Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 188

by Theodore Daniels

  To protest against the staging of the ship to the dock ... it could be. Can. Sam Anderson saw Shepard wants to officially express disagreement with the commander's decision to conduct docking. What to do if some of the work on the ship can be carried out only in the dock. Even the most poorly equipped, but the dock. But there is also a shipyard, which, if anything, a frigate, cruiser disassemble into its component parts in the shortest possible time, to shake up, wander and gather again. Well, that is the shipyard "Normandy" - unnecessarily. But Doc ... now ... During the war ... This war!

  Yes, the objective indicators tracking devices ship with all certainty pointed - docking required. Otherwise ... in the second, the most acute and uncertain, the most difficult part of the war, "Normandy" at any moment ... Maybe very seriously deny. Yes, the heroism and dedication of the crew and the team will drive a threat of refusal to extremely low values, there is no doubt, but still, nevertheless, this threat will continue, but the Reapers will fly into a rage is not in arithmetical but in geometrical progression, need apply all possibilities and then the ship ...

  Thinking about it is not wanted. It did not want to. But it was necessary to think. Accustomed to think of this Academy.

  Statement of the ship to the dock in time of war is, of course, its own characteristics. Even with complete immobility of the ship retains the status of the fleet of combat units. The weapon is in full combat readiness, ammunition can not be removed, watches organized into combat mode, no indulgence, therefore, a significant part of the crew, and watches the team will be obliged to remain on board. Watch. And at the same time to participate actively in carrying out any work, even in the mode of direct control over the effective tsitadelskimi technicians and engineers. Sheremetyeva Ambassador has sent Anderson lists and characteristics of staff held a sieve of Russian security services and get the admission to work with a particular ship, which is now the "Normandie".

  Constantly moving between a frigate, cruiser, dock station and, rarely having the opportunity to briefly stay in residential apartments headquarters, Shepard felt that if he had a little bit reduce this burden ... it engulf wave of difficult and heavy reflections of which will have to captivity get yourself in as soon as possible, perhaps, and most likely - exactly - barbaric methods. For he - first mate and from that position it nothing can remove. Yes, him - the team and the crew of professionals, but it is - the commander and leader, he has no right to give up the slack, although very briefly want, just relax for a short while.

  And when retreating concern for the progress of work on the ship, Shepard plunged into anxiety about Svetlana, gryzshee its twenty-four hours a day and do not let go, even in a dream. Alla is strictly prohibited Svetlana go cruiser on the station. Fear and worry was probably for this reason. And - as a doctor, and - as a friend. Because it is blocked on the cruiser Svetlana Titova overload and banned it.

  A little more - and it will require Svetlana move to sickbay to preserve. From what Shepard was able to learn and understand, it appeared that Svetlana could at any moment to give birth. She painted themselves into a severe framework and has made everything that was possible to reduce the time of pregnancy, she is now teetering on the brink of its own danger.

  Alla Shepard did not say anything specific, but he saw and felt: Business Svetlana bad. In many ways. At such moments he hated himself badly. For the impossibility of help, for failing to help. Yes, he tried, but ... no matter how he wanted to, he was powerless here, and it bothered him. There was an area in which there was little he could and knew.

  And yet he had to try. He did not feel able to withdraw. Try again, but he was afraid to hurt Svetlana its next attempt.

  In the apartment he was very lonely because he immediately, almost going, forced himself to go to the Operational halls - where fear, pain and anxiety left by the wayside, giving way to combat and focus on the business environment is constantly changing.

  Here, in these halls headquarters flocked the most complete, most accurate, and certainly timely information about what is happening in the investigated reasonable organics part of the galaxy. Against the background of almost continuous fighting with the fleets of the Reapers and their henchmen faded reasonable personal feelings separate organics.

