Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 86

by Theodore Daniels

  Looking from the outside - Jeff Moreau

  Finally, the "Normandy" had a normal body and normal weapons worthy of the kernel, which she somehow managed to cram in the design. Manage it strike cruiser, a little potyazhelevshy, it became easier, but also increased opportunities - only manage to develop and refine.

  A volley of twelve, twelve "Taniksov" - is generally a song. Few saw this. So, we have a chance not to get caught in the teeth of the Reaper forces, which no doubt will roam the Galaxy. They are not needed because the Repeater? Like as not needed. Anyway, the big Reapers will not be enough, but the minions of troops, as practice shows - very much. And in this form and in this form, "Normandy" will be able to resist them quite adequately.

  Looking from the outside - Mordin Solus

  If Solus said, when he was working in his clinic at the "Omega", that very soon, within a few days he will be offered not only to fly on combat military spacecraft, but also to work with a full load, he probably would not have believed it. Just I would not believe it.

  And now, when he was taken to the "Omega" luxury room and were given the opportunity to make a second room in this room full lab, he was happy. I am happy that I finally got a chance to fully realize themselves. Let the end of life. So intense, full, it did not work effectively even in his youth. It is unlikely that even the captain Kirrahe could get from such a young Solus efficiency. It was necessary not only to spend the day and night in the lab, but also to shoot. And that he was able to see at this station ...

  Yes, special forces MOUNTAINS seen any differently. Including such. But in one place and in such a concentration - never. But it - failed. And he was able to much to see, feel, feel. Understand. His instrumentron red-hot and swollen from the continuous data streams, settles on storage devices. But the singing and dancing, alas, did not want to. For obvious reasons.

  Yes, I landed on the Collector Base, had to give way first through the security cordon. Well, that time Synthetic determined that based on contains many prisoners and not a landing Rushed immediately to the central part. Well, that was able to break the resistance of the protection of the camp-prison block and save the prisoners, so many prisoners to be transferred to the Halls of processing. Not all, of course, unfortunately, but a great many.

  And then it's time to work Solus doctor. Many people, who was detained in these barracks, in these labkorpusah, need, badly in need of a quick and effective medical care. Him Mordina Solus, a wave of continuous operation. It is unlikely that he had so many complex and severe patients in one place at the same time. Now, the clinic, besieged by crowds of inhabitants "Omega", seemed Solus backwater and very peaceful place. Then, in the prison-camp Base unit, it literally tore apart and waited in a dozen places at once.

  He was helped by all those who could. But the main role has always diverted him - Chakwas and Michelle could only work within the "Normandy", and then - within the cruisers dock. So I ordered Anderson who did not want to put all the medical frigate under threat. Under the blow.

  He Mordin Solus, did not mind - he just did not have the opportunity and time to think about something besides his medical work. Inspections. Surveys. Lab tests. Preparation and writing of conclusions and recommendations for each of hundreds of patients. And the face, the eyes, the body of captives and prisoners, for the first time who saw a doctor, who was not subordinate to their tormentors and the owners. Dozens, hundreds, thousands of eyes and faces.

  Well, that Mordin trained at the Special Forces MOUNTAINS. Well, he passed dozens of complex special security and intelligence operations. Another doctor would ... just broke down. And mentally, and psychologically. And even physically.

  When the paratroopers and Marines brought to him the most learned, most of those doctors who worked in the camp under the supervision of - or rather, under the control of Generals and Reapers, he experienced one of the worst minutes of her life. He wanted to destroy the fellow five salarians. Those who tormented prisoners that block those who cut the prisoners caught in labbloki. I cut and tortured. Physically, mentally, psychologically.

  He knew that none of the prisoners, none of the detainees will not blame him if he physically destroy all salarians-poluhaskov. All those who own hands brought closer to the captives and prisoners Hall Processing, death. Everyone who deprive prisoners and prisoners of the right to personal freedom. "White Azari" and that young girls asari with Fire Darkness failures in black eye, many others of those reasonable, not on their own have fallen on board Base, who managed to make a weapon and a tool Reapers.

  Mordin could feel the pressure of terror spreading across the galaxy. If you are here "development" stand on the flow - Galaxy shudder. In the dying shiver shudder. Much stronger shudder than he shuddered, Mordin Solus, seeing, feeling, feeling, exploring more and more new developments Reaper, made by hands of so many representatives of the subjugated races.

  To him, of course, led and Generals - Collectors. Pokorny. Obedient. Beware the wrath of their accompanying infantry and paratroopers, "Normandy." Deprived of communication with the Reapers. Abandoned. Weak. Inspection. Examination. Drawing up descriptions. Lab tests. Research. The usual routine.

