Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 132

by Theodore Daniels

- John, are you hungry going? - In the hallway near the room met Shepard arrived with Chakwas frigate. - I insist that you immediately had lunch.

  - Karin already evening. So lunch if you will, it will be late. - Shepard said shyly, understanding the truth of the frigate doctor.

  - Let it be dinner. The bad news is that all normandovtsy too much attention to the work at the meeting and totally forgot about their health. - Doctor frigate, cruiser has been professionally dissatisfied with the situation.

  - In other words ... - Shepard looked at Chakwas eyes.

  - In other words - I go to women's clans. One. I quite enough of the shuttle. One. - On business, briefly and abruptly he said Chakwas as if commanded by nurses during surgery. - Attracts more Chloe or Allu not consider it necessary. Alla will need to Svetlana and volgovtsam and Chloe ... myagkovataya it for such a mission. Kroganki - those more ... women. Pochuyut slack ... and do not eat pomorschatsya. - Chakwas slashed the air with his hand. - Go, eat, John. Appr. You know, in this sense, you for me - an open book.

  - I know. I listen and obey. - Shepard nodded doctor frigate, hurried to the rest normandovtsam and walked into the room, allocated for the dining room. To him over the stone table sat Yavik.

  - Shaman female clan has already come. Though she did not call my name, I was able to recognize him. Only John, as long as she would call it not in your presence - do not show their awareness. So, her name is Bakara. Urdnot Baqarah if completely. And so ... I think she would agree to a nickname or code name. I would call her Eve, because she - the first-Croghan woman with whom normandovtsy otryadovtsy and generally get acquainted. Actually, it has already come. - Yavik have a look at who was standing in the doorway of the entrance portal of the hall kroganku. After reading a lot of material about the krogan culture, the captain was not surprised sverhzakrytomu along ladies. Looking around the hall at a glance, kroganka confidently walked to the table where sat Shepard and Yavik. When it approached the man stood up.

  - Glad to see that you strictly follow the rules of politeness and decency of their race. - Kroganka approached and sat down on the stone chair. - I welcome both of you.

  - We welcome you, too. - Yavik said, sitting on his chair. - How can we contact you?

  - Eve. I know, I read some materials on human history. As the squadron crews consist mainly of people, I am guided it to human history. About you Yavik, I also know. Not to say that a lot, but enough. Rex said that you want to visit the female clans? I'm not mistaken?

  - No. - Shepard shook his head, seeing that the interlocutor is not particularly happy. - But we know about the limitations and mindful of the proprieties. Therefore, none of the female clans of male earthlings will not go.

  - Then how do you intend to visit them? - His voice is not heard kroganki surprise - just purely business interest.

  - We have female doctors. - Captain saw Chakwas approach to the table. - Let me introduce you, Eve. Karin Chakwas doctor frigate "Normandie", Major Medical Service Alliance of videoconferencing systems. Trauma surgeon.

  - Even so. - Kroganka stood up, holding out his paw the approaching woman. - Very nice.

  - Me too. - Karin exchanged with krogankoy light hands, sat down on the substituted Shepard Stone chair. - I really would like to visit a few female clans, Eve.

  - What is the reason? - Eva fraction showed impatience.

  - Easy. - Chakwas laid out on the table package with ampoules. - This - a vaccine against genophage. Her injectable version.

  - Mess, Karin? - Eva incredulously looked at Frigate doctor. - We have tried dozens of options for hundreds kroganok paid with their lives. And here you are, and just lay out on the table next test system?

  - You tried everything. - Confirmed Chakwas. - But we, the people, did not take part in your samples. Is not it?

  - No. Among the designers and manufacturers of test systems was not human groups. - Eva reluctantly confirmed. - Nevertheless...

  - Nevertheless, Eve, you get along too free with the opportunity to change the destiny of your race. - I cut Chakwas. - You listen because you do not want to even try. And this is when the problems their entire collection of deteriorated sharply due to the invasion of the Reapers.

  - I do not believe that your test system will work, Karin. - Eve said firmly. - Because I do not need to feed false hopes. If krogan perish - so be it. What is the difference, how would die in battle Croghan - the struck genophage or healthy as the test-tube Gryunt. Yes, I know that he headed the special squad "Arallah", but it is a trifle. We're living too long.

