Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 183

by Theodore Daniels

  Saren understood that the final choice in the life of a reasonable organics not so much. And now often compared himself with the current Arterius Saren, who tried to confront the Reapers. If Shepard does not ... It is unlikely that he would have survived, hardly back to normal life a reasonable organic. Shepard Commander Shepard, John Shepard gave him turian Saren Arterius a second life in the full sense of the word, for that ... the existence of which Arterius dragged under the control of the Reaper, it is difficult or even impossible to even be called life around, even if you really really want, and . Almost every day is now remembered Saren indoctrinate themselves, remembering and thanking Shepard for his decision to help him, turian. Had that - Arterius would come to Earth as an enemy, as a warrior and does not know mercy, but ... fortunately, the situation has been different.

  Turians not become gravediggers humanity. And Shepard saved the life and personality turian Saren Arterius. Spas and reacted calmly to this fact, if indeed it is, man, Earthman, VKS officer, military elite did not do anything special. And Saren as nobody understood: if Shepard wanted - no one would be in the Hierarchy ... not only in the Hierarchy, but in Citadel space - could not help him, Arterius, at least a little to throw off this indoktrinatsionny wraith. In the very best case Arterius have waited fate of laboratory material. It would be weeks, decades, months, years would be studied. It is unlikely that he would have felt if his existence more regulations than exist under the rule of the Reaper. Turians been ... merciless and ruthless in cognition. Especially in the knowledge ... that's such artifacts,

  Turian-Spectrum recalled how he saw with Nayrin ... I saw and realized that fell in love. And she knew that he loved her. Understood rightly woman, rightly turianki. And she realized how he was wounded and iskorёzhen this indoctrination. And because not possible for her to feel even the slightest try to propose his candidacy for the role of satellite Nayrin life. She appreciated that the reluctance Saren. He assessed very positively and managed to become Saren good and close friend. Not a major, not, but very close. The one who was able to deeply understand the essence of his wounded, almost completely revived efforts Shepard, but still wounded. Nayrin understood his reluctance to intrude in her life companions and calmly reacted to the fact that Saren pushed forward themselves Nihlus. I put forward, because he knew: Nihlus holistic and young and his relationship with Nayrin ocean can get bigger, deeper and better than he, Saren. A Nayrin ... Nayrin smoothly, quietly and completely inoffensive and Nihlus translated into the category of its kind of a close friend, to do everything so that no Saren no Nihlus not satisfied with each other as usual bloody showdown Turian in the struggle for friendliness and location to them turianki. Then she fell in love with the archangel, and became his actual bride. It has become, but it is not estranged or from Saren, either from Nihlus, left them a close and accessible. nor to any Saren Nihlus not satisfied with each other as usual bloody showdown Turian in the struggle for friendliness and location to them turianki. Then she fell in love with the archangel, and became his actual bride. It has become, but it is not estranged or from Saren, either from Nihlus, left them a close and accessible. nor to any Saren Nihlus not satisfied with each other as usual bloody showdown Turian in the struggle for friendliness and location to them turianki. Then she fell in love with the archangel, and became his actual bride. It has become, but it is not estranged or from Saren, either from Nihlus, left them a close and accessible.

  Now Nayrin war. The station "Omega" is being attacked by Reapers and their accomplices. "Omega" is now unofficially being Squad station, receives support and assistance. And the weapons and ammunition, and in general everything necessary. A Nayrin ... Nayrin directs the civic militia. Manages so that the competition for any vacant position in the Militia units comes to five hundred a reasonable place. It selects only the best, but those who are able to withstand enormous loads. Oh, loads of it, turianka-biotic everyone knows much more than any ordinary turianka. And as commander of the Militia - she knows everything about the stress.

  Saren distracted from thinking about Nayrin. He knew that and Nihlus often thinks about the miracle of the green-eyed, before which the most violent turians are drawn to attention and turned in her presence and in arhiposlushnyh arhipokornyh reasonable. As Nayrin sought to this effect - known, of course, she only. For the rest, it was reasonable of organic unknowable in principle.

