Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 171

by Theodore Daniels

  - Fleets of the Alliance?

  - They are concentrated in "Arcturus". In this segment, we are not strong enough to cover all the planets, which still left the civilian population. A Benning ... There will need to cover not less than "Arcturus". Unfortunately, we currently do not have such a force. - In the words of discontent proskvozilo commander of the frigate, cruiser too clearly. - That's why we asked to contribute. "Volga" already know they will be engaged in catching ships, transporters and their destruction. And the ships and their crews. Now let's not waste time on trifles. It's a pity to lose these ships permanently, but otherwise you'll have to arrange the chase, and now it is counterproductive. In civil Benning has pockets of resistance, had taken refuge on the Reapers and regularly try to save other people. Continued broadcasting and self-appointed, but effective "Resistance Radio" running even during the first probing attacks "Cerberus". It offers benningovtsam survivors unite and discussing rumors about available shelters.

  - So ...

  - I assume that the group Alenko lieutenant landed procheshet surrounding the center of one of the largest cities Benning - that this city, John - areas that will arrive as part of frigates escorted Resistance transport workers of the Alliance and the Empire to collect people and take them to safe places.

  - My task? - Shepard asked, realizing that Anderson hesitates with the wording of the complete problem on purpose.

  - I received a personal treatment of Ambassador Dominic individuals. His son was with friends at Benning. In general, the ambassador said that his son may have problems.

  - The son of the ambassador - a tasty target for "Cerberus". They may try to ...

  - Try. Because we need to nip this in the bud situation, John. And to help our resistance forces take from the planet all the great stores of food. And for this manpower need. Accordingly - "Cerberus" and his work in the Banning area should be paralyzed. As long as the son of the ambassador and his buddies found tserberovtsami, but things can change very quickly. Departure after two hours, John.

  - Acknowledged, Commander. - First mate stood up.

  - Go and get ready. - Anderson turned the screen desktop instrumentrona to him.

  Anderson, Shepard thought, heading for his cabin was right. Agricultural system Benning, has accumulated in the warehouses of the planet's unusually large stocks of food, continued to operate, being extremely automated. It is unlikely that "Cerberus" is interested in supplies of food - they hit the other direction. According to people who will need this food. By reducing the population of the planet, "Cerberus" was able to complicate the overload of food stocks from warehouses on board transport ships. Despite the automation of the role of people in the implementation of the overload it has been very significant, and this, in turn, meant that all the food will not be removed from the planet within a reasonable time before the advent of near Benning fleets Reapers. It will not be exported - will not be consumed by those whom it now and in the near future will be really necessary. Hunger bony hand clutching his throat already several dozen colonies, fell under the insulating caps small fleets of the Reapers. According to some Reapers no longer squeamish dead organics are reasonable and are now collected even half-decayed corpses.

  Upon entering the cabin, Shepard started checking his suit and weapons. The fact that you have to shoot and shoot a lot - he had no doubt. Picture, charts and tables shown in the screen clearly instrumentrona Anderson testified in favor of the highest probability of heavy skirmishes with the forces of "Cerberus". We had to wait a lot of centurions, marines, guards and engineers with turrets.

  After finishing training suit and weapons, Shepard went through frigate checked as preparing for the landing of members of Lieutenant Alenko. In that turians and Yavik will prepare well, he had no doubt, therefore, examined the preparation of the five members of the protection team level landing party - cops, Marines and returned to the cabin to get acquainted with the prepared fresh Synthetic core package of information on the situation in Benning.

  While Shepard versed with data from Bening, The detachment left the Citadel. All normandovtsy and volgovtsy already accustomed to the fact that the way to the desired planets and star systems now have a deep disguise and carefully avoiding large gatherings Reaper forces. This seriously increases the time of flight, and the timing of the mission.

  The situation eased that the accumulation of Arcturus and Euler flow system, where the planet was located Benning tightly patrolled by fleets and compounds of the Alliance. Nevertheless, on the way to the Benning had to spend five full days and only in the last two days was able to recruit a normal speed for the Squad, avoiding the need to hide from the endlessly darting here and there, patrol frigates and boats Reapers.

