Darcy's Starry Sky

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by Theodore Daniels

  Once Karin had a chance to use your spare time to get acquainted with a very superficial theories regarding the Dark Cosmos. Of course, there are many things in the best case on the level of hypotheses, but at least some logic there. If you have to end the war, then climb into the Dark Cosmos will have to anyway. There - the focus of the Reaper forces, where their basic resources and the basic provisions. If they do not destroy - The harvest will be repeated. A Dark Space, if to sum all that we know about it now - the environment is very specific. Even doctors most races are confident - there is a lot different. On the surface, it may be, and usually, but in fact may be right ... Anderson and Shepard when talking point - the final war will be unusual. Strange ... The war has just begun, and the frigate has many say it final. Although ... it is very human. First, think about the end. Very reasonable and very responsible. And turians and salarian proteanin and do not interfere in this understanding - realize that it is only our own, human.

  A Synthetic ... They are generally easy to apply it as important to them logic and complete understanding of the situation in great detail. They can not express their attitude to this understanding, because it is constantly busy around the clock. It is difficult to imagine without detachment Synthetic without cyborgs. Correctly Rex said - they are for otryadovtsev great value. Troop Strength - every fighter.

  Karin still remember what a stupor seized otryadovtsami when Legion expressed a clear desire to remain at Rannoch. Especially experienced members of the landing party and members of the landing group. Legion too worried, though, not all intelligent organic might notice these experiences. It might not have noticed, not everyone had the opportunity to study the facial expressions geta for a long time.

  Not everyone, but otryadovtsy - not every. They saw geta in a variety of situations and learn to communicate with him, we learned to perceive it as a partner, as an equal. And it was very hard to get used to the idea that a scout and sniper will now not next to them on the squadron.

  He protects and provides Tali and other quarians have received a lot of partners in the Goths, gained their individuality. Perhaps it should be, it should have been from the beginning - quarians had seen in getah not servants, not slaves, but helpers and partners. Equal parnёrov. And now geta repeatedly perform miracles Rannoch preparing for the defense of the fleets of the Reapers. The war has just begun and no geth quarians would be doomed.

  Now, she knew Chakwas, quarians make their first timid attempts to dispense with tightly sealed suits. No, of course, the suits they wear - not everything can change so quickly, but zapakovyvatsya vgluhuyu they will not on their own planet - Protheans made a real revolution, giving quarians vaccine, dramatically strengthens and adapts immunity.

  Tali Karin recently sent a letter, which described her first experience of daily stay without a spacesuit. Oh, there were so many different emotions. And she ... she wrote that he was sorry that Shepard did not see her face completely open, free and took off the helmet and on. She loves John. He likes and remains free. As John was able to do it - Karin did not know.

  Now young quarian Admiral plunged into work with his head, now she is no longer a little girl for the first time on a pilgrimage vyporhnuvshaya and almost deceased. She is smarter, has matured, pomudrela. Yes, she is still young and impulsive, but now she is intelligent and experienced. Will it have it with the groom or will not work - it's up to her. The very Chakwas believed that he and Tali have been laid the border, to overcome which will have to spend the time and resources. It will make an attempt to overcome this border Tali? Hardly. Too unreliable this quarian appeared. Yes, it is possible, he is happy, having had an opportunity to work in their profession and in their specialty. Many men, regardless of race too value their personal freedom too are afraid to lose it. Perhaps that time will pass and groom Tali and enjoy work and freedom, He realizes that he has a fiancee. Everything is possible.

  And she? As it comes with Anderson? She's knows, knows, feels that he loves her. He loves truly, deeply and completely. He likes and does not want to be imposed, does not want to impose their love. He does not want to limit it to the possibility to conduct the kind of life to which she was accustomed to over the years. Because he bear long with an explanation. He wants to make her an offer, she is convinced that he wants. And slow. Several times already there are situations when they were alone and had all the conditions for an explanation. Anderson hesitated.

