Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 76

by Theodore Daniels

  - Everything is ready, Commander. - Major Chakwas looked at the screens, reinforced over her desk in sickbay. - Let ...

  - Permission granted. - Anderson threw. He already knew - Chakwas takes on board the cruiser of the collector, who was elected for the export of the prisoners. Now - former prisoners collectors. Marines kosmopehotintsy group landing frigate at full strength went forward, breaking through to the central station database management. And they were to carry out their functions. And anyway, that the frigate docked to the base of the outside - already installed transitions exposed security posts and security, working engineers and technicians.

  Chakwas accompanied by two paratroopers, commandos from the turian contingent walked quickly into the transition already been stripped of premises Bases, passed a few posts and climbed aboard the captured cruiser collectors. Dr. Michel was waiting for her.

  - We have plenty of helpers, doctor. - Said a civilian medic. Chakwas. - Established with the equipment rack. Already formed chamber and the laboratory.

  - Getting a colleague. - Chakwas opened flap fence, came, saw lying on the bed asari. - What do we know about her?

  - From the composition of the destroyed Collectors dreadnought. Desantnitsa. Found dead. - Chloe Michel reported. - Carried out the first tests and examinations. It is confirmed that the death occurred as a result. - The doctor has given a long sentence in Latin. Chakwas nodded, getting a grasp in the text and the reader's eye looking at her lying in front of a young asari. Really. Since it has been removed from the suit, but according to the information transmitted Yavikom, datapad reader was stripped and disconnected, removed the battery. - Signs of torture there, no signs of damage. Traces of the impact on the psyche is not.

  - Carry out final tests and studies confirm all the indicators justify the cause of death. - Chakwas turned out of the cubicle. - And prepare documents with the notice of death for her family and for videoconferencing Azariyskogo contingent commanders.

  - It will be done by the doctor. - Chloe Michelle nodded, handing reader came up to the sergeant technician, who had paramedic training. - Perform. - The doctor came out followed widely and rapidly paced Chakwas.

  Chakwas silent. Yavik already said that the members of the team and the dreadnought warships escort them could not be found. Most likely they were recycled. Having DNA data Chakwas signed waveguide-kodatorom forms that allow the burial of the deceased asari on arrival at Tess.

  - Killed Jennifer Asari biotic-mutant. - Chloe Michelle stopped in front of the gurney on which lay Asari with purple - bluish shiny and stretched to the limit of the skin. - Servant of the guards and scientists camp. - Chloe filed Karin reader data. - Primary research. Results.

  - Send to a study. Let Mordin understands. Jennifer, of course, it broke, but yet much can identify, understand and develop countermeasures. Too perfected technology, simply thread-ready. - Chakwas walked around the stretcher. - Jenny, of course, ozlilas ... Oh well. There they had a right to it.

  - The next patient ... I do not know how to say. - Michelle filed Chakwas reader. - Man-Asari. Dead.

  - Proteanin said that in the interest of preserving biotic potential, they decided to rob the men race, the asari and collectors out, took the opposite decision and have achieved good results. - Chakwas stopped at the gurney with the corpse of the man-Asari, covered with a sheet, brushed the curtain, stared. - Death is confirmed?

  - Mordin testified. He was put to death camps by scientists, as soon as the block guards gave up the slack and could not hold the perimeter. Explosives, poison, and other surprises, such as virus - free. A solution in which it was in a capsule. - Chloe filed another reader. - Test results. All profile information with the media was collected Olivia. It aims for recycling. With her work Synthetic.

  - While the hold decision. Conduct a comprehensive study to confirm the data scientists camp. Or disprove them. No one - neither pollgrana information.

  - There is evidence that the asari ... Well, those who are in that part of the prison-camp ... already feeling. I feel vaguely ... asari presence of the opposite sex.

  - Feeling - irrelevant prishёsh. - Karin said. - I'm sorry, Chloe. We've got to work with emaciated children asari. They were there for more than nine thousand. Some have already taken away and charged into capsules for recycling. This conveyor. And we need to keep the force to help the living. On the dead, we will be able to draw the most attention then. Later, when the protection and help those who are left alive. There's a dozen races, although a smaller number, about five thousand at most according Yavika, Mordina and Synthetic. So while we focus on helping the living.

