Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 217

by Theodore Daniels

  - I do not like to walk through the center, David. - Shepard grinned crookedly. - But I'm glad at least we satisfy the needs of hospitals.

  - More than. We have already received dozens of letters of appreciation from many different employees of the venerable medical establishment. We sort of guarantee vee-ah-pee service. Free, of course.

  - Do not give up ... I just Karin. And Michelle, if absolutely pripret. Yet the native sickbay and well-known physicians - the key to a quick recovery. - Shepard grinned.

  - Before your opinion Karin, John. I think she will be very glad to hear it. - Said the commander razvedfregata. - And Michelle will also be satisfied. Yet such assurances, I personally do not tend to think verbiage. This is - a respected hospital and experts say it's worth it.

  - Habit, David. - Shepard dropped a flyer from another warehouse, presented through the strip-code window guard came up to the car. - I'm already in place. Let asari can wait. Within half an hour I will be in place.

  - It is - will wait, John. - Anderson did not speak to his exec that this Asari advised military doctors who treated Liara. If she tells the captain about it - would be good, if not to say - no problems will not be. Shepard, he knew Anderson was very upset by the fact that he almost had to somehow comply wife and formally speaking, vyperet Liara on board the frigate. And any explicit reminder of Liara today might hurt hurt the mind and soul of the spectrum.

  - I hope so. - Shepard followed turian-guard walked into the warehouse, found the right shelf, using loader brought the artifact to the cargo area, which is already ordered arrived on their way to stores with voluminous cargo flyer wagon. Two robotic loader picked up from the platform container artifact and quickly put him inside the insulated enclosure.

  While engaged in loading machines, Shepard recalled how Squad got the artifact on Nevose - green planet-garden. Everything would seem to favor the fact that the asari themselves were to do research, and then use this artifact, but ... whether the resources are not enough, especially if it has not been a strong desire, whether still something lacking. five-meter diameter rings were extracted from the bowels of the planet and placed in the hangar "Volga".

  Having agreed with the driver-salarians serving today, this truck flyer that he will wait until the car plant in the warehouse yard of the hospital, Shepard took the driver's seat in the wage-flyer and making sure the truck is ready to follow him, lifted the car into the air.

  - Are you sure, Captain. - Matron-Asari nodded in response to a courteous greeting Shepard. - It is true that I could have to wait even longer, but I am glad that you do not make other reasonable wait myself more acceptable maximum. - It drew attention to the flies to the main entrance to the cargo flyer hospital. - This is the very same ring Altoona?

  - Yes. - Shepard replied curtly. - Where are they?

  - In the courtyard of the warehouse hospital, of course. We then themselves perevezёm their new premises. These rings can arrange treatment of many syndromes ... However, maybe you ... details

  - No, why. - Shepard went behind fast-paced asari guide to the entrance of the warehouse yard.

  As they reached the guard post, the doctor told the exec about how and when they can be applied to the healing properties of the artifact.

  Seeing the trucks gently and carefully unload container with the artifact to the site, Asari nodded happily:

  - I must apologize to you, Captain. The circumstances were such that I could not devote sufficient attention to the artifact before. I knew that he was on the Citadel, in stock Spectra Corps and I was ... comforting. Once able to - I immediately asked to work on this issue, and am very glad that it is you have transferred the hospital this artifact. I thank you and all your colleagues. We will try to Altoona Rings brought as much as possible benefit. Once again - thank you very much for your help and support, Captain. - The doctor nodded and almost ran toward the loader, carrying a container with the artifact to the newly built hospital building. It appears that there was an artifact already prepared place and, most of all, prior to its use remains very little time.

  After reporting to Anderson that Altoona rings transferred to the hospital, Shepard returned to headquarters, released mobility and headed to the Hall of crisis management, where he intended to spend the next few days. If so, Svetlana spent day and night on board his beloved "Volga", that it was necessary, too, to lose yourself in activities there, which attracts the most operative and really hot information, seek immediate professional response.

