Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 98

by Theodore Daniels

  -Zharkovato Met us, Captain. - Greg said, piloting the shuttle and dodging attacks morokoporozhdёnnyh creatures. - Have fun, but napryazhno.

  - Drops us off at the bottom of the site and immediately goes up, from start to shoot morokoporozhdёnnyh. We deal with them at the bottom, we need to make space excavation and staff from the effects of the artifact Leviathans. I do not know exactly what happened there, but pulls indoctrination - to complete. - Shepard remembered that Ann Bryson is now on the "Volga" and glad that Svetlana also expressed a desire to take a stroll down this Namakli.

  - Acknowledged, Captain. - The driver leaned over the console, follow the Shepherd. - Done.

  - All - down to the site immediately be ready to repel the attack morokopodobnyh. - Shepard missed by itself jumped off down to two meters on metal plate landing pad Kaidan and jumped himself, immediately taking his rifle at the ready. - Forward. The first task - to destroy the artifact, the second - to understand what's going on here and why the excavation is under attack morokoporozhdёnnyh.

  From what said otryadovtsam Ann Bryson, should that Namakli Leviathan was discovered an artifact - the same ball, similar in size to that which held in obedience and in complete isolation on Magavide miners. Now it was necessary to understand why the artifact was activated here. To this should be a good reason and this reason Shepard intended to detect, and if possible to be - and then understand.

  When Ann Bryson left Namakli, only artifact excavated. Yes, archaeological party was not so large - a few dozen people, at least - less than Magavide were miners and specialists, but for now, moving from platform to the stairs leading to other levels, Shepard showed signs of neglect and understood that it indicates the death of a great many archaeologists. Firing the advancing raiders and from morokosobak, the group moved to the vertical ladder - the usual ladder, metal strip, wide and stable - was destroyed and jump failure had no conceivable possibility. The sky hook "Normandy" shot back from the pursuing raiders bunches, have time before the break up into its constituent parts, try to get out of his arms melteshaschuyu car.

  - No one. There are no signals. - Said Saren, a few minutes catching up with fast paced Shepard. - Anne said that there are many people ...

  - Relatively much.

  - May be. - I agreed turian. - And I see here only morokosobak and raiders.

  - Does not matter. Demolish the artifact - it will be easier. - Shepard shot raiders and two morokosobak, and not allowing them to get close to him. - And then we find that this protected the artifact from excessive outside attention. For some reason it seems that this is due to the fact look like leviathans. Apparently, these former rulers of the universe, too, do not want to become the characters of the board, "they wanted."

  - Probably so. - Turian overcome ladder. - Moving to the elevator?

  - Exactly. Only I'm not sure that he was in such a situation will be more or less normally. - Captain backed fire-cops paratroopers attacked another bunch of raiders, barely had time to decay. - At this time we will have to dispense with the collection of trophies - is important the speed of movement and the ability to fire.

  - I agree. - Saren nodded toward the Nihlus. Next to Shepard appeared Alenko. - How the situation, Kai?

  - Just a surprisingly large number morokoporozhdёnnyh creatures. Waves rolled.

  - Will advance through the building, pass the turn to a deadlock, climb stairs, jump over the cliff. - Shepard's eye watched the small screen for instrumentrona card. - There's a bridge.

  - All right, commander. - Alenko morokoporozhdёnnuyu killed another dog. - I would not say that fun, but tones - exactly.

  - Yeah.

  Elevator stuck, I had to climb a narrow and terribly uncomfortable for people in difficult broneskafandrah technical ladder. Passing the balcony, in the next group structure destroyed several dozen morokoporozhdёnnyh dogs, up to a dozen raiders and walked to the ruins.

  - It looks like an artifact is near. - Kaidan again came closer to Chagall Shepard. - At the head begins to push. While holding on. And others - hold.

  - We rise to this building here and go on a rocky ledge. There is something too many dogs and gathered morokoporozhdёnnyh raiders. They obviously are not going to give us the way, and that is going to protect our attention.

  - It is clear, Commander. - Kaidan, by contacting konferentskanalu with its cops-paratroopers, left side, next appeared Nihlus.

