Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 116

by Theodore Daniels

  - Another big problem. - Yavik said. - What quarians divided power between civilian and military. - He took reader included, quoted. - All admiral as commander of the fleet, and perform other important functions, make up the College of Admirals.

  - Admiral Rael Zora too, it turns out, is part of the College of Admirals. - Shepard said. - Interesting.

  - This is only the first problem, John. - Proteanin raised his eyes at the captain. How Shepard remembered it, a man could not fully get used to the sight of the four eyes, not arranged in a straight line. - In the end, the College must have a reserve for the nomination. Without this provision, it would not care who her father for Tali. It is one thing - to command the fleet, the other - to conduct scientific research. But Rael Zora trying and trying until now to combine these two very different functions. The second problem: College Admirals opposed Conclave - Civil Management Authority. It is known that most of the Board Admirals traditionally consist on a permanent basis only five of the most senior-ranking officers of the Navy.

  - Just two problems. - Legion joined sharply and clearly, catching the thread of conversation. - First - on what basis is assigned a rank of admiral? I looked through the materials available to me, some of which was produced astrorazvedkoy imperial Russia. The problem is that firstly Admiral were always very old age. And at that age, given quarian situation admirals are not ready and more - are unable to lead. You people call it fatigue life. Age weakness, fatigue, satiety, a physical infirmity. Look at the situation: quarians not like. Quarians and is not too popular, they are still not aligned meaningfully with others, not even the key races of the space of the Milky Way. During all this time the fleet quarian only thanks to the support of the spectrum and the Corps Detachment supported near the lower level to the normative viability and readiness. In other words, do Admirals today too incapacitated. For it is now required urgent measures to remedy the situation. And we, otryadovtsam instead quarian admirals have to deal with these emergency measures. Unfortunately, other options are losing on the consequences. Both near and distant. Civil administrative body - the Conclave - is not able to work in difficult conditions. Because the minimum military training there is always a minimal military training. And now it is important, not the minimum, and the normal military training. And even after its passage quarians vulnerable. Their suits are vulnerable. And how vulnerable their commanders ... When the military can reverse the decision of the civil Conclave under specific conditions - is a dictatorship. The military dictatorship. That can not be constant. When terms expire, or when there is a situation where the military will not cope, have quarians will not be a sufficient number of qualified civil administrators. This happens because quarians everywhere aspire to the highest automation, actively using virtual interfaces and tend to experiment on artificial intelligence. We geth and is the result of one of the not too successful for quarians experiment. Experiment, which has become the result of a long chain of errors. When quarians steel to keep crews on ships numerically small - it only marked the border of their real possibilities. And these opportunities were not so great. Quarians limited, but it is understood, for their ships were carriers of passengers and freight. Quarians operated ships, considering that keep them in maintainable condition enough. And ships must love. The ships should be protected. Ships must be understood. Because only ships available power over cosmic distances.

  - The problem with the ships originated, to be exact - in its entirety for quarians emerged after it became a reality with the geth problem. - Yavik wedged into a monologue Legion. - And in my opinion it is - the links of one chain. Sentient beings believe that the past determines the present, and the present determines the future is inevitable. Last quarians have already made a big mistake, creating us.

  - You - not a mistake. - Shepard said.

  - We - not a mistake. - Said Legion. - You told the truth. The mistake was our creation. As the process. They quarians to our creation were not ready, because not figured out until the end of all the results. And when the situation - could not pass a simple test.

  - That is the question. - Said the captain.

  - Yes. Simple question. Do you have the soul of this platform. - Said the Legion with a true machine ruthlessness.

  - I do not understand. - Shepard lowered his head. - We - the people, we have the foundation - an organic skeleton. It can also be called a kind of platform. But, nevertheless, we still have a reason. And the reason people have coexisted and often - is subject to the soul. Which is above reason.

  - Not all reasonable, whether organic or synthetic, are willing to accept this truth. - Yavik went to the window. - We are all different. One can understand. Others may partially. Still others - in general can not understand. Or can not understand.