  - Clearly, the doctor. - Michelle nodded. - Nedomodifitsirovannaya asari-banshee. - Chloe opened the door of the next cubicle. - Moved straight into the bath, the equipment checked deactivated.

  - Black jumpsuit. Many contacts. - Chakwas stared at the figure of the dead Modified asari. - Weapons.

  - Mordin and Yavik confirmed. It was created for use in humans. In order to subdue them. A person transformed by the human type. Camouflage - and ready ... agent of influence. Banshee - psionic and telepathic. On assurances Yavika and Mordina - much weaker than that of the world, but her vocation - to subdue or kill. Transformed into husks anyone who gets in range of its influence ... almost instantly. - Michelle filed Chakwas reader. - Total information. Able to perform the role of bait for the most valuable to collectors of victims. It is not stasis. This is - terrible.

  Chakwas silently studied the data transmitted to it by the reader. She was beginning to get used to the vocal activity of Chloe. This verbosity long ceased to annoy Major medical service videoconferencing Systems Alliance, one of the senior officers of the frigate. It was clear that Chloe is nervous. Very nervous. But you still need to work quickly and efficiently. And the nerves have to keep in check. Have to. Well, this poluazari weapon already dead. And not be able to come to life. And peace for normandovtsev becomes something of a point of reference and a yardstick for comparison. With this, too, will have to accept. Too many new things they found on this basis. Naturally the new. And it's very scary and dangerous.

  - Implants? - Asked Chakwas.

  - We checked at the most basic level, accessible to us. - Michelle said. - It is implanted by twenty percent, but still is organic. The implants are safe. She herself biologically dead.

  - Only without the lyrics, Chloe.

  - Yes, I just wanted to say that to rise from the dead, it can not. - Chloe said sheepishly.

  - Said, in fact. - Muttered Chakwas. - Come on further. We've got - the conveyor. And a sleepless night. Go to the daily duty mode. - Major medical service hit several sensors on his instrumentrone. - I called on the cruiser almost everyone who has medpodgotovku as a non-core. Their help is very useful for us.

  - Cyber-Azhari, Dr. - Chloe opened the next leaf fence, behind which stood a cube. - We translated it into a quiet state. - She filed a reader. - Recent research data. - Strong ...

  - If the cyber. - The doctor looked at skeptically frozen at attention asari. - Yes, and ... wait a bodybuilder. - Chakwas spun around the circle. - We have more important issues to deal with than a regular mug crafts "crazy hands".

  Chloe Michelle had great difficulty to keep the professional seriousness and to keep up with fast-paced Chakwas.

  - Justiciary and Ardath, doctor. All that we could, we did. - Chloe filed another reader, waited Chakwas will read all the data.

  - We'll have to wait Yavika. No doubt, it was his patients. - Karin said. - Stasis - to support the full rate. Once arrive Yavik - tell him about them both.

  - Both. - Chloe blurted out.

  Chakwas eyebrows went up, she turned around in amazement:

  - Dr. Michel.

  - I apologize. - Chloe looked down. - But in fact they are asexual in human understanding.

  - In their understanding, we can also look asexual. To remind you about transvestites, homosexuals, and other vykrivlah fagot?

  - Do not.

sp; - Continue. - Chakwas rapidly taken out of the fence.

  In the next fence has a bed and furnishings reminiscent of an ordinary room in some very decent hotel than a hospital ward.

  - A young asari, age ... - reported to Michel, glancing into the reader. - In general, no more than two hundred years. Captured in order to provide pressure on certain influential persons azariyskogo political community, it is also possible - for ransom. First, someone managed to find alive and intact. He was examined by Dr. Mordin. Results. - Michelle filed Chakwas reader with surprise watching the swift and tough chief surgeon of the frigate is changing, becoming soft and helpful doktoressu therapist.

  Chakwas clearly interested. After consulting with instrumentronom, she approached a young asari lying on the bed. She instinctively tried to pull away, but Karin did not think to retreat. Several said softly enveloping voice phrases, and the patient has no fear, and fear gives himself to examine, to listen, to explore.