  With a rocky ledge creatures had to squeeze out a quarter of an hour. Finally a bit of daze cleared.

  - It's ... It's the Reaper. - Alenko said when he saw on the cliff color image that is larger in height was obviously more than six meters.

  - Fix it in all kinds of Kai. - Shepard said. - And if you have not noticed, it's not too much of our partner. And many different parts.

  - That is ... - Lieutenant incredulously looked at the picture again. - You want to say...

  - Most likely - in front of us one of the very few portraits of Leviathan. If the Reapers are their creatures, why they may not be outwardly similar to its originator?

  - It is so, but ... - Kaidan curiously looked around the image. - How much labor vbuhali artists in this picture ?! And it used to be, this picture has been hidden from prying eyes.

  - May be. - Shepard looked at his watch. - We already stayed here too long. We must now look for the arefakt ball, destroy and allow archaeologists to work. We'll have to, of course, much is to restore, but it is - not our concern. Let's find the artifact.

  The platform, which looked quite strong, suddenly collapsed before reaching normandovtsami.

  - Go back. - Shepard said. - For buildings, there is a twist. Let's go the balcony, we need to go to the elevator. There is not much to the artifact. Course I paved, all - go ahead.

  Destroying morokosobak and raiders who tried to rotate and cooperate, landing the group moved to the buildings, took a turn, passed the balcony.

  - Elevator - ahead, Commander. - Alenko reported. - We conducted a reconnaissance in force, it will be easier. But I do not rule out that the linkage is damaged.

  - Spare the way it is, if it is necessary - use. - Shepard said. - The main thing - the artifact is near.

  Alenko just nodded.

  Lift this time was quite serviceable, the group raised to the desired level. Upon entering the room, normandovtsy finally saw the artifact. Destroying hovering around morokosobak and raiders, as well as two dozen haskolyudov, normandovtsy concentrated fire on the artifact and that is to be expected exploded.

  - Morok eliminated. - Reported Alenko, reloaded the rifle. - It looks like everything here.

  - Greg, let's hook in the near area. - Ordered Shepard, ensuring that the artifact really disintegrated into small particles, and to gather together again will not. - Give a signal of addressing the office of archaeologists. Let send more repairmen and technicians - great destruction here. Wait for our site, we will soon.

  - Acknowledged, Commander. The sky is clear, so that - doing. Three minutes before the courts.

  - Got it. - Shepard sign ordered that teammate left the room and went to the site. - We're going.

  While the group moved to the site which have fallen hook, Shepard spoke with Ann Bryson on the audio channels. She said she knew about the Leviathan, and how she and her team found the artifact. Some additions made Olivia skillfully blended into the conversation and passing on instrumentrony conversing more and more files.

  The shuttle Shepard acquainted with these files, scanned and videos taken at that rock with the figure of Leviathan.

  Leviathan. Despoyna. The contract with the ancestors of the Reapers

  Frigate cruiser stopped at a sufficient distance from the planet, not to get hit even under a weakened Leviathan. If such is certainly taken place in reality. "Volga" hove even earlier, the protection of areas of the planet from the curious and preventing flying ships to conduct a special operation Corps spectrum.

  - Commander, we go with you and it is not discussed. - Nihlus and Saren star
pomovskuyu entered the cabin when Shepard was finishing put on the suit. - With us also go Alenko and five policemen paratroopers. We assume that you have to land on one of the cores of ancient spacecraft and that it is necessary once again to deal with the hassle. Maybe - even with the new creatures of darkness. Svetlana managed to talk?

  - No. - Shepard shook his head. - I understand that risk. The extent of impermissible risk. But if it will not be there ... We can not show Leviathan that they are ready to overcome the millennium, not as a dependent and proedateley as well as builders and creators.

  - Clear. Legion also decided to disembark. We take a great race. There's enough room for everyone. We took everything you need to dive into the ocean. What can help us at least a little there to hold.

  - Captain, I have identified several skeletons of ships manned presence of modified robots. Many of the details are not clear from orbit, but I already know - these robots are suitable for our purposes with you. They could withstand diving to those depths, which are characteristic of the Ocean Despoyny. It seems that those who tried to break the power here, know something better than us on this Ocean. Instrumentrony transmits data to all members of the landing party.

