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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 137

by Theodore Daniels

  - I will try to destroy the shuttle to "heavy music". - Said teammate Captain. - Is to shoot these. - Saying Shepard cast went to the side, trying to keep his disappearance is not tracked, and does not understand immediately where he went. Climbing the ladder attached to the wall, the captain saw that the shuttle is already taking aim to open the cargo hatches. Throwing up his grenade launcher - at this point a twenty-unit seemed almost weightless - Shepard caught tserberovsky shuttle in the crosshairs - the sight was there a simple - and pulled the trigger several times. Pomegranates have done their job precisely as on the range - the shuttle broke apart in the air, flaring up and both robot collapsed from a height of more than fifty meters without having to activate any system. Reload, Shepard treated each robot still two armor-piercing incendiary grenades - can be such machines efforts Reapers learned experience without much harm to themselves fall from these heights. It was necessary to prevent any possibility of the activation of "heavy music". She looked, using a pair of binoculars built into the suit's helmet, captain checked the picture in different modes. There was no doubt - and the shuttle robot and both pilots showed no signs of activity.

  While the captain understood the shuttle, his teammate who managed to settle down to land tserberovtsev, having "control" in their stupid, despite the support zhnetsovskih technology head.

  - Captain, ahead of a lot of tserberovtsev having engineering or biotic abilities. - Nihlus reported. - We go to the sniper rifle.

  - Yavik? - Shepard has decided to go along with proteaninom.

  - We will support their assault rifles. - Proteanin said, not surprised at the request of the captain. - You can also use the sniper rifle. The three of you calm down them faster and they will not have time to hide behind cover.

  - Good. - Shepard put in shturmvintovku stops, laid sniper, checked the type and level of charges. Everything was normal. Now it had to go through the ruins, firing problematic opponents. Headshot, headshot one more. How many shots in the head, he did - Shepard noted only subconsciously - the consciousness engaged in more intellectual work - trying to understand what to do and where turians currently there are people Alenko.

  The situation at that time was simple and not to unmask Shepard and Alenko support with the squadron was passive. They who were in the world, would certainly have been warned of the increasing complexity of the situation, but nothing more.

  - Lieutenant Viktus found, commander. - There was a report in the earpiece Alenko. - Lost thirty Turian twenty. Ten Turian had tried to show him the claim. Barely had time to arrive before the start of dismantling. Along the way they were attacked Fetcher. Extremely hardy creature, able to unseat the ground only grenades. Huskies almost was not - so that fines. Double exposed cordons and tried to cut off from the Turian. The shuttle was falling gently, found on the road a lot of corpses.

  - The report adopted, Kaidan. Give Us lieutenant.

  - Yes, commander. - Was heard as Kaidan something cram son primarch.

  - Lieutenant Viktus, videoconferencing Turian Hierarchy. Good morning. - By authorized greeted and introduced senior Turian group. - Captain Shepard?

  - Yes. The spectrum of the Citadel Council. In general so, Lieutenant. We're heading towards you. Alenko Lieutenant takes on its plan. We have in the region of twenty-five minutes. Expect.

  - We have orders. - I tried to argue son primarch.

  - Lieutenant, I have to remind you that you speak with the spectrum of the Citadel Council. - Arbitrariness Shepard was unhappy lieutenant ignored warnings Kaidan. - My order is able to legally cancel any other.

  - I gave the order to the primarch. - Viktus snapped.

  - Then I remind you of the law enshrined in the Hierarchy of non-submission of one relative to another, Lieutenant. Do you have at least three immediate superior. Expect our arrival.

  - Yes, Captain. - Lieutenant said, breaking the connection.

  - Mess in the Turian Hierarchy grows stronger. - Quite humanly he told Saren. - Would give me to talk to this lieutenant, Shepard. I'd built it faster.

  - For this and go. Losing two dozen of three - it should be able to. - Shepard said with displeasure. - Next, colleagues.