  - I could not even imagine the full depth of the problem that we have to face. - Shepard kept his head down - there was neither the desire nor the strength to do just this simple movement.

  - So much the better that we are here and think everything before be among ships quarian the Migrant Fleet. - Yavik moved away from the window, sat down in a chair. - In the end, we - part of the squad and have to think before you do. And now, during the war against the Reapers - especially.

  - You're right, Yaw. - We'll have to come to the shuttles to "Raju". And we work in mostly likely have to be there. - Shepard could not hide the tension in his voice.

  - It seems, Captain, you need to be alone. - Yavik stood up, and the Legion moved to the door of the cabin Exec. - Come on, Legion.

  The two of them came out of the cabin and at closing the door.

  Shepard sat motionless in his chair. As soon as he said, "Raya," he realized. I understand that the named ship, which is still inhabited by Tali Zora. And then he remembered the Tali. He remembered clearly and fully thought about that for now seemed very short and at the same time - a very capacious decades that have passed since the departure of "Normandy" from the Earth, he was able to somehow fall in love with too many reasonable for the different races . And now know it, understand it and feel it was a hundred times harder and more painful than just a few decades ago, when even the invasion of the Reapers could still speak in the future tense.

  Now Shepard felt that he did the right thing, having to do anything to Tali youthful infatuation overcame him, the man was able to prepare themselves to become a wife quarian, and then - to become the mother of many children. Very soon we will have to save Tali hatred and misunderstanding on the part of too many Admirals. Too many. And this hatred was one of the main difficulties that have to deal on arrival Corps to the Navy.

  Priority - Rannoch. Arrival to the Troop quarian Migrant Fleet

  Conduct flies Gryunt and Jennifer came many normandovtsy. Farewell turned cautious. Jennifer struggled restrained, not to cry. Gryunt silent, beating and lungs necking hardly wait when Jennifer first rise in a canoe. Turning to Shepard, he just nodded and immediately disappeared into the twilight interior. Shuttles went on board the frigate, cruiser almost simultaneously. As soon as they arrived, automatic notification that they embarked on board the frigate, the mourners left the hangar, back to work. Very little time is left until the moment when on the distant radar screens appear Navy.

  Shepard implement the recommendations of Anderson. Rested. Sleep. Although sleep is not walked fifteen minutes. The war is a lot. I do not want to strain Chakwas - and so it dramatically increased the health monitoring normandovtsev. Medic. And now - surgeon warship operating in a real war.

  ensure invisibility system worked fine - managed to fool a few squadrons of light scouts Reapers and get away from the path of a squadron of heavy attack aircraft. Shepard was aware of how difficult it is to shy away from a fight now, early in the war, but ordered Anderson was fairly straightforward - it was impossible to bring the Fleet nor intelligence nor sufficient forces Reapers. Quarians were not prepared to conduct full-scale hostilities with Reapers and complicate their lives their own miscalculations otryadovtsy not want.

sp; Svetlana took all rely reports gave the necessary orders, most of them agreeing with Titov. Now volgovtsy already comfortable with the fact that the two commanders on the cruiser. The war forced to think fast and act even faster. Cruiser their locators sufficiently far and clearly looked through the surrounding space, and thanks to them the power of detachment escaped several dangerous situations that threatened decoding path and follow directions. Yielding terse insistence Titova Svetlana returned to the commander's cabin, provided an opportunity Zirda make sure that the hostess everything is in order and sat in his desk chair at the desk in the lobby. Perhaps she would have to go back to practice responsive sleep in a chair. Night sleep, of course, is also important, and Allah was not going to yield to the desire to work more Strel'tsova,

  - In the distant scanners - the first ships of the Migrant Fleet. - I reported to the officer of the watch, "Normandy." His message was addressed to all otryadovtsam, meant the end of the transfer of ships to the place quarian fleet location. - Identification packets transmitted and received. The coordinates of the main part of the fleet confirmed.