  As he looked at her ... She felt tenderness, love, but at the same time felt fear Anderson - he did not want to complicate her life. How can we make life difficult in that it is natural for a living intelligent being? Yes, she is no longer young. But she's not so old to not have at least one child. She's aware that a family without children ... to some extent non-normative, even flawed. And realizes that Anderson hesitates, and for this reason - he does not want it, Karin felt obliged associated certain marital debt.

  Maybe David is ready to even transcend the tradition of the captain and the commander of loneliness, but he is not ready to step over it, Karin, interests and needs. Chakwas felt that Anderson hesitates, he wants to come to her and explain, but fears. Too much fear. Too much. Including the fact that she will take the first step forward.

  Strange they obtained two relationships. Step forward - two steps back, so it seems, one of the classics of political balancing act was written in one of the articles? All normandovtsy volgovtsev most aware of the level of their relationship, they know that they are far from Tools - hierarchical. They know and provide them with the opportunity to save two of these relationships in the form and in the form in which only the two of them, these relationships will be comfortable.

  Probably, to formalize their relationship will be possible only after the war ended with the Reapers. After Victory. And yet ... While here so have fear to approach. Maybe they both will find in it something special for yourself? Maybe it will be just the bonding agent, giving them a special union strength and certainty? Karin felt that David loved her and knew that she loved David. No one she has not loved so deeply, strongly and definitely. None of the men who are accustomed to, that Major astromedsluzhby FSI Systems Alliance Karin Chakwas married only for his work.

  Rubbing his fingers with a napkin, stood Chakwas saw hurrying to her table salarian waiter. Looking at instrumentron, she noted that it is already waiting in the hospital videoconferencing. It was necessary to consult more than one patient and take part in a number of surgical operations. Work continued.

  Wage flier soared into the sky Citadel. Karin gradually regained the form and configuration of the professional military surgeon, temporarily pushing aside all other thoughts, experiences and feelings.

  Kaidan Alenko

  Ashley quickly put in order my room. Half an hour later, just over half an hour in the location of the battalion is expected to arrive on board the "Normandy" Kaidan. He had already sent a message. She read it with all the attention and now tidied up in her room, because it is one thing - when she is alone, and another thing - when there will be a few hours it Kaidan. No, now it is precisely not allow it stayed somewhere else, so he took advantage of a hotel room. She wants to be constantly with him, if possible - all the time, which will hold a squad on the Citadel. She wants to believe, that again and again return to the squad Citadel and it is again and again able to be with Kaidan long and are receptive and pleasant hours.

  It seems to be nothing to clean up - Military situation, nothing more, and Ashley was nervous and tried to bring even greater order. Kaidan said that he had already informed Shepard and Anderson about where he will be all the time, then questions from the ship's command to Lieutenant-commander of the amphibious group will not. All legal and all regulations. "Lord, for the fifth time to clean up and still it seems that not all cleaned up." - Ashley thought, flickers for a small room. - ". The same Kaidan He should be comfortable here." - She told herself, continuing to shift from one place to a few small things and critically looking gets "the interior".

Kaidan walked out of the wage-flyers near the fence delineating the battalion area, which served as Ashley. Presenting documents at the entrance, the lieutenant went to the perimeter and went into the living part. Officers heavy combat suit, a full set of weapons and insignia lieutenant did his job - counter and overtake officers, sergeants and privates saluted, somewhat surprised looking at a bright sign "Normandy", decorates the left side of the chest plate breastplate, and are above the premium slats. Perhaps a sign of the impression of much more than all kind of videoconferencing Alliance officers in general. It is not often in the battalion appeared reasonable, had a direct bearing on one of the squadron.

  At the entrance to the barracks he was stopped by a patrol - a man and a woman in the ranks headquarters elders. After checking the documents, they saluted and the man was about to bring Ashley on the radio, but Kaidan stopped him miserly gesture:

  - Do not. Let it be a surprise. - He said, taking a step toward the barracks. The woman nodded in agreement, and her partner took his hand away from the radio, as a nod.