  Accomplices Reapers, irritated by the fact that they managed to pass turians barriers, had tried to arrange a hunt for a group of Shepard. Alenko again came out on bond, reported that they had occupied the area of placement of large bombs and took him under protection and control. Now Lieutenant Viktusu can not be so fast to complete its task. Destroying Fetcher husks and several dozen smaller group Shepard went to the ruins, which were hidden remnants Turian Platoon.

  - Lieutenant Viktus. - Presented in a nifty turian suit.

  - Captain Shepard. - Introduced himself stiffly spectrum. - Says.

  Story turian officer not added to the opinion of Shepard's nothing new. Yes, there was a ram, yes, it was necessary to plan, yes, the car is falling apart. But almost all turians managed to parachute, but come together failed. And Tuchanka their accomplices were waiting for the Reapers. Especially molested collector. It was clear that such a meeting did not expect turians.

  - Do you want to execute the order, Lieutenant? - Shepard asked when Viktus finished his story.

  - I have to comply with the order. - Turian said.

  - Is commendable. Only here's the problem, Lieutenant. - Shepard looked at the officer's eyes look straight heavy. - Krogan knows about bombs and if you go there finds itself ... you die. In addition, we have - the order to detain you. Three of the spectrum, you know ... - the captain did not want confrontation, giving the lieutenant-turian opportunity to save face.

  - I have to comply with the order. - He repeated the lieutenant.

  - I also. - Shepard said. In this second lieutenant under his feet splattered stone chippings. - A two-Turian Spectre, taking out the sniper rifle, the officer showed videoconferencing Hierarchy as the long-range rifle can be dangerous at close range. - How you would prefer to die?

  Viktus froze. And his soldiers began to come closer. Shepard felt clearly their dissatisfaction with the commander. It's now threatened to go into a fight. Several shots Spectra-Turian soldiers stopped at a distance of ten meters.

  - Your soldiers do not see you as the commander, Lieutenant. - Shepard did not clean his weapon. - You'll have to leave the planet.

  - How? - Amazed Viktus. - Our shuttle was shot down, we are ...

  - That's right, Lieutenant. Themselves. Themselves have agreed to carry out a criminal order. Sami, Lieutenant. You - an officer, commanded the soldiers to do something for which they will then be lifelong shame. You quote your order? Or do understand the enormity of it all?

  - We have information about the bomb, which our ancestors buried here turian on Tuchanka. - Suddenly Viktus said. - Me and my platoon was ordered to find the bomb.

  - Agreed, Lieutenant. You are now not on the teachings and not at the site. And in war. The order is to be executed by any survivors soldier.

  - Find and try to neutralize by digging it. If you can not defuse - erode. - I graduated lieutenant.

  - Impressive stupidity. - Nihlus said.

  - And an impressive stupidity. - Said Saren. - I have not been in the Hierarchy, motayas the back streets of the Galaxy. But I could not imagine that this could be in the midst of the discipline.

  - Nobody do not want to justify, but send the brats on a job ... where you need three of the excavator and navvies in a company with the necessary reasonable ninety digging tool. - Prostrekotal Yavik. - Do not stare at me. - He growled young Turian warrior Elder Race. - Yes, I have the same proteanin. And we finish this our acquaintance, his ritual. - Before, I could not understand why here to send a platoon. The operation is intended to address a maximum separation of powers of ten soldiers led by an officer. And then ... Thirty reasonable ... I do not understand.

  - What could be there to understand. - Shepard looked at the lieutenant-Turian. - You all right?

  - I have to comply with the order. -

- To me. It. Deadly. Tired. - A clear, almost syllable by syllable said the captain, feeling his state covers Strings. - Hundred-but-vis! - He hissed.

  What happened next surprised even Turian Spectre. Only Yavik looked at gestures Turian soldiers and their hapless commander quietly and without much interest. The soldier picked up from the floor like an invisible force, and two rows of a few seconds in five soldiers in each stood a few steps in front of the Spectrum-man. Lieutenant-Turian, who was standing on the right side, stretched, so that was even afraid to breathe once again.

