Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 209

by Theodore Daniels

  - Although it seems to me that it is able to love another earthling, another man, John. - He said d'Avignon. - And this fact makes the situation slightly more normative, that is.

  - Maybe you, John, should think about how to Liara traveled aboard "Normandy", and if possible - that and "Volga"? - Suggested Etita. - It seems to me that the time for this has come. Such long holiday will have Liara infrequently.

  The XO nodded, still not saying a word out loud. Benešov and Etita treat this silence guest with understanding. But Shepard was not easy to cope with the wave of thoughts. It is, of course, I knew that Liara indifferent to him, he knew that and he loves this young asari, known as d'Avignon has kept him in his love almost unchanged. And now, when on Tess finally did not hang the first time in several decades bombers Reapers when squad a few days left on the mother planet orbiting the asari in readiness to fly to other clusters and nebulae, he did not know what to do with the penny. Yes, he imagined that his Svetlana knows enough and understands enough in his relationship with the younger T'Soni, but he felt he had no right to play with the feelings of their wives and girlfriends, Arrow putting to have to fear for their union stronghold, their relationship, their relationship is already firmly connected two children. The fact that she will survive, fear for the future of their families, Shepard doubted - Svetlana is very serious about this. And now, when Liara may be on board the frigate, and then - and cruiser ... This appearance could not pass a simple and easy to Svetlana.

  - John. - Shepard returned to the reality of the thinking of the world is soft and quiet voice Benešov. - No one says that you must now fly with the penny on a frigate or a cruiser. I'm sure quite a few days you can spend with her here, Tess. And then, when the time will pass - let Liara will be the guest of the Troop. She still will not leave Tess. And you are coming new long flights away from the Space Azari. Over time, everything will be clearer, John.

  Words from the exec once again was not, so he nodded.

  - And, John, just next to you Liara finally agree to put all their awards and dressed in ordinary clothes, not in the form of militias or scientific overalls. Today - the day for the whole Tess and I think Liara realizes that she has a right to be in such a beautiful day. - He added Etita. - Here. - Matriarch turned to the screen of your Shepard instrumentrona. - Commander of the guard company notified us that a platoon from the company is ready to accompany you everywhere on Tess. Let Liara sighs a little freer, and then eat it on endless winding quadrilateral.

  Again, a nod, Shepard got up and left the kitchen. Liara opened the door to the room a few minutes he looked at the sleeping younger T'Soni and she appeared to feel his gaze. She was pleased that he came back, he again next.

  Closed the door, the XO left the apartment, got up to the exit gateway, I looked around. A few hours Tess did not know what the usual bombardment. Yes, somewhere heard explosions, single shots crackled queue hollow booze guns, but still it was a picture, almost impossible before. Even stand there so calmly and freely was dangerous just a day ago. And now, when the militia and the land of the videoconferencing Azariyskoy republic catching saboteurs and saboteurs across the globe, many local residents have every right to have sighed freely and calmly.

  He learned approached welcomed. Shepard did not hide the sign of "Normandy" under the valve not to obscure the glass mask, she did not try to go underground again. Let reasonable organic Tess saw that the squad is that he was there and that it will help all of them. Short conversations, normal communication. Affairs now tessiytsev abound and they do enjoy a long lull.

  - John! - I heard a voice next to Liara. Turning, Shepard saw her, coming out of the gateway, dressed in scientific overalls. Restless, she still decided not to wear a dress, remained true to himself, even though all the awards and now put four orders decorated the left side of the cuirass. - Here, the parents had to give. Or they would have eaten me without spices. And I still want to live. Let's go outside! - She came, timidly held out her hand. - I know you think a lot, John. I can not say exactly what, and how, but I want to believe that you understand. Come on!

  Shepard went wherever wanted Liara, obeyed her desires and aspirations. She has regularly appeared here a lot of friends, they often stopped talking, exchanging impressions. Liara was not trying to pull his companion in every conversation, and Shepard was for this very grateful to her - he wanted to sort out their own feelings and emotions, and being spared the need to go beyond simple protocol greetings could do this in a fairly comfortable environment.

