Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 81

by Theodore Daniels

  A few hours Svetlana dozing. Or sleep. Itself would not defined precisely, but the main thing - she knew the rest. Rested from unrest, from anxiety, from anxiety, the fear, biting at his heart and soul. John was next. He never left, sitting, holding her hand in his hands and she knew that they were related. Firmly connected and children and destinies.

  It was once, at the beginning of the deepening of their relationship, she was afraid that she would have to find common ground, afraid that will have to defend their right to their work and service. But John ... he never questioned it's her right. He helped and guided it as he could. She calmed down. He calmed down and surrendered to the music of feelings, emotions, love and fidelity. Loyalty to his John. Those who believed her and believed in her, giving her every opportunity to live their own familiar life, the life of the commander of the cruiser, the life of the Empire officer, pilot and spy life.

  Treading vehicular morning they met in each other's arms. Svetlana listened to the beating of the heart, and John felt like melting. It melts and has no regrets about anything. Is it just that the new working day starts in a few minutes. And she will return to the duties of captain.

  They had breakfast together with John among the officers and petty officers of the ship. Consistently - the officers and "petty" dining. To have all seen - the two of them and they are still united.

  And then she was in the presence of John and in the presence of Titova awarded its paratroopers. Power of commander of the cruiser. Authority senior officer Astros Empire. And I see how its soldiers nice presence of John in this moment of recognition of their merit.

  Profit Alliance military transports. Gains military transporters Hierarchy. Shuttles scurried between them and the frigate, carrying soldiers, equipment, tools and weapons. Two hours later, transports left from the frigate to return to the Hierarchy of the space and the space of the solar system.

  They began arriving passengers and medical transports key races. Again zasnovali shuttles, but now the information was at a minimum. First shipped in medical transports those who are never able to recover from the effects of long stay in prison. Few. Very few. And only then, when these small ships have gone to the "Omega", to the "Omega" station, not to the repeater, the commencement of loading and saved many survivors. Those detained in that terrible prison camp-on Collector Base. Now destruction Base.

  Shepard standing next to Svetlana in one of the cruisers salons, where through a large window beautiful view of the outer harbor, checked on instrumentronu data served a liberated prisoners, consulted on video and audio channels with Chakwas and Michelle, shake down issues with physicians and members of the transport crews .

  Svetlana saw, felt it - do not show. What is it - a real concern and a real life of her John. He always took care of those in need, who were weaker. There was a very special occasion: the first time the crew and command of the frigate could previously unthinkable: to save from death so many sentient organics. From the terrible death, from processing into a paste - the basis of the Reaper Corps. The very Reaper, which John and his teammate was blown up in the canyon. And then blasted and Base Collector.

  Yavik was pleased - Svetlana knew and felt it. He was glad that now the soul of his fellow avenged and return to heaven, if, of course, Protheans such a thing exists. Yes, it is possible that somewhere in the galaxy there are more base Collectors. But such a central and very big now definitely not. With teammate John took care of it. The base is destroyed. And very soon the turn comes, "Averno".

  - John. - Svetlana said quietly. - I can not believe. Three cruisers Collectors are now in our disposal.

  - Three cruisers Protheans, Light. Three cruisers Protheans. Yavik now has ships. They need him. - Shepard did not say out loud that Yavik not alone. - And he will command them. Only he knows many of the secrets of the swingers. Yes, these ships Collectors adapted to their needs, but basically it - Prothean cruiser. Yavik And, as always, plunged into the work of the head. Thanks to him, each cruiser will receive professional crew. A cruiser - will go to the asari, the second - to the Turian, the third - to salarians. The fourth has long been on our Martian stocks. Information from there to Mars, it will help our partners to master the machine.

  - You think you have to ...

  - I'm sure light. Unfortunately. - Shepard put his arm around his wife a little tighter, still gently. - We'll have to do many things independently, to fight in isolation. Each race. The main thing - to prevent the separation, do not bring down the build unity. Do not territorial - spiritual and mental. On the territories - somehow utryasёm, face it. But to feel united the inhabitants of the galaxy - this is important. It is very expensive and it is necessary to preserve, protect and strengthen - at any price.

