Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 103

by Theodore Daniels

  - Good. - Archangel took a deep breath, let it out. - The situation?

  - Complex. Tserberovtsy shake, as the Reapers. It seems that they want to punish us for what we let the defeat zaretranslyatornogo space "Omega-fourth." They thought that if the station is owned by ... problematic elements, there will be no induced stable order ... But we are at war. Although ... they knew where to strike. Without Miralem ... difficult. But now she has to rest and recover. And we must show that we wait and we believe it will soon return to us. By all of us, Arch.

  These two days, the Archangel ... remember for a lifetime. And they remembered those enemies, those tserberovtsy henchmen and Reapers, who managed to survive the blows, organized by the Archangel. To survive, but not back to full, or at least chastnichnoy combat capability. Archangel tried to climb to the front, but it was not allowed. Aria does not let, do not let Nayrin, do not let Vera, did not let the Patriarch. They are all in one voice saying that he can not be so foolish to risk that the World wants to see him healthy and alive. Because it is, the world, is it right to the fullest. And Archangel conceded.

  And for the first time I felt that he was not just the designated leader, appointed someone from the top commander and commander. When he bent over another card, something vymeryat her, completely lost in himself, standing next Nayrin softly touched his hand and eyes pointed to the big screen. The Archangel looked up and the first second did not believe it - on one of the display stations, external information board, burning, pouring, the inscription "For Miralem!", And around the boards at all levels, which under his direction established gun systems and rocket launchers, were continuous withering fire on the top five tserberovskih cruisers. The probe transmitted a terrific almost any reasonable perception of organic images, including a few seconds your rear sensors and video cameras and the Archangel saw that, quite possibly, I have not seen such a full, none of the inhabitants of the "Omega": five flames of fires and explosions, five cruisers "Cerberus" writhed under almost continuous bombardment, without even having to shoot the escape pods. Five cruisers. Five machines that can fire their guns to disassemble into components several levels of "Omega" and landed a powerful assault on his Archangel station. The station, which is fighting for a return to his life, no doubt, in the world. station. The station, which is fighting for a return to his life, no doubt, in the world. station. The station, which is fighting for a return to his life, no doubt, in the world.

  - I do not ... - and could only say the Archangel, afraid to miss even the frame of this picture.

  - The world's roads to all of us. And it is - only the first place. Then there will be more. Now we do not take prisoners tserberovtsev and kill the Reaper's henchmen, who were able to get to the station. - Nayrin said softly. - We kill and we kill. And now all those around you, Arch, know how and what to do. And they will do it exactly as it should. You go ... go to Miralem. She is waiting for you. Time, Arch, time. - Turianka gently, but at the same time - powerfully kinsman pushed out of the Hall of the Coordinating Center.

  Archangel did not remember the details as appeared in the cocoon with Miralem. Just remember before him parted as it was passed as the Five had gone ahead of his personal guard, and behind, he clearly knew it, there is a second five, the five Rangers are on the sides. And he hears almost continuous cannonade - the destruction of the fleet "Cerberus" was going on, as well as the continued destruction of entrenched in several sectors stations minions Reapers. Whoever they were - a collector or mutants - Huskies. Or just woozy former reasonable organics any race.

  He stopped on a cocoon, not even sat down on the bench outstretched. Again he looked at the face of the one with which he is now tied too much. Too much to just forget it. And I waited, fearing every moment that the wait is nothing that the world will not be able to emerge from the deadly embrace of nothingness. I am waiting for a miracle. Miracle return.

  She felt his gaze, felt and sought up where light glimmered. At the bottom and sides of its surround gloomy half-light and the world are trying to get up, trying to fly back to where she had seen, felt, felt light. And it came to light, although to do it quickly ... did not work. And always she felt, felt, knew - he was there, he waits silently and sincerely, calls her. Only her.

