Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 106

by Theodore Daniels

  - Agreed. - The captain sent a card and clarifying data on instrumentrony cops paratroopers. - We zaymёmsya it.

  - I would be grateful, Shepard. - ElKor, walking backwards, withdrew. Corridor at the outpost was specifically narrowed heavy containers and giant carcass barely held between blocks "snake".

  Shepard did not talk ElKor that the deadline is approaching his own meeting with Aria. Everyone - his reasons for meeting with the mistress of "Omega". Merchant-ElKor blyudёt their trade and business interests, earns points impact on the Aria. And Shepard is necessary to communicate with Aria for counter attack tserberovtsev key station point. The attack is just a gut feel the captain approached. It was not possible to imagine that tserberovtsy will just accumulate power in the few areas that does not even make attempts to take control of the Station. They had no opportunity just to sit - a husky, and they just never sit. It Shepard firmly assimilated from the time of the mission to the abandoned Reapers in Mnemosyne. Indicative was the mission. In many ways, indicative,

  Drag myself sleeping a piece of furniture, of course, the fun little and did not seem to face a spectrum, and the officer FSI Systems Alliance, but if we got to the "Omega" with the desire in every way to help her respectable inhabitants, it should really help and not pretend. Aria in any case will be nice to get back such an important and even in some sense symbolic thing for her. And if she will be grateful for it ElKor Harrotu or Shepard and his comrades - not so important. This couch-sofa remained her, Aria, thing. The property is always said a lot of people, obligates. Of course, it was easier to do - to find the sofa and give it to the coordinates ... But after Shepard was personally involved in the emergency room of Aria him this course of action did not like at all - he did not consider it possible to restrict them, because to go for this sofa, according to the coordinates, it will have far enough, and now, when the station constantly attacking fighter planes, boats and amphibious boats when on board the "Omega" is somehow proved Oleg Petrovsky, was not available from other urgent matters reasonable. Did not have. So, it had to do Shepard's group.

  Looking at the cops, Marines, Shepard became convinced that they are thinking about the same. Accompanying escort, security guard, and participate in local fights and assistance to local inhabitants, respectable, of course, not all without exception - have not a right but a necessity. Helping you only effective, but the operative word is not considered. In any case, here, at Station now, in such conditions.

  "Cerberus" is clearly intended to capture the "Omega". Moving through the corridors and passages, ducking into more and more new ladder hatches artist Shepard approached transferred ElKor coordinates. Nisa station. Of course, the lower strata of the station. Where you not so long ago were an epidemic. Where they met salarian Mordina-doctor, who decided in the last years of his life to try to bring more benefits to many sentient beings, even in such a dark and troubled place, which was then "Omega".

  It would be naive to assume that everything is fundamentally has changed since then, and black became white ... Naive. Little has changed quite fundamentally, but now, seeing the three polutorakilometrovy shrimp near the "Omega", many of its inhabitants, previously habitually absented to criminal elements, banal want to survive. To survive, come what may. Survive. And for this it was possible to try to get at least outwardly its for those who are somehow brought to the station. Because that happen - all have to die. Only very much lazy have not read in a variety of emerging highly popular presentation of the material in the Extranet, materials devoted to the Reapers and their nature and role in the life of organic Galaxy reasonable. The word "pasta" has gained a frightening sense, ceased to be just a building or a culinary term.

  Several small groups of infantry "Cerberus" were destroyed. One of the marines dying, poluhask that some rasped there about the planned attack on the "afterlife". Maybe it was true, maybe not. Too close to the docking station, this elite club was located. The thing smelled landing "Cerberus" to the station, but if the landing will not be - from within the area to come tserberovtsev forces will be complicated. So, I planned external landing, at least in the form of support for domestic terror groups.

