Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 245

by Theodore Daniels

  Watched the retiring proteanina, Liara closed the door and returned to the table. A few minutes later, she stared at the typed text, and then shook her head, dropping torpor and put fingers to keyboard. Now, as she knew Yavik already coming on board, "Blade of Fury." Before dawn the ship will guard the neighborhood of Ilos, and then, passing the watch ground control system will go to the Citadel.

  Hardly taels now will accompany Yavika - in this race is not taken such a farewell. When Yavik arrive at the Citadel, he is likely to switch to the "Volga", will return to his work on the contents of the "obelisks". Until the arrival of troops in the area, which will have to fight against the Reapers, captured second queen rachni.

  What will be there - Liara not even trying to predict, but I was sure - Yavika presence is necessary and mandatory. It is unlikely that the Queen and her children believe people or the same with Turian salarians. Hardly. But Yaviku, as a representative of the Elder Race, rachni may believe.

  Work the asari in Prothean Ilos archives and finds Prothean origin made units. Return to Tess

  The next morning arrived in the guest beams taels as usual went to Liara with a bundle of readers.

  - Yavik asked to give you access to Prothean findings made by the detachment. - Said the head of the colony. - I agree with his decision. Therefore, in these reader - all the preliminary information. Check and tomorrow we'll go on a route on which you have to ride on a regular basis the next few months. Main on this route - it Prothean storage archives, and - storage with those findings, which have been transferred to Troop us Ilos. I must say, Liara, in the archives, we also decided to give access not only to you but also to your parents. So it will be able to cooperate. But with Prothean finds Squad will work closely only to you. Do your parents will be busy work schedule and in several other areas.

  - A...

  - Do not worry, your work in the laboratory will not be affected. - Reassuringly remarked taels. - No one doubts that this could and should be combined. - Proteanka smiled. - Learn. If that - I'll come and we'll discuss the strange and refine the work plan for the next few months.

  - The forecast? - Asked Liara.

  - I think not less than one and a half months. More precisely is difficult to say. I believe that after the completion of this work, all three of you will be able to safely and freely return to Tess.

  - Well, taels. Thank you.

  - Thank you too. From many of my colleagues and compatriots. - Said the head of the colony, leaving room Liara.

  After reviewing the contents of readers, Liara decided not to postpone it indefinitely. Today she has, in fact, too, is painted, but in the evening she had two free hours, and therefore, paying attention and time to work in several laboratories, the youngest T'Soni could get there first though very briefly in the previously closed to it part of the underground Prothean archives.

  Studying only the contents of a directory of these parts of the archive fund Ilos could drag on for many hours, but the rangers-Protheans time reminded fascinated Liara on the need to dine and relax, noting that according to the decision taels she can come to the Archives at any time of day or night - Protheans desire to work round the clock here, as it turned out, it was great for the most Liara.

  Liara thanked the rangers, and then returned to his room. A bite rations, it was forgotten in a chair - a bed to sleep in it this time, did not want to, although fatigue is even felt. Early in the morning, barely awake, Advisor amended its schedule of work, taking into account the time and on the way there and back as the archives to Ilos, and to a storage Prothean findings made otryadovtsami.

  Several decades have flown by like a flash. Arrived at Ilos "Sword of Fury" was ready to deliver the asari their parent planet. A long time ago already no Liara nor her parents were not frightened movement technologies used Protheans, although, of course, representatives of an ancient race left many technology secret, explaining they are only in the most general terms.

  Employees of laboratories working Liara, employees of enterprises and organizations, where her parents worked, warmly said goodbye to the guests. For obvious reasons, to accompany Liara and her parents on a familiar glade I came only taels. A few steps - and around the familiar environment of combat warship, once committed to Tess. The flight did not take long, and after a few hours, all three asari already included in his apartment. Hardly a stay in his room, Liara hurried back to the location of the militia Corps, in your office and begin the Advisor duties.