  - Kaidan, you need to clean the top of the street from the soldiers "Cerberus" ... - Shepard said he met with Lt. Hall of operational information. - This is your main task. We need a larger playground for the massive evacuation.

  - I'm not sure, Captain, that is - that "Cerberus". - Alenko said. - Yes, they are similar, form, gear - is also very similar. But I have no confidence that this is - "Cerberus".

  - If there is no certainty that this is the "Cerberus", Kaidan, guided by the fact that it - not a charitable organization, and the terrorists, killing and abducting civilians. As you can see - Shepard spent pointer on the virt-tablet - basically you have to strip a building from terrorists. All the buildings, which only see fit to carry out the main task - the protection of large groups of civilians. We know that the terrorists do not hunt in small groups, trying to attack and grab more people, and immediately leave.

  - It is clear, Captain. - Alenko removed his instrumentrona screen, switch the unit to Standby. - Let go?

  - Go. - Shepard leaned over virt-tablet. He had to double-check options to find the son of Ambassador Dominic and his special friends, with whom he arrived at Benning.

  At this time, Shepard flew not to the commander, and on a regular armed shuttle. Departure from the hangar frigate, cruiser passed nominally - a few minutes to the ship Shepard joined the canoe, which was a group of Alenko lieutenant.

  Pretty soon shuttles down so that the steel structure of the planet seen some cities. The speaker on the audio channel Shepard heard the patter Titova, give instructions to his colleagues, to begin destroying airborne cruisers "Cerberus". XO and heard the phrase, he explained a lot - Titov agreed with the Staff Astrorazvedki the dispatch of a squadron of ships Benning Covert Fleet, which meant - the evacuation of civilians from Bening will become safer and more orderly in the near future. Simultaneously Titov and agreed to the dispatch of additional squadrons Benning Empire freight ships for export all available food.

  The screen glowed instrumentrona number - two and a half million people lived on Benning before the Invasion of the Reapers. How many are there now - could not say no: no Synthetic or organic. The figures could now be only approximate. Despite the shooting, organized by the "Volga" cruiser "Cerberus" tried to continue the operation for the removal of civilians from the planet, and yet they were able to do it - Shepard saw sadivshiesya in various places shuttles tserberovtsev, saw the three-headed dog servants are captured civilians and drag or lead them to the shuttles as boats go to the cruisers and those taking shuttles aboard, eager to get away from the world, performing their mission.

  Forces of the two squadron had nothing to even think about how to take on a full-scale confrontation tserberovtsam to approach Covers Navy forces. It looks like Shepard knew everything revolves around the son of the ambassador Dominic and his special friends. It would not be here this young man - squad would not be disrupted from the parking lot at the Citadel, was not sent to here, when the galaxy was already plenty of places Troop assistance could be more timely, and more effective. Politicians and diplomats, as always the most trembling for their hides, knowing the frailty and transience of earthly existence. They were ready to do anything just to avoid any danger, even as it really capable of threatening them.

  - Impact
Team "Cerberus" appeared in one of the major cities in the Benning. - Penetrate into the speaker on the audio channel the voice of Anderson. - John, we can say from experience - these teams do not just appear. Coordinates passed. Of course, they will disguise themselves as ordinary "builders" to take civil, but the goal is the same - the son of an ambassador.

  - It is clear, Commander. - Shepard consulted with his instrumentronom, ordered that Greg has changed course. - We will try to come to the beginning of the landing.