  - Listening to you, Eve, is not very hard to believe that you are - a woman. - Yavik said.

  - Protheans can be anything the elder race, but they will not solve our problems. That's for sure. We - not any quarians that turnuli with the Citadel and they entrenched themselves on board ships of the Navy stray. - With obvious disgust in his voice said Eve. - Compared to my dress, of course, salarian suit - top technological perfection, but when out of thousands of pregnant women kroganok fruit wears only one, and in a thousand born krogan only a hundred survives the first year of life due to adverse environmental conditions and outright poverty ... There can be no technological delights. I am also aware of the fact that the installation of the Veil, the one through which was distributed across the planet genophage virus is under control one of the Reaper ships. Probably what you people call a higher power, really do not want to krogan survived in this battle with the Reapers. At least, our race will go no where else on board the ship, which and so we have always had very little, but just outside. - Voice kroganskoy shamanshi manifested itself almost religious conviction bordering on faith.

  - Eve, we have listened to you, now let me say. - In the conversation I entered Chakwas, all this time to keep silent and did not show interest in wedging into a monologue kroganki. - Do not want to let us in the territory of female clans Urdnot Clan - your right. But let us five weakest infants krogan. If the vaccine will not work on them, if they will not survive - we calculate that our, as you put it, the test system is really perfect and we will no longer offer you anything. If we survive - you make us without any restrictions on the territory of the clans. All female clans, with what you have, Eva, have connections. Not me you explains that kroganki friends with each other regardless of the clans.

  - I can give you only three. Five can not give. - Eve said, after thinking a few minutes. - Not because I do not want to, but because it is simply more we do not have people who are particularly weak. Those who have more of these, three of the weakest ... We have to have high hopes. Even if they prove false, but they are.

  - Good. Do it today, Eva. We have very little time. This installation Reaper at the Veil will not wait. Not typical of a ship Reapers. - Chakwas said, standing up. - I will mail your instrumentron coordinates of the place where you deliver babies.

  - We will send. And kroganok two, not even three - will observe the process. - Eva also rose. - The rest we will agree later. Communication or in person. - She went out of the room.

  - Karin. - Shepard looked at the doctor of the frigate.

  - Empty, Shepard. - Chakwas made a move his shoulders like a cape dumped. - Well, she did not believe us and our possibilities. Has the right to. Full right. Indeed, if you look from the side, we look very arrogant and so - ridiculous. Will have to wait. An hour longer, an hour less. She - a realist, it is valuable. The idealist would be very difficult to communicate. At least, when all will turn out, and I have reason to hope that this will happen, she will not be stupid petty doubts and questions. If it is what some believe, then I believe with all certainty, as befits a shaman.

  - Then we zaymёmsya this Reaper, Karin. And you - genophage. - Shepard stood dabbing his lips with a napkin. - Maybe we will be able thus to win some time. Krogan live a long time, it is permissible to rush here and so these phrases, from which personally I have the creeps walking on a boulevard. We, the people, so take liberties with the time given to us life impossible. Even more so - today. Yaw, le
t's go to the Rex, I think, it is necessary to plan an attack on the Reaper and download this vaccine in this setting.

  - The last of the surviving plants, John. - Proteanin rose, checking weapons and pushing the table stone stools. - Therefore, Reaper, and restricted access to her lizards. The last setting - great value.

  - If necessary, I agree with Anderson frigate span the planet over populated areas at low altitude. Let's try option pollination. - Shepard, skipping Chakwas forward, left the room-dining room.

  - Also can work. - Yavik, stay close to the captain nodded. - Okay. We talk to Rex and act.

  - You are firmly decided to release the latest installation from the presence of the Reaper? - Rex suspiciously looked at Shepard, who was standing near the exit to the balcony. - Return air only leads the way. Road no. There is one, from the Old Town. But it will still have to travel by air. Nearby there is a clan, with whom we have a comparatively long time to establish normal relations. I'll call it the leader, let him send some armed carriers. I just can not understand, John, what do you hope.