  - Another thing. - Maintaining state Strings, Shepard walked along a short order, stopped in front of the lieutenant. - It is - not the landfill. There is a war. And if you decided to harm the races, which are also under attack and want to fight a common enemy, and not just to die or lose your individuality, you can immediately shoot from his service weapon. Your ancestors buried on Tuchanka many powerful charges that though thus destroy his enemy. You came to Tuchanka to consummate their affair. Arrived here. What's next? - Shepard brushed sharp ruthless look on the faces of missed turian soldiers. - We have already seen in your pilots. Yes, we have witnessed your death squadron "mad". Bleak picture. Now you are here snooping, as they were, without intelligence. What do you want, no one said, that there is no longer the old krogan suffering from genophage? - The question seemed to Shepard rhetorical. Turians led by Lieutenant remained motionless. - No objection, then you did not say that now live there healthy and malicious intruders on krogan warriors? We take it for granted. So. On this planet is already dead turian Squadron, destroyed in its entirety. If you are looking for a place for his burial - this planet will shelter you. Only the dead. Are you the same suicide, these pilots are "furious" Squadron? On this planet is already dead turian Squadron, destroyed in its entirety. If you are looking for a place for his burial - this planet will shelter you. Only the dead. Are you the same suicide, these pilots are "furious" Squadron? On this planet is already dead turian Squadron, destroyed in its entirety. If you are looking for a place for his burial - this planet will shelter you. Only the dead. Are you the same suicide, these pilots are "furious" Squadron?

  At this time, the lieutenant came out of hypnosis Shepard for a few seconds and mumbled almost inaudibly:

  - No, sir!

  - Check this out. Not down and out yet. - Shepard smiled unkindly. - Well, then. We will send your command that you had to abort the mission. We do not need your presence here. You will stay at this place. Krogan will provide an opportunity here to send rescue and evacuation shuttles. I emphasize for the deaf and dull - unarmed rescue and evacuation shuttles. If at least one shuttle will barrel - shuttle crews will corpses faster than will be able to breathe the next portion of the local air. - The captain looked around. - There's enough quiet place. Fend off the husks you can. At this point - or foot. Here you while you're safe. Go beyond - krogan crush you. They remember all too well the story. All. Ra-Zoe-dis! - The syllables growled Shepard. Hearing the command system turian soldiers broke. - We're going to bomb. - Shepard said, referring to both the spectrum and turian Yaviku. - Educational work we have conducted. I think they understood. All. Forward. - Captain included communication and called Kaidan. - Alenka, environment. Report.

  - Fire back. Tserberovtsy climb. Constantly desantiruyutsya with shuttles. - Said the lieutenant. - They are very interested in this bomb. They, I think, know exactly what the other goodies krogan already found and defused.

  - Clear. - Captain said that they have already gone beyond the limits of the site, where there were a lieutenant and his soldiers. - Saren, report to the frigate. Anderson does the rest. By the power spectrum.

  - Narrated by the commander. - Turian spoke briefly with the officer of the watch frigate, cruiser. - Information sent. They said that informed decision.

  - Accepted. We go to Alenko. It's no good to throw them out there alone.

  The path to the area where it was discovered and oflazhkovana large bomb, took exactly one hour and a half. Firing from darting everywhere groups husks, forcing retreat three creatures, destroying a couple dozen Ravager, artist Shepard finally reached the platform at the very moment when on the battlefield with the shuttle-transporter tserberovtsy tried to land a manned Atlas. Robot accompanied by several Marines - whether an escort, or convoy, or security. Figuring there was no time to settle down and satellites Shepard robot coordinated volley of grenade launchers, and infantry, both turian Spectrum habitually landed shots of his sniper rifle.

  Reaching shelters, because of which fired on cops tserberovtsam paratroopers, Shepard allowed teammate, who wanted to join in the fighting, to take a comfortable place for shooting and ducking, went to where the lieutenant.

  - I heard the commander, as you brushed these Turian. While information from the frigate, cruiser has been reported. - Kaidan said, reloading his rifle. - At the time you arrived. One heavy music we have calmed down, it was the second. Too valuable for "Cerberus" the bomb became. Any new information, Commander.

  - Come on, Kaidan. - Shepard crouched down, hiding behind a concrete area.