  - The plan was slightly different, John, but now will have to act according to the changed version. - Anderson said. - According to the first information, it appears that the members of the strike team recruited civilians. However, John, a few minutes ago we received confirmation on a number of channels that people take away from the planet tserberovtsy against their will. NATO reconnaissance mission was ambushed, in response to its actions "Cerberus" has organized a series of attacks on civilians and civilian public cultural institutions segment. It seems elementary revenge, but who knows what lurks behind it all. I would not like to think that all these people will soon become the Huskies, though - this is by far the most likely option. Officially "Cerberus" denies everything. Either the leadership of "Cerberus" is lying, or on Benning operates some splinter the common system cell. Quite powerfully packed cell, it must be said. John, you have to land in the city and clear the site for heavy or large passazhirnikov shuttles, so we were able to make a quick volley evacuation of civilians. The fleets of transports on the way to Benning, you ... - Anderson cited a figure indicating the number of hours before the arrival of squadrons. - Ships are under the protection of the Imperial Navy frigates Covert, so here we see the combination of regulatory functions. Resistance frigates for the job turned out to be weak. The fleets of transports on the way to Benning, you ... - Anderson cited a figure indicating the number of hours before the arrival of squadrons. - Ships are under the protection of the Imperial Navy frigates Covert, so here we see the combination of regulatory functions. Resistance frigates for the job turned out to be weak. The fleets of transports on the way to Benning, you ... - Anderson cited a figure indicating the number of hours before the arrival of squadrons. - Ships are under the protection of the Imperial Navy frigates Covert, so here we see the combination of regulatory functions. Resistance frigates for the job turned out to be weak.

  - "Cerberus", no doubt, aware of this, Commander.

  - We believe in it, John. - Anderson confirmed. - Nevertheless - we need to ensure the safety of civilians. Synthetic, analyzed the situation, claiming that "Cerberus" is aware of its weakening and trying to resist this weakening. And after "Cerberus" weakened and Reapers. Slightly - but weakened.

  - Approaching the point, Captain. - Greg reported.

  - Clear. - Shepard said, entering the cockpit and looking at the overview screen and glass windows. City was coming and going on over there could not bother the captain. Hovering over the buildings shuttles "Cerberus" was shot, were visible in the figures typical white-yellow-black color, scurrying through the streets, varied group of civilians who were dragged and shoved towards the freight shuttles. Tserberovtsy obviously did not stand on ceremony, and in a hurry hurry, realizing that now the time is working against them. The appearance of the Troop, approaching imperial servants frigates limited three-headed dog in the freedom of action, which caused irritation and rejection, forced tserberovtsev show excessive rigidity or even temporarily - cruelty.

  Shuttles decreased even more - drivers looking for the right platform to start from there it was possible to develop the offensive on tserberovtsev groups and their accomplices. It was necessary to find a large area, so that there could come passazhirniki - used shuttles meant delay the evacuation of civilians to the maximum and to subject civilians killed when a threat of the Reapers fleets.

  - The area is found, the captain. - Greg reported, pointing with the stylus on the screen. - Here.

  - Decreases. We desantiruemsya. - He ordered Shepard, scanning the area around the site. Steel, plastic, iron beams box, put one on the other, form a bizarre combination - benningovtsy not show off, lived quite poorly, in their homes, there was nothing except the bare necessities. Until now, there have not been built capital building: benningovtsy in large quantities purchased beam standard and adapted them for the construction of homes, neighborhoods, entire neighborhoods. Now many buildings were traces of hits, it was noticeable that many beams abandoned by their inhabitants.

  Coming down between the two lines of multi-storey buildings - in the world are called "houses-tapes", both the shuttle wary occasion barrels of guns - the bottom of the observed lesions shooting and confrontation between the local resistance and tserberovtsami. Several times the drivers opened aimed fire on arriving tserberovtsev shuttles, making their machines crumble and turn into smoky fires. At times briefly snapped guns shuttles, preventing groups of tserberovtsev install the turret and protective police barriers. Screams could be heard on the audio channels of civilians, panic talks on civilian frequencies sharing.

  - Captain. - In speaker PHONES XO's voice cut through Olivia. - You have near half of the aid comes from civilian signals transmitters.

  - Tserberovtsy ...

  - That is, Captain. I give the exact coordinates of civil groups. - Kiborgessa sent to instrumentron Shepard multiple files.

