Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 225

by Theodore Daniels

  Not surprisingly, the krogan's reaction was barely acceptable and unpleasant especially for Citadel Advisors. Number krogan began to grow rapidly, there is a population explosion in their society. Looking at the asari, inhabited the planet for planeu, krogan also demanded to give them the opportunity to settle the galaxy. Simply put - have become competitors proliferating asari and just behind them in this matter salarians.

  Expansion continues to occupy an important place in the activities of many races Space Citadel. While Shepard was convinced, flying a frigate through more than half of the investigated part of the galaxy, this expansion was of chaotic and unanticipated character. Simply put, all the money and effort was not enough - take only what is easier and more pleasant. And the rest ... the rest - were left "for later", complacent hoping to come - for centuries a more or less orderly life.

  In the three hundred and twenty-second year of a new era asari settled Zion (Kipladon system Sileanskoy nebula). The krogan begin to realize that the asari are able to take all more or less suitable for the majority of the organic races of the planet with their colonies, quickly bringing the population in them to the usual huge quantities. According to some documents, viewed XO, it appeared that at Zion very soon appeared and a large colony of turian - colonialist activity ptitsemordyh not declined over the centuries, and there was no reason to reduce it, and then, when already being used by the new system of chronology. Alliance Data Intelligence confirmed the coexistence azariyskoy and turian colonies. Krogan really stayed on the planetary "cake" crumbs - this fact strongly ignored Advisors - the one in the video archive has been a lot of evidence and documentary evidence. Of course, if you know how to read between the lines and successfully wade through language is a model of bureaucratic officialdom verbal gymnastics.

  Krogan manifestation of discontent did not remain without consequences - less than forty years later, in the fourth year of three hundred and fifty Garvug planet was transferred "under the settlement" Lizards. It is possible that none of the then living organic matter, belonged to a variety of races, really did not want to live in this "mёrzlom stone" as, in violation of all the rules of business correspondence and documentation, has been characterized Gorvug in one of the messages Advisor asari councilor salarianke. Technically, to be exact - from the standpoint of biology and zoology with botany, Gorvug planet had reason to be attributed to the inhabited worlds, since along the equator there was a development of the plant, and in the seas except for fish and marine animals lived.

  The fact that the survivors on the planet poisoned krogan are able to turn even such a problem in the world completely littered trash, completely been ignored Citadel Advisors. Payment of short-sightedness and incompetence caught up with the Council after only a century - krogan fully adapted to the conditions Gorvuga each lizards family managed to bring hundreds of descendants, krogan actively built and used the underground shelters, simultaneously destroying coral reefs, continuously polluting the atmosphere, ground and catching of sea all which it could only be repasted.

  By making Gorvug in practically lifeless world krogan were faced with the need to hold fast, even emergency evacuation and, without asking permission from the Council, we went in full force to search for a rich planet to repeat the already acquired experience with the settlement and the full-scale pumping out and use for their own benefit all and any available resources.

  Gorvug, as it turned out, not all left krogan. These left over to live on this ravaged planet, joined coo and now more "civilized" races were forced to constantly hire guards to experts and scientists could relatively safe to conduct their research, trying to somehow revive the ecosystem Gorvuga.

  Council has been faced with the need to find a justice on the krogan, who were able to go beyond the intended worlds and settle them on many other planets without having to get any settlement even a formal permission. In the five hundredth year of a new era of ecosystem Garvuga been completely destroyed, the Council proceeds to the creation of special building tactical reconnaissance - Enclosures spectrum.

  True to its name, the Corps agents seek to influence the krogan subversive methods, but to fight with so many lizards could with very changeable success.

  Meanwhile, through a hundred and fifty years krogan founded a colony on the planet Gelliks, suggesting that expansion into unoccupied by other races of the planet, they that were able to survive on planets rahniyskih poisoned, do not intend to stop.

  Formally Gelliks was presented krogan after Rahniyskih wars. The Council considered that once again krogan moderate appetites - the planet has always been considered harsh, though, and the number of the category of planets gardens. Cold, maloprivetlivaya. Sam Shepard is now well aware of this planet - this is where he and his colleagues found the former scientists "Cerberus", together with the undertaken to protect their former alyansovtsem and failed lover Miranda Lawson. Impressions from Gorvuga were not the most pleasant.

  Just swipe forward links on a chronological line, Shepard read that Gelliks was selected among the krogan turians during kroganskih uprisings. As a result, the owners were ptitsemordye planet with life, built on the basis of al-amino acids, and therefore, to dwell on that turians normally could not, but as it turned out, did not want to give the planet and at least to the Council. Hand over the planet in the long-term colonization rent turians could not even with the help of recognized economists and financiers - volus, by that time have formed and strengthened its management parastatal called Protectorate Vol. Sami turians and cunning Volusia miscalculated in full, trying to at least offset the cost of confrontation with lizards - the high price and lay on the surface Gelliksa numerous unexploded shells did attract the attention of new owners or even tenants of the planet is very problematic case. In most cases of interest, with a real active interest shown Gelliksu control penal institutions - in the world there were numerous prison, among whom were men, soon earned a reputation as the toughest. Because the majority of the population is made up Gelliksa prisoners and, respectively - the staff and the protection of places of detention. Shepard sincerely doubt that Gelliks after what waged with him first krogan, and then - turians can be used somehow in a different way, rather than as a prison planet.

