Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 151

by Theodore Daniels

- Excuse me, Miss Jenny. - To mentor came up, going down the broad staircase, Alexander Rodriguez - friend Jason and one of the best students of the Academy. - We know. But we also know that we are no longer children. You will not deny that you have given us so much over the decades, as our regular students learn well if the profile for the half year.

  - I will not deny, Alexander. - Jenny nodded. - Sit down. - She waited until she sits down on the bench and continued. - I will not. As you said yourself, you have mastered the program eighteen months of training for some few decades. So, you go well ahead of schedule.

  - Miss Jenny, you know - we could sit at the station and a few years, but ... - Alexander saw Jason's eyes and paused.

  - The war has just begun and is not yet known how long it will last. - Prengli said. - We ... we are grateful to you, Miss Jenny, for what you have given us over the decades as much as other students did not get to and a half years, but you know, the war children grow up early.

  - And sooner die. - Clearly Jenny said. - Jason, you do not understand.

  - Do not understand Miss Jenny. You are on the one hand dramatically accelerated the passage of cadets of our special group rate of biotic preparation, and on the other - categorically against the recognition of the need to implement a natural result of such acceleration - early release of our real life.

  - Good. - In the eyes of Jennifer came on orange flame. - After breakfast - room fifteen. All have in the form of training with full protection. With full. - The threat of repeated Jennifer, standing up. - Yes, you heard right. This is the room where I usually train. The rest - see for yourself in the room. - She went to the stairs, and a few minutes later went into his living room in the teaching wing. We had to change the show to be the most complete and impressive.

  You do not even need to talk too much about what the students taskforce Jennifer had breakfast in record time - in less than ten minutes, as a whole group, all of its two parts - practical and theoretical standing in the fifteenth hall.

  Jennifer appeared in the hall in time, immediately went to the middle, turned to the hushed students.

  - Reilly Bellarmine.

  - I Miss Jenny. - Responded to student, specializing in biotic barriers.

  - Get up here, put full protection, the most complete, and set the strongest barrier, which you can. Do you eat well?

  - Yes, Miss Jenny. - The young man corrected armor locks and went to the middle of the room. Jennifer took a dozen steps to the side and around Raleigh increased biotic barrier dome. - Done.

  - All is well see a barrier? - Jennifer turned her head to the cadets.

  - Yes, Miss Jenny. - Heard the discordant responses.

  - Good. - Jennifer walked a few more steps, then turned back to the barrier, then whirled to face him, and waved her hand. A second later, Reilly looked around, searching for the missing dome. Students roared with admiration.

  - Reilly, you muhlyuesh! Why has removed the barrier? - Rodriguez said.

  - A second barrier is not removed. - Jason Reilly walked around standing. - The more - the barrier of such a force. - He turned to the mentor. - It...

  - Fighting biotics. The fourth level. - Jennifer said.

  - But you ... us - started to Rodriguez.

  - You're right. I give you only the second level. - She nodded mentor. - In front of you - even a very difficult third. So see for yourself ... Continue?

  - If it is possible. - Cadets roared. What is happening, despite the apparent rigidity, they liked and they were not against learn more.

  - Stand in line, Reilly. - Jennifer ordered softly. - Think about what has happened. And for all - will tell. This is - the power of a weak Banshee, and you know that the Reapers have learned to be transformed into a banshee not only Ardath-yakshas but ordinary asari. Number azariyskoy race at the beginning of the war we all remember?

  - All. - Several students rather aptly named multi-million dollar figure. - So ...

  - Exactly. You must possess not only biotics, but also all the standard weapons, to be strong physically. And you still think that if you - biotics, then everything else - not your business. And still protesting against the general physical training and marksmanship against that, and so you are taught in the lightweight versions.

  - But you have proven to us that Bellarmine is quite able to keep more soldiers Cerberus. And we...

  - In war, there is no "want", Isaac. - Jenny displeasure looked at the teenager. - In war, there is only "necessary". A "want" is strictly subordinate to the character and role. Only then will you be able to survive and win, when for you "must" is the first, and "I want" - the second. Not the other way around. - Thundered out, Jennifer. - As for the soldiers, "Cerberus", the "Cerberus" is also not stopped in its development and improvement. They are amplified, they learn, they train. And yesterday's soldiers "Cerberus" - this is not tomorrow's soldiers "Cerberus". And not even today. They are - other.