  The first day of life of children John and Svetlana. Preparing for the next flight squadron with Citadel

  - John. I am Alla, I realized a long time will not release from the sickbay. She's here in my right, I understand and expose her opinion questioned do not want and I will not. - Svetlana carefully got out of bed, walked over to the crib and looked at the sleeping children. - I heard himself - six to eight weeks, I'll have to live here, in a more or less sterile atmosphere. Total - at least forty-two - a maximum of fifty-six days.

  - Light, if you are on the boot, to be exact - of my boot, then this can not worry. Anderson ...

  - I remember, John. - Svetlana returned to the bed, lay down, I try to relax. Postpartum nothing - half a day and it was time to begin to think about feeding kids - breasts grew heavy, the pain in them was the usual, how to convince his girlfriend Alla, soon the pain will disappear, perhaps - after the first feeding. - Anderson sent me congratulations and said that you can quite stay on board the "Volga" for the next two months. But I know that ...

  - Sveta. - Almost reproachfully Shepard said. - Do not work yourself loads. Do you now the most important work - the children. And the rest ...

  - I'm talking about it and say, John. With the rest you have to deal here, on the cruiser. I know you do not want to fly on the "Normandy", I know. And yet, I do not suffer from amnesia, and we have come a large and complex operation to address the second Queen rachni.

  - Light ... - Shepard reproach in his voice was growing by leaps and bounds.

  - John, if I'm not working, I deprofessionaliziruyus and disqualified. - Svetlana husband pointed look at a pile of readers. - I said I'll try to come back after giving birth to the command of the cruiser in real mode. And his words, his promises, I remember. So I have already begun.

  - Children ... - he reminded the XO.

  - They need to know the specifics of our since the early days, John. - Interrupted wife Svetlana. - The specific nature of our lives. They know I'm ready for this. They are sure to be childhood with all its components, but they are now ready to accept the peculiarities of our existence. Services that whether you were there with me when I have them bore, even though I was sitting with here Taken - Svetlana habitually outlined before him in the air kind of hemisphere - belly in the Central office and paced him on the cruiser is not only commanding rounds . No wonder, John. - She made the word "vain" Shepard well marked emphasis. - Our children already know how we're unusual people. They know because they themselves quite unusual. A different and could not be, and can not, John.

  - Light ... - Shepard walked over to the bed, leaned over his wife. - You do not have to work on the cruiser, and it is necessary to think about the first feeding of children. Alla ...

  - I know, John. - Streltsov ran her hand along John's cheek. - I know. Worry is enough if I have two children milk. Worry. And because I tell you - will suffice. I am convinced of this, I'm sure, and I'll do everything for this.

  - I hope that you yourself torturing insomnia will not, of Light. - Shepard straightened.

  - I will not. Pokormlyu children and sleep. The first few days, of course, often have to feed ...

  - And because you have to eat all the portions to the end of the Light.

  - Careful, my. - Svetlana gratefully looked at John. - Of course, where do I go. Alla I eat without salt and pepper, if I'm not good girl and I will not have wrong. I will eat, I'm interested to see our kids were with you and Kripen'ka Zdorovenki.

  - And you have to sleep off the full
program, World. You're ...

  - Yes Yes Yes. I understand should. Otosplyus. I told you - and pokoromlyu otosplyus. Few hours. Maybe two may three o'clock restful sleep I would be guaranteed. I do not understand how, but our children with you surprisingly calm. Read fact that it is necessary to feed the children in the first few minutes after birth, but they are by no means in a hurry to demand his - she smiled happily and fully - lawful food.

  - Take another Light. - Shepard smiled.

  - I know it will require. I'm ready for it. Alla me before delivery so stropalila so ready ... Now I have to do everything as it should. So, what we have known for rachni?