  It turned out, was forgotten not only Gorvug were forgotten krogan. That by the seven hundredth year of a new era were ready to deploy a full-scale armed confrontation with the Council of the Citadel and loyal troops. Military leaders have used hardened to the krogan Rahniyskih wars lizards soldiers to capture and hold territory, which formally owned by the other races in Citadel space. The victim of the attack kroganskih troops becomes Loziya located in Tomaros system nebula Athens.

  Here was the start of a long and bloody conflict. It is clear that lasted several centuries expansion krogan the Galaxy eventually fill up the cup of the Citadel Council. At the same time Shepard noted that the Council, chaired by incompetent, as it turned out, the asari, stirred seriously only when he realized that after several hundred years Loziya called in the star sailing directions and catalogs Lucia will become a reference base krogan for the guaranteed capture of Tess.

  Archive documents clearly confirmed - Asari was able to mobilize, to cut off the supply lines from the krogan, from the relay leading up to Tess and also severely battered troops lizards. Caught in the grip of forces expeditionary Council, krogan forces surrendered, but the other krogan, by then widely spread across the galaxy, came naturally furious, and the result was the deployment of large-scale war.

  The Council, guided by strategy and tactics, familiar asari proceeds to sabotage and guerrilla scenario of confrontation with the krogan. Council demands withdrawal from Lozii, krogan refuse, and then the existing infrastructure there dinosaurs strike agents spectra. Practically it was an attack on the Council, on the krogan Embassy stations were liquidated.

  After finishing of the history kroganskoy problem, the captain launched virtualizer and watched for a while in the circle emitter video archive K306.

Record testified with all certainty, even if only a reconstruction that krogan to the last participated in the negotiations with the Council, but the Citadel Advisors once again shown themselves to be amateurs.

  Participating in the talks krogansky commander designated to virtualization as "the lord of Kredak", he said bluntly:

  - I've heard enough. If not krogan fought with rachni, you would have been in their power. If you can not give what we deserve, we will take it by force. As much as the asari not cry, we do not leave Lucia!

  Advisor salarians, barely restraining within diplomatic protocol was not slow to declare a launch:

  - Ambassador Kredak, violence you just weaken your positions!

  He, as always, tried to forget the negotiations that it is in fact his race krogan dragged almost by force to the current level of technology, engineering, science, forcing at least temporarily smarter, catch up with the asari salarians, quarians, Volusia. Looking for a generalized image of the Minister-salarian, Shepard thought about how the short and imperfect Memory of organic - it is easy to forget that what must always remember. Maybe alliance with Synthetic, armed AI needs reasonable to organic precisely in order that at least in an accessible for them, organics, level learn not to forget the important points? Who knows who knows.

  Krogan, rely on large-scale attacks and simply on physical strength and power, predictably said salarians Advisor mouth Kredaka ambassador, expressing their disagreement with an opponent in a very harsh manner:

  - Shut up, salarian! Finally, our position today is stronger than ever. Negotiations are over !!!

  Watching goes round virtualizer Shepard assembled containers and finally decided to see the materials of archive T101, preserved, as claimed by the electronic catalog, the most comprehensive collection of documents on the use of anti-krogan genophage.

  Navigate to the desired file, the captain turned on the hardware virtualizer, waited until the circle will gain clear boundaries and illuminate the inside smooth whitish glow. Glancing at the clock, Shepard knew that at the Citadel already late at night and therefore decided to limit ourselves to only view the virtual reconstruction of the date of application genophage.

  Start playback, Shepard looked over the opening credits, and absorbed in the contemplation of the events videorekonstruktsii seven hundred and tenth year of the new era.

  Turian - likely enough high-ranking officer - hardly civil, slashed the air slightly rasping voice:

  - We have received an order - to use against genophage krogan was approved.

  Salarian obryazhenny almost the same way as most of the current scholars of his race, that is, in a laboratory overalls, said:

  - But it is not my government.

  What Turian officer, turned sharply to the unexpectedly rejoined his interlocutor, he said:

  - Your government invented it, a good weapon, if it is not used? Tavus Sergeant, take him away!

  Here, of course, not too educated officer turian more a fool - the government generally did not invent, the more such a thing as a gene gun - or genetic weapon - so it is also called in a variety of documents Archives Citadel. We invent simple scientists, whole teams of scientists. Yes, with the assistance of government agencies. But the government did not invent anything by itself. Alas, it was quite busy with other things, not only related to direct scientific developments. Brains from officials and bureaucrats in the pursuit of science is never enough - even recognized by the best scientists of the galaxy, what a short time managed to pass salarians.

  Turian officer acted predictably - ordered to withdraw retorted salarian. From the outside it might look suspension from work, if you think the civil categories, but in such a situation as clearly sensed the captain, it's the smell of salarian execution for disobedience - if the tower Veil used, then salarian and Turian were members of the subversive group, an irregular situation Tuchanka and use climate control it in unusual conditions that could not be seen krogan. If such conditions someone starts to argue, it is usually signed his own death warrant. Another outcome is extremely unlikely.

