Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 174

by Theodore Daniels

  Maybe Shepard laid in it, younger Zora too high perception of and compliance with standards? Perhaps, these standards have always been in itself the first place? Maybe it time and time again to rescue his father from suicide after the death of his wife, had already shown outside of these standards? May be. Anything can happen.

  She should go and look at Stefan, look into his eyes, and if possible - that and the soul. The last time before he was for it will cease to be important, near and dear. And she told him once promised that would kiss him? She promised when the withdrawal took the helmet, the withdrawal of the majority of suits quarians even to think and did not dare to dream? She promised when union suits were the highest mark of affection and trust?

  How could she ?! Maybe she had hoped for the best? For a "better"? On what the "best"? It would seem that what is special is that Stefan did not her husband? After all, did not the same! He will remain for all the frustrated suitor Tali Zora. Failed suitor. Yes, spot, as they say people will be on it. Quarians - are not stupid, they understand a lot. And seeing before seen her that Stefan is not a couple. It was not a couple. And she did not see it and hope for something.

  Now he hopes. If it had not hoped - I would not be willing to see him. That's right, directly. Not for audio communication and video chat for the last time, but so directly. She now realizes that she hoped for the best, hoping that it will shake Stephen, make him change. She still tries to keep itself in love for him. And although she does not believe that he continues to love her, she is still that love him. As long as it continues. Although it has less than once. Much less. And he understands that no matter how she tried, it would not change its internal decision taken some time ago already: Stefan she did not pair and he was not worthy to be her husband.

  She herself was quarian very strict rules, and the communication with Shepard, communication with otryadovtsami generally made from younger Zora quarian tending to supreme manifestations of honor and conscience, with all my being. And it could not be said that one of her otryadovtsev anything in this case imposed - it was only her choice. She saw: War of organic change reasonable. Different changes. Shows hidden for the time being dominant. Well hidden. Securely hidden.

  With these thoughts here the next morning Tali Zora was going to see her ex-fiancé and frustrated husband. Seen before its being, its essence Stephen translated into the category of persons unknown to her, who have no to her, except for nominal value. She just wanted to see him for the last time in the eye. Fortunately, now there was the need to wear the glass tolstostenkovye visors on their helmets. All will be well seen and felt to be - even better. Though now she wanted to see him in the gap left by bronezaslonkami. And nothing else.

  She did not want to talk a lot and for a long time with him - not that that would be there on her it would not have the strength, did not want to, knowing the futility of these conversations possible. If she had at least a modicum, at least a little faith in what Stephen senses ... But no, the selection rule is not left options: if he hated her, not only as a female, but also as an official, then talk about what relationship-or emerging in the least degree beyond purely office will not have more than ever. In the absence of the subject of conversation, because no escapes outside the rigid framework itself Zora, many hear the retelling of pearls quarian literature, wherewith abundantly rewarded her younger Zora, Stefan, who was, among other things without any alcohol or drug intoxication, longer tolerate not intended to principle.

  She did not know how to start a conversation, how to address him, his former fiance. After the change of the angle of perception changes the whole picture, and it has changed dramatically for younger Zora. Probably, it has changed for Stefan. Nor could change if he was her younger Zora, Zora Admiral Tali wings, do not hesitate especially in expressions, wings loudly.

  She came in the morning to the entrance of the underground plant, came a few minutes before the first workers hurrying to their seats. Negotiations with the guards. This time she was not wearing an admiral's suit, wearing a simple, lightly-. I did not want to swagger their admiral signs. There was no need for this. She wanted to be a single for Stephen ... It did not happen. Probably telling the truth when they say that a break is always to blame two or hardly ever - one person. Probably.