  Finally hatch yielded joint effort and stepped aside, opening access to the drain. Cops went to the arms of winches - had to drain the water, to go to the technical levels. Draining the tank stub took a good fifteen minutes. Half an ear listening to the leaves in the water pipes, Shepard waited until you reach the access to the iron door. He did not quite understand what the meaning was for tserberovtsev so far as to claim that the sofa. Even if they are aware of its importance for Aria, it was difficult to understand the influence of husks. they could not annoy these Arias - asari and so knew of the defeat, uchinёnnom tserberovtsami in this little apartment. And where there is defeat of furniture is usually not long regret. Once.

  - Found a captain. - One of the cops paratroopers illuminated beam tactical flashlight small couch. - Yes, it is easy. I thought - pure wood, whole will, and it is - drevostruzhechnaya plate. She and lighter and airier. Pull without problems. - He nodded to his partner, picked up his land sofa. - Do not worry, after an hour Aria get his thing.

  - Okay. - Shepard watched as the sofa, turning to one side, to bring in the door aperture as raised from the tank. - Carry.

  The return trip took more than one and a half hours. At this time, realizing how vulnerable it was the artist, Shepard checked for a long time instrumentronu nearby passages and rooms, avoiding the strong teams tserberovtsev. Caution has borne positive results - only three sluggish shootout with dresses paired guard of Marines "Cerberus".

  - Shepard, you udumali here? - Aria with sincere surprise looked like cops, Marines are making the room waiting room couch crisis management center - the Goddess! It's ... - Aria went to the sofa, knelt and touched the mattress, patting his lungs fast movements. - Thanks, John. - She turned around, looked at Shepard and his colleagues soft grateful look. - Thank you all. I know. It Harrot. He vainly thinks I'm still angry with him. Now is not the time for these squabbles and no time for a showdown. ElKor station ... is not enough. And they need our help and support. Here they are ... vulnerable. - Aria stood up, went to the cops, hugged and kissed them. - Once again, thank you. John, there's ... complicated situation. - Aria made a sign to his aides and those policemen have withdrawn two paratroopers in the next room, where there was a kitchen-dining room. - We need your intervention and your eagles too. - She pointed to the door of the captain of the Crisis Management Center. - More I can say there, John, not here.

  "Omega". Aria T Loak. Opposition to "Cerberus"

  - In general, John, it is clear that by "Omega" comes "Cerberus" the next fleet. Several ships, one of the last Krupnyakov. To be a fight, and I assume that under this fight Oleg Petrovsky try to seize the station. To do this, he will need more than a few hours, and I made him nasty surprises. I am sure that he has prepared several surprises me, so here we will act on an equal footing. To replay of the general to the moment when he will be able to beat me and my associates, I need, really need your help, John. Frankly, it is necessary to fight and tserberovtsami, and adjutant, and even those who somehow will dare to show their commitment to the service of the three-headed dog. We need to go through the station spetsmarshrutom. I think, you know, that some places in the station for the prescription of the times known to very few. I - among the few in this area is what will allow us to win. Hidden posts, hidden warehouses, hidden weapons. And so on and so on and so forth, what it is now difficult to speak, and do not need. Many places have opened anyway tserberovskoy intelligence and patrols, we have to clean up yourself there way to go down the spetsmarshrutu. - Aria bent over a corner panel. - Frankly, in some places grenades have to act even despite the fact that the station - old. Now is not the time to think about it. - Asari shook her head, driving a pile of thoughts. - Just passing along the route, and do everything that is necessary, in its points, we can assume that we will save the station behind him, not lose it. Peter knows
from exploration "Cerberus" on some sections of the route and we will try to arrange a problem there. - She pointed at one of the icons on the map on the display panel. - Where Peter has already placed enough of their foot soldiers and centurions. And we need to start your journey on spetsmarshrutu from here. No other way, so necessary to us, no. How do you people say "alas".

  - Kaidan, the entire group of troops - in coordination. There is work. Take the most complete ammunition, armor and weapons check. Fifteen minutes. - Ordered the captain, causing the connection lieutenant. - Let the Legion remains before the Council. We can handle ourselves.

  - Turians?

  - If need be - will join the final stage at our return. And yet - let cover the Council.

