Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 90

by Theodore Daniels

  Shepard opened the sent file. That's right. Visa Admiral Hacket with daughter permission to obey in the service to their own father. Just obey as a grassroots leader - superior. And the principle of "vassal of my vassal - not my vassal" to Hacket's not going to work. As if to acknowledge the vassal Hacket Ann Bryson ... Indeed, when Hacket blame around and obliged to raise the Alliance on the ears, but to find the missing cruiser and this Dr. Bryson and crew - too.

  - John, I will say this. I do not believe that this position is only known to the cruiser Miralem. This is silly - so believe and so be sure of this. Then, if necessary, these coordinates will be laid on the table by someone else. Somehow another, more exotic and effective manner. Are you sure that acting on such coordinates Anderson does not substitute Miralem? I know, I'm not sure. And now look at the matter from the other side - who owns the ship "Normandie"? Even it is difficult to immediately determine his identity. Corps Spectres it does not belong - absolutely. Alliance? Also, especially - after the upgrade. And now imagine that you go back to these coordinates only to "Normandy", without the presence of a number of "Volga", a ship belonging to one hundred percent of the Russian Empire. Now imagine what you find there Dr Bryson, who says that hiding. Hidden, because he knows our common razumnoorganicheskoy unwillingness to fight against the Reapers, and does not want to approach the term of the Harvest. And for its part, too, will be right. Now imagine that the location of the ship Bryson "Normandy" to be Despoynu and falls under attack. Under the blow of Leviathan, John, because the Leviathans, who ruled the galaxy a billion years have experience, not comparable to the true childhood experiences of the Systems Alliance there. And the "Normandie" does not leave the limits Despoyny for the simple reason that the Leviathans are strong enough to hold the power on the planet and the ship and crew. How, then, will look like Anderson? Now I'll send pictures from our vysokozaschischёnnyh probes, John. Confidential, non-public images. These pictures, - Svetlana sent his wife a few tens of encrypted files - it is clear what ships are now floating in the ocean. Their identification marks are visible - and belong to a race and membership of the organization. Synthetic confirm. Look and think that there would be no one of these cores "Normandy" only a few months later, John. Look and think, what is the price of our winding to the Galaxy, if the "Normandy" will remain one of the debris in the ocean Despoyny. - Svetlana paused, allowing Shepard closer look at the pictures. Will not one of these cores "Normandy" only a few months later, John. Look and think, what is the price of our winding to the Galaxy, if the "Normandy" will remain one of the debris in the ocean Despoyny. - Svetlana paused, allowing Shepard closer look at the pictures. Will not one of these cores "Normandy" only a few months later, John. Look and think, what is the price of our winding to the Galaxy, if the "Normandy" will remain one of the debris in the ocean Despoyny. - Svetlana paused, allowing Shepard closer look at the pictures.

  Indoor was nothing. The pictures clearly read any and all identifiers. Ultra-secure probes Empire were, as it turned out, Despoyne, to be exact - on the planet, but at such a close distance, about a dream and do not dare to best exploration of the Alliance and the countries that were part of it. Shepard felt a little more - and he will have to be addressed.

  - I remind you, John, for several months obscurity. I remind you, John - the Alliance has no strength, means and resources to pull out the "Normandy" with Despoyny decorated prohibiting approach to the planet marks in no way less than the repeater "Omega-fourth." I remind you, John, that what you have done for this repeater will be forgotten very quickly for the same months under the weight of routine information. And no one would look for some kind of a frigate, cruiser strange accessories and unknown status. No, John. Empire will not fit on it - "Volga" will remain at the "Omega", razvedkreyser in any adventure not incurred. And I know that my Admiral none of the higher imperial admirals did not give the order to go to the rescue of "Normandy" to Despoyne. Because intelligence - it is not a gamble. And it will not be intelligence, but a full-scale rescue operation. And that, the Alliance Empire pays for it in full? I still have not received information from the Alliance that the Alliance Empire paid for the modernization of the frigate "Normandy" full price. A proxy heat rake - is not imperially.

  Svetlana paused but then continued:

  - And yet, John. So you did not have the slightest doubt that this lawlessness is happening at all levels. I will send you the materials on the basis of mass test the vulnerability of the colonies. - She sent her husband a few dozen files - this test conducted complex commission and there were no representatives of the Empire. There were two hundred representatives of the countries that have just emerged into space and set up the first colony in the last ten years. They tested not only their colonies - APB position them well known. They checked the colony of the Alliance and other organizations. We checked and imperial colonies. Look, think about it.

