Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 142

by Theodore Daniels

  The next item on its plan stood militia unit. As he walked toward the low building a strong point, Liara sidelong glances around, noting the changes. Yes, Tess was different. Gone multicolored advertisements in the windows of a plurality of stores, shops and shopping centers appeared blinds. Younger T'Soni heard that people use more and grating, but they do not like Asari - long time to install, and then difficult to repair if the damage. Light on the streets was also less - Tess was preparing to enter the blackout and now save energy. The islets were more luxury, but more and more asari dress modestly, not showing off wealth.

  Once inside the reference point and welcoming colleagues, Liara went to the locker room, changed into the form and arm. Now it was her habit, and in the first days after the entry into the ranks of the militia she was very worried and therefore often confused, forgetting basic things. Even the fact that as well behaved and many other asari Liara could make it clear that at first this confused admissible. Yes, even this wound. Younger T'Soni still keenly remembered doubt in the eyes of the doctors. I had to prove his fitness business, not just words. That obstacle almost became the last in the life of a young asari. But she had kept within the norm, although the house had half otlёzhivatsya. Approved, allowed to become a member of the militia, although it warned that it is obliged to share the service in the army to the civil activities. Yes, militia commanders were aware of the fact that it owns the intermediary company information - this was no secret. Because, probably, they agreed, knowing that brokerage Liara not exactly throw and continue to deal with them.

  Good it was the fact that among the officers there was virtually no theorists - the vast majority were asari had time to do some fighting, had real combat experience. Because in the militia department, where younger T'Soni was now not conducted dull hours of lectures, but practical, polygon classes or at least training command and staff level was arranged so that the day used to have increased to double or triple the militias, but almost no one noticed this increase, knowing that sooner or later the whole polygon will be the parent planet and have to fight is not on the cards, but with a real enemy, whether it be the Reapers and their accomplices - all the same.

  This time the three-hour check-out was coming to the landfill - a large field, specially adapted for testing small infantry action.

  Liara remembered sitting inside an armored personnel carrier in the first time I got on a landfill after two weeks of theoretical training lecture. Yes, the lectures them recruits not only talked a lot, but even more showed a landfill it then impressed. Impressions have enough for a few days, not even for a few days. So, faced with what it used to during their archaeological surveys - there are different looters or bandits did not go to any comparison with the fact that they, for beginners, then showed at the test site asari-old-timers.

  Maybe it would have been seen as a branch of hell penny, but after being wounded, after a long period of rehabilitation, after talking with the military medical asari younger T'Soni was immune to such impressions: it is seems necessary components of actual combat - all these explosions, explosions sounds and clicks shots, the flash charges and roar of bombs. Yes, it is unpleasant to lie nose to the ground, pressing and praying all Goddesses right not to get hurt. And even warning department commander that shoot in a place where newcomers settled, none of the soldiers really is not enough then helped Liara, and many other asari stop shaking and frantic heartbeat.

  At that moment, when it was especially scary, Liara suddenly thought about Shepard. About John, who continued to love. Loving has to truly, mature, devoid of recklessness, love. She rarely remembered about it, for some reason it seemed to her that part of the memories of John, frequent thoughts about him to blunt the acuteness of feeling and perception. And in that moment she thought about John, remembered that he - an officer and a commander, that he - a warrior, and even if it ever hopes to get close to him as his wife ... She Liara T'Soni, simply must stop afraid and should start to fight professionally. Insofar as it is possible for the volunteer. Liara did not want to become a professional soldier, it did not involve a full-scale azariyskaya landing training, she did not want to bind my whole life with an army, understanding that next to John it can be a simple civil asari. This will allow him at least for a few hours every day to forget about the service, it becomes an ordinary man, who was not born with epaulets on the shoulders.

  Something from her inner world, with its essence was in those moments when she, pressing into the ground Tess prayed for the salvation of all Goddesses from accidental contact and charge at the same time acutely recalled John. It is at the moment out of the habit often call him by name, and increasingly began to call for yourself just John. Yes, among other reasonable it will, if necessary, to call him by name, but in private - only John. Going up, hearing the command, Liara caught the gun back and realized that it will start to improve with guns, not with assault rifles. This will be later, when the hands get stronger.

  Her impression of little interest to other asari, except, of course, those that have served in the same unit, which she did. Now to the daily tasks added sports and fitness facilities, and mandatory multi-kilometer cross-country races in full gear. No concessions Liara themselves more to give not going to - she was going to survive and defeat the Reapers. Yes, once she could lightly state that will live long enough to see the death of the last reaper, but now that her life appeared Shepard, is not objectively able to live a thousand years, she was not going to stretch the fight against the Reapers, even two hundred years, most wanted as quickly as possible to gain the opportunity to be standing next to John, to be with him in a peaceful environment where you like, but next to it.