  The light was coming, she finally felt she could unstick the eyelids and try to open my eyes. Carefully and slowly, waiting a few seconds to sleep blurred. The person she saw the Archangel immediately. A person approached her and that's before it, without a helmet, without protection, without force fields, a few inches from her face. He is the archangel, crying. Miral felt he could move only his eyes, all the rest of the body retained the stillness and obeyed her. Let. The main thing she sees. He sees it, his Arch. She obbezhat look on his face, his head, convinced that he was not injured and was drowned, drowned in his eyes, in his tearful eyes, exudes such love, such tenderness and such participation, a belief that it will get out that she will survive and return to first of all to him ...

  Something sang buzzer any medical device, but the doctor did not appear. Archangel does not change posture, not removed his face from her face. She guessed - he probably made a sign to the doctor to wait. And I was happy that he did not let anyone interrupt this moment. The moment of recognition, the time of return to normal, sinful and complicated life. She was drowning in his eyes and knew he was drowning in her eyes. They have already drowned in the views of each other and neither of the two of them did not try, did not try, did not want and could not break the connection. Miral felt that through this connection, it is now live. Survive and stand next to him. And then he returns to his beloved, to his favorite work. But now it belongs to him alone. Only he who has come here, to her, as soon as the situation permitted, as soon as he felt, he felt and learned, at that point he just needed him especially. And the world is not never felt for these difficult hours of nothingness, that he's not there. He was always with her. Not even physically - spiritually, sensuously.

  A second later, she felt him, defying all the bans and doctors' recommendations, which it is likely to be very, very much, kisses her on the lips. Kisses gently, cautiously, afraid to cause the slightest pain and inconvenience, but kisses him. Kisses, not hiding his tears, not hiding from her his feelings and emotions. Kisses, believing and not believing that she woke up, she came out, she survived and returned to him. Kisses, realizing that it is, it is necessary. Needed it, the Archangel, his eyes, his lips, though rigid and thin, but her lips, you need all the Archangel, completely. This is who he really is, as he could and knew how to be different.

  Kisses were long. And peace felt like the tentacles of nothingness unclenched, released its essence and body. Reluctantly, very reluctantly. Words were not needed. Only views and only touch the lips. As he was afraid to hurt her, he was careful and gentle ... turian huge, almost twice larger than its relatives of the current cycle. Winged turian. Her, Miralem, Turian.

  Beside him the world have felt at home. Wherever it would not happen to be alone and together, it just dissolved in it, in the Archangel, clinging to his suit. Yes, the hard, yes, a heavy, yes, armored. But it is, of the world, did not know and did not want to know about it, because the felt: this one for her suit - the softest and most native, because she knows who is hiding under it thicker. Anyone who entrusted her with his best kept secret - the secret of the wings.

  The secret of their true appearance. After all, in front of her, he took off his suit, took off from the waist up, to allow the wings to turn, straighten. And when the wings fluttered, creating a whirlwind of air flow, she realized how happy. He believed her. He believed her, Miralem, Azari simple. At that moment she did not think, I did not remember that it is - the first in the history of their race asari telepath, Asari-mentalist. She did not think about that next to her - turianka Nayrin. Tribeswoman, albeit remote, of the Archangel. She knew - Archangel enough for both of them. And he will not share them and sort, whom he loves more than the two of them. They both loved for him and desire and need. Onl
y two of them, and he trusted to betray his trust is Miral could never.

  And when he clasped them both easily and freely, rose slowly to the ceiling Concert Hall, Mira felt fully what real happiness. They were silent then all three of them. Archangel was silent, silent Nayrin, silent world. The Concert Hall, empty and echoing, was silence, broken only by the noise of the air from the working of giant wings. Wings, embraced at some point it, while Miralem - Nayrin. And peace understood - Archangel deeply and dearly loves them both. And will never share, will never allocate some of them. Although he knows how they asari and turianka different, very different. And this difference is quite unexpected, easily and securely joined to it, the Archangel.