  - It is clear, Captain. - Alenka, which was clearly audible, briefed about the order had come up paratroopers-cops. - Nominate.

  - Waiting. - Shepard switched channels. - A quarter of an hour we will be fully prepared to move along the route, Aria. And let's not call it spetsmarshrutom. For us it's just the route - one of many. There is nothing to draw attention to the content of our communication.

  - Agree. - Asari nodded, disappearing for a few minutes in the hall adjacent to the room. - I will soon re-equipped only.

  Shepard nodded, starting to routine verification procedure suit, armor and weapons with ammunition and first aid kits. For those engaged in both cop-paratrooper, had already finished eating reception and included in the room when the asari closed dressing room door.

  If Shepard correctly understand the true intentions of Aria, the sovereign of "Omega" was about as much as possible to complicate the existence tserberovtsev aboard the station. And this was really necessary to pass a special intricate and very long route is not the most used transitions and corridors "Omega". Maybe it was to work with the terminal can - just switch a few valves. And certainly it will have to destroy a lot more than a couple of dozen soldiers "Cerberus".

  All opinion on the captain pointed to the fact that Aria is ready and willing to carry out a banal pre-emptive strike. And in order for it to be successful - it had to be a powerful professional cover. Realistically assessing the chances of even the special forces and troops of the Patriarch, subordinates Archangel, Shepard knew that none of the composition of these troops could not reach the level normandovtsev. It is pleasant, of course, I realize that you and your colleagues were at the station could not be more timely, but at the same time be in the wings clearly not wanted. Only the prospect of active and long-term heavy clashes with really serious real enemy extinguished several levels of this reluctance.

  Aria came quickly. No one paid much attention to it, rite broneskafandr and were holding assault rifle is clearly not the conveyor assembly. According to Arias it was clearly visible - it means as soon as possible to resort to its main weapon - a strong, honed in hundreds of different scale battles biotics. This intention was not secret and have approached Alenko Jenkins and colleagues.

  - We are in favor. - I ordered Shepard. - Aria, you - the center of the building. You will only indicate where to go. we will do the rest. You connect only as a last resort. Shoot is more convenient than using biotics. Will come into place - say, what to do. Not how to fight, and what to do with the equipment and appliances. - He repeated, specifying the captain. - I guess many parts of the route are already reliably blocked units "Cerberus" and they have to attack. And this is the case just on our part. You - just point.

  - Okay, Shepard. - With displeasure share Aria said. - I connect if necessary. And it is that the need is - I have no doubt.

  - We, too. - Shepard nodded lieutenant corporal took their places in the "box". - Moving.

  Stripping the first point of the route from the leaked back and have already started the concentration of stormtroopers and centurions forces "Cerberus" did not take long. Arius himself swept many of his centurions biotics, depriving them of the possibility to resist, so normandovtsam could only finish off the enemies and close the hall to access those who wish to infiltrate here next time. Leaving a couple of dozen small presents at the entrances to the hall and Lazy, the group moved forward by monitoring bodies tserberovtsev and picked up two first-aid kit.

  Who try to imagine the fury Arias revealed no further than next door and asari destroyed two guards and three marines, again giving normandovtsam only entitled to control shots into the heads of defeated enemies. Guards did not help their high-tech panels - against biotic talents eight hundred matriarch they looked plastic or cardboard dummies, rather than something seriously protects against injury and death. One of the guards, apparently, the commander of the group waiting in the hall for the performance of the signal, find the documentation on the modification of the assault rifle. With the tacit permission of Shepard took her Kaidan.

  - Follow on. - On the move threw Aria. - Next to the area in which once housed protection system. We also use it for its systems, but there are now mainly electronics and automation. We must deal with her condition, something better, something podremontirovat. Now we sit down in the elevator, follow the level below, and from there on another elevator back to the level where we'll do business. - Aria caused the cabin, the first went, and waited until the cab will not all normandovtsy, pressing closed the door and sent the car to the desired level. - According to my information it is empty, this room, but in the next, as shown by my instrumentron - full tserberovskih soldiers. I will need a few minutes to work on the terminal, some of the system to activate.