  - Nearby is the position of the heavy guns FFP. Tserberovtsy knocked out technicians and subservient, as well as calculations of shooters. In general, under the enemy's position. It would be necessary to brush away a couple of cruisers. To these dolls - Lieutenant nodded toward tserberovtsev - it was not far to go back.

  - Let's try to do. Hold this position, Kaidan. - Shepard ducked and scrambled to his feet. - And we zaymёmsya heavy guns and shoot at little tserberovtsam.

  - We will hold the commander. - Lieutenant received the reports of his colleagues. - Restraint.

  Priority - Tuchanka. The massacre of the cruisers "Cerberus"

  While Shepard Yavik, Saren and Nihlus moved to the location of the old military base, where he was deployed a battery of three guns space defense, the captain thought about the current situation. Again it came to mind the well-known, becoming too common expression "the war is just beginning." Here and there on Tuchanka clashed Reapers, Cerberus, and turians krogan. Formed when dramatically simplify Natural porridge. Yes, the Reapers and Cerberus presented a united front, which is not to say it was a Turian and krogan. And when stepped squad, which had, as one would say in the old days, a truly international composition, the situation is even more complicated, although most involved reasonable, perhaps, wanted to make it the other way around. On the other hand it did not work and now Shepard thought they were two Turian, Earthman and proteanin, once again trying to play a game of suicide - against several dozen tserberovtsev placed on a very well equipped and certainly not well protected homemade and quite professional the former military base, and now - the position of guns space defense. Their trunks raised to sixty-eighty-degree angle to the horizon, well read on the background of a dirty brown, different shades, sky Tuchanka.

  As many earthlings: strange that friends - so little, and your enemies - so much. Perhaps it has always been in the history of the human race. Now, although it was only thirty years, many people tend to think that the same rule applies to all the alien races.

  - Captain. - In the earpiece speaker came the voice of Olivia. - You've got the lieutenant turian sought. I told him that you are on a mission.

  - But he insists. - Shepard finished.

  - Exactly. - Easily agreed kiborgessa, does not make such a problem of human weakness. - Since I connect?

  - Connect. - A soft answer kiborgesse captain habitually looked around for a second look at delaying barrels of heavy guns FFP. - What is required, Lieutenant? - In the officer's voice was not the same softness track - the tone was dry and official.

  - That I owe you, Captain. - Lieutenant replied Viktus. - We are all on the opposite side of the position you intend to attack. Permission to support you in the attack.

  - You also mentioned - fly away from the planet. - Shepard did not want to so easily change the format of relations with the arrogant turian officer - a standard representative of the golden yo
uth turian society.

  - Shuttles came, Captain. But my soldiers ... They said it was - dishonest, fly away in a moment. We sent the shuttle back to the ship. And decided to stay. The rest - not for communications, Captain. That I can only say in person.

  - Good. - Shepard word was not taken lightly. - Do not rush to attack, only then, when it becomes very hot.

  - Yes, sir. - This time to lieutenant tone was not forced. - He said that quite honestly and very clearly. - Before connection.

  - Before connection. - Shepard switched channels. - Colleagues, we have the support - eleven Turian. They're going to attack tserberovtsev on the other hand.

  - It seems that we do not have coped with these haskoloyudami. - Hissed Yavik, already set up well to war. - Right kindergarten of some sort.

  - Child. It's right. But we are at war with intelligent machines, in comparison with which all of us - in kindergarten, good, if not in a manger. - Said the captain. - And to defeat them - we need all the resources and all means. Lieutenant wants to be rehabilitated - we'll give him this opportunity.

  - And then I gladly will beat him in the ring. - Saren said. - You know, Captain, we have so most of the problems ... is not a problem.

  - I know. Solve it yourself. As it is accepted you. - Agreed Shepard.

  - And you will not mind if I beat his son Primarch? - No surprise in his voice asked Saren, released just ahead and carefully looks around the neighborhood.

  - The fact that he is the son primarch - it was an accident, not a necessity. - Said the captain. - First of all - he is an officer and Turian.

  - You should have said Turian, Captain. I am glad that you said so. - Seriously said Arterius. - We're close, but tserberovtsy and do not react to our presence.


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