  Shepard opened on wall screens multiple files, scanned. About the APB Svetlana is a bit higher than the degree of estimation, but otherwise ... Colony Alliance, anyway - most of these colonies have remained malozaschischёnnymi. As of bombing from orbit and on the landings. It is clear that in those colonies that were able to get a more or less strong defense system, now there was a long queue of reasonably willing to move to a permanent place of residence, and that will be when to begin the invasion and will need somewhere to evacuate residents from a variety of colonies came under attack?

  Svetlana did not give him the information on the security of imperial colonies and those colonies that are somehow supervised housing spectrum. It is clear that there is, in the main, with the defense fared much better.

  - Evacuation, John - this is an extremely expensive thing. And in war - it is also extremely expensive and dangerous thing. Presented scale you, I know. And understand a simple thing: point the enemy sverhzaschischёnnye colony, forcing their employees to take cocoons of protection for the reception of transports with evacuees, no one in the majority of cases will not. Resources in these colonies, too, are not unlimited. And extra mouths to feed in these colonies suffer no one will. You see yourself, in any case - either all survive or perish, too, everything. You can prevent the option "almost all" with certain restrictions, but it is still not an option - the enemy of our external and extremely strong and experienced. Alone with the enemy not consult anybody. And then, John, see for yourself - it is on single rate, which managed to hurry up. And what price will this single flickering? When carpet sweep the singles just pulled on additional power forwards and eventually collapse, being then assured destruction. - Svetlana paused. - So, I'm sorry, John. But either Anderson leaves the squad one, or he would be hamstrung. I have received from the Imperial Staff Astrorazvedki Russia all the necessary powers to deal with the elimination of the Troop as mnogokorabelnoy and mnogoekipazhnoy combat unit. In conclusion, let me remind you, John, that Nihlus also tried to use the frigate "Normandie" as a personal ship Spectrum Citadel. And you yourself, John, was forced to put Nihlus to its rightful place, explaining to him including the fact that the "Normandy" - not a ship, completely and without reserve belonging to the spectrum of the Citadel, and the ship, Moreover, the Earth Alliance warship Systems. Think also of the fact, John, that Primarch Palaven ready to give the order to return Nihlus Craik and Saren Arterius to serve in the Armed Forces of the Hierarchy. Due to the fact that the interests of the race for the Turian primary, both the Turian obey this order quickly and without objection, took off at the same time with the duties of the Citadel Spectres. Citadel Council in the current environment is weak and, accordingly, housing spectrum - far more problems than before. Think about whether you should be in this case the spectrum. As if Anderson does not prove to be a captain with no ship, John. Before connection. that the interests of the race for the Turian primary, both the Turian obey this order quickly and without objection, took off at the same time with the duties of the Citadel Spectres. Citadel Council in the current environment is weak and, accordingly, housing spect
rum - far more problems than before. Think about whether you should be in this case the spectrum. As if Anderson does not prove to be a captain with no ship, John. Before connection. that the interests of the race for the Turian primary, both the Turian obey this order quickly and without objection, took off at the same time with the duties of the Citadel Spectres. Citadel Council in the current environment is weak and, accordingly, housing spectrum - far more problems than before. Think about whether you should be in this case the spectrum. As if Anderson does not prove to be a captain with no ship, John. Before connection.

  Several tens of minutes or a few hours have passed - Shepard remembered. He was not interested in the data from the time indicators. All this time Shepard mused. I Thought. About a lot of thought. And that what he said Svetlana for audio communication, and that she did not tell him. Shepard has revised and re-read several times all the material sent by her. Re-read the full version of the documents. He did not want to cut straight from the shoulder, but the situation is really getting out of control. Just ended a most difficult operation in zaretranslyatornom space "Omega-fourth." Just from the station "Omega" gone past the Alliance transporters and transporters of the Hierarchy, takes personnel, weapons and equipment used during this operation. Now comes the turn of other things, other tasks, other activities, and indeed expect

  - Captain. - The relationship with Shepard audio-speaker came Olivia. - I ask you to come to our room with Alix. As fast as possible.

  - Good. - Shepard stood up, checked suit and gun, went into the corridor, heading for the stairs - in these cases, it is fundamentally not use elevators. Halfway joined by Nihlus and Saren and Erich Goeben - copilot frigate, cruiser. At the door of the hall they were met by Lieutenant Alenko with five cops-paratroopers. All silently crossed the threshold of the room where they were waiting for Mark, Legion and Olivia Alix.

  - Come and sit down. - Olivia said. - To where it is more convenient. We will talk about the current situation. All information received and reviewed?

  Synthetic organic and nodded.

  - Then we will not lose time. All of you are well aware what is going on in the Troop recently. You are all well aware that we need to do in the near future. And all of you are well aware, with which we have to face the enemy.

  - I suppose I should also attend. - On the threshold of the hall stood Anderson.

  - Come on, Captain, sit down. - Olivia nodded. - Your presence is very important and valuable to us.