  - Rex and his first deputy on general issues - Reeve gave information that a reconnaissance detachment krogan, who investigated the strange activity of one of the newly discovered repeaters disappeared. - XO understood that the spouse will not rest until they listen to all available at the moment, even the most common, albeit considerably smoothed information on the main issue, which had to be solved in the near future. - There is a suspicion that the relay has been activated, but the investigation revealed - he was active not only in this reconnaissance, but just before it. Other reasonable. So scouts followed in once already activated "tunnel". And most of them - no hearing, no spirit. Rex ordered the Gryunt as commander of reconnaissance "Arallah" I flew with colleagues to relay the location of the area and there are portrayed repair work on the freighter. As depicted, that no one had any doubts - freighter will hang out in this area is still very long. Gryunt as stated in all the latest received messages Squad, fulfilled all the best, at the same time his krogan were passive observation buoy connection and carefully filtered information transmitted all the time through his system. There is a suspicion that this leads to a repeater star system, which is not included even in rough Registries. According Gryunt there all three planets - gas giants, two, one "normal" - Solid, small, to the same - devoid of atmosphere. It is this intelligence Gryunt and annoying most: in the radio traffic, there are indications that there are accomplices of the Reapers, and even the Reapers themselves. There are also indications that in this system there is at least one more repeater, which, fortunately, does not lead to a new, unexplored, and in quite a familiar present organics Mullah Zul system in the cluster Ninmah. More precisely, it is connected to a relay in the cluster Ninmah, and from there "thread" stretches located in the system Mulla Zul planetuUtukka. The complexity of the system increases repeaters.

  - Okay, John. - Svetlana closed her eyes. - If I'm not mistaken, that is to say Ninmah cluster - cluster Ninmah if defined in the British variant, a small star cluster, located on the outskirts of the Terminus Systems, known also as the birthplace of rachni. Currently, congestion is considered to be completely uninhabited, there is one time stayed individual krogan military units and ships with troops of the Citadel, which is just - a consequence of the implementation of the requirements of tradition, dating back from the times of Rahniyskih wars.

  - It is true, Svetlana. - Shepard nodded.

  - According to some more or less reasonable and generally accepted assumptions Ninmah congestion in our human referred to as sailing directions exactly, got its name from the Sumerian goddess Ninhursag land, which, by the way, is pronounced as "Ninmah". - Continued Streltsov. - The stars of this cluster and some of the celestial bodies in the systems included in its composition, are named in the Sumerian language. Reapers, as far as I remember, the way to know it is a relatively congestion and often there are, having to date there destroy all organics created intelligent infrastructure, including fuel depots. So it is not surprising that the latest data is there and can be rachni and Reapers, and their accomplices, and the krogan. In my opinion, a ball is twisted quite logical.

  - You're right, of Light. - XO nodded "Normandy". - That's why it is strange that the trail leads from the little-known, or rather - not exactly in the known system to Ninmah utukku. What should have been done or seek rachni and Reapers in this little-known system is still considered unexplored even minimally?

  - Now rachni. Where is the guarantee that the Reapers have not tried them in the usual style to synthesize itself rachni queen? - Svetlana said, settling comfortably in a semi-sitting position.

  - Could, of course. - Shepard replied thoughtfully. - The question is, why? And why, then, in the reports Gryunt word about this opportunity? Krogan too long at war with rachni, so they can say, at the genetic level, remember what these bugs and what is their queen. Unlikely to Gryunt as pure Croghan and is unlikely to have Rex as the sole ruler of the growing krogan race, would not find the possibility of more arguments to prove the presence of the Queen is synthetic. Itself realize signs rachni presence there, but they should correspond to the canon, which points to the synthetic nature of the ruler. And they - do not match. So, most likely, rachni queen, the second queen rachni, if it exists, then it is most likely, natural, organic.

  - Hinted at what could be another queen? - Streltsov said, closing his eyes, but continuing to listen carefully Shepard.

  - And why not, the Light? - Shepard, realizing the desire girlfriend to rest his eyes, dimmed the lights in the room. - Even in the chronicles of collisions with rachni indicated that the queen was, if not a great deal, then at least - a few. Two or three - at least. Stress - at least. The exact number now, of course, difficult to install, but for our purposes it is not necessary. I do not think that the same krogan or same-tsitadeltsy advisers and those whom they then, in antiquity commanded, were able to cover the entire galaxy at once with sufficient density. We own two ships, as you know, flying a little less than polgalaktiki and clearly seen that many worlds in it, such as open, but not investigated, even to a minimal degree. And many of the planet and in general - in its original form. There's never set not only a human foot,

  - As far as I remember, Gryunt also inclined to think that the Queen rachni second queen rachni - Organic and Synthetic not. He is clean Croghan, initially free of genophage, it feels better than other krogan. Okeer a lot invested in it useful. And if ... - I suggested Streltsov.