  - Let's go back ... - Liara indicated on the coast. - Ocean ...

  - No, Lee. - Shepard stirred bad feeling.

  - Why, John? - I asked in surprise T'Soni younger. - After all...

  - Dangerous. - Captain fingers themselves performed a simple passage on the keyboard. - Now here come sappers from the nearest part of the VCS. Well, we came here first. In the evening there would be a lot of people and many have suffered.

  - Explain. - Liara poserёznela.

  - Look. - Shepard turned his instrumentron screen to the companion. - Here, here and here - unexploded ordnance. Here, here and here and here - bombs. Filling - nightmare. I will not specify, but look at the radii and the overall performance. - He waited until Liara careful reading. - Now and sappers were. - He saw the coast has left a small column of military transports. - All the information they received. So we will not disturb them. - He turned to the screen and took a few steps, moving away from the coastal strip. - Come on, Lee.

  - So ... - poserёznevshaya Liara thought.

  - So these few days should be brought to the clearance. Including. - Briefly Shepard said. - As if on any slozhlas situation shelling, bombing, assault, saboteurs and saboteurs. You can, of course, restrict the most visited places, but it is better to check everything.

  - And ...

  - All the information about just such places where there are mines, projectiles, bombs - transferred to the relevant local videoconferencing units. "Normandy" will take place in the near future rescan Tess. "Volga" will carry out the scanning of all the remaining planets Azariyskogo liftoff of Space. Not everywhere it has time to do it myself, but about the need to search for such things here - give all asari forcibly.

  - You're right. This lull ... for many would be the last in my life. We ... we are not accustomed to such long pauses in the war, John. Well, that detachment reminded us to be careful. - Liara stepped on a dilapidated road. - So I wanted to go to the Ocean ...

  - You'll have time. Later, Lee. - Shepard said softly.

  - Thanks, John. - Younger T'Soni hugged his companion. - You know, I'm with you so calm and easy ... Like a circle there is no war ... While I remember, constantly remember that the war never ends ....

  They came to the entrance of another residential center and Liara Shepard gently pulled inward.

  - Come on, you have to eat.

  - Liar. - Shepard looked around. - Do not be distracted by a reasonable work and life ...

  - No, John. No they will not be distracted. But you and I have the right to sit in a cafe and eat?

  - We have, we have. Lightning. Restless. - Gently podnachil companion Captain.

  - And then. I try to match. - Liara smiled, entering the small room. - Over there a table free double, let's sit down.

  - Come on. - Agreed Shepard.

  They sat down, approached a young asari, brought menus.

  - Schoolgirl at all. - Liara said softly. - I was so, when only just came to the university. Who would have told me then that I should work? Yes anybody. Everyone is talking - learn, learn.

  - Well, the school and are now working. And universities are taught ... - Shepard made the order, handed the waitress a credit chip. - You're doing nothing is also not sitting.

  - Well, I'm already an adult ... - Liara smiled.

  - Ugum. - Captain waitress helped unload vessels at the table with trays and dishes. - Thank you. - He nodded Asari and she nodded, moving to the front. - You go ahead, eat, Liar.<
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  - Enjoy ...

  - The same to you. - Shepard began to eat.

  Fortified, they got to the surface again. It was noticeable that Tess revived. Taking advantage of the lull to top out many asari, children started their commotion among the ruins, heard the happy shouts, laughter, conversations on a variety of topics and ordinary.

  - Many of the militia gave today dismissal. - Liara saw near groups of Asari in a familiar form. - And landing special forces and videoconferencing too ...

  - You see, as you said - did not deserve. - Shepard said quietly. - You deserve Lee. Any work must be paid on merit. Plate of whether, if the peace. Any. Otherwise, life is losing a large share of sense. So forget about what you do not deserve their awards. You them, Lee earned.

  - With your help, John, I'll forget about it. Very reliable I forget. - Liara satellite hugged and clung to him, numb with happiness and satisfaction. - Good thing you're around, John. I'm ... I'm happy.

