A mask on your face - and no it does not recognize, until she activates its not too ordinary skills and abilities.

  - Okay. - Shepard barely looked up from his eyes stood motionless asari. - Its opinion will be issued.

  - This is most likely - will be the last one that will see in your life its purpose. - Mordin said, pulling Shepard out of the lab. - Come on, Shepard, Yavik want to show you something amazing.

  They went next door, barely lit zateplilas spotlights and the first thing he saw Shepard, it was purple vines, these tentacles, in a variety of hanging from the ceiling of the chamber immersed in gloom, as always separated from the laboratory strong armored glass. On the floor sat completely naked young asari with a strange bronze color of the skin. Turning to stand still next Yaviku, Shepard looked at proteanina.

  - Collectors may have questioned our ancient scientists, Shepard. - Yavik said. - And good interrogated using Zhnetsovskie technology. Maybe this information got to collectors only later, from the Reapers themselves. In order to have mastered the mass rearing beetles asari already specified properties of the body and personality.

  - So, these vines ...

  - Every able - under certain conditions - a separate body to generate asari, or become a supply line or strap that holds the emerging body and saturating it with useful substances. - Said Yavik. - Go to a nearby branch of the chamber - where it is formed by the body.

  - Not a person? - Shepard said, looking at him standing in front of at least chetyrёhsotletnyuyu bronze-Asari. - Yes, now I see these lines and these clips. But she...

  - How do the doctors say, "it looks ...". Yes, John, it looks but does not see. And if you see - it does not understand. And if you understand - do not remember. Personality is programmed. Jobs, of course, difficult, but Collectors, unfortunately, live a long time, grow quickly and soon formed. Because Reapers and handed them the technology. We felt so different versions of the asari, when they have not yet thought about us today his appearance and abilities. We have already passed all laboratory, designed to work with the asari, Shepard. And in the end, I want to show you, "the daily horror" - White Azari. - Proteanin summed XO to the next chamber, filled milk - white light. This "milk" barely discernible outlines of white-skinned young asari with amazing black and shiny eyes.

  - We have so painted gray aliens. - Shepard said. - Only made of gray skin. And so, with the exception of ridges and processes - it is very similar. The nose and mouth to make less human - do not tell.

  - I do not know who and how you people out there to draw, but if this asari "sketched" you, you, John, would be dead. She really day hunter and hunts for huge masses of people. Easily he subdues them to his will and ability of the subordinates of organic twist rope in direct and figurative sense of the term. Now it is not activated, and we've got small enough that we were for her interest as future subordinates.

  - It's - the last local gem Razumnikov? - Shepard asked. - I can not believe something.

  - Alas, no, John. - Almost in unison said Mordin and Yavik. - Azari, unfortunately, always been known for physical attraction for many races of the current cycle and collectors could not get around this fact by their specific attention. - Proteanin easily Shepard grabbed the wrist of his right hand. - There are two asari just deadly for men. And literally and figuratively. - He led the XO from the lab, spent a little forward along the corridor and opened the door without signs. - Get to know one of the last projects of the Collector - Asari-man.

  - Mess, Yavik. I clearly see that it is - the asari. - Shepard looked at who was standing behind the glass serokozhuyu asari four hundred years or so. From clothes to her were just barely visible black panties. Both hands held behind the asari. - And why is she holding her hands behind her back?

  - Because they have her chained. So it taught to the purely human appearance. As you can see, was replaced on the skin as close as possible to the human, removed the processes by replacing the perforation under the wig, ottyuningovat figure. All this together makes a bouquet of unpleasant bodily sensations - said Yavik - that without the shackles on the wrists, she would almost continuously scratched. And she rolled soothing, handcuffed and now she is here, get used.

  - Monstrous. - Shepard could only say. - Making of asari human ... It's ...

  - This - option Shepard. And Collectors, led by the Reaper
s, he did not miss. They use every opportunity to weaken us. And it is - a tasty opportunity. Take a look. - Shepard Proteanin filed two reader. - The results of the transformation. Translated Olivia. I looked - a fairly accurate translation.

  - It seems we also have prepared a long war. - And said only the XO. - If they have so many domestic preparations ...