  There is a terrible, unprecedented war, and the inhabitants of the galaxy still manage to live a normal life: meet, form a family, have children, learn, work in enterprises, institutions and organizations, not only military, but also a purely civil profile. And hope. It is hoped that this war will not last too long time and most of them now living sentient will witness the victory and will be able to spend at least a few hours, days, weeks, decades of peace in the galaxy. In which it will no longer place the Reapers. Never.

  Today Saren first thought that the war against the Reapers can be finished quickly enough. Of course, still have a lot to do this, but today is the first time in the shower Turian, who knows firsthand what indoctrination that is standing on the brink between personality and impersonality, stirred a sense of intimacy a real big complete victory over the Reapers. Never before has such a sense of Saren experienced. Even before the war, even in its initial period, he tried to adjust themselves to the fact that the struggle can and will most likely continue for more than a decade. And today, he felt that this fight will take a maximum of a few years. Yes, it will be hard, this fight, but the war against the Reapers will complete victory over them on those semi-organic semi-synthetic machines in a few years. And this feeling of closeness of victory, combined with a sense of its reality, its inevitability liked Saren. It warmed him to a couple of very pleasant and seem long minutes. It has enabled him to understand, to believe that he, wounded indoctrination turian elderly turian find your "soul mate", find, do not stay in this world alone, leaving no children.

  Grey Mediator

  Yag, standing at his "screen wall" in the office, looking through one of the entries made by the system operational monitoring of environment. Interesting post. Significantly record. For several days he has been working on the involvement of the Network in their asari Liara T "Sony and now in the rare moments of calm to view all the information material relating to her life Touching the sensor, nr Play a title.:

  "- I know. We have no more than five years. I think less. In the two years. So - no more than three. Information mediation for Liara ... with her curiosity and the desire to break it down ... a good option. Only in our galaxy there is a certain person who already has a significant, and sometimes - and a lot of weight is critical in the field of information mediation.

  - Gray mediator?

  - You should be commended, Shepard.

  - Not me. Our exploration of the Alliance. Although I somehow think that the Russian Imperial Intelligence information on this subject will be accurate and complete.

  - First, we - the majority of representatives of a majority of races Space Milky Way Galaxy - there is substantial evidence that this personality - strong information broker, able to skillfully kept on the brink and not serve any of the many competing parties in exclusive or any long-term exclusive or priority mode. And I have no doubt that it is - not a representative of the asari race.

  - Interesting.

  - Boring, John. It's boring in the extreme. Firstly, it is - a predator, a predator with a strong, significant size. Save the primitive stock of cruelty, cunning and animals. Secondly, it is with tremendous speed learning new technologies, and everything to what can reach. That points to his not belonging to the primary races - those are fairly standard and their ability markers ... stable. Third, it is - though a loner, but in fact - is not alone. And he knows how to put himself in a very difficultconditions ... correctly and optimally. I also believe that he is the mediator Gray also does not belong to the races and Turian salarians. Several high probability exists for its affiliation to the average level races, but even more
- to the races, which are often defined as non-aligned.

  - Exploration Matriarchy?

  - We are, though, and may seem silly, but these things normally track well. - I did not deny the obvious d'Avignon. - Even our intelligence spetsnaz Azari was unable to obtain more information. Actions Shadow Broker specific, but it is too multifaceted to clearly refer him to a particular race of numbers known to any extent.

  - Even in an extinct?