  - Ornate. - Anderson sat. - And what are your suggestions?

  - Our offer is one - we operate two ships, Captain. - Nihlus said. - And two crews. And nothing else. We - detachment. And one ship - it is not detachment. - Turian put in front of Anderson pile readers. - Check out the captain. If you remember this, then refresh your memory and think that the separation unit - this is not a one-time measure.

  - Good. - Anderson absorbed in reading the contents of readers. To this it took him less than ten minutes. - And?

  - As you can see, the captain, the situation is such that the division Troop continued practice of individual action single ships - is counterproductive. - Saren said. - We survived there for the relay, because we have, in the absence of "Volga", supported by the Turian Hierarchy, and the Alliance, and the crew and the crew of the cruiser, remaining at the station "Omega". We are supported by many. Not only the Systems Alliance, Captain. And now, no volgovtsy nor alyansovtsy nor turians will not understand if you try to continue to act only frigate, cruiser. In this case, as you have seen, it takes procedures that lead to your removal from command of the ship and crew. The modernized and renovated at the expense of the Empire frigate, cruiser "Normandy" actually has the potential to go into the possession of the Russian Empire. And here Turian Hierarchy will not mind, Captain. A Russian Empire has already expressed in the signed by you, the captain, the contract.

  - I also remind you, Captain. - Olivia said - that I was legalized on board the cruiser "Volga". And the first housing got there. It is now left for me.

  - I'll be there, where is my mother, Captain. - Alix said. - And I defended the citadel of "Cerberus" not because people live there, but because there is a reasonable living organic matter of many races who are working and are close to the people for three decades and our race is considered promising. And if you want my answer, I will say this: I'll go on board of "Volga" with his mother.

  - I remind you, Captain. - I joined in the conversation, Mark, that I was "Cerberus" made in the image and likeness of Captain Shepard, not your image. And Cerberus will attack us otryadovtsev, including first and foremost because it believes Captain Shepard's most dangerous opponent and his opponent. I admit that Commander Shepard will take its decision in detail the deliberate, but I will say this - I will leave behind Olivia, because I feel obligated to protect and Olivia, and her daughter, and her husband Captain Shepard from any and all attacks. And I'll do it on board the cruiser "Volga". And not on board the frigate "Normandie".

  - I was sent by the Goths in the community as the outer worlds of intelligence and research platform, Captain. - Said Legion. - And met aboard a dilapidated half-dead Reaper is not with you, and with Captain Shepard. He and his teammate haskolyudov I defended from attacks. I gave him into the hands of the system board "- another's", which enabled us to break into zaretranslyatornoe space and as it became clear to me now, it is safe to go back. And I know, Captain Shepard is constantly risked on landings. He risked a Captain Anderson, and not someone from teammate. They, incidentally, is also risk, because they were confident that Shepard will do anything to get them out of the most difficult situation. I trusted you not, Captain Shepard and the fate of his people to "heretics station," and he, Captain Shepard, decided the fate of this right. I have been on many landings near Shepard and supported him from the ship. And if necessary, I will continue to do so from the board of the cruiser "Volga". And to protect the captain and his wife, and those who stand beside Captain Shepard and katrerangom Titov. Because I believe: Shepard Streltsov and do not protect the geth heretics serving old car - the reaper, and the true geth, who build their own destiny themselves, with full personal liability. I will say this, Captain Anderson. Shepard is primarily risks. And he does not hide from danger. You do not risk themselves and others. And now, risk difference reached a critical level. who is standing next to Captain Shepard and katrerangom Titov. Because I believe: Shepard Streltsov and do not protect the geth heretics serving old car - the reaper, and the true geth, who build their own destiny themselves, with full personal liability. I will say this, Captain Anderson. Shepard is primarily risks. And he does not hide from danger. You do not risk themselves and others. And now, risk difference reached a critical level. who is standing next to Captain Shepard and katrerangom Titov. Because I believe: Shepard Streltsov and do not protect the geth heretics serving old car - the reaper, and the true geth, who build their own destiny themselves, with full personal liability. I will say this, Captain Anderson. Shepard is primarily risks. And he does not hide from danger. You do not risk themselves and others. And now, risk difference reached a critical level.