  - Maybe the Light can be. If that planet in the newfound system for little-known repeater ... In short, it is necessary to prepare for full-scale trial. - I supported the XO girlfriend.

  - And so, John, you want to do you these proceedings. In collaboration with Titov. And I still keep the status of advisers. That's three months later, when the kids get stronger, I'll definitely be back to the commander in full format. Satisfied? - Svetlana slyly looked at her husband and a friend.

  - Light is the best option. - Chuckled approvingly one John lips. - I think you did very wisely. Only...

  - I promise to be a good boy all these three months, John. - Serious tone Streltsov said, closing his eyes again.

  - Svetlana, I heard it and I'll remember. - I entered the ward Selezneva. - I'm glad you made this decision and I am confident that you will perform it with all certainty and consistency. - The doctor quickly made a cursory examination of Svetlana, throwing instrumentron, but paying attention to the usual medical manual manipulation. - And John really will pay maximum attention to solving this problem and will work in collaboration with your Stanislaw. I will say this - your first mate does its job perfectly.

  - I know, Ala. - Svetlana said, adjusting his robe. - And let it continue commanding the cruiser. I trust him completely. He - not fail.

  - Glad to hear it, and I think that will give him your words. Precisely. - Seleznev down and turned off instrumentron. - Well. You're completely ready for the first feeding. John, help me. - The doctor came to the crib. - Take and pass Svetlana ... will choose who.

  - The daughter, of course. Here she has priority. - Shepard said, gently and carefully picking up the child in his arms. - Spit.

  - And it's good to be asleep. Eyes have opened later, all - in accordance with the natural rhythm and plan, John. - Seleznyov picked up the boy in his arms and, having passed XO forward, took a step toward the bed, where Svetlana has carefully dabbed the gi
rl to his bare chest. - Good for you, baby. - Approving the doctor said, pleased when he heard barely audible smacking. - Can you and the second in the same light. This is important, but not necessarily.

  - I am able to Alla. - Svetlana grabbed his left hand fed Selezneva son, put him to the other breast. Baby found the nipple and rather smacked. - Feelings ... words can not convey. Divine. Hopefully ...

  - Well, something Synthetic certainly zasnimut, where do without it. - Seleznev said, remembering that in instrumentrone Shepard is very perfect AI, a leading full chronicle not only the life of the Troop, but also the life of the master and his family, and now the children Shepard. - But - all only for internal use. On side will not do anything.

  - I am pleased. I know. - Svetlana was pleased waited for a friend and the main one rassyadutsya on chairs near the bed. - You know, I'm ready ... to feed them like this every hour.

  - Well, I think, because they Kripen'ka and is healthy, then every hour to feed them - there is no need. - Pereschёlkivaya sensors on his instrumentrone, Alla said. - But every two hours - completely. - She added quietly. - It is it is both necessary and useful. Okay. Let us keep silent. This - the first feeding, it is - a special.

  - Of course, special. - Svetlana said, looking down at the children's ward and briefly reigned almost complete silence.

  Finally babies and John were filled with Alloy cautiously and carefully carried them to the crib. Svetlana led the chest in order, smelled bathrobe, calming leaned on the headboard bed.

  - Al, what are you going to say something ... well, relatively Synthetic ... I'm sorry, but did you have such a person. - Streltsov smiled, pulling a veil over his body and a pleasant feeling weakness. Barely visible, barely perceptible, and, of course, related to the fact that it is only for the first time in my life fed breast both their own children. Desired and loved children. Children of her and John.

  - You're right, my friend. - Alla took reader. - Because, she know anyone except John, I let to you from the organic matter in the three to four weeks can not for reasons of medical safety, there is another option ...


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