  On their biotic abilities Liara looked very skeptical, knowing that she will never achieve not only perfect Etity, but did not even catch up with the d'Avignon, and the strength and power biotics parents Liara impressed very, very high-ranking commanders and only parental age Liara prevented officers, militia bring them at least to prepare young asari biotics to practical application in combat.

  From that day on everyday life Liara firmly divided into clearly marked segments. Now she has a lot of knew went without saying, and was able to in the difficult craft militia. They were taught not only the theory but also the practice of guerrilla warfare with regular military units and counterinsurgency groups Reaper - is shrimp created from its collaborators and such. Liara knew it instinctively, but heard about it from other intelligent - it was hurting, forced to think that the Reapers are actually provided most reasonable moves of organic and ready to drive them into a trap from which there is no escape.

  Surrender Liara did not want in any case - her memory burned with fire memories of the film, which she showed Benešov those video of the incident on the basis of the collector, in the concentration camp. She knew about the death of many of the survivors of that hell asari - they already had time to visit a real prisoner of the real enemies, do not hesitate to become the first in the ranks of the militia and were asked for the most difficult sections. Maybe they wanted to take revenge for the desecration of the Reapers, for the suffering of the years spent in the barracks and laboratories. May be.

  Polygon classes were held as usual - and intensely tight. A few days ago one of the terrestrial sites, miraculously preserved access to the Extranet, Liara came across the expression "hard to learn - easy in battle" and thought how much more accurately and succinctly stated. Indeed, the fact that they are young asari asari civilian now even have the ability to comprehend the science of enemy resistance in the test site, but not in actual combat conditions, it was possible to find great happiness. Ahead will be even when all their training, all the knowledge, all the skills, all skills will be useful to all of them in a battle with the Reapers and their accomplices. It will be useful because the back is my own mother planet.

  After returning to the ranks of other militias to the reference point, Liara dressed in civilian and walk toward the research center - one of many, placed in adapted, fortifi
ed buildings. There it waited several hours in the laboratory.

  Once upon a time, receiving a diploma of the doctor of archeology and xenobiology - then in fact existed and functioned even the old classification of scientific fields and specialties, Liara felt himself strong and capable, if not move mountains, you reach certain, notable successes. She was grateful d'Avignon for help and support. What happened then is now perceived as a nightmare: quarrel with the mother, the loss of contact with his father, a long, almost single archaeological expedition, the failure of even a short meeting with his mother ... And then there was the meeting with John and Yavikom, then - with her mother, then - stay on the "Normandy", and then - the monastery, a short work, and severely wounded in the temple Atama. Liara Lang hated how little anyone was still able to hate. She wanted to kill him personally, but I could not, I did not have time - Lang shot Legion. And finally destroyed the body of Jennifer Kay. So now the hatred Liara switched to the Phantom. Yes, younger T'Soni knew that Harper - Husky, but it does not relieve him of responsibility. Liara knew that Jennifer really wants to personally deal with the ghost behind all their own, and not only their children's suffering in Prague. Two mstitelnitsy - it was very good, at least do not have to kill Liara Harper alone. Now it is reasonably considered that it is not yet ready for such a complex military operations related to professional use of firearms and grenades. The fact that Harper dug somewhere on the station, and surrounded himself with a legion of guards, asari no doubt, but it is was convinced Liara, the ghost will not help. Ghosts do something entirely material beings. And finally destroyed the body of Jennifer Kay. So now the hatred Liara switched to the Phantom. Yes, younger T'Soni knew that Harper - Husky, but it does not relieve him of responsibility. Liara knew that Jennifer really wants to personally deal with the ghost behind all their own, and not only their children's suffering in Prague. Two mstitelnitsy - it was very good, at least do not have to kill Liara Harper alone. Now it is reasonably considered that it is not yet ready for such a complex military operations related to professional use of firearms and grenades. The fact that Harper dug somewhere on the station, and surrounded himself with a legion of guards, asari no doubt, but it is was convinced Liara, the ghost will not help. Ghosts do something entirely material beings. And finally destroyed the body of Jennifer Kay. So now the hatred Liara switched to the Phantom. Yes, younger T'Soni knew that Harper - Husky, but it does not relieve him of responsibility. Liara knew that Jennifer really wants to personally deal with the ghost behind all their own, and not only their children's suffering in Prague. Two mstitelnitsy - it was very good, at least do not have to kill Liara Harper alone. Now it is reasonably considered that it is not yet ready for such a complex military operations related to professional use of firearms and grenades. The fact that Harper dug somewhere on the station, and surrounded himself with a legion of guards, asari no doubt, but it is was convinced Liara, the ghost will not help. Ghosts do something entirely material beings.