  Citadel. Hall of crisis management. Conversation with Yavikom of Tevosov

  A few days did not leave the limits of Shepard Hall Crisis Management. It is common in times of war, the more - of such a war. Sleep - or rather, only to doze off - had fits and starts, but you can immediately see how your efforts, the efforts of your colleagues help reasonable - and organics and Synthetic - to confront the Reapers and their accomplices. To counter effectively, efficiently, really.

  Yavik all this time acted outside the headquarters, moving around the station from region to region, from sector to sector, from petal to petal. Shepard knew - proteanina have a lot of work, very much. Betrayal Tevosov Yavika made to strengthen the control and monitoring of both the Counsellors and their devices. Napryazhno the case even for the ancient warrior race, the representative of the Elder Race, diligently and consistently hiding the existence and activities of their fellow tribesmen.

  The captain had no doubt Yavik choose the time and talk to him about Tevosov. Probably just because it should be. All the same, he did everything proteanin to Asari and other races of the galaxy is not affected by the absence of one of the key advisors. That's because - once Tevosov stumble and Shepard she had "it", and will in due course "it". Because honor and conscience are not sold, they either have it or they do not.

  Shepard thought of it as something casual, feeling the closeness of the completion of the next job. A few minutes - and everything he gives way to one of the big consoles Wirth your tablet changer - Captain videoconferencing Tulyev Empire.

  Going into the break room - one of the many surrounding Hall, Shepard went to the table, opened a bottle of water, drank straight from the bottle. Yes, not by the rules, but - thirst. Air conditioning is still evoked XO very thirsty, but still this work ... The intense, exhausting.

  At this point, he thought that, in fact, he will be able to give their children - daughters and a son? The war will continue for a few months - and that's very best. XO himself assumed that it will last at least a year or two. During this time, a lot can happen, but the only thing that remains unchanged - it Shepard, work and employment. Full employment.

  War is only now acquired their true brutal, hate oskalёnnoe face, only now regained his true form of total confrontation, heavily implicated in the mutual destruction. Ruthless destruction.

  Shepard knew that Svetlana tired - her pregnancy first, unusual, and even the position of Svetlana does not involve just such ... maternity leave. Whether it is in times of peace, it would be written off point on the shore, under any pretext.

  Her?! Svetlana ?! Yes it would be easier to manually bare hands without there shovels to demolish some mound in the desert, than to make long Streltsov leave his ship and his crew! Not for that, she climbed on the tables of ranks up not to do it on the coffin of retraining and requalification is not for that, she did not get out to the sites and Hell's Squares! Svetlana write off the shore and could not have failed now and could not have not been able to before. It would just not let it happen. That did not give it! You can argue long about how she managed to have it, but what could have been in full - not subject to any doubt.

  And what it will be possible? Svetlana give birth successfully and regulations - that he had no doubt. She's ready for it all the time and it ... sick and tired of walking pregnant. Especially as Alla and Karin unanimously testify to the full support of Chloe, that children Svetlana at any moment ready to be born. Yes, in the first months after birth Svetlana completely exempt from any
service and work. So it is necessary and volgovtsy as was firmly convinced Shepard, will go to any lengths to their commander received all imaginable and even unimaginable possibilities for the first months of full pay themselves exclusively to children.

  It is, of course, also take in caring for children actively involved - the good, in the moments of rest, he read a lot of relevant material, conceived in general terms, what should pay attention to. It is a pity, of course, that he did not have brothers and sisters, no family, where he could be the elder brother, to get at least some practical experience caring for younger ... It is a pity. We'll have to learn everything on the fly, fit in, try to do as little as possible errors. And yet, he knew to be with children, to be with his wife, with her friend - is not enough. I'll have something more ... Though, of course, he will try to come more often to the "Volga", it is doubtful that allow Alla Svetlana postpartum here so freely fly or on a frigate or a station. She's a doctor, she knows better. It is, of course,

  Although ... Alla somehow let slip about the phenomenon of accelerated development, which increasingly began to occur in humans. Children hardly born, have developed rapidly, doctors are seeing a hurricane developing babies, clutching his head, fell into deep meditation. Unusually it all. And not just for doctors. The theory of "five critical years" suddenly reinforced by the very solid evidence. If we take it postulates a basis, how much more - that he, the man, can this really special to give their children during these months? In five years, of course, difficult to count. Two or three years more will continue the war, and then ... then, perhaps, there will be peace. But until that time, squad will to fight and none of otryadovtsev not withdraw from it, John Shepard, duties and responsibilities of XO Spectrum. Because needed to think about many things. Do not just think, but also to prepare. Perhaps a future visit to the Archives of the Citadel, which was to be implemented in the very near future, will help him in this. We need to think and prepare. He - the father and the role with him, no one lift.