  Chakwas acquainted with the state of health of the first surviving inmates labkompleksa sector asari-camp prison Base collectors from smeshannnymi feelings. Everything was confirmed. Maple - so called asari - got into a difficult situation. Collectors themselves raped her many times and forced to engage in sexual relations with other prisoners - both men and women. The fact that they groped her in all places and almost all the time - and to mention it was not necessary - it was clearly visible and legible on the marks on her sleek body, and by her behavior - she still was tense and overly excited. It seems that she still did not believe that the prisoner, cell, bullying - in the past. She could think that this is - a kind of sophisticated test of obedience and loyalty and hence - might suspect both doctors nefarious intentions.

  - You sell me? - Maple suddenly asked, staring into the eyes look unclear bent over her Chakwas. - For me to have a lot of credits.

  - No. - As gently as possible and at the same time - I tried to answer confidently Chakwas switching modes instrumentrona his health. - No you will not sell.

  - Then again ... cell? - Indifferent tone said Maple.

  - No. - Chakwas replied vchityvayas taken in indicators.

  - Then ... the podium. - In the voice of former prisoner did not have any emotions. A little more and it was possible to believe that this machine says.

  - No. - Calmly replied the doctor of the frigate.

  - Hide trifle to ... violence ... - maple no longer looked at Chakwas.

  Chloe stood motionless on the other side of the bed. Everything was confirmed. All that said Jennifer, which it found that examined the found a young asari Mordin. Raped many times, forced to dance naked, collectors serve in the buff, to withstand lapane. In the end, it almost broke through. Indifference ... terrifying. Lying motionless, it moves like a puppet, but it seems that it is still possible to bring back to life. After all it is - beautiful. Even in the opinion of the Earth woman, very wary relating to the problem of female competition, maple is really very pretty. The breed is visible at once.

  Meanwhile Chakwas completed the survey, calmed Klёnu, wait until it settles comfortably, came out of the cubicle and just closing the door, said:

  - The first, followed by the fight with all certainty. Let's try to get back to normal all, but it - should definitely recover fully. She's too young to be here so just get out of the dungeon and die. I turned it into the first group.

  - I agree, Doctor. - Michelle nodded. - She really needs our maximum participation.

  - Return is that we are not going to her family. Until full recovery. When perform a deep rehabilitation ... Then we can think about it. She almost lost the habit to speak out loud, hardly able to move freely. Her present condition, as indicated Dr. Solus, close to the state of puppets. It is necessary to fatten, to accustom to the new peace hygiene standards, to stop the slide of the body to the spacing. Works to be ... a lot, but it - rewarding work. For it is worth fighting. She deserves it.

  - I...

  - Consider me suharkoy colleague? - Smiled the corner of his lips Chakwas. - Chloe, I'm a surgeon. Trauma surgeon. I can not give way to nerves, or I'll turn into a butcher. Standing at the table for fifteen hours and maintain high precision and superior movement speed ... One is forced to become themselves the right to restrict all sorts of liberties.

  Michelle nodded, opening the door to the next cubicle.

  - The one that almost killed Kaidan. - Chloe pointed to stagnation in the cocoon of a young asari. - Interval - two to three hours, and then it starts again blaze Fire Darkness. Able to burn any organic brain of any race. - Reader with information was in the hands of Chakwas. - Now it is immersed in a dream, the indicators are removed permanently. Jennifer warrants that, subject to certain conditions, it will be safe.

  - Child-gun. - Karin said, comparing the data. - If you have conventional asari "abyss eye" - is the level of the venerable matriarch, then this crumb - a common phenomenon? Collectors are definitely Reaper technology excavation methods. - Hmm. Jennifer is confident that with the help of Yavika and its support of the crumb can be returned to normal childhood? Maybe. - She put the reader in the stacking, noted in his instrumentrone new data. - Well, if we can get her back to normal, or at least secure.

  - Man-Asari. - Chloe said, going into the next fence. - According Yavika - transforms a typical, converted from a thoroughbred asari, birth mark on his face kept from her. Fully ready for normal external life. Perhaps accustomed to full nudity, thinking and identity preserved and transformed male pattern.

  - Hmm. - I said Chakwas quickly inspect patient. - We have somewhere to climb, which we obviously do not ask.