  - At least quarians not rushed to Rannoch, seeing as detachment approaching fleet. - Anderson said, walking up to the Star Map. Shepard, check the data long-range scanners frigate, cruiser, nodded. - Alix, what can we say about the state of long-range fighters patrol quarian Fleet?

  - In general - characteristics sufficient for a very short battle, the commander. - Young kiborgessa standing next to the watch officer glanced sideways at David. - However, a serious battle, they did not survive. And leave quickly and far out of the attack - can not.

  - So quarians and failed for three hundred years to create a wall around the Fleet. - Shepard said, closing the sub-screens on its side of the Star Maps.

  - Nevertheless, the captain - in the CIC went Legion. - Now quarians called Fleet just "home". So, they always called Rannoch. According to recent data from the community now Rannoch quarian and other planets work only mobile geth platform. They continue to clear the ruins and eliminate contamination remaining after the Morning War. There is evidence that they are largely doing it not just from a utilitarian necessity, but in the memory of those killed during the conflict loyal to getam quarians. Geta themselves in most cases permanently reside on your Space station, where they are mainly engaged in the processing of the nearby asteroids.

  - Rangers that protect the planet quarians. - Sigh, Anderson said. - Protect the home race that spawned them, the Goths. I do not know how it is at all possible to compare, but we all remember that on Rannoch no insects, so the plants to ensure full reproduction by pollination entered into symbiosis with highly developed animals.

  - I can imagine how much to be done to revive the population of these highly developed animals. - Said one of the experts CIC.

  - A lot of. - Shepard confirmed. - Lots of. Although it is believed that the lack of insects played a very negative role in the weakening of the immune system quarians, but it seems to me that the infections have deeper base, because they are not only destructive, but also useful.

  - The controversial point, colleagues. - Noted the Legion. - It's not all so clear. Geth heretics systematically beat, beat and, most likely, will knock quarians of all worlds and all the planets that were previously though very tentatively be called quarian. It - ADAS - the third planet in the system Tikkun Perseus Veil, Cuddy - the fourth planet Tikkun Perseus Veil system Ket'osh planet, located in the attic Traverse, there was located an array of touch and ancient quarian colony planet of Uri - the second in the Tikkun system Perseus Veil, Hestra planet - in Dolen system in the cluster Far rim. Plus, of course, Rannoch - the former metropolis and the main world quarians. I can say that quarians here went on a very unconventional way. In order to strengthen the immune system, it is necessary, in my opinion, It was spread over the adverse worlds and quarians this process is carried out too slowly. In general, they have colonized only Tikkun stellar system, which, according to the Community geth, with which I agree, is not enough to overcome the threshold of comfort.

  - What can you say - brutal judgment. - Anderson said. - But - fair. - He added, revising on the side screens information about these planets Legion. - Moreover, we must help quarians survive. Geta already destroyed databases quarians pedigrees, which also benefited from the race. Now geth are trying to restore the ecology of Rannoch and its ancient buildings, they do, as we know, and crop production. All this, they, no doubt, do not only and not so much for himself, but above all - for quarians. - He closed the additional screens. - And our intervention does not look simply necessary. It is timely. Until fairly good sign is the fact that with our participation quarians least make an impregnable system Tikkun for the Reapers.

  - Reaper already Rannoch. And if he's not the only one ... - Alix said.

  - Yes. Reapers are now everywhere. - Acknowledging Anderson nodded. - And that is why we must now act quickly and effectively. We can not allow Tikkun system collapsed. If you come here Reapers and their supporters, even in the occupation mode - quarians will simply have nowhere to return to, and geta ...

  - One change values after the eighth character in several formulas, basic software ... - said the Legion and its lights flashed summer lightning. - And before organics stand-quarians friends. Another change - and stand in front of them enemies. In Reapers now we have the opportunity to influence the geth heretics through his envoy at Rannoch. The code of the old machine has on the activity of the geth heretics decisive influence. It will be necessary to eliminate the Reaper rannohskogo and weaken the defensive power of the geth heretics on this planet, as well as engage in a revival of the historical memory quarians.