  - Captain. - Erich remained seated in his chair, but saw him tense. - I will not talk much, but I was until recently a military policeman. I had a number of reasons to leave the Flight operation. And I thought that he would never be back at the helm. Shepard, not you, Captain, allow me to return to the wheel and feel the joy that is fully and completely knows, understands and is aware of only the pilot, the pilot only. You, Captain, had all the information that I - a pilot, a combat pilot. And you left me for a cop position. A Shepard brought me back into the pilot's seat. I will say this, Captain. I have a lot of time spent near enough time with Jeff Moreau. We talked about many things and I have seen a lot and felt. Jeff did the impossible, he, whom they considered invalid and were ready to do everything, but do not let in the pilot's seat, not to give him to live a full life, He is back at the helm of combat spacecraft. According to the canons and all the procedures
he shone ground position. Only the ground position, Captain Anderson. Only the ground. He affair proved that he - the pilot combat spacecraft. And Shepard instead you helped Jeff Moreau become what it is today. Shepard, and not you have enabled Moreau to concentrate on the pilot's duties, not to seek solace in tracking what is happening on the frigate through a variety of cameras. Due to the Moro and his skills we survived there in zaretranslyatornom space. If Moreau did not believe in ourselves, we would be there, the captain remained. We did not stay there, Captain, because at the helm of "Normandy" was not you, and Moreau was. Moreau, which Shepard could put ashore in three seconds as received from you all the possibilities and all the rights to do so. But Shepard is not written off Jeff ashore, he led him to believe more in myself more. And I will say this, Captain. Throughout the flight-pilot's part of VCS Alliance will not find a pilot, able to squeeze out of "Normandy" is that it is able to squeeze out of Moro. The fact that he, Jeff Moreau could do with a frigate, even I spent with him ten hours to fully be able to do. And no one can. Because if you go Synthetic - frigate, cruiser will not be able properly to fly one. We are in the reconstruction and modernization did everything to present in the cockpit and the people - no less than two, and Synthetic - not less than two. We did everything to flying frigate Cruiser was a joint, collective thing, because only in collective efforts in the combined efforts of organic and Synthetic - one of the keys of victory over the Reapers. I am here because Jeff, for objective reasons can not leave his post. And I will say this - if you go Synthetic, from the frigate go I will go, Jeff. Because we do not all believe you, Captain Anderson. We all believe Shepard. A next step is to transfer the frigate at the disposal of the Russian Empire videoconferencing, for me and Jeff have carefully studied all the documentation and officially confirms the rights of ownership and use of the frigate-cruiser "Normandy" in the Systems Alliance is much less than that of the Russian Empire. Thanks to Empire, due to its relations with those countries, which ignored the Alliance at its formation and updating their personal membership, the frigate prototype "Normandy" was the ship as it is now, at the moment. Ship - unifier. A ship that does not have people with disabilities, there is no first-class and second-class of organic Synthetic, there is first-rate and second-rate Turian earthlings. There are reasonable, who simply want to defeat the aggressor, ready to invade their common home. And I will say this, Captain Anderson. I - a German and never forget about it. Yes, we Germans, many times fought with Russia. We had been contradictions and collisions. But we always remember that Russia - a strong unity. In the same unity, which is always cemented the German nation, even in the era of division. If I am offered a choice, I remain faithful to Germany, I will be faithful and Russia, which gave me the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of such a perfect and truly unique ship. Without the Russian frigate, cruiser "Normandy", Captain Anderson, simply would not exist. who simply want to defeat the aggressor, ready to invade their common home. And I will say this, Captain Anderson. I - a German and never forget about it. Yes, we Germans, many times fought with Russia. We had been contradictions and collisions. But we always remember that Russia - a strong unity. In the same unity, which is always cemented the German nation, even in the era of division. If I am offered a choice, I remain faithful to Germany, I will be faithful and Russia, which gave me the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of such a perfect and truly unique ship. Without the Russian frigate, cruiser "Normandy", Captain Anderson, simply would not exist. who simply want to defeat the aggressor, ready to invade their common home. And I will say this, Captain Anderson. I - a German and never forget about it. Yes, we Germans, many times fought with Russia. We had been contradictions and collisions. But we always remember that Russia - a strong unity. In the same unity, which is always cemented the German nation, even in the era of division. If I am offered a choice, I remain faithful to Germany, I will be faithful and Russia, which gave me the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of such a perfect and truly unique ship. Without the Russian frigate, cruiser "Normandy", Captain Anderson, simply would not exist. We had been contradictions and collisions. But we always remember that Russia - a strong unity. In the same unity, which is always cemented the German nation, even in the era of division. If I am offered a choice, I remain faithful to Germany, I will be faithful and Russia, which gave me the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of such a perfect and truly unique ship. Without the Russian frigate, cruiser "Normandy", Captain Anderson, simply would not exist. We had been contradictions and collisions. But we always remember that Russia - a strong unity. In the same unity, which is always cemented the German nation, even in the era of division. If I am offered a choice, I remain faithful to Germany, I will be faithful and Russia, which gave me the opportunity to sit behind the wheel of such a perfect and truly unique ship. Without the Russian frigate, cruiser "Normandy", Captain Anderson, simply would not exist.


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