Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 145

by Theodore Daniels

  - Ugum. - Aria grabbed several of cookies in hand. - I'm sorry, little pograblyu. You're right. Lots of fluids after exercise - annoying.

  - Again cubes compete? - Knowingly he asked world.

  - Ugum. - Aria said this with his mouth, chewed, the Treaty. - Once just imagine trёhtonnik to head off is not dumped. I do not understand.

  - Yavik ...

  - Yes, he gave me a few more years of life. Until now, I get used to it I can not, World.

  - Well, he did it nonviolently, Ari. - Noted the world. - A stranger ... Ari, I will say this - all your life belongs to you. No matter how many minutes ahead however. Two hundred years - is also a figure.

  - We may not have these two hundred years, the world. - Aria took a new batch of cookies, shoved into his mouth, chewed. - It can not even be.

  - Strangely, Ari. - Miral took the liver in hand, twirled it between his fingers, then took a bite, put the remains in the saucer. - If your activities a ...

  - Yes, I understand. - Aria sipped a few mouthfuls, savor the aroma and taste, swallowed. - Should I be a fatalist in the style of "what to be - there is no escaping." And in the age of ...

  - Ari, what sort of your years later ... Here ...

  - Later, the world can not be. I was almost killed, you almost killed. You know, I can really relate Asari death too lightly. - Aria put down the glass, leaned back in his chair.

  - Include, Ari. They relate. - Nodded the world. - Before - yes. While that's not priperlo so here. These shrimp ... Many asari, and not only they, by the way, now have to learn to appreciate life. His and others'. Friendly, of course, not an enemy. And to understand that death can be different - easy and hard, honest and shameful war ... this level of thinking makes the most intensively. Because many of organic reasonable concept of "tomorrow" becomes an opportunity, rather than probability and not a reality. I thought about his daughter?

  - Hush you, Mira. - Aria wiped area wipes his eyes. - Ears same circle.

  - Nobody heard anything, Ari. Trust me. - Miral did not turn around and look.

  - Yeah. You in this sense, it is easier - once you feel the reaction. - Matriarch nodded. - Although ... No one is not easier. Even I feel.

  - You're right. Nobody. Not only those who are now easy. - Confirmed the telepath. - Work today, you could not go to the gym, compete weight, but not too relaxed.

  - Now here I come to the bar to pour a mountain of alcohol. Soon I will absolutely drunkard. - Confirmed the Aria. - And you will feel like my brain clouds.

  - The war has just begun, Ari. - Not nodding, he said quietly world. - And you're as intelligent living organic, like most at this station.

  - Child, I want the world. - Suddenly said softly Aria. - You're right, I do not believe that will live long. I do not believe. Yes, it can be like to live a long time, have no guarantee of biological is, but faith in the beauty of it all ... well, no, Mira. Child want. It plagued all. That hold on, hold on, and then - as a rolled forward ... Though on the wall, though - from the spire station upside down without a spacesuit and biotics ... Believe?

  - I believe. - Confirmed the telepath-psionic. - I believe. You say sincerely, although she did not understand why here now and telling me this.

  - And who do I say this? His desk in the office? To the guards overheard? Or secretary? - He smiled bitterly sovereign of stations. - Instantly abut in obezdvizhivateli. No Petrovsky is not required.

  - And what do you hesitate, Ari? At the station, as one would say Earthlings - Full International. The choice - for every taste and color.

  - World ... - Aria said a little reproachfully. - Status ...

  - You are now one status, Ari. - Firmly he told the world. - You want to be one hundred percent woman? So look for the man himself. Man, you know ?! Of all ages and races, but look. Suppose you did not even bedding will be the relationship, but you're already assured of climbing on the wall of loneliness. You do not understand, but then you will understand how important this is and should be - to know that someone will call you at any time of the day or night in order not to puzzle, but in order to maintain ...

  - Are you ... sure ... I get ?! - Aria did not look up to the interlocutor.

  - In that I am more confident than what would be normal to rush between the extremes for you. - Said the telepath.