  Stefan is not the first approached her. Moreover, he intended to sneak into the gate entrance, among other such quarians, sneak, trying to go unnoticed and unrecognized. Did not work out. Having made a difficult rebuilding and managing to not offend anyone especially from hurrying to their jobs and employees employees, Zora stood in front of Stefan. No, she did not become the king's gesture to indicate the former fiance somewhere to the side, so that he, ashamed, came down the road and made it possible to carry out educational and awareness-raising work on a more comfortable environment than the middle of the road leading to the gate of an industrial enterprise. She just looked at Stephen. I looked out of the visor of the helmet for the first time in communion with him lifting the combat shields into position. The gap formed three combat shields, He allowed her to focus his eyes on his eyes, avoiding the need to examine all of his face and figure. At that moment, she just felt them - she did not need to see them. She could see only his eyes. The eyes of the groom failed. Mirror of the Soul reasonable organics.

  A few minutes later, they were silent, streamlined on both sides and tens quarians kvarianok. Someone recognized them both, someone recognized Tali, someone recognized Stefan. For her, and perhaps and it ceased to have meaning for him.

  Tali knew that first conversation, he will not start. She wanted to turn around and leave in silence, but she was trying to give a chance for Stefan. The last of a long series of chances. She looked at the face of his ex-fiance and tried to cope with the wave possess it feelings, emotions, sensations. Cope and not show the form.

  Stephen did not hesitate. He just took a step to the side, and then - two steps forward. No, three steps forward - and he walked Tali, entering the quarians stream goes into the enterprise gateway. He said all these three steps. Thanks all.

  Tali stood for a few minutes, then got out quietly gained momentum flow to rush to jobs and quarians kvarianok and, treading carefully, went to him. The break took place. Maybe not quite the way she wanted it herself, but held.

  When he came to his four-room apartment renovated on the former base the Reapers, she came to the duty part and said who was sitting there for a few employees that finally frees the apartment in connection with the expected bombardment of the surface fleets of the Reapers Rannoch. Those nodded - during these hours many quarians, still occupied apartments on the ground that the reconstructed base, doing the same thing - moved into underground towns.

  Coming into the apartment, Tali collected in voluminous container all the things that belonged to Stefan. Yes. A few days later, he lived here, perevёz here quite a lot of her. Now here it is not all over the place. Instrumentronu contacted by a group of software base, Tali has ordered the transport container to the warehouse and ordered that the information about his whereabouts was sent to Stephen instrumentron immediately, as soon as the container would be in stock.

  Convinced that her order is executed, Tali started collecting and soon formed a small container - in contrast to Stephen she avoided to acquire a lot of things, sought to ensure that you can always do the minimum. Some of the things and clothes, it is sent to the clothing allowance database - let them take advantage of those quarians, they come in handy more than her.

  Ordered to send a container to address its current underground abode, Tali methodically erased from instrumentrona data about Stefan and introduced a categorical ban on all kinds of communication with that person. Contact customer service hostel Guard, where she now lived most of the time of day, she ordered her not to let Stephen under any circumstances. Her order was understood and implemented. Now, at least, she was not threatened encounters with him. If he behaved at the entrance - he made a choice. She made her choice.

  After looki
ng pretty deserted apartment, Tali, trying not to remember that once there were, and Shepard, and the Legion, and Stephen, shut the door and went downstairs. Base emptied on the eyes - from the entrance just left freighter, carrying belongings the next family. Families, which will no longer be in Tali with Stephen. Maybe just as well that there will be, but it will not be - that's for sure.

  We had to do the work. Tali straddled the speeder, and after ten minutes already included in her father's study. The first half of the day belonged to the admiral and Rael Zor continued to teach her the tricks of admiral. Now, freed from thinking about Stefan, Tali was going to surrender their studies completely.

  Her mood was once regarded as the father. He approached her, which stepped the threshold of the room, hidden in the depths of the underground complex of fortifications, he waited until she will remove the helmet with the visor shields.

  - Dad. I will say briefly. I guess you know too much. I finally broke up with Stefan. The question of marriage is no longer worth it. It just will not. - She stopped and leaked sideways at his usual place - in a chair in front of virt-tablet. - Come to work, Dad.