  Maybe somewhere else in the Milky Way and similar database existed. But Mordin everything sharper, more everything seemed that the base - central. It is unlikely that only one of the key. all focused on it too much. Too many extremely valuable, that you can not distribute so many bases. Too Collectors did not expect such a fast and efficient, effective attack on his fortress. Do not wait. Not planned. We do not believe it.

  A normandovtsy come. And we gave him Mordin Solus, the opportunity to work very diverse, quickly, efficiently. Fully once again realize its experience, knowledge, skills, skills. Rarely it is managed in such significant scale.

  And now ... Now, in his room at the "Omega" again and again he recalled the incident. Analyzed. Were compared. Finding new areas of work. War of the Reapers come and a very great deal of what was on this basis will be forced to give up the fight with the organics of the Milky Way. Time to develop something radically new, even in the all-powerful Reaper remained extremely small.

  Yes, of course, they still abound here such here poluhaskov-scientists poluhaskov medical, poluhaskov researchers. But now they no longer have confidence in the fact that all their surprises and surprises remain. This manifests like. A database for the manifestation of this most similar at normandovtsev and volgovtsev is now enough.

  Much of the data in anonymous form and a profound encryption of left at the disposal of the Defence Staff of many races. Let there teams of scientists, physicians groups, teams of researchers continue to promote the training of resistance. The fact that the resistance is preparing, Solus was convinced that those who return to their worlds, having survived, survive in the camp-prison unit Base, become voices, hearts and even the conscience of the Resistance forces. They first saw the enemy's face without makeup, without a mask, without distance fog. They do not retreat and will not retreat the majority of those who stand in the way of the Reapers and their henchmen.

  It is possible that even now, after the return of the "fourth Omega", the governments of many races are awarded surviving the first civil and military awards. Yes, fighting. Because survivors visited the war. They also fought. His firmness, his perseverance, his faith in the fact that the enemy is not omnipotent.

  Dzenknul instrumentron. It's a short message - Liara presented awards to all surviving asari already undergoing treatment and recovery in one of the central hospitals Tess. And she has won awards. As normandovtsev who knew how to fly with them. Mordin remembered how to read and sign the representation on it. He knew little about it, but the fact that he was able to learn about Liara, when he had to read and reflect on the performance, saying, despite his youth, it was worthy of winning the asari. She grew up she became smarter and, no doubt, more experienced. She is also survived. I get out. Even if it is not fully recovered from a heavy injury, which is very reasonable, many organic righ
tfully called the battle - it was worth, and civic and government awards.

  But the fighting did not give her. She did not really visited in the thick of the Base Collector to qualify more and combat award. Those who have been rescued from the camp, a prison block, those who have been saved from the tanks, and Halls capsules Processing - they are worthy. They have already been to the real war. This war has swept them completely. Liara she just touched. The most out of the corner. And in many ways it wound not be completely attributed to the category of combat. It was made a small concession to public opinion situational. Important concession cooking perception of the inhabitants of the Milky Way to that carries with it a real, large, modern war with a powerful enemy.

  Solus knew a lot about what happened on the base. Much of what they did not know normandovtsy. It was his right. The right doctor and the right-commando and reconnaissance expert MOUNTAINS. Former Special Forces does not happen. And he Mordin Solus, was grateful for the fact that it gave him the opportunity to once again believe that it is almost an old man salarian standards was said to the people, not yet written off in the archive are not released in circulation, was not on the sidelines life.

  Now he's not exactly be on the sidelines. Ahead - the war. Large and complex, long war. Who knows how long it will be. But no matter how much she continued, he Mordin Solus, will do everything to make it as quickly as possible resulted in the victory of organic reasonable inhabiting the Milky Way. That it was the last war, after which the people of the Galaxy forget the notion of the Reapers and the concept itself Cycles. Both concepts will have to become history.

  Looking from the outside - Karin Chakwas

  Difficult all this. When you have on the shoulders of the officers 'major's insignia when you find a surgeon from God when you've earned a reputation for allowing easy and free, almost without delay and issues change sickbay cruisers and frigates to doctors' offices and laboratories ground and terminal medical centers, it seems that this enough. And start a little bit, just a little complacent.