  And now she did not want emerges not from a whirlpool of nothingness, no, he was for her, Miralem less scary than a few minutes ago. I do not want her asari emerges from the pool of his eyes. Although peace and knew, felt, felt that the Archangel expect that he needs. But he continued to be close to her, and the world has been happy. I am happy that he is, it Archi, postponed for the sake of her one all things, even the most urgent, the most complex. He postponed because he believed in his associates and assistants, because he knew - they will manage themselves and be grateful for moments of complete independence and full, very full responsibility. She knew and felt - the war against the Reapers and their henchmen, the war on Tserberovtsami not over, it continues. And many, many people are at war with them, and for her, Miralem. War, knowing that it will return,

  And now they were kissing. Kissing, defying all medical prohibitions and restrictions. And it hung over, Miralem Archangel was fine. Is beautiful in its desire not to give her any fraction of a second to believe in what he has now, some other things to do, other care, except for one - to be with her, to be her, in her heart and her soul. The fact that she, a world still dominates it, the Archangel, heart, body and soul, she was sure asari completely and without reserve, on a billion percent.

  She felt and felt that no one but her and Nayrin, no one else in his Archangel are not allowed. And it Miralem immensely liked fueled her happiness and a sense of security. She knew that now the Archangel will not let her alone anywhere. If it will not close - it would give her a strong protection, but will not allow her even a speck of dust hazard. He did not allow her to overtax her to spend the day and spent the night alone in the most neglected spots Station, which could only cover his influence most of the "Omega" and surrounds this ancient space station space.

  He did not allow, but will not deprive her of happiness to work for omegovtsev, work for their safety and peace of mind. It would not be to deprive it of happiness to feel desired and necessary not only to him, not only Nayrin, but also many other reasonable organics. Because there is always strictly respected and continues to respect her, Miralem, the right to its own life, its own destiny. It is her, Miralem, not tied to him, no, not in any way limited, not forced to anything. He did not consider himself the only one who is worthy of her attention, understanding, time, effort.

  He believed her. And I believe in it so that the World faint in the sweet bliss, knowing how he is perfect in such a delicate matter, in such complex fields of intelligence and experience. He was her only her and Nayrin Archangel. He is forever imprinted in the depths of it, Miralem, the soul in the moment and gently hugged both of them, he rose to the ceiling Concert Hall.

  Miral slowly, reluctantly closed her eyes, knowing that this is no longer slough swamp of nothingness, just a dream. It is a natural, non-violent, non-medical sleep. I feel that Archangel was near, straightened up, still standing next to her bed, respecting her right to sleep and sleep. And falling asleep, Mira felt that he, her archangel, will stand next to a long time. And then, if he goes, then he will definitely be back. Then, when it is night's sleep and wake up now itself. And starts its way to recovery, to return to their former power and perfection. All these moments alone with him the world is not enjoyed any biotics asleep or sleeping mentalistikoy not use telepathy. But she is making full use of the standard common to asari any opportunity and ability, without the unity of minds. What for, if she and the Archangel and Nayrin and so one. Twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty five days a year.

  Archangel spent at the bedside of Miralem several hours. Finally, make sure that it is just fast asleep, turian Fifth race departed from the cocoon and left the intensive care ward. He knew that Miralem until they are converted into a station Medical Center. Staying here. This is her desire - not to separate themselves from ordinary defenders of the station, even now, when she only just regained consciousness after a heavy wound.

  Past Nayrin passed. Archangel knew, understood, felt - now she will be next to Miralem. And then be sure to come Miralem Vera. Aria will come. She, Miralem, need to communicate, you need presence tribeswoman and countrywomen. And she will be happy that they are all close to her now. What Archangel never for a moment doubted her right to her, Miralem, your own life, your social circle, the circle of acquaintances.

  To come back to the apartment did not want to. I wanted to work. I wanted to act. I wanted to bring a moment of complete liberation from the station Tserberovtsev, Collectors, Reapers and their henchmen. I wanted to see the lifting of the siege of the station ships Reapers. And the Archangel to the focal point. There, where he was waiting for, where it needed, where it was needed.

