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Darcy's Starry Sky

Page 248

by Theodore Daniels

  Zirda pushed paw leaf and she obediently went to the side, opening the passage to the hall. Towards already hastened Zord with Gray and Alix I saw with Matt Shepard rises. Umotala his sobachatami. They are well entertained here in a purely male company. Nothing, it does not hurt them. She said the same, that he wanted to do gymnastics - and she will do it. They probably linger in the room, it will look at, um, practice. Let them look. She trusts John. Trusts fully. Zirda Let it be the company - she, too, must be in the form, it also jump and run, as it should be, how to do it befit a lady.

  - I'm glad you're still here, John. - Kiborgessa smiled, replying to a welcome nod Exec. - I'll mash and a little exercise. Umotala sobachatami you?

  - They missed loads. And glad, happy. I am also glad. - Shepard said, watching as kiborgessa coming to the corner of the room and starts the warm-up set of exercises. - We sit on the sidelines.

  - I do not mind. - Alix has accelerated the pace of movement, passing to the main body and squinted watching the XO with Zordom and Gray returned to the place they have chosen on the mats. Zirda sat down not far from the new hostess girlfriend, cocked her head, watching with interest what makes kiborgessa.

  Several dozen Alix minutes consistently finished studying all the shells that were in the room. Only part of the sport, just an ordinary, non-combat part of the training exercises. Although many volgovtsy all normandovtsy remembered Olivia's words: "I was preparing it as a soldier," he said when Alyx appeared before the commander of the frigate "Normandy" at the time of reflection attack "Cerberus" the Citadel. All were well aware that Alix - this weapon. It is all - weapons. Best AI Citadel space, the legend of the main stations of the Galaxy, a contender for the personal memorials on the Citadel and Tess. Only the applicant - it is dead refused any offers to immortalize their accomplishments and achievements. It was quite, as it turns out, quite verbal expressions of love and respect from the reasonable organics. For more she did not agree. Without making specific exceptions even for otryadovtsev.

  As she looked at the training usually takes men volgovtsy when it performs a full range of exercises on the equipment ... A few dozen repetitions per pass, in a very fast pace, tense pace. Yes, it is - Synthetic, it's available. But, as it turns out, much of what is available to her, kiborgesse, and is available to people. Approached her sergeant-paratrooper it, pausing briefly showed the execution just made her exercises on the screen of one of his wrist instrumentronov. He nodded, making sure that it is available, and he, a man and a soldier, came to the projectile and began to carry out the same exercise. Alyx softly corrected his movements, advised how to best. Zirda staring at the cyborg action with great interest. She definitely liked this action.

  Gradually close to the sergeant appeared landing and other volgovtsy. Alix has not bypassed and their attention, moving from the projectile to the projectile, explaining, pointing to the individual phases of movement screens, pointing out errors, correcting, warning. It took quite a bit of time - and there were many in the audience volgovtsy, attracted an unusual occupation. Soon no remaining shells - the people involved in each. Alix had time volgovtsam everywhere and loved it. Many of the exercises she has performed several times on the equipment in person in a standard rate for ordinary people.

  - Looks like the guys, our iron lady found something to do. - Shepard said, turning to sitting next to him Zordu and Gray. Those nodded, denoting their consent. - And your hostess colleagues this activity very much.

  Zirda little exercise on a treadmill, and then began to accompany Alix in her goings from the projectile to the projectile. If kiborgessa delayed, Shepherd pootdal sitting down, watching how the new girlfriend hostess, apparently, received the status of a close friend, she performs an exercise on the next projectile or volgovtsu tells how to perform an exercise correctly and fully.

  - Alix - an amazing person. - Alla said, entering the room and finding Svetlana, closely watched on the big screen at what is happening in the gym cruiser. - It really is worthy of your trust and confidence in the Light of John.

  - She loves him, Alla. All the time I convinced again and again in this deeper and deeper. And love works wonders. We are very fortunate that we were able to find common ground with artificial intelligence. - Streltsov turned to the doctor. - Bedding me do not, Ala. I'm still quite fit.