  - Kai, my dear! - Ashley turned and a second later hung on the neck of Alenko entered the room. - Finally, you came!

  A few minutes - and they are already sitting at the table. Ashley puts on the plate Kaidan large portion of his favorite salad and smiling a happy smile. Kaidan embarrassed smiles, holding a spoon ready. Ashley contentedly watched him welling salad, trying not to hurry.

  - Ash, you eat, you eat. Do you need it. - He paused for a moment, looked up at his wife.

  - It is necessary, Kai, is necessary. You're right. - Williams began to eat. - Little have a wonderful appetite.

  - By the way, ...

  - Yes, everything is normal, Kai. Fine. I'm not inclined to cheat you in this, then I show readers with documents and tell you everything in detail. In the meantime, eat, and we'll take a walk. I immediately took a leave for a few days. So if nothing special happens - we're not just a walk in the base, but also on the Citadel.

  - Be sure to Ash. - Kaidan took a spoon and dipped it into a bowl of soup. - Nourishing.

  - I tried. - Some embarrassment said Ash. - It is homemade.

  - Delicious. - Kaidan dabbed his lips with a napkin and took the second course. - Umm ... They say, too, respects Shepard potatoes.

  - May be. In many respects it - universal food for earthlings. Without all sorts of national and cultural preferences. Yet globalization is something which people taught.

  - Ugum. Taught. - Alenko took a sip from the glass. - Okay, Ash. Let readers.

  - Normal option. - Williams smiled. - The head of the family at the dinner table scans newspapers, mail and documents. - She gave readers and waited until Kaidan not deepen their contents read. - The picture is simple. - She stood up, gathered the dishes and was about to begin her washing as felt Kaidan also stood up and hugged her, pushing back from the sink. - Kai ...

  - Sit down, Ashley. And rest. And I'll wash. And I'll clean up. - Alenko said quietly.

  - Thank you, Kai. - Ashley watched him quickly, efficiently and spore washing appliances, plates, vessels as clearly puts them in the dryer. She knew that Kaidan not like to use dishwashers and found it a very positive quality of her husband and a friend. Returning to the table, she sat down and Alenko absorbed in reading. Ashley moved over closer to him by moving a chair and put her arms around his shoulders. What was in these reader, she knew for memory - studied with the utmost attention and with all thoroughness. There really were no alarming moments.

  - I finished reading? - She took readers, put them on the shelf. - Get ready, go!

  - Ash ...

  - No, Kai. Sitting on the base when you're around ... not comme il faut, obviously. Let's go and Citadel at us after a few days of dismissal.

  - Okay. - Kaidan stood.

  They walked along the path leading to the base of the CPT, saluted the counter and overtaking, sympathetic to their attention to the sign "Normandy" in the cuirass Kaidan. Ashley was happy: her colleagues, co-workers, friends and girlfriend again have seen - in the family Ashley and Kaidan everything is fine, they love each other and they are together.

  Saluted patrol at the entrance to the base, Ashley Kaidan opёrlas on hand and got in the passenger seat next to the pilot's seat. Kaidan stuck in their slot officer's license and the car gave access to manual control.

  It turned out that Kaidan already planned these several days, taking into account the possible needs and wishes, and Ashley, so that now the younger Williams mutely marveled how her husband and one easily gets tickets to the most prestigious exhibitions, concerts and theatrical performances. She could think of, and that plays a significant role here belongs to the Kaidan normandovtsam and detachment, but as it turned out, the last thing Kaiden uses his status and just knows how, where and what to do.

  Only at midnight, they were able to retire in the office of one of the restaurants of the Citadel and Ashley, sitting on the lap of Kaidan, kissed him, forgetting about the service and the greater part of the world. On the table was a sumptuous dinner, which they both almost eaten, were filled with soft drinks and sounded quiet calm music.