  View from the outside. Bort "Normandy"

  - Commander ... World woke up. She is recovering. - View sent from different sources files, watch officer frigate-cruiser did not hide his satisfaction. - "Omega" is held. They already know that the World scrambled. And very, very pleased. Archangel returned to work in the Coordinating Center. And now tserberovtsev prisoner take just will not. Especially - adjutant. After the shooting of five cruisers "Cerberus" - just will not. Before approaching the boundary of the system - two hours and twenty-six minutes. Order?

  - On the border of the system - to lie to the standby mode. - Shepard nodded Titov appeared on the screen. - Stanislav. We implement the plan. I suppose that the return of Miralem destroys plans "Cerberus" and violates Reapers plans. With a strong telepath-mentalist even husky is not right, and Reapers no interest in destroying the station - they need a springboard, not a fragment of charred stone. I do not want to hope for the siege, but guess what might be.

  - Will parachute? - Said Titov.

  - Yes. I suppose that "Cerberus" will take a massive attack of all his subordinates areas in order to disorganize the situation on "Omega". Our team must prevent the success of the attack. It is also assumed that this attack will be combined with troops from ships "Cerberus". Not immediately, of course, but will be combined. If the station will get a few more tens of adjutant - will be difficult. And our presence there is absolutely necessary.

  - I agree. I spoke with the commander of the Imperial Navy responders - if necessary, we will destroy the ships "Cerberus". First - the remaining cruisers, then - the frigates. Or simultaneously. - Said Titov.

  - I see. Then I have everything. I went to prepare for landing. - Shepard switched channels.

  - So long, Captain. - Titov switched channels with his hand, and turned to the approaching Strel'tsova. - He decided.

  - I know, Stanislav. - Svetlana looked regard listings. - I know. He is such a. And he's right - Miralem must be protected in every possible way. This - our trump card in the battle for the station. Better Shepard and his landing party is - no one will.

  - Commander. - His voice was heard Titov reproach. - Lately...

  - I know, Stanislav, I have a little sleep. I know. But with such a cocktail ... - look, it pointed to the screen. - I do not have the right to cool off. I was not taught to rest. I was taught to work. So let's see what can be done if necessary to assist omegovtsam.

  - Yes, commander.

  Heading starpomovskoy from his cabin to the hangar, Shepard came out of the ladder unit and nearly collided with Anderson. Dressed in a heavy suit with a commander's characters, David stood looking information on i
nstrumentrone. Mechanical stopping Shepard saluted. Anderson replied. For a moment they looked at each other. Shepard began to seem that the times when verbal communication - is clearly too much in his life will soon prevail. Maybe it was true.

  - Commander. - Respectfully Shepard said.

  - Commander. - At least respectfully said Anderson.

  - Watchman. - Captain pressed sensor PHONES Speaker.

  - Here, the watch commander. - Replied the officer.

  - At the time of my absence ship commanded by adviser Anderson.

  - Yes, it is accepted, the commander. - Watch switched channels.

  - Good luck to you, John. - Soft and somehow at home Anderson said, extending his hand.

  - You - just David. - Shepard handed his men sealed the affection firm handshake. - If - embed them all so long remember.

  - Embedding. Both personally and collectively. - Unsmiling Anderson said. - Go and work in peace. You are not alone. We'll give them a fight.

  - Yes, commander. - At this moment Shepard meant it - he really has granted Anderson during his absence commander's authority over the frigate, cruiser. We had to wait, and then - a possible fight. And in the fight Anderson did not fail - it is a military officer, and spent time with the use of seclusion - Olivia Shepard reported about the kind of information asked for Anderson. Solid documentation on conducting battles in space. And no lyrics.

  Saluted each other goodbye, the officers left.

  - Commander. - Alenko released on bond from the second shuttle. - We're ready.

  - Clear. Good. - Shepard sat in a chair, strapped, looked at the small screen instrumentrona, understand predotlёtnuyu information. - Greg.

  - Ready, Captain. - The driver said. - I delivered.

  - Then - forward. - Closing instrumentron, Shepard felt the hook came out of the protective field frigate, cruiser. - Podlёtnoe time?

  - Forty-three minutes, Commander. - The driver said something, checked the calculations, because did not answer immediately. - Perhaps - forty.


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