  - Now - I will not be laid, but after the second feeding - if you please bainki. Incidentally, I received a few dozen requests. Our women and girls want to talk with Alix. And I think that they may begin to communicate with her in the gym. So I'll go there and I will catch our ladies. It looks like Alix appeared, how to say your sobachatami John worthy of its activity.

  - Let. You're still prokontroliruesh, Al. - Svetlana smiled, watching kiborgessa approach suggests once again to the sports projectile technique correct order of movements.

  - Check. Let understand what it is - physical training under the guidance Synthet. - He smiled the chief doctor of the cruiser. - And then they Give diversity. What is it with Alix diversity. Seams will lie after workouts.

  - Will. There is a war that does not recognize the differences by sex. - Svetlana said thoughtfully, going to the crib and adjusting blanket. - I got a message from Stanislaus. He will come tomorrow or in the middle of the afternoon. He does not want to strain me today. Understands ...

  - So you too must understand correctly. - Alla looked straight at her friend, the stood over the bed and enjoy the view quietly sleeping children. - After the second feeding - bed. Without conversation and attempts to postpone sleep until the next feeding.

  - I hear and obey, O Most Gracious physician of this blessed ship. - Svetlana Selezneva turned to something typed on the console medapparatury unit. - Uh, just do not need me any inhaled based narcotic. And since I know you - do not have time to utter a word.

  - And meow - too light. - Confirmed the doctor cruiser. - If you will not sleep after the second feeding - euthanized. Can this and that on the cross to kiss girlfriend.

  - I know you. Will achieve her anyway. - Dissatisfaction with the drop in voice corresponded Svetlana. - Go already tired of waiting for the ladies, and Alix of them do begin burgers.

  - I'm coming already, I go. - Seleznev headed for the door. - Remember, you promised to sleep after the second feeding.

  - I do remember. - Svetlana returned to the bed, sat down in her semi-soft mattress, lay down, relaxed, eyes closed. - Lucky me ... I do not know why.

  Male volgovtsy and would be glad to continue for a few more hours of this unusual activity, but Alix strictly indicated to everyone to continue to watch, and then recommend a good rest and be sure to take a shower and change clothes. Realizing that kiborgessoy not turn bet volgovtsy left the room.

  - Impressive, Ali. - Shepard said, getting up, when her daughter Olivia came up to him.

  - Thank you. I am pleased to. - Alix patted Zirda, had time to jump on the trampoline and to run on a wide treadmill. - Dame and recharge positive energy. - Cyborg smiled. - And I know that here Allah sent a delegation of women's councils cruiser. I, in all probability, be the second training. We'll have to spend. Allah has ordered to Svetlana after the second feeding necessarily sleep, so ...

  - I'll go to her. - Shepard saw the entrance to the hall Seleznev. - And here is Alla. So I - it's time. - He looked at embarked on the sides Zorda and Gray. - We are leaving. Successful work and - wait for you in the House of Ali.

  - I'll be there, will definitely come. While light sleep, I can work on streams. - Kiborgessa took a few steps toward the head physician of the cruiser, and Shepard, bowing with Selezneva, walked out of the gym.

  - We are impressed, Alix. - Alla said, waiting until the cruiser ladies gather a little tight group behind. - And we hope that you also pay attention to us.

  - I agree. - Kiborgessa scanned the crowd. - Now each of you has to decide whether it will engage in casual clothes or she will need to change into tracksuits. - She did not finish, did not begin to sound familiar Imperials position that
the trouble does not wait, it comes unexpectedly. And most of all to prepare to repel the threat will not be any time.

  - We want in casual clothes. - Seleznev correctly understood the general attitude of the ladies.

  - Good. - Kiborgessa waited for women and girls ultimately decide whether they should participate in the upcoming training. - Then - start. Slowly at first, then - in the usual standard you pace and rhythm, and then move on to a maximum speed and load pre-combat and combat levels. Alla?

  - I will also participate. I need to feel most everything. - Said doctor cruiser.

  - I do not mind. - Alix came to the first projectile. - Let's start.