  Named as Executive Order Sergent Tavus officer tried to protest:

  - Sir, I believe that these orders are correct? It's genocide!

  It is for campaigners officer any where scientists terms may be stopping factor? Turian as clearly shown reconstruction, just ordered another sergeant, who was present in the tower:

  - Sergeant Hal away; both! I'll press the button! Once salarian, you will thank us.

  No salarian or Turian Sergeant did not have time to say anything. But the computer said. The synthesized voice cut off any possibility of a return to the past:

  - Spraying started.

  A few minutes Shepard looked at the video archive fade circle emitter. He is well known as krogan managed to avoid extinction - genophage was still defeated. One could say that with the direct participation of the First Mate "Normandy", but the captain would not dare to say so out loud. He it seemed quite unnecessary. The main thing is that now a little lizards, but smarter, properly understood some important, fundamental things and managed to curb his passion for expansion, switching from quantity to quality. Now krogan were actively involved in the fight against the Reapers and their henchmen. And find satisfaction in this. Their achievements were recognized by many other species, including asari with turians and salarians.

  The next video archive, the contents of which he intended to read, archive S904 has been dedicated to the events of the Citadel Council to combat the spread of AI. The captain was well aware of how severe it will introduce, but today he has this force is almost no choice. After unpacking the next container, Shepard sat down on the floor near the circle emitter video archive, waited for thermal packaging will heat the contents of the package and began to eat.

  After eating and adding empty containers, Shepard looked around, moved to the corner of the cubicle video archive and was fast asleep in a few minutes with his back to the wall, telling myself to wake up at six o'clock in the morning the next day. The first day in the Archives of the Citadel was completed.

  Alix continued to be a refined chronology ancient times using a scanning memory content of the crystals and at the same time thinking about how to help otryadovtsy Justiciary Samara. Mom told her about these events in detail. Then she showed about otryadovtsah utmost care - insured, to ensure their safety - both active and passive. And, of course, kill the mercenaries. Olivia showed Alix filmed her scene murder Shepard mercenary "Eclipse", you dare to try to enter the Spectrum Citadel misleading. Not able to enter. And he was killed.

  Then there was the massacre of the flier, which Olivia reprogrammed, put under the direct control and forced to open fire on mercenaries. Needless to say, the violence turned fast, efficient and entertaining. landing Samara Group helped even more than the Justiciary could count - were produced not only data on transporters but also other evidence of illegal activities of mercenaries. And then a lot Samara told Shepard about his life, contrary to the usual sharing the most intimate. Justiciar lost to Svetlana insistence and was able to sleep beyond where Nirvana and biotic cocoons. As usual old asari. Yes, then Samara rapidly grew old because psihoprogramma Code devastating effect on her physical condition - usually because of Justiciary became matron, but not matriarchs. It was then that the decision was made to help both Samara and her daughters, then dwelt in the status of passive Ardath yakshas. Olivia then saw how truly and deeply loves Shepard their Svetlana - in her presence, the captain did not hesitate to pick up Svetlana on your hands, kiss and take in the bedroom - it is then decided that really half a day they can forget about all the problems and issues and just stay together . Alix tightly to get acquainted with the habits of the captain, I knew how seldom they could be alone like that. Then the group was planning to find a landing Thane Krios - had to do Dantius Towers - unfinished housing and office complex. And Shepard left Svetlana protected, does not allow her to take risks. He said little about love, but spoke as repeatedly convinced Alix, quite frankly,
more than proving his love, not by words but by deeds.

  They found Thane Krios, informed him that his son intends to do Kolyat helped salarians find family archive on a dedicated reader who salarian dropped, fleeing from the mercenaries of "Eclipse." Olivia Alix often told as if handing reader salarians, Shepard turned to her, with kiborgesse seemingly simple words: "Come on, a colleague." Alix already knew that Shepard appreciates and, of course, loves Olivia. And Olivia, her mother, loves Shepard as may be so, as best he can, without trying to adjust to the standards of human love, without trying to copy the scheme which would not have worked.

  Olivia Alix told in detail about how they helped then Miranda Lawson. Shepard, as it turned out, did not think Miranda something like fiends. It was difficult to clearly perceive such a person, which was the eldest Lawson. It is difficult even for Synthet, not to mention the reasonable organics. However, as stated in a conversation with Olivia Alix, Shepard gave Miranda the opportunity to continue to feel like a man. Yes, of course, while Miranda secretly worked on Yavika, so - and detachment, but it was free in his life, free in its choice. And otryadovtsy helped Miranda, defended her and her sister from the Ghost of older Lawson, from quite probable death in a shootout with mercenaries. Niket ... what to do, man has always been weak, and Niket ... Maybe he's just confused. Or maybe not.

  Shepard did everything to Miranda killed with his own hands for his only friend. He was killed by the captain of mercenaries, and this was the best way out of a very difficult situation. Miranda met with Oriana and her parents visited on board the "Volga", felt for a while in the security.


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