  - Accepted. - Shepard noted that the shuttle had already dropped enough above the street, turned into a side street and the driver opened the cabin door. - Set down.

  Jumping on the metal plate covering the streets, Shepard pointed out that most of the nearby Balkov empty. Somewhere it was included full light - there was all white, but somewhere in the dim light blue and blue lights. And nowhere was the usual bustle of peace or at least lively. Civilians hiding or simply fled. Yeah, well strained their tserberovtsy. While there, the summit comprehended the situation could well tserberovtsy overfishing hundreds of civilians who have no mercy against the husks simply had no chance to survive. And Troop arrival here little decided. But the evacuation fleet support and force - it was already a great help in the rescue. But how late this fleet will be ...

  Near landed both of Turian and all five cops paratroopers. Most recently Shepard highly disapproved of the fact that Anderson in an order obliged him to admit on board the shuttle commander's five. Well there is the commander of the imperial razvedkreysera, and even a woman - Svetlana Streltsov. She is pregnant and her such protection, security, escort, defense - not interfere, by definition, even for the provision of all-round and do not always armed assistance. In all sorts of worldly affairs. But he, en-Seven? What is software? Anderson remained deaf to Shepard attempts to appeal to his reason. And only now XO understood - it was necessary. For at all times we knocked out in the first place leaders and conductors. Firstly. And he was also a leader and conductor. The head of the landing party. So I had to shut up, accept and do not resent the presence of the next five armed policemen and wary paratroopers, nastropalёnnyh Alenko at most can not be tailored to the all-round protection and the protection of it, Shepard, precious like a carcass-body. Well, the reason, of course. From everyone there ... not very much and relevant meetings and contacts.

  - Units "Cerberus" pressed civilian commander. - I approached him Alenko. - Better hurry with the division.

  - Well, Kaidan. - Shepard glance appreciated the willingness of Lieutenant people received welcome and at the same time indicating the absence of problems nod Jenkins. - If such a map, we have fallen - they are playing. Ask tserberovtsam heat, try to clean up the area, and we will try to find the son of the ambassador. - He exchanged a firm handshake and a lieutenant waved his Turian, calling to follow him. Proteanin followed them in stealth mode - he had no desire or need to show up here and now. It is better, as I thought the XO, have a peculiar and deadly enemies for an ace up his sleeve than just shine all their capabilities, causing seizures tserberohaskov burning desire to curry favor with the Reapers, destroyed or taken prisoner Ya
vika - only, fortunately, they do know proteanina,

  Separation of groups did not happen as planned, but then plans fall immediately, as soon as begin to be realized. Crumbling first in small things, and then, if you do not take measures - and begin to crumble big. And now the captain of the team goes swiftly landing area to tserberovtsy could not react in time and quickly, so that normandovtsev was time to remove from the area shuttles and do all that is necessary prior to the arrival of emergency vehicles.

  The captain looked around automatically. Bridges, transitions, beams. And there are almost no people. She could hear cries, screams, shooting, swearing, mate. Many knock, rattle, clank. And all this - in waves. Cacophony is not a fight, but predboya. What a battle between armored tserberovtsami and civilian, who with twenty meters of his guns could sometimes get in Centurion figure in which any technician "Normandy" could put a charge or a shop - the mood - with two hundred meters or more. Because had to hurry. Yes, even the son of the ambassador ...

  All help is impossible. Even if you really, really want. Crying is an axiom of any war, any clashes. Shepard saw the collapse of the coating tiles civilians, just a moment ago, the former is absolutely healthy and very lively. And now they're dead, because brutalized haskotserby all, to whom they could not reach, sought to destroy. To deprive of life. Shepard saw in his instrumentrone closest to their current location icon "group of civilians" and understood - as it may be, they will be obliged, moving on the trail of a special son Dominic, to help these civil get in at least relatively safe place. Otherwise he, Shepard, and not only he himself such disregard for helpless people never forgive. And if you do not forgive - will help civil. As far as possible, of course,


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