  - Much more Shepard. - Proteanin said sternly, and stood beside Mordin nodded, confirming the words of the ancient warrior race. - Collectors prepared us a lot of trouble. If you want to consider is the terms of the long war, so be it. - XO Yavik pulled behind him, to the next door. - And finally, the latest "solution" of the number of fully ready to use.

  - It is eight-plus years, and looks - as if her maximum four. - Shepard said quietly when he saw a tall asari, hands chained to the metal structure. - Summed up the black eyes, breasts enlarged. Waist ... people, it would have gone beyond the normal, but can be called and aspen. The skin is smooth, pure blue color. Most would have liked male earthlings. As for other key races of the current cycle - I do not know. Not sure.

  - Well you, Shepard. Sex-bomb she is a sex bomb. Many men of many races such as mice go for flutist. Anywhere. It is normal, but obedient and trained collectors ohmuryat and captivate any man of any race. - Mordin said. - And do not worry, it is not in combat mode. So it will not work. Can pull information from a very persistent man, record and transfer. No, it is not cyber, but her memory - akin to a computer.

  - If you put on a stream ...

  - It is unlikely that even CSKA succumb. - Yavik said. - We had a similar race to the opponents. Many of our fighters have stacks of her beauties legs folded. ... As a result, we often suffered defeats. Not yet found an antidote. And at first - just decided to destroy these divas here, barely see.

  - It is reasonable and logical. - Shepard shook his head, dropping a wraith in and out of the laboratory. - For our Cycle ...

  - She lost. - Yavik consulted instrumentronom. - We know who she is, but it is better to keep in complete isolation. Olivia learned all about how to manage it, however it back up to standard will not succeed. It has become a real weapon. Worst than Thain, whose mutilated to six years, making a blind instrument in the hands of the customer murder. Much worse.

  - If I understand correctly - Shepard to switch, opened instrumentron, waiting for suitable teammate, in scattered at labs - on - a barracks where prisoners were kept asari?

  - Yes, John. - Said Yavik. Mordin somewhere departed, Shepard could hear him softly warns normandovtsev of the last two laboratories and their contents. Olivia went to check these two laboratories, but the cyborg charms azariyskih sex-bombs are not made, naturally, no impression. - Come on. Jennifer has already scanned a couple of huts. There is a clear enough system with three parts - by age, value and risk.

  - Yavik ... - Shepard somewhat dissatisfied looked at proteanina. - I have the impression ...

  - I understand, John. But I just got from Olivia, Mark and the Legion a bunch of data, process them and had so calmly and freely guided in the local reality. In addition, even collectors, led by the Reapers, unable to come up with anything new. Yes, some new details of the holder of spectrum they implement, but generally does not bring anything new. The process is standard. We had opponents who have used such systems for their own objectionable, and to apply such a system against unwanted external - foreigners or stateless persons - such a choice has not been spared none of the organic race. I do not like scary, but when povoyuesh several hundred years without a rest ... for many become easy to watch. And body and soul. Alas.

  Group landing in full out of the laboratory building. Before them stretched a space lined with walkways and high "transparent fences" with force fields. Behind the fence towered one-story barracks.

  - Group "Normandy" is already preparing us captured cruiser collectors for reception inmates laboratories and barracks. There's enough room for everyone. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - We blocked all the entrances and exits of the prison-camp level, set up a guard at the entrances and exits of the motor "cup." In practice, we have stopped the intake of new prisoners put to death before processing into a paste. Yeah, Shepard, now many captives rescued. Too many. But we must also stop the processing units. This is already engaged.

  Silently they went into one of the nearest barracks. As quietly explained Mordin, character line, more similar to a bar code printed on the door leaf, meant that it contains young asari are not yet age matrons.

  A huge long room. Rows of bunks roughly treated plastic. Three levels. At each of the locations - completely naked young asari. First Mate at first did not understand why in the barracks so quiet. Then, looking closer, I saw that almost all the captive sleep.

  - Yeah, Shepard. Medical narcotic sleep. - Confirmed Mordin. - Only works on the asari, the last "acceptance". They can sleep decades. Then - a few minutes of "stimulation" and they wake up. Each individually, only the one selected at the behest Collectors Reapers. Further you have seen in the laboratory building.