  - And on this point in detail, Leg. - Shepard said.

  - Quarians must understand that we, the geth do not forget anything in a while quarians being organics, we tend to forget too lightly to his past. Yes, many databases with information about past quarians including quarian pedigrees and genealogies, of course, during the Morning War were destroyed. But, because of the obligation to geth perform multiple backup information, a lot of data could be stored in other locations. Geth heretics, as well as the true geth, consider any information as a value, so to speak, that the memory quarian race geth destroyed - prematurely and even unfair in this case. Servers with this information is on Rannoch and there is a lot of data that will make quarians think. As well as striving quarians first shift most of the everyday worries and hassle of the system and mechanisms to VI, and then - in the system and mechanisms to AI, implemented with a focus on an attempt symbiosis of organic and synthetic life, led to a catastrophe quarian organic race, and desire to do without the insects killed in the indolent, but an environmental catastrophe on Rannoch led to harmful symbiosis of flora and fauna Rannoch, and then - to the weakening of the immune system quarians. This is weakening the immune system and was the cause and the basis of significant difficulties with which quarians faced by implementing the necessary evolutionary settling other planets, both before and after the expulsion of the race with quarians Rannoch. However, it was known from the beginning, that other worlds in the galaxy for quarians no because before now quarians will have to do everything to win from the geth heretics home planet. It is for them - not only a matter of elementary theoretical principle, but purely fiziologiicheskoy necessary. By eliminating the geth heretics from Rannoch Tikkun and other planets, it will be possible to establish a foothold for survival quarian race with minimal external costs and the level of external support. Provision of external support to the development of Intrusion will be very problematic. it will be possible to establish a foothold for survival quarian race with minimal external costs and the level of external support. Provision of external support to the development of Intrusion will be very problematic. it will be possible to establish a foothold for survival quarian race with minimal external costs and the level of external support. Provision of external support to the development of Intrusion will be very problematic.

  - Therefore,
the geth can unite with quarians and correct errors symbiotic process. - Anderson said.

  - That the commander. If we can overcome the influence of the old machine code and win over the transfer of uncontaminated code getam-heretics, we can hope that a weakened immune system quarians not be their final gravedigger. - Legion left the CIC.

  Seeing geta look, Shepard thought that even a specialized reconnaissance and research platform geth remains too dependent on the past, ruling over all getskogo community.

  Priority - Rannoch. Fighters geth - heretics. geth Server

  - Contact with the Navy fighters quarian durable, commander. - Alix entered the cabin starpomovskuyu where Shepard returned after the end of the watch. - I came here to convey to you the request of Anderson intervene with the Navy in landing mode.

  - Explain Alix. - Shepard looked up from writing the text on your desktop instrumentrone, I stood up in greeting and motioned kiborgesse sit in the empty chair at the table. Alix nodded, sitting in a chair, handed Shepard reader. - Hmm. Single mission.

  - That is, Captain. - Cabin Shepard entered the Legion. - Community true geth guarantees that it will support your stay in this server, all of its resources.

  - He is so big? - He smiled the captain. - Do not lay down. I understand that my presence in the server will be possible only in virtual form. Access point?

  - Planet Rannoch. - Said het. - I'm flying with you, cover you during your stay in the capsule access from the encroachments of the geth heretics. You have read in the reader information that links fighter geth heretics try to destroy the farm quarians ships. This threatens the extinction of the entire population quarian fleet and now he demoralizes fleet. You must land on Rannoch, Captain, destroy data on the server, which, including, manages these fighters. We have already determined that most of the data on the server has a copy of the other, community Geth protected servers, but there are data that need to be clarified. And get access to them can only be a direct presence in the virtual server code. There are lots of malware, blocking access. Our group of saboteurs trying to connect to the servers,


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