  - Ugh. - Aria gasped, finishing his cup of tea. - You're right. Maybe I should really find a man. Maybe even more than one. It is a pity, if he is not one hundred percent.

  - Ari ... - Miral stood. - Shepard already turn in the waiting room. And you is not there in the first places in the list. Excuse me, but you yourself did not want to put relations with it in a standard full-length and layered screenplay. You respect him, but love how people say, platonic. Maybe this is the output, and can be a sign that you just have to find another man-earthling. He, I know, will not be a full replacement for Shepard, but he will give you something that can give any ordinary man-earthling. Man, to put it simply. And he will be one you and he will share you with another partner and can even be a different race - I'm sorry, but it's up to you to have only one. To advise you here I can not do anything. And, honestly, I do not want. But man ... a man you need to attract. Alas. So I wanted to evolution or nature. Or both of them together. You had one too long, Ari. Yes, with our azariyskih perceptual positions, and you grow old. But you have a chance. Use it and you will have so much time ... how much will. For happiness, Ari, not loneliness. - Telepath, paid off with the waiter had come up-salarians, he nodded farewell matriarch. - Act, Ari. - With these words she left the bar room.

  Aria was delayed for another half hour. Sipping a drink from the glass now not through a straw, she thought about the words Miralem. Having decided, or rather - taking several internal, not directly perceived intelligence solutions matriarch rose and, having paid the bartender, he came out.

  Going to his headquarters, she thought. I keep thinking. While she was not looking at others without looking for them among its unofficial worthy of attention and understanding .... She knew this time would come. In the meantime, she just ... While it is necessary to work. Work for the good of stations and its population. "But now -. I thought Aria -. Now she has a problem, and for free, unofficial time because it is -. Live reasonable organic and not het heretic some with a single function, and program it -. Live And she will. alive for as long as A is it -. for a long time because she wants to live wants to live and give life to his other children, for example, and she will have children from earthlings, humans or from someone else -...... anyway, but will. Because children require feelings and emotions. They live with these feelings and emotions, especially when small. " Aria is well remembered for Lizell. And I wanted to her were those to whom these feelings and emotions could give. Because when you give - you get something and return.

  The world, going to him, smiling. She smiled often, her smile was different. She had reason for such smiles. Because it was the closest reasonable here at the station. Archangel and Nayrin. Because outside the station, too, we were close to her, Miralem reasonable. My mother, sisters. Shepard, Yavik. Turians spectrum. They lived, worked, fought, fought. They loved and were friends. They gave her the right and ability to hold the ocean of organic mental reasonable. To have and feel the unity of organic intelligent life. And even non-organic life, but reasonable. Yes, she has not had until now to apply their capabilities and abilities in combat mode, but it is ready for it. It is this constantly preparing. And yet ... As long as it will be plenty of opportunities for the use of their abilities for peaceful purposes - for the benefit of the inhabitants of stations.

  In a conversation with Aria again it cost a minimum, do not connect either telepathy or psionics. In fact this was not necessary. Aria - not steel, not stone, not steel. She - a living and she has the right to weakness. Because it is - a living. And live to live. Full of life. The multifaceted. And long. Including myself continuing in children. Aria's time to have children, it's time. Will anyone transmitting stati
on. No matter how many days to come, decades, months, years - the children are important to any reasonable organic, he has the opportunity to live a thousand years and can live only fifty.

  Path to the Citadel. Operational and long-term planning of work

  Jeff Moreau cursed. His partner, to remain silent, biding his time, letting the chief pilot of the frigate, cruiser talk. No wonder - before the way to the Citadel held for several days in a very difficult case, and now ... Now the way to the center of the Galaxy Station is a week, or even two. And this despite the fact that the war against the Reapers just begun.