  They walked a few more kilometers on a dilapidated road. Liara many recognized, welcomed, entered her in a short talk, with interest looking at Shepard, always keep a little pootdal and does not seek to communicate. Younger T'Soni saw that the captain will know many in the face, but, respecting his right to autonomy, does not seek to engage in a dialogue with him.

  On many awards Liara watched with undisguised admiration. The captain saw - no one had the slightest doubt that they deserved the implementation of real and complex cases are not received for a reason. Few, very few were those who knew what Liara - author of the powerful settings, a few hours ago to unseat from orbit Tess thousands Reapers attacking ships and their accomplices. Now spetskorabli-pickers cleaned from the remnants of the orbit of the planet destroyed the once formidable warships, led away to the processing factories skeletons Reapers shrimp.

  Sapper unit activated, started their work - combing settlements and clearing them of unexploded ordnance and mines with bombs. Increasingly across Signs for tested and found to be safe places that are now safely residents could walk.

  Sitting on a rock, Shepard watched as Liara says with their regular friends. It is very many locals knew very well recognized and welcomed. Popularity younger T'Soni went far beyond the militias - and knew her as a scientist and as an information broker. Watch peaceful lull allowed many asari recall purely non-military problems and concerns and now helped Liara compatriots than she could.

  - Come back, John. - Asari close to Shepard, who was looking at the teeth of a dilapidated building that came into the horizon. - Evening.

  - Come on. - The captain took off his jacket and threw on the shoulders of companions, corrected. - Come on.

  - Thanks, John. - Liara chilly shrugged, stepped on a stone on the road. - I became warmer ... - she added, maznuv grateful look on the face of captain. - A little more - and we will be able to return to normal civilian life ... But how much more will this war last ...

  - Before the victory, Lee. Until our complete and final victory over the Reapers. - Shepard said quietly.

  A few hours - and they came to the very spot where the descent to the coast began. Looking at instrumentron, the captain realized that combat engineers here have done a great job and fully protect this place. Now here it was quite crowded. Liara understand the desire to come to the water Ocean, Number decisively down the path toward helping Liara down, keeping it from slipping and falling.

  - Thanks, John. - Younger T'Soni crouched, his hands plunged both hands into the water. - Our Ocean ... How many bombs fell as projectiles into it ... And it's still the same. Soft. Confiding. Trusting us and in us. Our homeland ... We are at war, and he's waiting for, when we come to its senses and zazhivёm peaceful quiet life. - Holding the jacket, she sat up. - It was important to feel the ocean, John. We ... we have stayed in many aquatic creatures. And, perhaps, only you people, except, perhaps, GNP, are able to understand our thirst for the water of our ocean.

  Shepard said nothing, only nodded slightly and Liara gratefully clung to him, concluding in his strong and gentle hug. John held onto her shoulders jacket, hugged, and so they stood a few tens of minutes. They no one interfered, no one came close to him, no one tried to talk to them. The captain knew - he knew it and many asari salarians, turians, quarians have come at this time on the coast. Few of them know what to do Liara to defeat this wave of invaders, few people knew what she was awarded the Star of Hero, but most understood and believed - this award and it deserved real important things, difficult and hard work.

  Embraced, they climbed the path up, and soon entered the apartment. Liara refused to take off his jacket, John, and sat down at the table on which the matriarchs assembled gala dinner. She got used to the idea that the star deserved it, she has every right to wear it quite openly, and this awareness it brought a sharp and pleasant relief. And when she felt the warmth of John's jacket, she simply melted away from happiness.

  The next day, they flew to the location of the Militia Training Center. Aela invite Liara persuaded John to school with young militiamen and she could not, not able to deny her best friend and co-worker. In the audience, where he was to appear Shepard was not available, not only sitting, but standing places. The captain came exactly to the minute, and he was greeted with cheers and applause vostorzhёnnymi. Liara hid a pleased smile, listening to the confident, calmly and clearly, John speaks to the audience how to answer a variety of questions.