  - Continuous development. - Dull lifeless voice said David Archer.

  - That's right, David. Exactly. - Confirmed Jennifer.

  - I still want to try to keep your attack, Miss Dzhennni. - Bellarmine came forward.

  - Reilly. - Warning mentor said, but the young man only nabychilsya and remained standing in the same place, all kind showing that his idea he will not back down.

  - Give him a chance to try, Miss Jenny. - Sean asked Bellarmine, sister Reilly. - He did not rest.

  - What he does not calm down, I am well aware, Sean. - Jennifer said. - He will not keep my attack. Even if it is made in one quarter strength will not hold. He could not keep the feeble kick banshee, banshees and blow a mature turn it into a plastic sheet. You've seen it in virtzale on practical exercises.

  - But that was a virtual reality. And ... - the girl is clearly biting at the bit.

  - Good. But I warn you once. If he and this time do not hold the biotic barrier - he will learn as long as necessary. - Jennifer said, realizing that Reilly does not back down from his intention to single step.

  - I promise. - Reilly said. - Words will not say about the issue of acceleration.

  - Look, Raleigh. - Jason said. - All this is heard. Anybody for language is not pulled.

  - I am for the words used to answer. - Reilly walked away in the middle of the room. - Ready. - He was enveloped in the radiance of biotic and turned the dome.

  - Oh, the sixth level of the dome. If he did not keep, and it will collapse ... - said Isaac.

  - You're right. - En Honaker said. - Reilly gets into sickbay. Immediately. With the depletion of the hurricane.

  Jennifer slowly retreated to the wall of the hall, not taking his eyes from the intense Rayleigh who held the dome with both hands. What then, he had it coming. And students will be useful to see what it means to combat biotic.

  - Well, then. - Jennifer stopped, turned to the cadets. - So you did not think that Reilly has stayed with me one on one, you can support its own dome, his biotics. All.

  - Are you seriously? - Rodriguez asked incredulously. - But this is the twelfth level of the dome.

  - All the better. - Jennifer nodded. - You - the best, and you - the strongest. You - a team. - She turned to the cadets back. - You have five minutes to alignment. Starters.

  Hearing the commotion behind cadets, Jennifer boil slowly. Not that she wanted to punish the students - she wanted to show them what a combat biotic in its median variant forces.

  - All. Five minutes had elapsed. - Jennifer briefly turned around and saw a multilayered canopy. - Archer, to the remote control. Octavia - a meter. Two minutes for preparation and fixing dimensions.

  - Finish Miss Jenny. - Octavia reported.

  - I, too, everything is ready. - Archer reported.

  - Who feels weak - can move to the door of the hall. There wave does not reach. - Honestly I warned Jennifer, turning his back to the group of students, almost hiding behind the veil of the biotic field. - Who thinks that it falls on the floor and on the wall today do not want to - can also move. - In
the voice of the tutor was not mockery - it honestly warned that the attack will be cruel.

  - We are ready. - Prengli shifted from foot to foot, flexed his knees, looked at the satellite. - We - are ready, he said.

  - Good. - Jennifer took two steps from the dome of the biotic and almost went to the hall wall. Hands mentor soared chest level, she turned and held out her arms jerked in the direction of the dome, just sitting on the tense legs. Invisible biotic wave touched the dome and in it was formed rapidly growing hole. Students were imported trying komensirovat sprawling holes, but it was all in vain - Jennifer repeatedly sending more and more waves, devouring the dome with the tenacity of hungry fiends.

  Less than a minute, all the domes were izgryzeny and dissolved. Jennifer turned to the cadets and took a few steps toward them. Boys and girls are shocked silence. Some were getting out of the pockets of a chocolate bar, and do not hesitate, stuffed pieces of candy into his mouth, trying to compensate for the energy.