  Lost in thought, Shepard did not notice how close the field of invisibility came Yavik.

  - I'm sorry, John. - Prostrekotal proteanin. - If...

  - No ... I ... thought about Svetlana. And of the children. - Shepard said, putting the empty bottle into the slot designed for it. Let's talk about ... Tevosov.

  - Come on, John. - Yavik motioned the captain to stay in a corner chair and sat down in the chair opposite. - We managed to stop its destructive activity - is the most important thing.

  - Me, Yavik, interested in the details. And I think now - it's time to learn me about them. - Shepard said, glancing at proteanina.

  - Well. - Yavik put his hand on Shepard lying on the table low table. - Look. That's all I was able to dig up.

  Shepard nodded and proteanin including direct transmission of information, being sure that the XO will withstand the onslaught of the flow.

  When Yavik ceased transmission, Shepard was sitting a few minutes, trying to precisely and deeply reflect on what he had seen and felt. Proteanin did not hurry his colleague - he knew that Shepard was present at the first acquaintance with normandovtsev Tevosov and then met with Tevosov when it had to be rescued from the hands of agents of "Cerberus".

  In the tradition of otryadovtsev did not resort to extreme measures, because Tevosov kept alive and allowed to continue working at the same office. Yes, controlled, but, as you can see, is weak and inadequate. And it was enough, if I had to completely replace the asari another advisor? How?!

  - I understand, John, what you're thinking right now. Tevosov ... weak. I also blame largely because of late as he could control it, do whatever you can to prevent it apply to our general and specific interests of significant damage.

  - Why do we then ... - said Shepard. - At the first meeting, did not react properly ?!

  - We were just beginning. Agree, John, that act immediately steep extreme means and methods ... I have before, barely set foot on the Citadel in our first Destination, I knew Tevosov unfit for the post, for this position, this function finally. She did not choose, it simply appointed. And the election and appointment - weak means. Yes unless Tevosov? And Sparatus and salarian dalatressa, if you look, is no better. Is that another race ... It was necessary to prepare Advisors in early childhood, but who from, frankly, lazy completely reasonable it go ?! Matriarchy asari ... An organization that supposedly claimed responsibility for the very existence of the normative life of the race blue-skinned beauties. And now, we Protheans, perish without completing the transformation of the asari ... I ... survive. - Voice Yavika gained clearly audible chatter that always betrayed an extreme degree of discontent and exasperation proteanina. - And I see, I see clearly present in this live, while the consequences of a defect, the process is pending. Instead of a normal race ... Instead of a perfect race - some semi-finished products. - Yavik closed his eyes briefly. - It is very difficult to kill Tevosov was not, when I came to arrest her. I had to do this ... alone. Arrest, John, do not kill. About the murder, I only thought, but then, when the situation looked more closely ... realized that this - not an option. Well, I went to arrest Tevosov one. Would not all understood correctly, if I take someone with me on this action. And so ... even though no specific questions have arisen. - And I see, I see clearly present in this live, while the consequences of a defect, the process is pending. Instead of a normal race ... Instead of a perfect race - some semi-finished products. - Yavik closed his eyes briefly. - It is very difficult to kill Tevosov was not, when I came to arrest her. I had to do this ... alone. Arrest, John, do not kill. About the murder, I only thought, but then, when the situation looked more closely ... realized that this - not an option. Well, I went to arrest Tevosov one. Would not all understood correctly, if I take someone with me on this action. And so ... even though no specific questions have arisen. - And I see, I see clearly present in this live, while the consequences of a defect, the process is pending. Instead of a normal race ... Instead of a perfect race - some semi-finished products. - Yavik closed his eyes briefly. - It is very difficult to kill Tevosov was not, when I came to arrest her. I had to do this ... alone. Arrest, John, do not kill. About the murder, I only thought, but then, when the situation looked more closely ... realized that this - not an option. Well, I went to arrest Tevosov one. Would not all understood correctly, if I take someone with me on this action. And so ... even though no specific questions have arisen. - Yavik closed his eyes briefly. - It is very difficult to kill Tevosov was not, when I came to arrest her. I had to do this ... alone. Arrest, John, do not kill. About the murder, I only thought, but then, when the situation looked more closely ... realized that this - not an option. Well, I went to arrest Tevosov one. Would not all understood correctly, if I take someone with me on this action. And so ... even though no specific questions have arisen. - Yavik closed his eyes briefly. - It is very difficult to kill Tevosov was not, when I came to arrest her. I had to do this ... alone. Arrest, John, do not kill. About the murder, I only thought, but then, when the situation looked more closely ... realized that this - not an option. Well, I went to arrest Tevosov one. Would not all understood correctly, if I take someone with me on this action. And so ... even though no specific questions have arisen.