  First Mate saw myself as part volgovtsev normandovtsy and try for a long time not to leave the perimeter of the rooms - there reigned a very special atmosphere of belonging to what is happening now, this moment in galactic space. Who better than Shepard knew that almost every volgovets normandovets and often thinks of his relatives, friends, acquaintances, who are now fighting far from the Citadel, risk, straining all his mental and physical strength. "All the fate of one" - thought the captain, feeling for a few seconds his colleague turned his thoughts beyond "service area".

  Citadel fought. Rallying, connecting, cementing countless divisions and fleets Ras Resistance Space galaxy, overcoming their orders, advice, recommendations thousands of kilometers of space, directing the strikes, covering treatments convoys and transport escorts from the areas in which intensified the Reapers and their henchmen. It holds the promise of winning a vote of its speakers and signals Extranet transmitters that can cover huge space radiation.

  Voice of the Citadel echoed its powerful, strong, confident and strong-willed voices station "Omega" and a few other large galaxy stations still kept fighting capacity and remaining inaccessible to the Reapers. Listening to them, Shepard keenly felt that once again the galactic inhabitants will be able to maintain a sense of unity, a sense of strength and critical and the necessary confidence that the enemy, even a strong, resourceful and powerful will be defeated, and victory will be reasonable organics and their new partners - Synthetic, repeatedly overturns all expectations and calculations of the Reapers to a split in the united front of the Galaxy defense.

  Yes, many repeaters went out and disconnected, some stayed rings - Reapers tried to break the connection between the races even such barbaric, but such conventional means to resist such scale. And then we went ahead convoys, commanders and captains who were willing to do everything that is possible, but to deliver cargo and passengers to the destination. And he delivered, going over and over again from under shelling from persecution, from almost certain death. Simple reasonable, often - not worn a military uniform and insignia, did what seemed inaccessible military transport units. The convoys are increasingly appearing ships, capable of overcoming great distances without the use of repeaters. Despite the loss of many colonies, destroying dozens of space stations, We continued to operate research units many races, experienced production embodied in metal and plastic achievements of designers and scientists. And then came the turn of the industrial enterprises that are working around the clock to mobilize mode saturated Resistance fleets of equipment, machines, ships, weapons, ammunition, reducing once again to nothing all attempts Reapers win even a local, but another victory.

  The war against the Reapers remained universal in the fullest sense of the Galactic, which became the Motherland whole vast Milky Way. One for all reasonable - of organic and Synthetic - Fatherland. And the words of the preamble of the Fundamental Laws Turian, Asari, salarians and people that the defense of the Fatherland is a sacred duty of every reasonable time after time became more and more weight and becoming more profound meaning, moving from the sphere of abstract general requirements in the sphere of real need, becoming the highest imperative order.

  At such times, for almost every rational creature it becomes possible obyat mind and feelings are beyond the scale previously. Citadel fought and worked: there were no major differences between the front and rear - all done everything possible to win and survive.

  Against this background, we lost deeds of those who tried to harm, to sabotage, to retreat, to betray. And of them are marginalized, rejected, spoke little, but - do not forget. According to the laws of wartime violence with them it was very short.

  The more valuable, more important it became tangible deeds, overcoming the desire to overcom
e fatigue, weakness, emptiness. The more valuable, more important, it became ёmche simple communication of intelligent beings, to realize that tomorrow they may be waiting for a fight, and perhaps - and death. Can wait for injury or trauma can wait prisoner. While we are talking about the captivity none other than the death. And therefore we do everything possible to avoid this fate, which meant depersonalization. The more valuable became normative relationships when words are replaced by silence or chores.

  - John. Come to me. - Karin met Shepard, returned to headquarters at the fence of the complex. She knew that Shepard will not stay for a long time within the residential area of the town - certainly will go to the Halls of crisis management, which will hold the next several tense hours. - Go.

  Her voice sounded not just demand - almost an order and Shepard, barely left the salon double a traveling flyers which have stood at the perimeter of the CPR and keep your eyes on small screen instrumentrona, obeyed.