  The next day came to an end in the laboratory. Liara, hiding a yawn and overcoming fatigue, still decided to go to the house of d'Avignon. Maybe there will be able to catch and Etitu, to talk, to be near her parents. It is that there is such happiness - both the living and healthy parents. Many asari mourn for their relatives - Liara is now seen it often.

  - Mom, it's me. - Stepping on the threshold, Liara Etitu immediately warned about his parish - that was their family ritual.

  - Lee, come. We - the new information about John. - On the threshold of the kitchen stood Benešov. - And Etita here, too. - She pointed to the asari emerges from the bedroom. - I slept after a hard day. It came two hours ago.

  - I'm probably the wrong time. - Liara said sheepishly. - Here, I have not had time to sleep.

  - Empty, Lee. - Etita stretched, straightened. - I am fully recovered. - She hugged the daughter spending her into the kitchen. - Sit down, full.

  - Yes, I already ate. Even there you have brought. - Liara unpacked his bag, sack, put food on the table.

  - Do not, Lee. - Benešov said.

  - It is necessary. - Said stubbornly younger T'Soni. - I live alone, you live together. A social benefit is now little that can be bought from the products. I earn enough.

  - That's what I wanted to talk to you, Lee. - Benešov sat next to her daughter. - You're too much on himself shouldered. That Etita confirm.

  - Mom. - Reproachfully said Liara. - Well, do not start, shake-a-luysta.

  - I can not, Lee. You - my only daughter. And I do not want you again landed in a hospital bed.

  - If I do not work hard, I'm sure I shall get there, Mom. Remember that the medic said. Only constant load will not allow disease to return.

  - Do you, Lee, the load is already exorbitant. Well, judge for itself. - Benešov was not going to retreat. - You own the company and myself are sitting day and night for the monitors and keyboards. I do not argue - quite normal activity with good earnings and income. No, this was not enough to you, you still shoulder the scientific work, the clock is ready to work in the laboratories. And now enrolled in the militia. Have you forgotten the crutches? Do you want to move, and again almost wincing at the pain attacks?

  - Mother, father. I do not want only one thing - to die just like that. I want to contribute to the victory over the Reapers. Otherwise, I would be ashamed to wear these awards. - Liara reminded parents about the insignia, which she received in the hospital Tessa. - I know that the Reapers are further squeezed asari hard and very soon they will be thrown into space Azari major fleets. While I still have time - I'm ready. Yes, I enrolled in the militia, but now all militias - Study. Landfills, shooting ranges. Yes, we are getting ready to fight. Because sooner or later, Tess come and the Reapers and their accomplices. It has already been dozens of times with other races, our common precursors. And if we want to win, we need to keep not just hope, we must maintain confidence in their abilities and capabilities, and this confidence is based only on the actual readiness of all the difficulties and complexities. I did not servicemen army does not attract me, but I have to be able to protect themselves, because they do not want to be captured and lose their identity and become husky. I do not want the enemy to trample my planet earth. I'm not going to run anywhere from Tess - I'll be here to fight the Reapers and their accomplices, and in between fights, I will go back to the laboratory to maintain and improve our strength, the strength of the Resistance.

  - Lee, what are you not telling. - Etita said softly.

  - Yes, Daddy. I am a non-Contracting. I want John to be proud of me. Suppose he's far away, but he fights. He acts. And I do not want him to think I was a civilian-civilian razmaznёy. I do not want to earn rewards just. I want John ... - at Liara gasped. - One could be my husband.

  - He is married, Liara. - Benešov said.