  - Protheans ... until recently thought to be extinct, too, Shepard. No. Gray mediator does not apply to members of suspended extinct races. In light of recent events ... I do tend to question the categorical classification of race classified as extinct. A Gray mediator ... Maximum - the non-aligned. But this is clearly not quarians. I would put on Yagov ... - seeing flashed on his face senior assistant puzzled d'Avignon opened instrumentrona big screen and showed the man a few texts and images. - Yes, this is the race. Officially, it is in deep quarantined for murder contactees Council. Climbed sovetovtsy where you should not, without conducting a full remote exploration. It was killed and now formally planet is in quarantine. There are several cruisers - this race has captured the orbital and blizhnekosmicheskimi flights. We have to limit their zeal. But this is - obvious predators. And explicit akseleratov with terrifying speed mastering the most advanced technology. They have very fast and comparatively long understood that the main thing - not to industry and agriculture - they have them in the world is too limited in scope of development because of the desire to preserve the environment intact, and information. Of course, many of them soldiers, and there are constant clashes for the leadership, however that information - it is the power Yaga understood immediately, quickly and deeply. Formally, there is confidence that the planet one of the natives did not leave ... but I can not guarantee that they did not find any hot head that can break through the cordon of satellites, to land and steal one or more members of this rather controversial and very interesting race. The only question in my mind that witch able to accept a subordinate role outside the environment of the tribesmen. They are - predators and developed enough even for a single confrontation.

  - And whether the information or indications that Gray mediator ... changed. Serious enough to ...

  - There was a "changing of the guard?" There is. Gray mediator has a developed network of agents in most of the inhabited worlds. Pays generously and on time, the agents never saw him in person, he sends only the files with text and images, and communicates only through voice communication. Technology Intelligence Matriarchy convinced that the voice of the Shadow Broker passes dozens of filters, track image changes very difficult - it changes too seriously and unpredictably. But in general, agents have a number of features that distinguish immediately calls the Mediator of all others, and all calls. According to some reports mediator also has a mini-army. We in the Intelligence Matriarchy have experts, who point out that this mini-army is divided into two parts. The first gated Mediator, and the second -based elsewhere and is the Army quick reaction. But its soldiers and officers ... have never seen the Shadow Broker live. Just heard. And, according to the art, which managed to get a few records have fallen fighters, Mediator voice also changed greatly, which is extremely difficult to identify. These electronic translators. With all their imperfections, they are comfortable .... But when to find the speaker, stupidity electronic brains of these interpreters ... Able to bring to rabies. Experts point out that the voice is formed in a natural way, it is not artificial. And then - nothing different interpretations. ".

  Stop Recording and changing the crystal, nr thought. Yes, then Shepard met with Rex, who was supposed to kill Fist - owner of "Den Bark" on the Citadel. The meeting took place a few not so, as suggested by the Mediator, planning this operation, but ... the result is the result and it was achieved.

  Now Rex - a respected leader of a large and powerful clan in his Tuchanka confidently going to the imperial throne of the ruler over all krogan. Perhaps it should be: krogan, together, can work wonders. Now these miracles were needed. For victory over the Reapers can easily equate to a miracle.

  Then the squad opened location "Grey Throne." Hr recalled how they met. Yes, guests, members of the Detachment were expecting fierce armed resistance, fighting and waited at the outer hull and inside, in his endless passages and corridors, in its many rooms. Then the first time he saw Shepard nr next to Svetlana and companies with turians and proteaninom. With them was also kiborgessa Olivia.

  Between them and yagom conversation. Short and succinct conversation professionals. Since Gray mediator assisted detachment. Various forms of assistance. Information - she is omnipotent, omnipresent, and for the universal. Then the detachment continued its way across multiple star systems. A nr returned to his usual customary and necessary work.

  Now he not only helped detachment, but also those to whom otryadovtsy favored. He helped in many ways, but always quietly, carefully concealing his authorship, and their participation in this aid. He liked the way the squad is cooperating with Synthetic, in a short time have become an integral part of this unique unit. Only two of the ship, and the strength of their united crews and teams of at least equal strength of several fully-equipped and mobilized turian fighting navies and often much higher than them.