  - John ...

  - No light. You're in your position is read and watch - it is impossible. Yes, and it is not necessary.

  - Leviathans ...

  - No data Imperial Intelligence on this issue, we would be almost blind. Now, still have to go back to the Citadel. And there - to begin investigative and punitive operations.

  - Yet...

  - They are guilty and must answer for everything Svetlan. Enmeshed in the galaxy with their balls, intervene in the case of races, weaken the key actors, redraws the situation. Mnyat that we remain their puppets. With this time to finish. And we have - done. - Shepard kissed Svetlana, delayed his lips on her lips slightly pulled back and said quietly. - I know. Let Kaidan also to see Ashley. He almost died, but thanks to Jennifer - still alive and well. I Guess Ashley perenervnichala.

  - Yes, John. Just at that moment it all and felt. Scared. After a long time I spoke to her on video. Soothing. It seems possible. Calm down. She, too, unsweetened. Twins.

  - Well, that will be consulted. Girlfriends. - John smiled, catching his answering smile Svetlana. - It is easier to both of you will be.

  - If it was not able to talk to Ashley, though on the video, even for audio, even on text terminals ... Frankly, it would be difficult, John. - Svetlana bottom-up look at their favorite. - But the main thing - you are now a number. It is supposed to appear on the "Omega"?

  - But where shall I go, Light? We were all there waiting. Correspondents gone mad. Requires each normandovtsa couple dozen interviews almost live. And certainly with the video. Poor audiozhurnalistov peck, almost anathema betray. It is said that this is not enough of their art.

  - Clearly did not want ...

  - I do not want Svetlana. What we saw there ... it is not for the townsfolk. Only for the Council, we will be able to give some essential information. The rest - only format: were destroyed, mainly the problem is solved. Simple information message.

  - Well, well at least not hide from the Council. - Svetlana smiled.

  - Yeah. From Miralem hide. Constantly I felt her attention. She only knew everything that happened there in Zaretranslyatornom. I do not understand how it is sustained. Yes, and her sisters ...

  - What will solve the problem with Justiciar?

  - I do not know the light. We have many problem handled only on "Omega". On the cruiser transmitted asari left only the former ordinary prisoner. A few dozen, the most difficult, but those who can dolechit and restore already in Space Azari. The rest were loaded onto azariyskie medtransporty. Virgin, matrons, matriarchs ... terrible everything is. Everything is repeated again and again on our beats nature. A key for the problem, those whom we rescued from labkompleksa ... We handled on "Omega". Thank you Arias and with Miralem Vere. We understand and contribute. A level identified, put impenetrable protection. I saw there is in this labkomplekse at the Base ... Then I was ready to shoot at any collector and tear his hands chitin. With his bare hands Svetlana ... I'm sorry. I should not have ...

  - I can tell you. I understand, John. You did the right thing. I understand what you saw there showed what we are facing, start confrontation now that collectors have the base in almost inaccessible Space. You did the right thing by destroying the base. And we will become stronger, smarter, more
experienced due to the fact that you know and understand there is now the asari though physically, but in ordinary space, next to his World. Anyway, nothing disappears. - Svetlana hugged John dug his lips in his mouth.

  Do not the words. She loves him. He likes how hated anyone in my life. And, perhaps, have never love. If he leaves ... No, she will not allow it. He has continued - his and her children. And she will do everything to the boy and girl were born and survived. Because they are - part of it and part of John. New generation.

  Aria was sitting in his office. Behind the glass, in the "Afterlife" it was unusually quiet. The visitors were, but now they are quiet and rarely talking, looking at the big screen. There were continuous news bulletins, working almost all the major studios news information for all the key races. Key worlds. There was the usual dance on the dance floor, no one expected to see dancers, Asari. Too was new that showed journalists. Audio. Video. Video Only. And this video was terrible.

  A few minutes ago she returned from Insulating Layer. I passed where placed the most problematic surviving prisoners of the prison-camp collectors. I talked to doctors. Long was in critical cocoon, insulating caps. Cubes-insulators. That brought back from space zaretranslyatornogo "Omega-Four" normandovtsy ... stunning.