  Chakwas Shepard led to his apartment. Captain, for a few seconds, looking up from reading the next message in the instrumentrona screen, looked around, and once again proved that the doctor frigate, cruiser still true to itself: any even temporary abode it invariably turns into something like a medical office, where at any moment can spend even complex surgery.

  Pointing to the captain on the chair, he sat down in Chakwas stood opposite. A few minutes later, they were silent. Gradually Shepard started the "disconnected" from the worries associated with the passage of dock repairs and retrofits frigate, cruiser and understand that around - no dock, and the headquarters and specifically - apartments chief doctor of the frigate. And that means - it seriously.

  - Ready, Karin. - XO said softly, turning off instrumentron and picking up on the doctor a short glance.

  - I see that you are ready, John. - Chakwas said quietly, giving Shepard pile readers. - Check. Then - talk. Time for that talk has come.

  A little less than an hour gone Shepard on a careful reading of the contents of readers. A few minutes later, he was silent, with downcast eyes and put aside the last reader. Chakwas showed no impatience, anxiety and do not hurry him.

  - Svetlana ... risks. - He said, not looking up.

  - Frankly, John. RISK. - Confirmed Chakwas. - Because I will do everything to make it safe. Alla is ready to translate it into preservation mode.

  - How many...

  - We have to make sure that she took out a full term children, John. I know so Svetlana unhappy with our decision, but there is medical service frigates and cruisers have priority even over the commander's desires and decisions.

  Shepard nodded.

  - So I have to say, John. At such a moment ... Svetlana can take an extremely negative ...

  - For the competition ... - said the captain.

  - Yes. - Confirmed Chakwas. - It is a competition. She's ... very vulnerable and unstable. Any doubt in the height and fullness of your connection - and it can be ordered ... so ... - Chakwas stood, obviously being unable to voice what had to be said out loud. - Even I can not predict what it can afford to order then, John. Here is imposed too much ... Alla says that going to the commander's chair cruising, Svetlana drove her feminine essence too far and too deep. Yes, she is now forced to return all currently sharper and fuller understanding of this fact ... but ...

  - And ... this regime ... it will help? - Shepard said, hearing his voice trembling, not gain the usual strength and volume.

  - If it came to any other woman, but Svetlana, I would have said - will certainly help, but the Light - it is too complicated and a special person. We will try to do everything that you can, John.

  - Docking is over in a few days, Karin. - Shepard said. The doctor nodded - as the head of the medical service of the frigate, she had access to such information, and therefore it did not require explanations and clarifications. - We have to fly to participate in the operation to prevent the capture of the Reapers planet with a large and powerful communications center, and then immediately squad will take part in operations to prevent capture Reapers planet with large fuel reactors. In both cases...

  - In both cases, Svetlana will take the crew of the cruiser minimal involvement, John. - Chakwas said. - Allah will do everything for that, and I have no reason to doubt her capabilities and abilities. So no matter how much these departures continued ... Svetlana is protected and safe.

  - I would like to believe, Karin. - Shepard said quietly. - It would like to believe. The plan further we still proceeding with Hanaro, as well as assistance in the evacuation ElKor to their home planet. Few weeks. And all this time ... - he paused, feeling that he could not announce further. - And I'm very concerned about the situation on the Citadel, Karin. Case ... smells like a betrayal. It is a major betrayal. I do not know who, where, when and how, but convinced - it is a betrayal, it may very well have a negative impact on the lives of stations. And we have more on the search for the flight and evacuation of the library in Asha. And something tells me, Karin, that we will be very much tied up in the very near future on the asari.

  - That's it, John. - Chakwas said, sitting down again. - I'm afraid that this fact is one of the most straining for Svetlana. Yes, she knows that you love Benešov and Liara. Who knows, feels and understands it. If not pregnant, I'm sure - the difficulties would not have any or they would have been, so to say, is easy to be overcome and rather safe ... or something. But pregnancy is able to change the individual settings in the most bizarre combinations. Let temporarily, do not argue, but rather to change in unpredictable ways. Yes, later, after the birth, they mostly go back to the previous scheme, but before delivery is still very far away. Several decades, most likely - at least six to eight weeks. And now Svetlana negatively disposed towards any grounds ... competition. And as far as I know, this setting will remain at it for a long time.

