Today, Miral felt the proximity of the end of the war. The complex was feeling. Previously asari telepath would have never believed in the fact that such a war with such a strong and difficult opponent, what were the Reapers, can be completed in a few years. Internally, the eldest daughter Samara was preparing to fight a decade. Fight using all their capabilities and abilities to the fullest extent. And now she suddenly felt that decades of war will not, because the victory over the Reapers will inevitably be won in a few years. Not a few decades, but only in a few years. Yes, have to fight in difficult conditions, yes, among the inhabitants of the "Omega" will be losses. And yet, the Reapers can not indefinitely maintain their former strength, can not indefinitely remain powerful. They are now faced with strong resistance, now suffer destruction and suffering losses. And then there will be more losses and losses. More, because the proximity of the victory, which is sure to be won in a few years, many believe reasonable organics. This belief in a close victory for peace felt like nobody. And attaches to it a half-hearted, but such an important faith. The belief that it will finally be able to give birth to children of Archangel that she will be her wedding with this unique and loved her to unconsciousness turian ancient Fifth Race. The belief that her children and she Archangel and Nayrin will live in a peaceful galaxy, travel, work among the many intelligent, united are now part and win in the unprecedented war. Yes, these few years will be difficult and heavy, but they will bring the inhabitants of the Milky Way to the victory. And this should be patient,
Jacob Taylor
Jacob used to loneliness. At first it was very hard. Now - a little, but it's easier. Single camera. Mostly, only a table, a chair, a stool, a shelf with readers in a vandal-resistant, a bed, a toilet and a washstand. All. The remaining space - free. Jacob uses his constant walk. If you do not go - you can go crazy. Five steps to the right, turn right ten paces, turn, five steps to the left, turn right ten steps. That's the whole perimeter. Everything else, all the furniture - along the walls.
Jacob knows that somewhere in the other sit solitary confinement, his father and his fiancée. With them, he had not allowed to meet, did not give to see. We conducted interrogation cycle and put in solitary confinement. The only entertainment - reading. Jacob previously little reading - more all at work and in the service, and now more and more reading fiction. I have read and thought a lot. I thought about my life, about his father, about his fiancee. Sometimes very cautiously - about the desired future for himself.
Somehow, he could not believe that he ever or, more precisely, a very long time buried there, in solitary confinement prisons spectrum. Somehow, to him that he seemed to still be able to get out of here and be a useful inhabitants of the Citadel. Maybe they will be able to believe him, to believe at least in the fact that he is not a criminal, not a member of the criminal antihuman zhnetsovskoy organization. The war is already in its initial stage of development, it has become a rigid, bloody, difficult. Very soon it will require all who could bear arms, and he, Jacob Taylor, will be able to. He wants to carry a gun and wants to earn these weapons, if not forgiveness, or at least understanding.
Miranda receded into the background in the perception of the former Chief of Security. Now that Taylor knew that he would have a child, Miranda value - officer "Cerberus" has fallen to a minimum. Jacob still rarely thought of her. He wanted more than to remember all the details of everything connected with the bride. Yes, the bride. Although they did not talk about this really something. Now both are in prison, far from each other.
In normal under these conditions it is impossible to think of something good, because the future is determined - for both of them to sit in this chamber eight years. Reliable, well-insulated chambers. You will want - will not escape. Spectra were able to build detention centers and were able to protect them. Jacob heard about the whole planet, prison, and was glad that he was not sent to one of these planets. Prison there were underground, deep. Stone bags - the most accurate definition. About them a little they knew exactly knew it - a terrible and heavy place for all prisoners who gets there. Very rarely there freed anyone, but they are coming back to freedom, I had nothing really to tell. Maybe it did not want and can - they were ordered to remain silent ... So to say, "avoid".
The first duty of any prisoner - run. This truth Jacob knew. But run away - meant to acknowledge his guilt in everything that he, Jacob Taylor, the former Alliance and former kosmopehu tserberovtsu, incriminated. Guilty of all recognize. How, then, to live, even if not particularly think about where he was hiding. And run away ... complicated. There is still prison Spectra and Spectra has several hundred years of experience with a variety of prisoners, to constantly improve the system and means of restraint disobedience and shoots.
No, he will not escape. He is convinced that it is a long time will not keep. Very soon the war will move into a phase of organic when to be important, anyone who is able to carry a gun. And then come all too many prisoners. Earthlings are often used by criminals and criminals, giving them blood to wash away their guilt in the committed crimes in peacetime. Yes, they are in a time of war, all who temporarily give a weapon and release of the perimeter can be shot for disobeying, because still a lot of faith to them no one will. But the main thing - it can, like many other local sideltsy prove that it can be useful and will be useful. Because just to survive, to embrace his bride and to see his child. It does not matter - a son or daughter, but the child.