  - I know. - She replied quietly younger T'Soni. - But you yourself showed me a film about the death camps in human history. Many people were in the other family, becoming husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. Such a war ... like this, with the Reapers and their collaborators, will make to move away from peace-time standards ... I am afraid to say it out loud, but I am sure that it will last more than one month ... And I know what lies ahead - large difficulties and great difficulties, because I want to be ready for them. I ... I have something that is dear to me and for that I will do everything to Reapers become history. Forever. - Firmly said Liara. - I ... I'm ready to love John, and at a distance. Maybe he loves me too. I know he has a big heart and he is able to love many. I do not want to betray his love, becomes weak, becoming a burden. John and his teammate, troops under his command, under his leadership are doing everything that we all, not only the asari, is now understood one important truth - no one but us will triumph over the Reapers. No one but ourselves. Yes, I know that John has won Reaper on Rannoch that he won on a Reaper Tuchanka. I know this because I work with the information. And I also know that now squad returns to the Citadel, then to again take up the fight aga
inst the Reapers and their accomplices. Of course, I do not know where they will depart after a short stay at the Citadel, but I'm sure - they choose themselves the most complex mission. And John would not hide behind others, but it will definitely shoot himself behind his teammate, going first and most often - alone on the most difficult sections of the front confrontation. I know he believes that without Troop without otryadovtsev, there was little he could and not worth much. It's not like that at all. This detachment without it will greatly weakened. Reasonable organics is important to find a strong and skillful, intelligent leader. Such is John. - Liara faltered. - They know I love him. His love and organics, and Synthetic. I know that very soon Svetlana generations. And John ... he'll get a big bit of personal, now his father's fortune. I'm ... I'm happy for him. And happy for Svetlana. She finally returns to the seat of the cruiser commander, feels officer and fighter. You see, all the fighting. And I can not fight and do not contribute. I want to become history as the Reapers, the parents as soon as possible. And I will do everything for it, that I can and what I can. And John ... If he loves me, I'm happy, but if not ... So I'm still going to love him. It's not like that at all. This detachment without it will greatly weakened. Reasonable organics is important to find a strong and skillful, intelligent leader. Such is John. - Liara faltered. - They know I love him. His love and organics, and Synthetic. I know that very soon Svetlana generations. And John ... he'll get a big bit of personal, now his father's fortune. I'm ... I'm happy for him. And happy for Svetlana. She finally returns to the seat of the cruiser commander, feels officer and fighter. You see, all the fighting. And I can not fight and do not contribute. I want to become history as the Reapers, the parents as soon as possible. And I will do everything for it, that I can and what I can. And John ... If he loves me, I'm happy, but if not ... So I'm still going to love him. It's not like that at all. This detachment without it will greatly weakened. Reasonable organics is important to find a strong and skillful, intelligent leader. Such is John. - Liara faltered. - They know I love him. His love and organics, and Synthetic. I know that very soon Svetlana generations. And John ... he'll get a big bit of personal, now his father's fortune. I'm ... I'm happy for him. And happy for Svetlana. She finally returns to the seat of the cruiser commander, feels officer and fighter. You see, all the fighting. And I can not fight and do not contribute. I want to become history as the Reapers, the parents as soon as possible. And I will do everything for it, that I can and what I can. And John ... If he loves me, I'm happy, but if not ... So I'm still going to love him. intelligent leader. Such is John. - Liara faltered. - They know I love him. His love and organics, and Synthetic. I know that very soon Svetlana generations. And John ... he'll get a big bit of personal, now his father's fortune. I'm ... I'm happy for him. And happy for Svetlana. She finally returns to the seat of the cruiser commander, feels officer and fighter. You see, all the fighting. And I can not fight and do not contribute. I want to become history as the Reapers, the parents as soon as possible. And I will do everything for it, that I can and what I can. And John ... If he loves me, I'm happy, but if not ... So I'm still going to love him. intelligent leader. Such is John. - Liara faltered. - They know I love him. His love and organics, and Synthetic. I know that very soon Svetlana generations. And John ... he'll get a big bit of personal, now his father's fortune. I'm ... I'm happy for him. And happy for Svetlana. She finally returns to the seat of the cruiser commander, feels officer and fighter. You see, all the fighting. And I can not fight and do not contribute. I want to become history as the Reapers, the parents as soon as possible. And I will do everything for it, that I can and what I can. And John ... If he loves me, I'm happy, but if not ... So I'm still going to love him. now his father's fortune. I'm ... I'm happy for him. And happy for Svetlana. She finally returns to the seat of the cruiser commander, feels officer and fighter. You see, all the fighting. And I can not fight and do not contribute. I want to become history as the Reapers, the parents as soon as possible. And I will do everything for it, that I can and what I can. And John ... If he loves me, I'm happy, but if not ... So I'm still going to love him. now his father's fortune. I'm ... I'm happy for him. And happy for Svetlana. She finally returns to the seat of the cruiser commander, feels officer and fighter. You see, all the fighting. And I can not fight and do not contribute. I want to become history as the Reapers, the parents as soon as possible. And I will do everything for it, that I can and what I can. And John ... If he loves me, I'm happy, but if not ... So I'm still going to love him.


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