  And then here comes such as this base collector and you recognize yourself about something that could not even imagine before. Yes, it is - an officer Medical Service VCS Systems Alliance, Major. And, as it turned out, it is now organically "can not stomach" civilian physicians. The same Chloe Michel she hates. Too this, the civil doctor, was spineless. Too it is vulnerable. Too slow, and it is in judgment and actions and thoughts. And ahead - a real war. The war, in which each of the organics, organics reasonable living within the Milky Way will require maximum. Yes, the clinic on the Citadel - a good start. Very good. As it turned out - not for everyone and not always. Chloe, this clinic is corrupted to the limit. Anyway, she Karin Chakwas was convinced of this. You should begin with the lower classes,

  And now Chakwas have to "train" and Chloe and four civilian nurses who Chloe picked up on the same Citadel. Yes, nurses in war demand - very often no less than from doctors. And these nurses is not enough that civilians ... They are still and know and know how ridiculously small. What of the fact that it formally, Karin Chakwas can command and direct with only two nurses. She - the head physician of the medical service of the frigate. And he is responsible for all MedLab. This means that all four nurses it will require maximum. Daily and hourly. Only the maximum and nothing else. And even more, it will require a maximum of Chloe Michelle. Yes, the physician does not wear shoulder straps, not the military service of the Alliance. But it is - a doctor. Since ancient times, doctors are already in force profession considered liable for military service. In the Russian Empire, that's like, until now the only way and that way. If you're a doctor - you have medical service officer. And study not only the civilian areas of medicine, but also a vast and complex military medicine, extensive military field medicine.

  Now Karin has to act as a teacher. Well, she has retained its notes and their materials, so it helped in the study and in the early stages of life in videoconferencing. Now she sends parts of these materials and lecture notes, and Chloe and four nurses. Lets examine them requires understanding. Not only is knowledge - an understanding that is incorporated in these materials. For uncomprehending doctor, nurse Huh doubly dangerous ignoramus doctor or nurse-know-nothings.

  And they practice, all six, enough already. Chloe almost silently falls from exhaustion, nurses squeak, sleep on the go, but try to match. Try to match. Understand that more will only get worse and will have to work more.

  What is she, Karin Chakwas can oppose this? She used to ease and calm thought, enough to get married to his job. For the first time, or what? Is not she the first, is not she - the last who do so. Occupations and professions require to understand a lot of things over than other organics, organics reasonable, have a right to not have to wonder. And do not think.

  And here it is - thinks. In short seconds and minutes of rest thinking. I think when her hands automatically perform the procedure or perform the manipulation. I think when talking along the corridors or the corridors of the frigate "Omega". I think sitting in the canoe, flying alongside another medical transporter. Or flying back to the station or to the frigate. He thinks because he can not help but think. On many people think. Of course, most of the work, but also about many other thinks. We have to think about.

  Unless it can cheat its essence? She is woman. And she really wants to love, warmth, security of, participation. I want to be for someone to master the most important and most necessary. Not a professional, do not in the medical sense. In the individual. I want to ... I want to get pregnant and give birth to a child. At least one. She knows, with such power and certainty know that the most terrible.

  He knows that Anderson, David Anderson, it is very indifferent. What does he want to come to her and explain. Put aside all the troubles of the commander's status and just tell her the same three main words. Or one. Or two. Mots. Breaks through a dam. The dam, behind which - the highest and most valuable tree of emotions, sensations. And feelings.

  Madeley fears. He believes that the time has not come yet. Maybe, she says she, Karin, you should rest after Abraham hours of Abraham experienced it on board the cruiser, where all the survivors were gathered. What matters now is this Abraham? He - is history. And David - not a story, but a reality. And Karin knows, understands that normandovtsy, not all, but many - not blind. They see and feel. See and feel the thread, which is already stretched between the commander of the frigate and the ship's chief doctor. Respecting the right of two people, they do not interfere and do not interfere. They pretend not to notice much.

  Let. They are good. They - the best and she will fight for them and fight anywhere and everywhere. How do they like to be expressed - any peregryzёt throat. Yes, peregryzёt. For them - peregryzёt. Anyone. For the first time she feels in the family. Not just a regular team of soldiers, and in the family. In that it is - in his important and even, in some ways, and a unique location. And she did not want to change the "Normandy" to any other ship, to any other space station or medical center ground. Even the coolest. For her, now there is nothing better, "Normandy." And, it seems, is no longer anything to be better.

  Before - yes, she would have agreed to go somewhere else. She got used to change places, used to. Now there is no. Her place - here. It's like no one saw, felt, felt like Anderson, a military officer, and en-Seven spectrum suffers from an inability to take personal part in the raid on the base. He performed all over everything and even from what should be engaged in the frigate commander, but really wanted to, very much like to go there and take part in clashes with collectors. And if possible, and then to war with the Reaper I would not mind. And General collectors he would have smashed his bare hands. Because they - are guilty. Guilty in that shaft of organic suffering of others, that they can not be forgiven, even if some of the reasonable - whether organic or Synthetic - zaiknёtsya, dares to hint that they are - only the performers, only mediators.


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