  Jeff increasingly remembered that he - a living person, not a cyber for controlling the ship, even as perfect as "Normandy". No, his work, he was more than satisfied, advances to the stations and planets in war required all his skill, all his knowledge and skills, but ... Ironically, it was at this time, Jeff realized with special urgency that except for the cockpit there is a large ship and a lot, a lot of buddies. Yes, busy, yes, tired. But - the interlocutors. It Olivia Alix and Mark coming in cockpit sat down in his chair and, as it would seem any reasonable organics, forgetting everything else, performed the work of the pilots. They - cyborgs, they do habitually. And he - man. And he wants even while piloting the ship of something bigger,

  So Jeff Moreau swore, though in a low voice, though restraining himself in the use of freedom of expression is very strong, given that the two kiborgessy constantly monitor what is happening on the ship, but cursed. Ruga and continued to work, because he considered important and necessary work.

  By swearing pilot normandovtsy treated with understanding - they also have souls were clearly not in place. I had to get used to a very long transition, I had to find time and energy for the numerous training sessions and to raise the level of theoretical training. Previously, there was no need for that because flights do not take a lot of time. Now, this need was.

  Shepard in his cabin - he now did not even know she was a commander or starpomovskaya are increasingly considering it just a cabin for a senior officer of the ship - looking through news bulletins broadcast by the majority of the surviving Extranet channels. Reapers, confident of victory, like a strangled cat, mice, allowed many organics. Sometimes - a lot. In news releases it appeared as the war in all its ugliness. Journalists, cameramen, commentators were viewers and listeners the entire range of estimates, the whole range of emotions. From the most positive to the most negative.

  Shepard watched these issues in order to be in the know, because on arrival at the Citadel to begin the most difficult work - compiling a list of needs and the needs of the inhabitants of the galaxy and compilation of the list of places where you want to go. Often he admired the work of intrepid journalists, obtain such footage that any journalistic prize would be too small price to pay for the level of risk and danger that these reasonable subjected themselves to inform viewers and listeners the truth about what is happening in the Galaxy.

  Each Shepard thought, even in war, even for such a war should mind his own business. If the unique squad will be able to parallel with the execution of its task of formation and support of the Resistance did not help many noble reasonable organics at this difficult time, then so be it. There must be some sort of "legal" basis for their winding on the expanses of the cosmos? Here it will be a reinforced concrete base. Because while working repeaters - captain doubted the Reapers in bulk for its fleets on the set of the inhabited Galaxy worlds, is so faint that they will have to resort to such an extent - we must act, we must win the local battle to not lose, in any case not to lose war as a whole.

  Many organic it, this war is already lost, paying the terrible, the highest price for forty thousand years of doing nothing. Shepard did not think that many of organic Now comes the hardest reappraisal and reinterpretation of reality - it was clear and natural in such a war. He thought about those organics every race - not only earthlings, men - who have already fallen under the influence of the Reapers, have become their accomplices as a result of indoctrination - yes, faster, deeper, yes, quality. Strangely, if the Reapers will not use this to its advantage. This advantage is gradually turned against the Reapers themselves.

  Organics were too many and they are increasingly aware that it is not to retreat, and to fight, never give up and fight. Yes, some journalists are routinely told about the legendary and unique unit, the importance of his work. It may be worth it to talk like that about the activities and normandovtsev volgovtsev - reasonable organics need positive, motivating, inspiring and encouraging role models to strengthen the belief in a future victory. In fact, Shepard thought Troop does nothing special - it just works as it should. Yes, effectively, yes, targeted, yes, it is multifaceted. But this work was common for highly trained professionals.

  Looking at the footage killings Reapers over the peaceful population of the colonies and planets, Shepard still acutely aware that the world is actually absolutely nothing new there: pretty much repeated, creating a false sense of novelty. No wonder coming Reapers, their invasion, many researchers now called the end of the cycle. Yes, came the end of the next segment of the space race of the Milky Way. Yes, the time has come to the arena of the galaxy become increasingly Synthetic go looking for a place for themselves in this space. His own, we can say - personal space. And this is the place trying to find a reasonable organics. Competition arises because those wishing to find this place a lot, and the range where this place could be found, was, unfortunately, one on everyone. And Polygon was very small.