  Senior Zora nodded, realizing that such a decision will not change Tali. Not the case. And he stood at his place at Wirth tablet. For himself, Stefan also rapidly losing importance and value.

  Tess. feat Liara

  Parent asari planet burned. Orbital bombardment that began a decade ago led to a terrible destruction. Fleets Asari did everything possible to ward off the Reaper ships and their associates out of orbit, but the strength is not enough - there were losses too great. Population Tess massively move to underground shelters, but many remained on the surface - not everyone wanted to bury himself alive in the dungeons, many were too far away from the places of work.

  Liara moved its business in one of the caves, called "office". While there were orders, they are fewer, but they were not and the staff left. Scientific Laboratory, where she worked as junior T'Soni also moved into the ground, it also did not stop work. Redoubt militia, which was attributed to the asari, is now located on the first underground level. All less paramilitary units were located deeper, but also to the first dungeon level should go down to a depth of more than four hundred meters.

  With great difficulty, Liara persuaded the parents to move in underground residential haven. Benešov and Etita taught courses, prepared the militia, but did not want to leave has become too familiar and dear apartments. We had to ask for the command and the matriarchs agreed to contribute - course management did not want to endanger the lives and health of such teachers, so held, as usual expressed people, outreach, which reached the goal. Now Liara was quiet - most of the time parents spent under the ground, where they could not get the bomb charges and debris.

  The militiamen had to spend a lot of time on the surface - patrolling, search and neutralization of the Reapers agents guarding warehouses and allocation of seats, maintain order - just not listed. Liara knew and Etita Benešov and very worried when she goes to the surface, but did not want to change anything - I did not want to allow into their reasons for setting of weakness. Yet she was able to return to the location of the reference point unharmed, but she guessed that it will not always - Reapers attacked maternal asari planet with ever-increasing strength and tenacity.

  Doubles patrol where Liara was the eldest, I was walking along the route. Residential Zone Tess. Skyscrapers, shopping centers, entertainment venues, catering establishments, schools, several office buildings. The usual pattern. If not for the sudden bombing ... Azariyskaya warning system air attack does not always have time to give a signal, and Azariah were unable to often hide in shelters. Therefore, Liara and her workmate Aela wary glances and around the sky and Tessa, trying at least in such a way to be able to have time to warn civilians of impending asari with them the danger of heaven.

  How long has she been through Liara civil? Yes, probably, for a long time. Just a long time, how long Asari looked at the civic militia with ill-concealed amazement. Now, on the militia looked on as defenders, and often - and as saviors. They began to be respected, they began to obey, began to listen to their words. The militia was now competition is not worse than in some prestigious university and tessiysky taken into the ranks of the militia is not for everyone asari.

  Glancing around, the militia patrol continued movement along the route, without haste, but also avoiding excessive slowness, without lingering too long in any place.

  The outbreak of another bombing has caused panic among the expected and asari Liara with Aeloy had to stop at one of the malls. Directing running scared tribeswoman to shelters, Liara acted on full automatic, just trying to catch the differences from standard situations and in time to find the right solution, the right to respond. Militia patrols are not enough, so as to quickly realized T'Soni younger, they were together, and no other militias were not there in the quarter. A few minutes - and from the mall last sprint women customers and vendors. Show them the way to the shelter, Liara turns around to look at the neighboring buildings, and at this point begins to crumble shopping mall - which fell in the rear, where the premises were located, a bomb destroys the supporting columns. crouching, Asari-militia bounce over some container. Liara with force presses Aelu to the ground while listening to the roar and rumble of rolling debris - it seemed or appeared to close in two voices cried the children.

  - Liara, get down. - Aela puffing, trying to sit up. - What are you still listen? Hit a splinter ... helmet will not save. These processes are ...

  - Shut up, Aela. - Younger T'Soni makes an effort, listening. - Do you hear anything except the screen?