  - Well, Olivia. At least we go - not blind. - Shepard said, leaving behind turians the cabin. - Get into the canoe and do business. It's time to meet with these creatures. And agree.

  - Try to negotiate. - Nihlus said.

  - That's a try. - Shepard waited turians and het will take their places in the shuttle, the lieutenant nodded Alenko and the driver of the shuttle. - We start.

  - Are you sure, Captain, that we want to take care of him? - Asked Nihlus.

  - And we have another way out, Nai? - Shepard grabbed the handrail, refusing to sit in the chair. - We are here. We have already come. We have passed the laboratory on the Citadel, we passed Magavid, we passed Namakli. It's - the last paragraph of the chain, the last link. And here, as always, everything will be decided definitively. I'm not saying that we have to make friends with him. But take from him all possible assistance - we simply can not, we must do it.

  - Commander. - On the screen appeared the driver of the passenger compartment. - With Olivia we have identified the place where there is a signal of the Leviathan. And it's a place you do not like. One of those ships, from our list. A signal goes out of the water. - Instead of the driver card image appeared on the screen increases in size. Finally appeared on the map grid lines and symbols.

  - Really nice little. Judging by the data scanning - a very old ship. Suppose that there is even a double robot glubokovodnikov, but still. These dvuhmestnikov and on other ships lacked as single robots. - Saren said. - Olivi also identified that there are plenty of creatures of darkness. It seems that in the camp of Leviathans there is a split sickly and not everyone wants to get involved in the fight against the Reapers on a grand scale.

  - Commander, we took the latest data from sensors on the ocean. We treat them. - Olivia entered the communication Speaker. - You can use the shuttle. It must withstand the pressure at maximum depths. But if those causing confusion hurt the car above a certain limit - will have to use robots. The coordinates of the landing site, the nearest to the place of Leviathan signal - confirmed.

  - Captain, we have hooked some momentum. - The driver reported. - Energy is almost zero. It is only enough to land. Then you have to use robots. With such energy remainder of underwater walk - and think nothing. - The driver of the car straightened out and forced her to the deck plan konteyneronostsa. - Planting is tough. Hang in there!

  Shuttle Blow on the deck of the ancient ship was really noticeable - even Saren fell to his knees, holding the rifle and trying not to tip over onto his back.

  - All are safe? - Shepard looked around the cabin, floodlit emergency rechargeable spotlight.

  - With energy - all commanding. - I reported to the driver, looking out from the cabin. - We are completely stuck. But we sit exactly in the center, at least, with each of the parties we have plenty of metal. If everything will be stable - swimming in the canoe we do not have.

  - I would like to believe. - Saren got to his feet, checked the assault rifle. - Looks like it was a kind of Punch Leviathan. It is unlikely that he will tell us about it.

  - Exit and survey the area. I do not think that the Leviathan was going to drown us with this skeleton of a ship. They had already enough opportunities to drown these residues. - Shepard said first jumping onto the deck konteyneronostsa. - Engage in recovery systems, Greg. And also check the power supply. We still have to take off from here.

  - I understand, Commander. - The driver nodded and disappeared into the cockpit. - I perform.

  - Good. - Shepard looked around. Mild rain, splashing water, wind, fog. Full set. - How many Leviathans already put off the planet like this momentum and ships and reasonable ...

  - Many, the commander. - I stood near Alenko. Approached cops paratroopers. - A lot of. And we - not the first. It is possible that not even the latter. For the landfill - is eternal. That we are here - time. And - temporarily.

  - May be. Olivi.

  - Data on this boat in any available I databases are not available, the commander. - She replied kiborgessa. - The type of model class - is unknown. For lack of anything better, I tend to agree with you, denoting the ship as konteyneronosets - a very similar design with our counterparts, peers of this cycle. And your ship around the skeletons is also impossible to accurately identify. Moisture, permanent waves, shock, rain, fog - all this is very conducive to corrosion, against which we are powerless even modern alloys. A ships - very ancient in all probability. Even older than this. You are lucky that you got more or less fresh skeleton commander.