  Men asari. Shepard and Anderson believed her, Aria, more than to any of the Matriarchy. No one knew more about them - even asari prisoner did not know about it. Only sensations. Vague feeling of being close his race, but the other, another of the opposite sex. But no one saw them. Only sensations. A feeling of not prove. Even arms minds.

  She had a long talk with the young asari-hostage. For which demanded a huge ransom. Chakwas and Michelle made a miracle - Maid asari almost recovered. Calmed down, I believe that fear and humiliation, pain and weakness - left behind. They sat together in the room and talked for a long time. Virgin did not know who this aria, it is not really as T'Loak felt, and wondered. The main thing - to communicate with her matriarch. Tribeswoman. Strong, powerful, holistic matriarch asari. Possess great, even enormous influence.

  Maple said Arias as it examined salarian. Mordin - immediately realized T'Loak. Virgin said that even then believe that the worst - behind. This - not a scientist from among the supporters of beetles. This - not the executioner. This - the doctor, the doctor. Such ordinary and familiar, believe that it was at the moment is very difficult to return to the previous quiet life free.

  And then she, a young asari given normal clothes and bedding. Stateroom. Let composed of thin metal walls, but it is not similar to the camera. Yes, she knew and felt that flies back to the cruiser collectors. But not as a prisoner, not a prisoner. As free.

  She first ate his fill and was able to sleep for more than ten hours. Previously it both was almost impossible luxury. Now it treated. Not tormented not abused, and treated. And she began to thaw.

  Virgin wept, priniknuv matriarch to her chest, sitting beside him. I cried tears of relief, tears of liberation, tears of happiness. Aria A sore pain. For Lizell. Her own daughter would be much older than this virgin-Asari. I would be able to survive. Now approach the matron age. Yes, Yavik performed a miracle. She is now able to have a baby. Several children. At the age of matriarch.

  - Is something bothering you? - Matriarch caught sharp eyes of the Virgin. - Tell me.

  - I ... I do not know. They came to me in a cage ... But do not look at me like I'm ... a female as a subject. Suppose close to me only a doctor. Salarians. I think his name was ... Mordin. And submit to his will, so I can relax. So I was left alone, but it was no longer alone ... ... Can I stay here? I was told it - the station. "Omega", right? ...

  - Yes. - Quietly confirmed Aria. - It's - "Omega". Squad Station. Including. - The matriarch and she did not notice how loud it is impossible to say it before the very phrase "Squad Station". But now it sounded so natural and organic, that Aria did not specify or change, did not refute what was said.

  - I realized. - Softly virgin. - Here ... so calm ... Like ... like in paradise ... Goddess ... I still do not believe that all ... all over.

  - Do you ... - the beginning was the matriarch.

  - No ... I'm ... I can not now. I'm ... not ready. Mordin ... he said that I still have to recover. He did not say - to be treated, you know, I do not apprehend that word properly. He said - I need to recover. And I believe him. You've got ... calmly. You, Aria, secretary need? I could...

  - So far, you need to recover. And then ... later we will think about it. As long as people say, never mind. - Aria stood up. - Relax. And sleep more. Sleep - useful.

  - Yes. - She said softly maple. - It's so quiet. And I'm going to sleep. I see. Thank you.

  Matriarch out of the room, I spoke with the doctor - one of the residents of the station, too, asari, matron. I make a few orders to get the necessary medicines for the maples of Space Terminus. Better now not to go to space Azari. They will have enough trouble with the former prisoner-Asari. All - virgins, matrons, matriarch.

  View from the outside. Benešov and Liara

  At five in the morning the hospital, where he continued to be treated Liara, was awakened by unusual sounds. Unless, of course, it could be called unusual sound of engines roar of dozens of medical transports. Huge flying buses and brisk travel types flyers row by row started with the grounds of the hospital transport terminals and left in the direction of the Chief Tess Spaceport.