  - You did not understand. - Jennifer said. - You do not understand the point. You - the weapon. You - the perfect weapon. And you will stand there, where ordinary people, armed with conventional weapons, will not be able to resist. Because our enemy - strong, powerful, experienced and extremely resourceful. He - tens of thousands of years of experience and training. He saw before him a lot of organic races that resisted fiercely. I repeat, fiercely resisted, using all the possibilities, all of its resources. They resisted for months, years, decades, centuries. You - people with biotic abilities and capabilities. And you'll need to win where ordinary people have lost. Price loss - death. Physical and personal. Biological. Death. - Jennifer firmly repeated by scanning the person of cadets of his heavy eyes. - In just a few decades, you have been half the normal rate of biotic preparation. The usual. And we thought that it will be enough to take part in such a war. You thought that after a few months you will be able to complete their training and join the ranks of the defenders. Today you have seen twice that your preparation for this war is not sufficient. You sent here to learn to live and learn to survive. And do not learn quickly and ignominiously die.

  - You do not have worked again in full force, Miss Jenny. - Said half-questioningly-poluutverditelno David Archer.

  Jennifer nodded.

  - We ... we understand. - Forward Jason made Prengli. - Because we are so special group, I suggest that you have taught us to survive. And fight.

  - All you agree? - Jennifer looked around the silent students. Jason stepped forward and said:

  - All agree, Miss Jenny. Teach us. As we mentioned in one of the old oath - by day and at night. Time is precious.

  From this day for special groups of students Jennifer started another life. She really began to teach them by day and night, without making discounts, concessions and suffering laziness and omissions.

  Jeff Moreau

  Jeff Moreau stepped carefully out of the cockpit. How much he spent her time since the start of the "Normandy" from the "Arcturus"? Dozens, even hundreds of hours. And he regretted about this time? Never! Do not be this time - there would have been very Geoff. "Normandy" gave him the meaning of life and gave the fullness of life. Now, when the frigate-cruiser fought with a strong, resourceful, experienced enemy, Moreau knew what to prepare his fate - to ensure that in the battle to find an indisputable right to be the person from whom depend on the life and security of all the rest of the crew and command. Not in peacetime and in wartime, do not in simple spans between planets and star systems or clusters, and in full military operations. When the ship is capable of performing miracles, feeling the hand of an experienced skilled combat pilot.

  Long past the time when Moreau spent day and night in the cockpit because it is in it, he felt like a normal person. Now he was a member of the family, in which he - an equal among equals. Including because all normandovtsy saw him training class, proficiency ship. Once he had to go to the extreme, not to be blamed for terrestrial services to remain a pilot. Now he knew - no one from the outside can not see normandovtsev "Normandy", is the crew of this unique ship has long ceased to be an experienced prototype and turned into a storm and horror for the Reapers and their accomplices.

  His partner, the pilot Erich Goeben long ago descended into the dismissal of the Citadel. Once Moreau could not imagine even in a nightmare to imagine that there will be someone to share fully piloting "Normandy". And now he was not just a partner, was one, was the source, was the man who piloted the frigate many times, and then - a frigate, cruiser completely independently. Piloted so professionally that Moreau, anywhere in the ship, not nervously clenched fingers, not a cold sweat, not at all nervous, suddenly realizing that he is not, Jeff Moreau sits at the console of the frigate. Erich with his thoroughness and his accuracy was reliable. And Moreau had the opportunity to often go beyond the cockpit even in flight, not just during the drift and during stops at stations and planets.

  Erech Goeben was strong and deep person. The fact that he was a German, and only helped in the work and in communication - he never put life above work, knowing what the responsibility of the pilot of the ship. Moreau, who feared jokes, fearing insults, fearing misunderstanding, suddenly realized, after talking to Erich that there are people for whom his illness with all the disadvantages attached to it - not a problem and no reason for the condescending attitude. Erich even on the trainers worked in full force and nothing else. Thanks to him, Moro for several dozen days mastered albeit virtual, but other classes of ships flying a much greater extent and to a much greater extent than is provided for any software flight-pilot's school. He did not miss in the cockpit, he worked even in parking lots and even in the drift. He had no more need to monitor what is happening on the ship, as he himself became an integral part of the life of this ship and its crew and the team. He became including to a large extent due to the executive officer of the frigate - John Shepard.