Running it will not. Nowhere and never. Because the war against the Reapers suddenly gained for him ... the final character. Previously, he did not dare to say that the war with such a powerful enemy, struck the Galaxy, completed earlier than a few decades. Now he knew - no decades of war will not. There are only a few years of the war. Yes, hard, yes, expensive, yes, challenging. But - a few years, not decades. And after the war, much will be different. And he, Jacob Taylor, will do everything to prove to everyone that he was after the war - ready, that he might agree to do everything to believe him, so did not consider it a goner, almost husky become impersonal. He wants to work and live, he wants to be close to his wife and his child, because it is so natural and understandable. The war will end in a few years and he
Citadel. The war against the Reapers: Gifts for tsitadeltsev by Troop
The next morning, after the arrival of the ships to the Troop Tsitaddeli Shepard flew to the "Normandy". Just had breakfast time - a frigate and cruiser settled at the usual places in the outer roads of the Citadel and the team for a few hours the ships prepared for immediate departure. Gardner was delighted to return to the exec, laid out on a tray and enhanced set of reusable cutlery, making everything as loved captain.
After breakfast to the table, which was used to sit first mate, came Mordin. Salarian rarely came out of his laboratory, so Shepard, has deepened in the study on novopostupivshih instrumentron messages and data files, immediately raised the question on the expert opinion.
- John. Here is the problem. We, the scientists, has its own network, where we discuss their work, share experiences. In short, their own environment to communicate. Some segments of these networks are still working - there we use encryption and other methods of concealment. - Solus Shepard sat beside an empty chair. - One of my colleagues has stalled work. He needs to be preserved DNA sample kaklizavra to clone an ancient animal and help krogan fight on toxic planets.
- Krogan? Mounts?
- Here's an image. - Solus handed the captain reader. - There are also all available at this moment information about this swatch of wildlife.
- Hmm. Researcher himself ... - Shepard skimmed the contents of files.
- Yes, it dwells on the Citadel, where there is a laboratory of his profile, meet the procedural requirements of the Protocol. - Mordin said. - There are few laboratories in the galaxy.
- I do not deducing whether the Citadel of monsters wants to make your acquaintance? - Shepard almost said "colleague" but restrained himself in time.
- Of course not. Th
e technology and equipment will be transferred to the krogan. In his deep conviction krogan quite cope with the task. A Tuchanka and similar planets will serve as an excellent training ground for training and education of those, like you, the captain put it, mounts. From a formal point of view, it really mounts. Here you are right. But now it - the weapon. A toxic planet - a means to lure shrimp and their henchmen to where they themselves never turn up. I looked through reports of such conditions on the planets - a very unpleasant thing.
- He lived in the Community of the Presidency, it is often at the premises of the station area. - Shepard said, continuing to think about the information received.
- Yes you are right. Planet Intai'Sei Phoenix system, the accumulation of Rho Argos. The remains are easily detected by scanning the planet, assuming John, even down to the planet to anyone of reasonable of organic will not have to. All work can accomplish avtozondy our magician - Adams engineer.
- May be. I will give Anderson material will solve it. Personally, I - "for".
-Thanks, John. If it helps ... - Solus stood. - I will go. The work is not waiting.
-No, John. - Anderson, get acquainted with all the materials looked at Shepard's eyes, which clearly read as a refusal. - We will not break the squad from the Citadel only to visit the cluster of Argos Rho.
-The goal is too small? - Shepard, the alleged commander of such a reaction, remained calm.
-And it is - too. But above all - the fact that the resistance required tasks that can combine a lot of races. This task - to find kaklizavra DNA and pass it to clone the krogan - just is, John. Let krogan will receive additional weapons from the hands of the Resistance obschegalakticheskogo.
-This will help krogan to join the space race of the Galaxy on an equal footing. - Reflecting, Shepard said, beginning to understand, where the commander of the frigate tends cruiser.
Anderson nodded:
-Let too many reasonable without Troop convinced that krogan changed. Changed for the better. Steels other. - Anderson stood in his usual manner, walked across the cabin, returned to the table, but did not sit down. - I understand, John, that you would like to participate personally in this matter. But even if it will carry out conventional units Galactic Resistance. Let them decide who and how it should be done. Let it be their business, their work and their success and victory. War, as we would have liked to believe in its imminent end, will continue for a very long time. We have plenty of cases on the Citadel. And until that happens anything extraordinary, we should do things here. Otherwise ... We just can not manage or do not have time to react ... when it will be, how to deal with once we have ...
-And how this operation "Kaklizavr" It may take time? - Shepard hardly extinguished suddenly manifested inner desire to insist on her and still go for this model of a DNA kaklizavra able to become something of a horse or a camel for the krogan.
-Good question. I appreciate the time limit in the decade and a half. - Anderson sat in a chair, pulled up to his reader. - John, I see - you are unhappy. And you want to break away and fly there on this planet with the unpronounceable name for the person Intai'Sei. Phoenix System.
-I will not hide, David. Dissatisfied and wish. But, if you think it's not worth the intervention Troop ... What then, can be as long as we need to stay close to the Citadel.
-What is the difference, John, who exactly will take this scientist-salarians coveted and desired him kaklizavra a DNA sample? The main thing is that it will receive and be able to once again prove the same krogan that not all krogan salarians want to cause harm only want death kroganskoy race. Whatever it was, it is necessary to try very much to salarians even at the household level is no longer associated with the enemy at the krogan. And before that, unfortunately, very far away. Very, John. And the more opportunities will prove krogan that salarians for them - not the enemy, the better. And this salarian - special paper. It is - quite famous professional scientist, he - a brilliant track record and the laboratory, headed by him, carries out orders of the Citadel Presidium. And the office of salarian itself is located in the Presidium, which is also significant.