  - There's still two levels ... This body. - Shepard said quietly.

  - There's an empty lab. Either there are already experiments and tests are completed and the topics covered, or the lab ready to go and just waiting staff, and experimental. Conveyor. - Prostrekotal Yavik.

  - Come on. - Shepard decisively and quickly turned on the spot around and headed for the exit. - A little more - and I start to shoot at any of the Collectors.

  - In the next hut - asari who have reached the age of matrons. - Mordin said, consulting the instrumentronom. - And in fact, far - have reached the age of matriarchs. Almost all of them waiting for their fate, waiting to be transferred to the laboratory. For years, waiting for John. After this base - the key. Nowhere else enclaves Collectors of this size is not revealed, unless, of course, talking about our investigated at least scouts, galactic space. There is a block-level collectors to grow with the speed of learning system. There is a block-level growing spawn and Praetorians. Also learning. These levels will be studied with special groups frigate and blown up. - Salarian caught an approving nod proteanina. - Although unlikely, John, it will cause Reapers to retreat.

  - After what we have seen here and realized the Reapers will no longer be put forward themselves or one race. They will strike themselves. - Said the first mate.

  - No, John. Unfortunately no. - Quietly prostrekotal proteanin entering under the roof of the second hut. Shepard looked around. The same three-level bunks, the same plastic box. But now was a meter wide interval between the ends of the line bunks and metal supports force field emitters. - First, they put themselves forward tserberovtsev. Last bastion applicable in the area of space.

  - Station "Avernus". - XO said softly. Yavik Mordin and nodded. Entered under the vaults of the barracks normandovtsy fell silent automatically. What he saw shocked them and strained. - Shepard felt this clearly and precisely.

  - Yes, John. Collectors allowed asari captives, which came into maturity, dressed in robes. This is the only clothing allowed by them. From footwear - only light slippers or "Gym shoes"

  - They are weak ... extinct eyes, thin arms, all the bones can be counted. - Shepard stopped in front of one of the inmates of the barrack, the approaching close to the line of the power board. - Pale as death ... I do not know what to compare. Worst of Buchenwald and Dachau to Auschwitz. How much do they have here?

  - Decade. - Yavik carefully looked toward the opposite door of the barracks. - Yes I know, John, what do you want to ask. A full range of. Any application - from heavy physical labor to laboratory experiments and experiments. A waste that have lost value - processed into a paste. - Strёkot voice gained metallic hue. - Specify more and more as I can, but I do not. Olivia took off full information. With all available carriers. Reading and even introduce ... sverhnapryagayuschee. It is better to engage in the study of such materials on board the frigate, in our space. When the finish. When I submerge them all, who could survive on board the cruiser and taken away. Through the hord
es of "eyes". Come on, John. I understand, but we need to go. The third hut - a small, but there ... There's matriarchs. According to data compiled by Olivia, rarely one of them survived to twelve hundred years. They were here for centuries.

  Passage through the barracks, which were signed dozens of Asari-matrons Shepard remembered for a lifetime. It was easier to realize that in the barracks, where they were kept young asari, no one looked at him or, any teammate. And here ... Extinct sight. No requests or complaints, nothing. Only views. The calm, wary, even. Any. Much has been in these views. But there was no surprise. He walked in front Yavik looked only at the opposite barracks door. XO guessed that warrior ancient race is nothing new here to be in such places where prisoners of war were held not just prisoners, most of them - civilian prisoners.

  The third hut was quiet and half empty. Yavik was absolutely right. Matriarch was little and they looked even worse than the matrons. The same three-story bunks design, the same beds of plastic, the same force fields after the meter-wide space between the bunks and supports the emitters. In the eyes of matriarchs Shepard saw tears here. They clearly saw the unearthly realized that normandovtsy not follow that they are not prisoners, not allies and accomplices of the Collector.

  Yavik walked through the barracks down the aisle without stopping or looking around. Following Shepard went, trying to look around carefully and entirely unfocused gaze. All local inhabitant were blood-red robes. Only and only the red robes. Slippers were also red. Red on blue ... it looked monstrous.


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