  - Can not hear anything. - Responsible naparnitsa, continuing attempts to sit up and look. - Stop me pressed to the ground, has everything!

  - Indeed, everything. - Liara stands up, looks around, still listening. - You remain here. I'll go and see the ruins.

  - Lost her mind? Ruins barely hanging on. You want to be filled up?

  - I already know that there are living in the ruins of the asari. Remember what we said in the courses. Rarely from shopping centers manage to get out everything. Practically there are no such cases, to one and all came - and the staff, and customers. So check - it is necessary. - Liara looks around again. - All I have gone.

  - Liara. - Aela makes a last attempt to keep his partner. - Do not go there.

  - Funny, Aela. - Without turning Liara says. - We are with you - the militia and not civilians. We need to take risks. It is - part of our work.

  - I'm with you.

  - Stay where you are. Patrolling has not yet been completed. - Liara quickened her pace, approaching the ruins of the shopping center. On hearing limit, she felt a thin squeak. It could only squeak babies asari. Probably, any young mother could not resist, no one to leave the little ones. So she took them to the mall. As usual - "I have just a minute." - Younger T'Soni listened, trying to determine the direction and bypassing blockages of furniture and debris, deepened into ruins. - And I do not get a "Wait a minute." - Think about what happened to her that did not want to, but from memory the words climbed teachers and pictures relevant aspects of the militia archives. Needless to say, the militias are now prepared to conscience. Liara is seen by his parents:

  Entrance doors to the mall, or rather, what's left of them, have already disappeared around the bend. Not really looping attention to the interior, Liara moved toward the sound.

  Aela stood in the same place where she last tried to stop his partner and all eyes stared at the mall, on its ruins. Younger T'Soni in the army knew very many - it still has combined the three areas, and her parents have taught courses on the militia and were there almost the most respected teachers. Aela remembered that Liara is constantly talking about his reluctance to become professional soldiers, but now few militia could catch up with her in the level of preparedness: it shoots a gun in any position, even on the run or jump knocking solid scores, great shot at sound and flash guns owned a little worse, and almost did not use the
sniper rifle and grenade launchers. What then, every Asari-volunteer their preferences and disadvantages.

  Liara felt that the sound does not change its position, but very slowly becomes audible. So baby do not sprawl, remain near the mother. To know in what condition it is.

  The distance was still too great - the sound went from the bottom of the shopping center. What's needed mummy? After all, all that is necessary for children and nursing mothers in such shopping centers have long been moved closer to the entrance portals. Maybe he wanted to purchase something for the parents or the husband? Or for a family that wanted to buy something?

  Throwing short careful look around, Liara continued to walk toward the sound. The fact that babies cry for so long it was not surprising: since the end of the bombing took place is still too little time. A baby, as well as any children of any race were crying and screaming for hours.

  On the destruction around Liara I did not pay much attention - has seen enough already for decades of service in the militia. Come and stand in a cordon and firefighters to help, and to detain looters and shoot, and look for the Reaper agents who were trying to escape under the guise of buyers and sellers and just civilians. Anything can happen. Here and now, not forgetting glances around - you never know what may be near or at a distance - the youngest T'Soni moved to infants. In fact, it's crying children she no longer had any doubts. It is, of course, knew about all sorts of tricks, which were much agents of the Reapers, but now everything in it literally screamed that this is not a trap, not a setup, and not the lure. It's really the children. Conventional asari-baby.

  When Liara finally saw the children, she could only observe the body of a young asari and two lumps clinging to him. At this point, it began regular bombing and younger T'Soni instincts leaped forward, covering her babies with her body. According breastplate armor plates hit plastobetona fragments, the body responded with pain, but Liara automatically stuffing children for themselves, already knowing that their mother is dead. Hearing the crash, Liara realized that the ruins are now thrown down, and finally managed to do only one thing - do not give children to crawl out from under him before in her helmet hit big chip, extinguished the consciousness of the younger T'Soni.


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