-Well, David. I rented their objections. And how can we help the inhabitants of the station? In the near future, of course, until the squad here. - Shepard felt his discontent and internal resistance goes - the commander of the arguments brought quite serious and specific objections at XO was not against them. Anyway - equivalent or stronger.
-We have in the course of our long journey through the planetary system, as you know, John, made important discoveries. Some did your group landing, part - engineer colleagues Adams using probes, the part - CIC experts. Lokatorschiki and skanerschiki first. Troop repeatedly delivered all this to the Citadel. Frankly, I personally have always considered this station including as the most reliable storage of these findings. Not really, it was clear then to whom these findings are useful, John. Because all or almost all kept in reserve in storage enclosures of the spectrum. Now that we have our hands full package of orders we can proceed on assumptions about the recipients of these findings to the exact distribution.
-- And why did we start? I remember the reports, not all, but many, David.
-To begin with, you will pass by Garrus codes coffers with trophies that were taken out of the laboratory "Cerberus", engaged artifacts Reapers. Among these trophies, John, was the development and documentation of the new version panatselina suitable way, for the majority of the races of the galaxy Space. According to preliminary estimates made Mordino - Anderson on the countertop he pulled Shepard reader - the new version also has a high efficiency. - Anderson, seen as a first mate, was ready to clarify aloud that now this finding gets belligerent for resistance and for civilian inhabitants of the galaxy is truly critical. But the commander did not articulate this his idea, hoping that the other person will understand and so.
-Recipient - Dr. Ravin hospital Guerta - read Shepard. - Unlike tserberovtsev when they write - "failed experiment." It raises questions, confusion and misunderstanding.
-This can be written on various occasions, John. - Said the owner of the office.
-I agree, David. And because I want to learn about our next gift.
-Nothing could be easier. Besides Garrus Vakarianu you give codes of coffers, which houses documentation jamming technology. It has been used "Cerberus" in the attack on the Citadel is not fully and only thanks to the power and perfection Alix we have not allowed the servants three-headed dog to reach its maximum in the harnessing.
-Yeah ... - Shepard handed. - Alix definitely deserved golden monument on the Citadel.
-I think that we will definitely deliver. After the victory. - Anderson struck by another countertop reader. - The thing about this technology still is the direct responsibility of BRP, so Garrus here will surely play the first violin part and the service will get all the advantages, if BRP will explore the technology thoroughly and razrbotat all necessary measures to counter that will avoid a lot of it is likely casualties at reasonable future possible attacks servants three-headed dog, and actually - Reapers any level of the station. - Anderson paused for a few seconds. - Actually, that's all until we shine, John in terms of gifts, we can make tsitadeltsam and God willing - not only for them.
-And not in the sense of gifts?
-Another test for our young engineers, John. For our sweet couple. They are, as we move to the stations, some new idea fouled. They, frankly, was formeda fad in the quest for the maximum and full saving anything. Economy, by the way, for Troop becomes very relevant thing: if the war goes into an acute phase, we need all the resources that we are only able to have. But even they are not infinite. Because engineering service constantly, as you know, John, is working to improve the ship's systems. And our young engineers offer to seize the moment, that is, stay at the station, to the dock to implement a serious improvement of individual systems propulsion frigate, cruiser. Details will tell you, of course, the chief engineer of Adams, I'll just say - if we succeed to implement regulati
ons - a new stage in the fight against the Reapers in particular - with Cerberus - will be performed by us, normandovtsami, and therefore - and the forces with minimal losses, that you will agree, is very valuable. - Anderson paused. - And yet, John. - He continued after a minute and a half. - Whatever it was, but will have to apply additional measures to protect the safety of Svetlana and her children. You want to see on this point, Karin, and Alla, I think will not mind if you personally pay a visit to its cruising possession.
-Clearly, David. Allow me to go?
-Go, John.
Going to the Solus, Shepard gave him the decision of Anderson. Of course, Synthetic already provided expert files with relevant data and Mate knew about it, but I still felt obligated to pass a decision the commander personally.
Solus reacted to the decision taken by the command of Detachment quietly. Thanking Shepard salarian plunged into work. He has refused to pass to the stay to work in the laboratory, located at the headquarters and for this, Shepard knew he had a lot of reasons. Leaving expert possession, Shepard walked around the ship, was in the main compartment, check that no no problems and not even in sight. We on watch, vigil at the Star Maps, he received an update on the situation in the accommodation area of the Citadel and went into the hangar, passing deciding how best to ask Garrus a personal meeting. The occasion was the most that neither is the service, but Shepard knew - at Garrus now there is the need to pay great attention to Chloe Michelle and because of time here are unplanned meeting with the Director BRP virtually no choice.
Oscillation stopped calling instrumentrona. Going down the stairs to the hangar, Shepard pressed the answer key:
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