  - To me...

  - Of course, John. You will need to visit the cruiser Svetlana. More than once. It will be important, valuable and necessary. - Confirmed Chakwas. - Try to just not focus on the problem, Svetlana your relationship with Liara and Benešov. I'm sure she Svetlana constantly thinking about these your relationship. Hardly here she is now able to order yourself, check out from just such thoughts. Because not focus ...

  - I will not.

  - And yet, John ... Do not think about what you are starting to think about lately. Svetlana nothing bad will happen. As well as children. - Chakwas paused. - Do not, John. If Svetlana sure that you, too, think a little about the situation in this way ... will only get worse, believe me. Nobody says you have to play the role of joker, but do not let the soul is now in apocalyptic, John. Do not.

  - You're right, Karin ... I often think I can lose ... and Svetlana and children ... - Shepard said quietly. - I know that you can not think like that ... but I can not help but think about it. I'll try ... in the presence of light is not to think about it.

  - I believe that it will, John. - Said Chakwas. - Alla, too, would like to meet you and talk. It will be at the headquarters tomorrow afternoon.

  - I shake myself early. I understand that she does not want to take me on a cruiser.

  - It would be better if you do not arrive on the cruiser Alla, John, and Svetlana and children. Do not try to combine these two meetings. - Chakwas rose, indicating the end of the conversation. - Go for dinner and rest, John. You need to sleep.

  - I'll try, Karin. - Shepard nodded farewell, and walked slowly out of the apartments medic, heading toward his apartment. After supper rations, he was fast asleep in a few minutes, telling himself to do this time without dreams.

  If Karin found it myself, then Alla as cruisers doctor, Shepard felt the need to come to, not waiting for an invitation and not forcing it to seek Seleznev frigate or in the Halls of crisis management. To his sincere regret before the two days he was not even ten minutes of free time - work in the Hall of crisis management demanded his presence almost around the clock, and he could not break free from the cycle of events. Somewhere at the back of his mind
he felt that Selezneva is ready to accept it, waiting, but realizes that he does not avoid talking to her of their own accord.

  On the third day Shepard tried to break free, as he had promised, early and immediately went to the medical center where the doctor arrived and cruisers. Medical center as usual, took a particularly challenging wounded and injured, so we had to wait until Allah cleared and will return to his office.

  - Okay, coming, John. - Alla gesture stopped Shepard, opened his mouth to apologize. - Do not. I understand that work. Itself, as you can see, sometimes sewn up. - Little room she crossed the threshold, including ceiling lamp, went to the table, including table lamp, made tea. - Sit down. Pochaёvnichaem. It soothes and makes it relatively easy to switch. - She pulled up to Shepard, umostivshemusya on a stool, a cup and saucer with biscuits and sat down in the chair, grabbed a cup of thin sensitive fingers, sipped a drink prizhmurilas, enjoying the warmth and aroma. - Today, fortunately, there were only injured. He was not injured. - She said, barely distracted from just the completion of work. - The night will be working, but now she is for the majority of tsitadeltsev.

  The conversation was a long one. Alla enough John told a lot about the state of health Svetlana and what action it has already taken to protect Streltsov from most dangers and problems. Shepard listened in silence, rarely putting in a replica and was gloomy.

  - John, I understand, now Svetlana would not tolerate the slightest competition with anyone else. - Seleznev said. - But this ... this is a temporary adjustment, I'm sure, and even convinced. Later Svetlana thaw ... and everything will be as before. She trusts you, believes in you and is not going to require you to ... victims.

  - She reloads itself, Alla ... Reboots in a terrible way. - Said the captain softly.

  Seleznyov nodded, refraining from trying to argue or agree verbally. Shepard knew. Head down, he squeezed his fingers entwined.


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