  - But then, at our first visit to Tevosov ... - said the captain.

  - You're right, John. - Confirmed proteanin. - It is already felt. As is familiar to all! I'm probably a reasonable organic, not at all original, if you would like to see a more advanced intelligent than those that were in my time, when there was Prothean Empire. And it happened ... something quite the opposite. Laziness, degradation disqualification.

  - But the Reapers. - XO said quietly.

  - That is, John. - Proteanin nodded in agreement with his interlocutor remark. - Reapers did not give a highly races never achieve really high level of development. As soon appear highly developed race, it was ... brutally destroyed. We Protheans, too ... have gone through it. Reapers have come in the space of the galaxy in our time through
the Citadel, became a giant relay. Today, yes, we otryadovtsy, and not only otryadovtsy know that if Citadel turns into a giant relay, it actually means the death of all the inhabitants of the Citadel. I'm not talking about the Guardians - this race is quite specific, and its representatives are formed in the right amount as they arise from biomass needs hidden deep in the bowels of the station and biochanah bioreactors. I'm talking about all the other sentient organic matter, and not only about organics, and Synthetic. - Yavik paused for a moment. - Our senior central leadership was completely destroyed in the first minutes of the invasion and we Protheans simple, ordinary Protheans then have known such bitterness ... - proteanin for a moment closed his eyes. - Such bitterness ... We are all taught from an early age the pyramidal organization of power and control. All this was taught, and when the tip of the collapse, being almost cut, the underlying organizational structure, a kind of "know" if expressed in terms that are understandable to you ... It turned out to be of poor talent to organize fast and, most importantly, effective resistance to the occupiers and invaders. To a large extent ... it is determined that we resisted the Reapers, gradually retreating several hundred years. Each of Protheans, as it turned out, had his Eden Prime, John. Everyone has it. Anyway. Frankly, I, as a soldier, wanted to do everything they can to make the current Citadel Council as soon as possible to become a highly professional body, only here for the very first one hundred years of my race confrontation with the Reapers, I had firmly and deeply understand: Nothing nothing happens and even if we're replacing all Councillors - we still can not escape from many problems and avoid so many hazards. - Yavik few minutes silence, intending, apparently, his thoughts. - A Tevosov ... How does it differ from the special something other current reasonable? Yes, nothing ... out of nothing nothing happens, and even if we're replacing all Councillors - we still can not escape from many problems and avoid so many hazards. - Yavik few minutes silence, intending, apparently, his thoughts. - A Tevosov ... How does it differ from the special something other current reasonable? Yes, nothing ... out of nothing nothing happens, and even if we're replacing all Councillors - we still can not escape from many problems and avoid so many hazards. - Yavik few minutes silence, intending, apparently, his thoughts. - A Tevosov ... How does it differ from the special something other current reasonable? Yes, nothing ...


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