  He had not much to say. Here and now, laid in twenty minutes and an hour answering questions, he invited all to go to the local landfill. You had to see and feel the satisfaction of militias and teachers when it is offered.

  At the landfill, he said, more less is more showed, with treated so that it is available completely non-military, the army is not reasonable. This unusual activity lasted more than four hours, but as clearly felt Liara, none of those present at it, and the participants of this action had accumulated several hundred - did not feel the slightest fatigue, or even more so - fatigue. Everyone was wondering everyone was valuable to see, to know, to feel, to train under the guidance of the Spectrum, under the direction of a person belonging to a number of high-commandos, led by First Lieutenant legendary "Normandy".

  Shepard did not let and he did not try to leave. He was here much more interesting than just on the streets than in underground residential centers. Liara acutely aware that he lives when work when working and acting and he works all the time.

  - Liar, it is - unique! Honestly! - Aela burning eyes accompanied Shepard, who once again straightened arm opolchenki wish to learn a new way of shooting with pistols. - Yes, it here a few dozen fans already! Say it word - by Reaper rush. And strangle and zagryzut!

  - He is, AEL ... - murmured contentedly Liara. - Even I do not know what it is in its full light. This is probably the only naturally knows for certain Svetlana.

  - But ... because you love him, Liar! Do not make excuses, it is noticeable not only me.

  - Love. I never, AEL, never in my life did not love it is still so full of someone. - Confirmed the younger T'Soni. - Silly me a hiding.

  - And how he loves you ... - dreamily friend rolled her eyes. - Oh, would I find someone of reasonable, so I can love. At least that's about it!

  - Will find ... - said Liara. - Be sure to find. Next to him - many worthy. So you should choose ...

  - Otryadovtsy ?! - Amazed Aela. - What are you saying! It's too cool for me. I would be someone something simpler.

  - I'm not talking only about otryadovtsev, AEL. I'm talking about reasonable that he, John, educates, changes, improves not even appearing next to them.

  - Oh, yes ... It is he knows how! As he spoke, Liara! As he was saying! And tell it the word ...

  - He does not say, Aela. He acts. - Clarified younger T'Soni. - And this - much more valuable and important.

  From the training center Liara and John went to the square where once was located the same shopping center. Liara she did not understand why came here to John, he also took the desire of his companion
quietly, did not say anything or something to show his displeasure. Yes, he had no any displeasure about it - Liara felt it too well.

  Patrol militia recognized her, saluted Shepard withdrew, not wanting to interfere. Younger T'Soni stopped at the place where was the same basement where she had spent the few hours ... In her eyes welled up with tears and she was grateful Shepard - he pulled her to him, allowed to hide her face in his chest, allowed to cry, so gently patting on the shoulders and on the head ... a few tens of minutes she was crying, feeling it gets easier as leaves heartache pierced her as she stepped into the barely visible perimeter of the shopping center.

  There was a rustling in the area of engines and there was a flyer with the identification marks of the Staff of the Corps of Justiciary.

  Open the side door and stepped out of the salon Justiciary Samara, hands which held two baby-Asari. Behind came two asari-matron.

  Liara turned around, I saw babies and gasped, barely having to bend - asari stuck to it, immediately asked for a pen and Liara are not denied them this small. They kissed and hugged her, her savior, do not hide the tears of joy and satisfaction.

  - Hello, John. - Samara came to Shepard and he bowed Justiciary. - Get to know the parents of these lovely babies. Rack and Hanna.

  - Pleased to meet you. - Captain exchanged a slight bow with asari-matrons. - How did you know Samar?

  - It was easy. They. - Justiciary eyes pointed malyshek.- really wanted to see his savior, constantly asked about it.

  - As they grew up ... - Shepard compared the memory of the appearance of the little ones, and materials of the time today. - Just great.

  - They are now - two loving parents. - Justiciary said. - Really love. In such circumstances, all children grow and develop quickly and completely.


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