  Svetlana, oversees training, I was surprised and pleased. Alix showed women officers, sergeants and sergeants are many new, important and valuable. And most importantly - it showed the exercises accurately, complete and accurate view of the ability of women is not striving for universality of representation and applying effects.

  - Let's screening exercise, John. I will not rest until the inspection before the end. - Svetlana said, turning to the entrance to the Chamber of Shepard. - It shows so many interesting things that I just can not break away. No, I definitely'll ask for it in the group on all possible training. It's no good to me, the commander of the ship, to keep up with their female colleagues. They're now with her not slezut. I want it! - She did not take her eyes off the screen and First Mate I realized that asking for it now to pay attention to children - it is useless. Sound was transferred to the PHONES Speaker, so the House was quiet enough and what was happening on the screen did not interfere with sleeping children. - They sleep soundly and peacefully, I was surprised and cringed, but Alla arguments to prove to me that here everything is normal. - Svetlana came to the crib, stared. - Yes, indeed, there is no problem. I still search. - Carefully, she sat down on the bed and waited for the next John sits, her arms around his shoulders. - John, how are you able? Well ... do so that any reasonable as well ... begins to treat you?

  - I do not know the light. Somehow it turns itself. - Shepard grinned.

  - It's okay, John. It is very good. - Svetlana kissed him and slipped a soft and gentle look on his face. - Alix ... happy. And he made her happy are you, John.

  Shepard said nothing. Examination of more than half-hour training session, he helped Svetlana feed the children, saw to it that it is convenient to lay down, by reducing to a minimum the light went out of the room. At the entrance to sickbay were waiting for him, all three ovcharonov. XO remembered that Zord and Gray were at the entrance to sickbay, then Zirda contrary to custom, did not go immediately to the commander's quarters and found his Knights and remained with them, close to the owner. Together with Captain Shepherd returned to the commander's cabin, Shepard fed them, washed the bowl and let them rest, then checked, whether included a large wall screen in the lobby and sat down, intending to view the material accumulated by this time and demanded his intervention.

  Alix came back from the gym satisfied and delighted. Volgovtsy it took. It finally ceased to be for them only a robot, only the machine, but Synthetic just artificial intelligence. She was fortunate to build relationships with both men and women, and now it appeared the matter, allowing it to be useful not only Svetlana, John and their children, but to all the Imperials, all volgovtsam. It can work in parallel and on tracking, filtering and processing, and the flow of information and work with reasonable living organic matter, to communicate with them in both formal and informal environments.

  Yes, it is - Synthetic, but none of it does not require of otryadovtsev to become a man, too, with the understanding volgovtsy took all its features and no need of it, for example, to eat and drink as peculiar people. She will do it, if necessary, outside the cruiser and frigate, working under deep cover legendirovaniem and in the interests of the Troop, on the same Citadel, for example, and a detachment of ships it could well do without the full implementation of the protocol identity.

  Today is definitely an important and valuable day, up to a limit eventful. The birth of children Svetlana, the launch of Alix on board of "Volga", the first training kiborgessy with the staff and crew of the cruiser team. Very soon, in a few days it will decide the deployment of practical work Squad rahniyskoy to address the problem.

  Svetlana is fast asleep - Alix knows for sure. Let night's sleep. Then, when the feeding schedule will be installed children, Alix will come to her in the ward to help, and now Svetlana should sleep alone with the children. It will be better this way. And because the ward to Strel'tsova kiborgessa not go. Do not dare to disturb her and John - the first day is the first day, he, too, will have a lot to think about in a calm atmosphere, in silence. That means we need to go to my mother's cabin - decided kiborgessa and turned to the flight of stairs, the conclusion to the guest wing. Passing through the cabin door, left at the disposal of Svetlana John Alix entered the cabin designated for Olivia, and closing the door, paused, enjoying the peace and quiet.

  - Mark. - Alix, sitting in a chair and having connected to Troop communication system, prepared for the reception of the normal load. - I'm ready. Transmission streams. - She paused, adjusting the parameters of the channel. - I Agree adopted. Mode. Work.

  - Welcome back, Alix. - Welcomed her Olivia.