  - On Kalros. - Shepard turned on the projector beam and its instrumentrona ran into a stone wall, turning the screen. - Look. Next to the Reaper and installation of air curtains is the ancient place of worship. There are two hammers, the biggest on Tuchanka. This is all we found out before the squadron came to your planet. We prizovёm Kalros there.

  - Reaper according to the latest intelligence is located too close to the hammers. Arrive there safely ... not work. - Rex said.

  - We know that. - Shepard switched instrumentron showed district scheme. - Come on legs. Peshochkom.

  - I have an idea that you are trying to once again play the role of chief here zhnetsovskogo stimulus, John. - Rex looked into the scheme, photographed it on his instrumentron something measured, calculated.

  - I do not try, Rex. - Shepard said. - I'm just doing what you need to solve the problem. Not more than that. My plan is to come as close as possible to these hammers on the shuttle, to land there and sequentially in any order to activate the hammers. The rest will Kalros. If necessary Reaper tickle shuttles, it will be necessary - Connect the squadron. And then ... then use the installation Veil spray vaccine.

  - I know you have not been able to convince shamanshu. - Rex unhappy grinned, revealing shark smile. - Can negotiate, but now he's too busy with her only Gryunt. Sorry, secrecy does not give me the right to talk about his job more.

  - I see. Are you concerned about something else, Rex? - Shepard and Rex had seen immersed in the concerns, but now Croghan looked particularly tense.

  - Yes. The fact that the area adjacent to the installation of air curtains is controlled by a variety of husks. Among them are humanoid. And there are more terrible. - Turn on the projector Croghan his instrumentrona. - They are made of Turian. And these - the fruit of the synthesis of several different sentient races. Scary and strong creatures. Krogan, colliding with them, die in the set. And you have to, happen that break here.

  - Through the Old City? - Shepard said, looking at the layout plan of the area, the past not so long ago a regular refinement of the data obtained Synthetic squad.

  - Yes. We krogan, believe that there is - den Kalros. Rarely someone from krogan manage to escape alive from there. Kalros ... does not like guests. - Rex turned his instrumentron.

  - She was right. It is not clear then why it tolerates Reaper near their possessions? - Shepard said.

  - Reaper until she is no disappointment, she did not interfere. It is necessary to imagine and costs. Nothing more.

  - For a long time he would not stand. - Said the captain, extinguishing projectors and screens svёrtyvaya his instrumentrona. - I think we need to act.

  - After two hours we are waiting for your landing party ... - Rex was started.

  - No one will no longer be apart from me, Rex. Let's just take it as a working constant.

  - Shepard. - Rex frowned at the captain. - I have already reported, how did you get into the insulating container in the Archives of Memory.

  - Mess in our kingdom the more. - Displeasure extended spectrum. - Rex, I have to take risks, otherwise what I spectrum?

  - You will not only spectrum, John. You - a father and a husband. I am very familiar, believe me. - Mused the leader of the clan. - But perhaps you're right. Men need to take risks. That is their fate. - He paused. - Okay. Will you think. As I said, two hours I am waiting for you. I suppose you use a shuttle?

  - Yes. It would be best. - Confirmed the captain. - Let's position and I'm going to prepare the shuttle. Hopefully Kalros not be slow to appear.

  - It always appears there. However, we have tried to call it less often. - Rex said. - She was so many years that any Croghan celled organism look compared to her. Grandmother threshers - and that says it all. - Shepard felt it would be desirable to talk about Captain Rex dealing with thresher, but restrained himself lizard. - I think she will. Moreover, it does not change their habits, and the Reaper annoying her. I do not know how to explain it to you, John, but I feel that this shrimp ... it's a convenient name you gave this ship ... is stored and easily understood at once that there is ... So, this shrimp is very annoying and foremothers threshers patience comes to an end. And with strangers she straightened in only one manner - attack. If we still could thresher sometimes, not too often handle

  - Good. - Shepard nodded farewell to Rex, coming and going in the designated normandovtsev room.