  Long ago, the time has passed when Moro feared Shepard, afraid to shiver throughout the body, because the screens seen him, only appearing on the ship, "built" Corporal Jenkins, and then "build" it, Jeff Moreau, who had just disease saved from physical punishment on the part of those who fell under the fire of his offensive podkolok and statements. It Shepard sharply, clearly and in some cases even violently changed the lives of Jeff, forcing him to stop to watch everything that happens with the members of the crew of the frigate, and then - giving him his partner in a professional pilot.

  When the frigate in the test, the test, semi-legal flight attacked the Reaper, which most normandovtsev previously only read about in the legends and tales when Jeff first felt that he, Jeff Moreau - the pilot of a warship, then began the way of formation of the new Jeff Moreau, no longer Pay particular attention, even in the former minor volumes on their disease and related disabilities. It was the first time I saw, felt, realized, realized he now - part of a large, strong, professional team, where too much depends on each contribution. When the due skill BIC he managed to bring the ship to accurately polutorakilometrovy shrimp and when he saw that the shrimp is crumbling under the impact of the frigate on the surface of Eden Prime, he realized, perhaps for the first time, but extremely sharp,

  The frigate then took control of the immobilized vehicle, under the convoy under protection. And Jeff Moreau knew - this ship is still strong, still - dangerous, he knew that the ship can not be alone. Then, when the frigate was hanging near the defeated Reaper, Jeff knew, and what lies ahead is very likely the war with such ships.

  Then there was the Citadel. Then there was the "Omega", and then began a campaign across multiple clusters, nebulae, star systems. Jeff saw with my own eyes the legend Protheans - Ilos planet, and the appearance of a soldier on board an ancient race, the Elder Race generally plowed the essence of Jeff, making him even more to catch up.

  Now Jeff recalled how then changed Kaidan Alenko. Rid Shepard from all the inconveniences associated with biotic legacy implant, Lieutenant changed in a very short time has become a full head of landing the grou
p leader and commander of the paratroopers, when something is simply a military cops. They, these paratroopers, still have not forgotten what they were originally, which does not prevent them to become highly qualified professionals new to their field of activity. Kaidan Alenko became real, the present, and not the formal commander and now, seeing him in the cockpit and on the ship, Jeff trusted him more than before. Gone are the days when all and sundry were given the right to steer the frigate. Now sit in the pilot's seat could only normandovtsy who received training under the guidance of both pilots,

  Share on Suan impressed not just Jeff. Seeing the queen of the ancient race, sovereign of beetles, bringing terror not only on the asari, but also on the krogan with turians, to see how easy it refers to the presence on the home planet of the race of earthlings and representatives of many other races ... It was a very responsible and exciting. Then Jeff cautiously led the "Normandy" in the parade to Suan surface. Led to the Queen convinced - races of the Milky Way may be united in its desire to live in peace.

  Then Jeff heard singing Svetlana Streltsov. Previously, he had heard about this gift only retellings, is only a rumor and opinion only, and when she sang at Suan ... Jeff cried. Cry and was not ashamed of their tears, they do not hesitate to Erich, who, it seemed, could not cry at all. Jeff cried because the song too much gently touched his heart, in his soul and heart. Crying, feeling that the formal unification of the two ships, the formal unification of the two teams and the two crews develops into something more develops into a family. Troop became a family, where each was important and valuable.

  Since then, Jeff has learned to admire cruisers equipped with the "Volga" and the professionalism of its crew members. He learned how to work together with the pilots of the Imperial ship and no longer believed that there is always and everywhere a frigate to act autonomously.

  Mnemosyne. Reaper half dead. As a pilot, Jeff heard a lot about this artifact and about this place. Now, had witnessed firsthand. Not only to see - to land on board the frigate amphibious group and then take it back aboard, hear talks and see the inside of the Reaper. Not the one that flew in remote areas with Eden Prime, and the other, which is now unknown reasonable organics stopped using unique weapons. We stop, but, as it turned out, not finished off. Jeff still acutely aware with how strong, powerful and resourceful enemy will have to face very soon all the inhabitants of the Milky Way. And this understanding is forcing pilots to work more actively on simulators, bringing herself to the brink of opportunities to limit fatigue. Work, understanding that during the war with these ships will not have time to learn.


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