  - It is necessary, Karin. - Michelle said. - We, too, did not ask for the Reapers to climb here and we create here such here a problem.

  - You're right. Okay. Anderson and so had to resolve the issue of the transfer of all such problem here on the "Omega". It is planned to allocate for their accommodation a level. Guess Aria will do everything, and even beyond. For Ciutadella and Matriarchy is a problem that is very heavy at all. - Said Chakwas, keeping calm and walking to the door. - Yavik rights. The emergence of asari men, most of them - Transform - a big blow to the entire race today asari. While Shepard also right - too late to arrange a talking and trying to silence the fact.

  - I hope that as they pray thee Aria on "Omega", we can find a solution to this problem. - Michelle said.

  - We will have to find, and can not. - Chakwas closed the door, walked quickly to the next cubicle. - That's what I thought. Biotics, bodybuilder, male-Asari. Competitor for Liara. Able to get four university degrees in four years. But generators biotics on the face ... This is something new.

  - And scary. - Michelle said, coming into the cubicle and stopping in front of the bed, which slept tall asari. - And it is beautiful.

  - Yes. Virgin asari are stacked shape. - I noted Chakwas conducting a quick inspection of the sleeping patient. - Hmm. Generators his rights ... Yavik. Not only no one seems. If it were not a collector, I would personally congratulated them with more comprehensive success.

  - This success have yet to explore. And then adapt. - Chloe said incredulously, helping Chakwas enter data in instrumentron.

  - Where will we hold your hand. - Karin said. - These Collector good staff.

  - I Was. We select the best. Sitting now in a prison cell floor. Alone. Spelёnutye like sausages. Sleep. Narcotic sleep. - Said Michel.

  - Welcome. - Chakwas quickly examined both asari brothers. - The eldest really almost completely transformed into a male, some signs of "it" remained, and everything else - a purely masculine. Yavik rights - man-Asari, oddly enough, more powerful biotics than Asari-it. Option, but it was too annoying. Olivia has sent the rich research material. And the younger the song at all - automatic process of transformation. No stop, no return. Five doctoral theses. - The doctor quickly spent is not standard, and in-depth examination, simultaneously holding up the data in your instrumentron. - Trouble with them is ... It is now asari explain the presence of just such indi
viduals - form you can imagine.

  - I think that coming up with the times. - Michelle said. - Exit at us the other will not. And these two sisters-brothers will have to be subjected to an additional rate of adaptation. They were originally prepared as the agents of influence or terrorists. Works to be - for months.

  - We do not have these months, Chloe. - Noted Chakwas, completing a survey and driving the data in your instrumentron. - Well, if we have at least six months more or less peaceful times. The war has already shown their bloody teeth.

  - Yeah. - Michelle nodded, leaving the cubicle next door and opening. - If we are caught on the road a couple of hundred of these transforms as this. - She pointed to lying on the bed completely naked middle-aged asari. - We will have a big problem. It is able to radiate biotics whole body, but especially hard - head. I do not understand how this could be, but if the collector via zhnetsovskih technology could ... Former officer of the missing, and then destroyed by dreadnought.

  - We will see. - Chakwas habitually conducted a cursory inspection. - In the hospital on "Omega" we will be full of interesting work. Now we can only do the preparation and the most pressing problems and issues. Everything else - just after reach the "Omega" and place all in a fully insulated level.

  - Another officer of the missing and destroyed Dreadnought. - Michelle said, handing another reader after they entered together into the next cubicle. - Shipped in stasis. Otherwise, do not stop it. Although some of what we have understood and accepted their security measures.

  - Yeah. Scare can. - Chakwas tossed instrumentron. - Okay. With it we also deal in detail on the "Omega". Stasis really, along with biotic cocoon created by our Jenny - the only thing that can hold such a monster. Walking weapon. They are definitely prepared. Fundamentally prepared.

  - Agree. - Michelle opened the door the next fence. - These two asari as explained Yavik - clones. It seems that collectors work out the technology to create a massive invading armies.

  - Skin color is clearly non-standard. - Chakwas considered to instrumentrona indicators. - You're right, Chloe. Clone it is a clone. Everything is verified and everything is clear. Even disgusting. You're hooked. But still we have in mind, and such a possibility. These purple vines anything further is known?


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