  Screen viewing walls some more data on Liara T'Soni, nr again convinced that the Asari may well claim to be a high-ranking agent of the Shadow Broker. Perhaps worth thinking about how to invite her here, and then - to the planet Yagov where this young but very strong and professionally prepared asari get additional features and capabilities for an even more successful career in Network System Mediator. Who knows, maybe in time she agrees to become the new Grey mediator. Azari live ... a long time. And like Liara T'Soni - thanks to their hard work and multi-faceted life - especially long.

  Chto-to prompted Gray mediator, through detachment, through its members, thanks to those who are not joining the Corps fully worked now racial spaces of the Milky Way, the war with the Reapers not only ended in victory over the Reapers, but It ended in victory over the Reapers quickly. Yes, a witch lived a long time, and their star system remains almost the only one where the Reapers and their supporters for several decades did not go, knowing all the rage and the power of its owners, masters and the main inhabitants. And, nevertheless, did not want to spend life trying to fight against the Reapers. I wanted to spend life to something more acceptable, valuable and significant than many years of armed confrontation. And because the war had to end as quickly as possible to complete victory over the Reapers. To do this, have to work, very seriously and a lot of work, to work intensely. Victory for work. Thereby helping the soldiers and the soldiers as otryadovtsy, helping all to whom they are deservedly well-treated.

  Urdnot Baqarah

  Baqarah stood on the steps of the Temple and watched as the space defense weapons Tuchanka chafing on the planet wrecks the next fleet Reapers and their henchmen. And the planet itself were fights between units kroganskogo militias and assault husks. Heavy fighting. Krogan fought, knowing that now they have a future .... They are no longer subject to genophage they are tens and hundreds of no longer die because genophage once again severely limits their numbers. Krogan doing business, which is best known and which is the deepest and most fully enjoyed - a war with a real, strong, powerful, resourceful, professional enemy. A worthy enemy.

  Kroganki also fought. Getting rid of genophage allowed them to come to grips with the regulation of fertility, do all to the new generations krogan were strong, strong, intelligent. Baqarah recalled his recent trip to the female clans Tuchanka, again and again, making sure: there is no need to go back again to unlimited nothing fertility - important than quantity, the main thing - quality. And now krogan quality improved with every decade. Now, fathers, returning from the front line, could be with their children, to take part in their education and development. Now the children are much better and much better know their fathers and krogan family became stronger and more united.

>   Baqarah only a few decades ago has postponed two dozen eggs and is now looking forward to, when the first kroganchiki appear. Now she knew that most of her children - boys, but did not do this problem. War. The decade of the decade she collected his tribute, required to make a priority that needs to be done in time of war.

  Rex was glad. Baqarah showed him a lot of eggs and told about how much of the leader will be sons and daughters. She saw - he was proud that he had become the father of many children, the head of a large and strong family. He will do everything to the krogan and kroganki survived and grew. Now he has something to defend what is his deeply personal ...

  Once all krogan and kroganki born, Bakar will not be able to leave their children for a long time and to devote many hours and days of work in other clans. She wants to be close to their children. And it will be next to them as long as necessary. Yes, kroganki also fight. Baqarah participated in the fighting, saw her fall down slain shots husky. She had been in the old town, saw those green trees, vines, again to strengthen the idea that Tuchanka after the war, after the victory will regain the glory of the green planet.

  Today, it is felt that the war which has passed into the middle phase of the development cycle can be completed in a few years. Previously, it adjusts itself to the war that would last for decades, because the enemy - the Reapers and their henchmen was very strong. Now she saw - the power of the Reapers is not infinite. She felt that the Reapers first encounter with such a well-organized and complete, and most importantly - a massive resistance. Resistance, which aims - the destruction of the Reapers, as a phenomenon. Only the destruction of the only complete victory over the Reapers.

  And the Reapers and their minions are still strong, strong enough to not be frivolous to believe in the victory over them a few months later. No, victory in a few months will not. There will be heavy fighting will be bloody and costly for both the opposing sides of the battle. And yet, something told Bakary that decades of war now is not inevitable. Yes, it will take several years confrontation. Several calendar, very long and heavy years. And, nevertheless, these will not be for several years several decades.


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