  - Maybe. - Shepard finished viewing the next few hundred meters square. - Point-blank-wing hidden containers with robots. The model, of course, unknown, but the fact that the robots itself is quite suitable for use in human beings - this is inspires a certain hope.

  - In our time, the commander - the relationship came Yavik. - There were many races are similar to humans. According to various parameters. Complete analogy, of course, was not, but since the appearance in humans - is universal, then these races, even in my cycle has been more than a dozen. Accordingly, the technique has been their highly adapted. This ship is really a stranger to me, it is quite possible that he even older race of our predecessors - Innusanontsev. And there are people such as race was, in any case, no less.

  - Commander, "ball" was found in one of the containers. - Kaidan audio-reported. - I give the coordinates. I averted razvedparu the original. They had wanted to shoot the artifact, but I forbade.

  - Maybe you were right, Kaidan. - Shepard said, reading the data being transferred, - But maybe you made a mistake. The situation of uncertainty. Do not shoot yet. The signal still comes out of the water and Leviathan-contactee so you can see and hear us, and not to suffer the unknown and uncertainty. Leave the balls alone.

  - Commander, the attack from the sky! There - whole bunches raiders! - There was a cry of one of the troopers-policemen.

  - All gathered in the shuttle! - Shepard look vytselil near falling on konteyneronosets bunch, breaking the run distance to the shuttle. - Perimeter. Morokotvarey does not admit to the shuttle!

  Reports on the adoption order Shepard was listening with half an ear. It is good that they scored before landing the shuttle ammunition and arms almost to the eyeballs. Now you can shoot morokotvarey not really holding back. The main thing was to not let the creatures to the shuttle, so they do not damage the car. Retreating to the shuttle, Shepard noticed already standing under a tarpaulin single robot, thinking that if necessary he would go to the bottom of itself, without Svetlana.

  - Three of the shuttle with the "Volga" attack clusters in flight commander. - Reported Saren. - At one of the shuttles - Svetlana. - Added turian, discharging a rifle in almost fallen onto the deck konteyneronostsa bunch of raiders. There is still haskolyudy from under the water climbed. The fun was.

bsp; Shepard seized a second, looked around. Indeed, dangerously close to the position of the landing party on the deck began to be selected one by one and in groups haskolyudy. The captain saw clearly that Saren, Nihlus and replaced by Legion sniper rifle and began to beat the sighting haskolyudov. Lai rifles merged within a few minutes in a continuous low-frequency rumble.

  Even at very subjective feelings fight with everything coming haskolyudami raiders and taken differently for more than fifteen minutes. And then, if I did not help shooters shuttles to cruisers ... on the deck konteyneronostsa would be little space from the enemy that liquid "ring" Defense normandovtsev.

  Several times raiders tried haskolyudy and cut right to the shuttle, raiders also made at least three attempts to parachute directly on the hook, but each time they were stopped and volleys of rifle shots from guns and machine guns patrolling over konteyneronostsem shuttle cruisers.

  Combat plays out: the grapes are no longer arriving and haskolyudy ceased to climb on deck konteyneronostsa. Greg, putting the rifle away, back to the shuttle. There also were tightened and all normandovtsy. Two of the shuttle from the cruiser landed just pootdal.

  - I Thought to war without me? - Svetlana said, coming up to Shepard. - It does not, John. Where are you - and there I was. - She nodded and ordered its accompanying headed to the shuttle. - Let's try to patch up your bird, our thanks to your sad experience, were not able to get into the flight, we were able to dodge the sighting of three pulses. Then you on this lovely bunch of skeleton emerged, small and we decided to fly in the area, to shoot on such a large and uniform targets.

  - You managed it brilliantly, Light. - Shepard said. - And you've been very helpful.

  - Not only you, but also themselves. - Svetlana followed Shepard's opinion. - Do not even think about it. At the bottom of the ocean, or somewhere down we'll go only double. Let's not waste time. - Kaperang stepped to the nearest container. - Very similar to the military model, designed for the study of the ocean floor. Well, or the seabed - all the same. The peculiar variation limiting options. - It is with the help of two paratroopers-volgovtsev opened the locks and opened the lid. - Double as I thought.


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