  There were a planet, which, as Shepard remembered the outcome of a recent trip to the Galaxy Squad, were completely stripped by intelligent beings from all the useful, including minerals and other natural resources. Were the world to which today's monks only try on, there were quite mastered, but, as shown by the recent voyage Squad, there were many planets which contemporaries Shepard and approach something in a normal could not - did not have enough skills, knowledge, skills, techniques and technologies. A lot of what was missing. Evolution wise to limit their generation kind of corridor.

  Shepard stared at the wall screen. Saw a lot of indoctrinated reasonable organics have become completely obedient. Batteries would simply envious, if they had the slightest opportunity to understand how this technology subordination. Only now do the batteries are now obediently walked to the open portals ship-processors. Many, many worlds batarians undergone a massive attack and are accustomed to act in someone else's hands, batarians to have to fight the Reapers and their associates in almost complete solitude. Too close batarians worlds were the borders, beyond which appeared the fleets of the Reapers. Too close.

  The captain did not single out anyone specifically - not Turian or salarians or asari. He understood - the Galaxy entered the enemy, for which a reasonable race organics has not the slightest importance. Perhaps it was too highly specialized approach, but the Reapers were not reasonable organics. They were intelligent machines. Polumashinami. Had a billion years, very best - a few million years to honing the skills and abilities necessary for success in the harvest. Their logic, the meaning of their actions were, at first glance, incomprehensible. Nevertheless, it was a wish that the Reapers once again did not win - and that Victory can be achieved.

  It could be. The main thing - do not believe in defeat. And this now was the most difficult. At the initial stage of the war inertia peacetime has been very strong - many reasonable organics have not realized that it - not a local conflict with krogan or rachni. It's - all-out war. The war of all against all reasonable of organic Reapers and against all those Reapers managed to somehow drag on its side. And there are every day becoming more and more. The crowds and columns, tractional indoktrinatsionnym exposure to zevam ship-processors were all the races known to date in the galaxy. Even Volusia even ElKor, not to mention the Turian, Asari, salarians and others.

  One could say that the look and the mind Shepard does not stand out among the dutifully wandering to deadly for them ships of organic sentient Earthlings, Asari, Turian
, salarians. It is impossible, because the consciousness Shepard represented in their place those reasonable organics, which Shepard was very deeply and fully connected. Somewhere on Tess fights and runs Liara, somewhere on Tuchanka or in space fighting Kroganskoy demilitarized zone Gryunt. At the station, "Grissom Academy" teaches young Jack Jacqueline, Jennifer. Do not sleep at night, ensuring the safety of residents of the Citadel, Garrus. It's hard to even remember all at once, but among them was not of those who bowed before the Reapers, who refused to fight. And this was not a special merit Shepard. All organics like to live. They wanted to live freely, and if possible - happily. Shepard was not an idealist, it is well imagined the strength and power of the Reapers. He knew that the war will be heavy and very long, much longer than a few months. During this time a lot can change for the worse. So far, the Reapers upper hand, but spring is compressed Resistance. Russian Empire preparing their part of the "resistance" of the Project. Preparing their parts and other races.

  Details were little known in this number devoted Shepard did not go, glad that is not included and Svetlana, despite her high rank service and stunning a high level of tolerance. Now she has another task - to bear and give birth to a long-awaited and beloved children. Yes, now the squad drastically reduced the rate of displacement of their ships on the planet, is now often had to use a disguise and radio silence, and the insulating cocoon now Destination have become rare in the Citadel or the inhabited worlds, where it was possible to land the shuttle and shuttles and be bit on usual hard surface.

  Citadel was approaching, though squad avoided meeting with patrols and fleets of the Reapers, actively used camouflage and radio silence. In most cases the squad did not take any messages, including all channels mode "on demand", unless, of course, it was not a forced disguise and anonymity - regimes that operated in the Troop from the beginning of the war. Therefore, no connection with the group supports the Citadel in the old, peaceful conditions, and now could not, as well as all the other correspondents. Synthetic limited amount available, unencrypted and unprotected channels to a minimum, but these channels are put under strict control. With such an opponent as Reapers, joke strongly recommended.


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