  Ashley kissed her Kaidan and drowned in the depths of complete happiness. She was not even a second to remember all seen during these few hours, all these exhibitions, concerts and museum presentations. Kaidan bought her a variety of trinkets, a little, but only those which would have bought it myself and now they are waiting in the wings in neat boxes on the table at the entrance to the office.

  - Tomorrow you spend it at me on the basis of the whole day, Kai. In my room. - Ashley whispered.

  - No. Tomorrow I'll take the best room in the best hotel stations and we will spend the day there, Ashley. Let's start now and today! - Kaidan, Ashley lifted arms, picked up styling with trinkets and ordering delivery dinner at one of the hotels of the Citadel on the speakerphone cabinet, issued his girlfriend to the waiting wage-flyer. After a few tens of minutes, Ashley was already in the big bed next to Kaidan, tenderly hugging and kissing her.

  She slept until noon, that rarely happened with her, and when she opened her eyes, she saw in front of him on the table tight lunch and Kaidan, already hold a spoon in her mouth the most. He fed her with a spoon and it was so nice and exciting, that Ashley has once again began to melt from the strong sense of overwhelming happiness. After dinner, she pulled her Kaidan and they spent a few hours together and close. Kaiden was delicious.

  - Ash, we will be here today, and tomorrow we'll go to the main dance floor of the Citadel. - Kaidan said, not opening his arms, and only for a few seconds, breaking his kiss.

  - Inherit example Shepard, Kai? - Smiling, Ashley asked.

  - To what extent, to what extent. A good tradition. Worthy of inheritance. - I agreed Alenko, returning to the interrupted kiss, feeling that this is what he expects from his Ashley.

  Cayden has fulfilled his promise, and at nine o'clock they entered the main dance floor station. No one paid much attention to them, no one paid much attention to the fact that Ashley - in "position". Kaidan did any dancing slow, smooth, calm, and Ashley was able to completely surrender to the feelings, emotions and sensations, surrender to the perception of the music and the proximity of her husband and a friend. Interrupting short sittings at tables laid around the perimeter of the dance floor, Ashley and Kaiden danced for several hours, after which wage-flyer flew to the hotel. Kaidan, Ashley made a hearty dinner, and then they had a magical night.

  The third day they spent in the battalion, and now Ashley showed Kaidan than it occupied for nearly twenty-four hours a day. Soldiers of its platoon were happy to see their commander beside her husband - fighting a lieutenant and a member of the Corps, of which there were a lot of truthful legends.

  Kaiden was convinced that Ashley is not overstrained, training his men that it is not beyond the rigid frame and the margin of safety, he got a lot of satisfaction by taking part in the passage of a complex obstacle course and shoot a few boxes of charges on the shooting range. A
shley looked at understanding enthusiastic military exercises Kaidan, seeing as her colleagues a lot to learn from him to what should learn a professional soldier from more experienced colleagues.

  In the evening, Ashley Kaidan amazed by the fact that he asked her colleagues to come to the club, sat down at the piano and sang a few songs. No war, no peace, gentle and melodic. Colleagues Ashley Kaidan singing with joy, singing and Ashley, finding in this action as a pleasant and important for ourselves ... Kaiden playing, looking at Ashley, and she looked at him and felt that they both remain united, that in all galaxy and even beyond it there is no force that can break off their relationship. She saw tears in the eyes of his colleagues and she is not shy about his tears, because acutely aware transience peaceful minutes, peaceful moments, minutes outside of combat.

  After the concert, Cayden took Ashley's arm warmly said goodbye to her colleagues and they returned to the room. There Alenko cooked dinner, cleaned the dishes and flatware, answering kisses Ashley. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

  Kasumi Goto

  Navigate through the galaxy became difficult even for her, accustomed to use is clearly illegal, and sometimes - and simply unacceptable ways and methods to travel from planet to planet, from station to station and remain elusive. Kasumi continued to maintain a reputation as the best thief in the galaxy, and now she was free from the fear for the fate of all that was associated with her one true love - Keiji Okudza, because he was always at her side, in a gray box, which she kept as the apple of his eye.


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