  - Podstrahuem. - Kaidan first to understand what tends asari matriarch. Aria nodded gratefully.

  The room that housed the consoles and console some protection systems had to spend about twenty minutes. Shepard calmly looked around the room, paying attention to the tangle of cables and boxes to the system and server units.

  - Done. - Aria disable the keyboard, intercepted rifle back, then put it away in the back wraps grips suit. - I Guess again use biotics. You can not give them to leak here, in this room. It is sufficiently isolated, but it is better to close them access here ... ponadezhnee, that is.

  Soldiers "Cerberus" did not expect the appearance of Arias and, although there were husky, we had to spend, which turned out to have fatal few seconds. Aria flattened three-headed dog servants of the empty wall space and immediately went to the balcony.

  - Engineers! - Exclamation Alenko, departed with two cops, Marines forward, made five more policemen paratroopers join Lieutenant and organize the elimination of hazardous experts, loves installed throughout the turret. While some normandovtsy did control animals tserberovskih soldiers, while others dealt with the engineers, and not had time to install any turrets, Aria worked at the terminal by entering the command chain, glancing at the screen, shaking his head with displeasure and introducing new and new teams.

  - It is more difficult than I thought. - Azari moved away from the terminal. - In the next room there for one germodveryu - pressure dropped. I turned on the pumps, a quarter of an hour the pressure is restored and we will be able to pass without problems. Yes, I remember about the suits, but have not yet got so hot - better to keep their resources. To us are still three engineers and two attack aircraft, two infantry and two centurions. In general - the second wave.

  - Meet. - Lieutenant said, reloading his rifle. Shepard nodded, confirming the words of a colleague. - Take position.

  Broke the first engineers and formed mounds in the aisle, because of what storm troopers and infantrymen were not able to quickly go inside and had to start shooting at the door. And once we started shooting - the word counter shots and also formed. First - the least protected the infantry, then - a protected ground attack. Centurions had tried to exert pressure fire, but Alenko using the sniper rifle and armor-piercing incendiary ammunition, punch joints of their hands and feet, stripping husks "Cerberus" the necessary mobility. Jenkins performed control shots in their head, and the cops paratroopers quickly released from the passage of the dead bodies. Not had to drag the body, Aria pointed at the opening g
ermovorota nod and gesture confirmed that it will have to go there. Panatselin remaining in the medicine cabinet tserberovtsev,

  - We were trying to break through and escape pods. A couple of times tried to simulate an accident on the ships produced here such here balls. With explosives, as it turned out. Not all explosives worked, so it is - an example of precisely this will not work the mines. Flying mines. - Aria gestured at the broken capsule, which was lying in the next room. - It is because it is constantly jumping pressure. The break is in the wrong place - outside of his shell boats and fighter tserberovtsev can not come from within the technology - an area under the control of the three-headed dog minions servants.

  Jenkins just nodded, listening and looking matriarch small size and almost empty, obviously ancient room.

  - Behind this gate - one of fire control centers. Belt sixteen. So it is marked on the map. There's a continuous automation, the staff there. - Said Aria. - Next, twenty meters - you need us to console which is switching to another mode, we will solve a number of problems of the station.

  - Captain, this is set Spy Camera. - Reported Alenko while holding Aria in the aisle. - If Aria appear here, most likely Peter sees it and will send sufficient forces to intercept. I guess the fire to destroy the camera, so that nothing - neither we nor Aria - he did not see.

  - Proceed. - Allow Shepard and the lieutenant with Jenkins ducking moved sideways to be able to aim precisely. Several short line put an end to the existence of a miracle hostile technology.

  - We follow on until we got on the tail. - Making sure that other small presents in the room there, Shepard allowed teammate out of hiding. - The fact that we sit on the tail - I have no doubt. Now it shines only try to hold us and chase the trap. And we still have plenty of cases.


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