  According to rumors the hospital. One other worse. Liara, overcoming the morning weakness, drowsiness and weakness, forced herself to sit up in bed, slowly, very slowly swung her legs, clung to his crutches, threw his body sideways, up and forward, has established itself, stood up, took a few steps to the wall-mounted screens Chamber by pressing inclusion. And I recoiled, stood out as soon as the image.

  Went news release. Special. In the field of the Main Spaceport Tess fell medical space transport. A few dozens. Rows. Without lights. No sirens. Without the usual noise. Profit medical giants rushed flyers and buses. Dozens, hundreds of physicians asari carried and taken out of the transports other asari. Camera close, close-up - and Liara could not resist, closed her eyes. Seeing this with my own eyes at the time was above its forces.

  Announcer commentator, meanwhile, said that these transports arrived from the "Omega", and brought back the asari - former prisoner of collectors. Nearly twelve thousand asari were rescued by the crew of "Normandy" - the frigate detachment. Ten thousand women prisoners, prison camp Base Collector and two thousand - women prisoners Hall Processing.

  After hearing about the "Normandy", Liara forced herself to open her eyes and removed his hand. If this is the case - one of which was brought necessarily be saved and transferred to their hospital. And it should help them. Maybe she knows something about the Shepard of normandovtsah.

  Late last night for the first time on the Extranet came first information about what happened in the relay. This bloody repeater. Now - in the full sense blood.

  Late into the night the hospital was buzzing like a disturbed hive. Patients refused to go to bed, discussing seen and heard. Then Liara knew - these videos blew Extranet Milky Way. They could not appear otherwise than being filmed there on this huge database.

  Through the continuously ongoing tears Liara looked at the screens, looked standing before squeezing pain in the joints of the fingers handgrips. I watched and realized - it's Shepard saw. It's seen normandovtsy. Even war with krogan even war with rachni did not know such a level of cruelty.

  Younger T'Soni understood, felt - aired Extranet was put not all. But even then, she had studies that has been repeated hundreds of times by all major studios key races of the Milky Way, shocked to the core.

  She occasionally looked around, looked at the other hospital patients and understood that she was not alone. Tears in his eyes, whitened face, his lips compressed, pent-up sobs ... And hatred for collectors and behind them the Reapers. Stinging, to the bone marrow hatred.

  Liara did not remember how ended up in his room, how to turn off and collapsed
into sleep haze. I understand that the same will be difficult to fill almost all the inmates of the hospital - doctors, nurses, and patients.

  And now she sees the dozens of medical transports which are being taken to medical facilities Tess parent planet asari saved daughters race. Saved people. Not only people, but also turians and salarians and Synthetic, and proteaninom. He sees all this early, very early in the morning and realize that the time of peace came to an end. Finally and irrevocably. Collectors ... destroyed. Deposed. Spray the explosion.

  She still remembered in detail how patients and doctors of the hospital personnel have apprehended a unique record of the explosion Base Collector. Fair wages - this is how it was possible to generally define this perception. All reasonable organic Tess and Space Azari already knew that the same medical transports with the survivors, with saved from pulling out of the bloody relay arrived in maternal worlds people, Turian, quarians, salarians, krogan, many other races. The war against the Reapers for the first time demonstrated its eerie grin. And hit a backhand on many worlds of organic reasonable Milky Way.

  medtransporty arrived at the hospital went out to meet it. Everyone who could go beyond the buildings. Who could not - watched the live broadcast, we looked out of the windows. Patients surrounded transports, helping doctors and nurses, to make a stretcher and capsules tribeswoman and countrywomen, conclusions under the hands of those rescued, someone could walk by himself.

  This time, there was no shortage of assistants - former women prisoners, prison camp Collectors passed from hand to hand, was transferred to the hands, gently, gently, gently. Now the war was near - these survivors. She came to the home of many races.

  Liara cursed his weakness. She could not refuse to go to meet compatriots arrived, but could not get rid of the crutches. And sitting in a chair at a time considered absolutely unacceptable. She was standing in a crowd of other patients, rarely touched by beig cocoons and stretcher, catching himself on the views of female former prisoners, and could not bring herself to smile. I tried not to cry, but I felt that a little more - and it will not hold.


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