  Going into the guest apartment, the captain thought about Svetlana. What is it again to find out that he went to the Reaper almost alone. Yes, there will be Kalros, and, in general, Shepard's task here is minimal - to activate the hammers. Remembering map diagram spectrum mentally vymeryat distance between different parts of the temple complex, and realized that even the break there will be a problem of the problems - there will be husks in a variety. We'll have to shoot. Perhaps the leader of the nearest temple complex clan will give enough soldiers to calm husks, while he will take a roundabout way to the tower of the Veil?

  - I'm ready, Captain. - The relationship came Mordin. - I'm tired of sitting in the lab, I want to refresh a little, run and climb.

  - Mordin, do not forget that the tower - old. - In the usual conversation unceremoniously wedged Olivia. - And you should not risk it. We will pick you up from the top of the tower, because the return is the same way it is hardly possible.

  - Hinted at the deterioration of the lift? - I asked quickly salarian.

  - And the tower as a whole and in particular lift. - Confirmed kiborgessa. - Alix is preparing the shuttle for him it will take you to the top of the tower.

  - Yeah. I do not have time to utter a word. - Salarian smiled wryly. - Well, Olivia. Once again you do not give me feel old.

  - And you are not old. - Olivia switched channels.

  - So, Captain, I'll be near the tower. I believe, will have to get there by air - Kalros will not pass through the land. - Solus said. - I saw what it leaves the ditch, moving close to the surface, where the planet is turned up as a piece of cheese.

  - Be careful out there, Mordin. - Captain stopped in front of an aperture dedicated his room. - And do not risk in vain.

  - I'll try. - Salarian switched channels.

  At the appointed time Shepard came to the landing site underground clan Urdnot. This was not the guest area, which had to land before, and the one which was used only to krogan. Strangers usually there were not allowed, in any case - at once. Croghan driver was busy at the open engine compartment, and Shepard did not directly approach the car to enable it to complete its work.

  - You are polite, Captain. - The driver closed the cover and went to the drawing-room door, opening the flap. - I was told that you're flying alone on the Reaper.

  - It is not alone. - Shepard went up into the cabin, turned to the krogan. - You're lucky me.

  - Right. Took. I have a lot of interesting things you told. You said already calmed down a Reaper on Rannoch? True?

  - I'm his only illumi
nation laser. Other gunners did the Migrant Fleet.

  - So, thence warriors know how to fight the Reapers? And we have many quarians already written off in consumption. They said devitalized race.

  - This is just a representation of a certain fact. But it can be different. - Shepard reloaded the rifle. - Let's take off, the pilot.

  - Good. - Croghan went in the cockpit. - It will be interesting to see.

  - I do not advise to stay. Drop me and immediately return to the site. Nothing to lose the car and risk their lives.

  - You're right again. Shuttles have little, and pilots ... even less. With your advent, Captain, to us, called "clever", were treated much better. - The driver of the shuttle lifted into the air. - The course is taken. Soon we will be in place. An hour.

  - Do not drive. - Shepard opened instrumentron. - Do Reaper has anti-aircraft lasers, long-range. For the shuttle would be enough for a volley. Do not take chances.

  - As you say, Captain. - Croghan made changes to the program the autopilot flight. - Then - at least half an hour will get. A few, like you, people put it, in a roundabout way.

  - It is - suitable pilot. Proceed. - The captain sat down on the bench - chairs krogan did not hold in their canoes. On the small screen instrumentrona already shone paved course. Map updated.

  - Captain, we have difficulty. - To communicate specialist left-lokatorschik. - Reaper felt the presence Kalros, and she - finally paid attention to this visitor. Reaper started pulyat on her charges of small caliber guns, so the district will have to fly close. hits Sphere extends to the limits of the Old Town.

  - Pilot, have you heard? - Shepard peered into the cockpit without getting up from the bench.

  - I heard. Our also passed changes to the map. What are the solutions?

  - Drops me at the Old Town.

  - Captain. - The relationship came lokatorschik. - Scanners cruiser and frigate spotted a squadron of fighter Turian. It is also called "Mad". The pilots decided to tickle Reaper their machine guns. I do not know what they have decided and agreed to both, but the anti-aircraft gunners kroganskie missed them on the planet. Judging they will not be interested in all over the surface. - Specialist delicately silent about underground turian charges. - They need a Reaper.


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