  - I'm glad to be back, Mom. So many interesting and valuable to learn and understand. Transmitted packets. - Replied the younger kiborgessa.

  - John. - To communicate with XO left Stanislav Titov. - It is necessary to discuss options for the basic plan of action on the issue of the second queen rachni. Where can we meet?

  - Let us in the Hall of operational planning. A quarter of an hour. - Looking at the screen instrumentrona, Shepard said.

  - I agree. - Titov switched channels.

  Making sure that Svetlana is fast asleep, and Alix is completely absorbed by the work on information flow, Shepard took a shower, changed into fresh formёnku and headed to the Hall of the Office of Operations. Now, when the ship was docked at kosmostantsii there was no one, and two senior assistants can discuss the details of the operation, without interfering with the other officers and sergeants.

  - Krogan have collected a lot of data. - Stanislav brought to the screen some of the data packets. - All indications are that we will have to see this strange planet. And only then sent to utukku. They also failed to prove participation in events connected with the second queen rachni Reapers and their accomplices. - XO cruiser activated Wirth tablet. In general, such a pattern emerges. - A few minutes the ship's senior officer in the form of theses expounded as that was a basis for understanding the upcoming otryadovtsam work. - I suppose that the freighter with a minimum crew will have to send to the space krogan and Gryunt teammates take on board the squadron, and together with them to deal with this unexplored planet and with the planet, where the trail leads.

  - Strange activity. - Shepard said, studying the data output on one of the wall-mounted screens. - Rex was right by giving "Arallah" to this relay. Solve it to send someone less qualified and more limited in scope - we have a tenth of the data is not received. It is necessary to finish the parking lot and go to this relay.

  - The data also indicate that the combination of theories and hypotheses based on the confirmation of the elimination race rachni soon become history. - Said Titov. - Rachni Suan fight so that the personnel of the fleets of the third ring of the Earth countries studying their combat activities poepizodno. If we manage to save a second queen rachni, then now, I am sure, it is necessary to solve the problem of where to place it. I understand that this planet utukku can be considered as the birthplace of rachni - I know of and the reasons for such a conclusion, but ... I have no doubt, and the Reapers and their associates not to have brought to this planet a second queen, so she felt free there and independent.

  - We are confident that they brought? - Shepard looked at the bent over virt-tablet XO cruiser. - With this little-known planet?

  - This is indicated by the following data, John. - Katrerang
brought to the tablet space information from multiple wallboards. - You see, the standard scheme. Reapers - polumashiny, they are a successful team, and only machines polumashinami. And that is not all and not everyone, but only completely submissive to them. Organic queen rachni - it is difficult to make a completely submissive.

  - Yeah. They like obedience. They do not like excessive strain. This dislike of strain can build a part of the "line of action" during the upcoming operation. - John on the free part of the plate depicted a block diagram. - Look, Stanislav.

  First Mate came closer, examined the scheme submitted, corrected in one place, saw utverzhayuschy nod interlocutor:

  - Let's discuss the intricacies of construction in this segment, John.

  - I agree. And also once again go through the all the options. - XO nodded "Normandy". - Let's not rush to write off the loss of intelligence only on the fact that due to the activity and the corresponding rachni Reapers and their henchmen. Although this is the most appropriate and predictable option ...

  Several tens of minutes the senior officers Troop ships were discussing how the general scheme, as well as details of all developed embodiments of the forthcoming operation.

  - Good. - Shepard repaid with the acquiescence of the exec cruiser lights Wirth plate, took off wall charts screenshots, diagrams, graphs and text. - Perhaps you can plan Troop output through two or three days.

  - Let's plan. I will give all the tried and tested materials to Captain Anderson, and we will discuss the details tomorrow night, on "the commander's hour." I suppose that it will be held in an expanded format. - Nodded Titov. - I'll work more. - He turned his wrist instrumentron and sat down in one of the desk chairs, standing at large tables, taking up space along the walls of the Hall.

  - I was glad to work with you, Stanislav. - Shepard turned, caught the eye of a farewell nod XO cruiser. - Good luck.


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