Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 267

by Theodore Daniels

  - Found energy cell reapers. - I reported to the audio-speaker Lexi captain. - Order?

  - Destroy. Needless to keep them energy. - I ordered the Shepard and heard a light cotton.

  - Done. Zara will give you a new found "Twister." It is strange that he, complete with ammunition. - Having reported it, Lexie switched channels.

  Returning from avant-garde give Zara "Smerch" pretty ryknuvshemu Gryunt and returned to his sister. landing the Group continued movement through the tunnel.

  - Signs of collapse. - Zara reported. - It is recommended to speed up the movement.

  - Baie-d! - I commanded Shepard. - Connecting to the vanguard!

  Otryadovtsy have broken into a run, and managed to get out of the area, covered with a few seconds of dimensional stones stream. Looking back Gryunt sucked air nose and concluded:

  - And the blockage, and the collapse in the same time. We are here just do not like. But we do not ask about love.

  - Cave with water. Waters small, somewhere on the knee. In front of the scanner is a mark - haskolyud, somehow one. On the right we see another dead end, covered with cobwebs. - Zara reported. - Identification of a corpse krogan. Captain, this is familiar to you Croghan. I guess the need to stop.

  - Haskolyuda - quietly put away, we'll get to you right now. - Shepard waved, telling colleagues to accelerate the move.

  Soon otryadovtsy stood at the throat passage to a standstill. Small body of water behind us, the water was clean enough. The captain looked at the remains of the web, went to Dawn, she silently pointed to the corpse lying by the wall krogan.

  - Yes, this is it. We met him on Illiume. He then wanted to please one asari. I think it was called Erebus. - Shepard peered into the face of the krogan, throwing visor, looked lizard suit. - Gryunt ...

  - I am a member of the missing scouts as a technician. - Confirmed the commander "Arallaha". - Here the reader. It seems that it is something gained, feeling the approach of death. - Gryunt barely straightened fingers tribesman, gripping the device, turn it on. - You're right, John. This is - the message posthumous message to the asari "Erebus" .This ... private. - He looked at Shepard.

  - As the captain saw this and krogan, and asari Erebus on Illiume earlier, there is no violation of moral standards and principles. Read Gryunt. - Saren said.

  - Good. - Oh Blue Rose Illiuma when these words reach your ears, I will join their ancestors. I wanted to be close to you, bask beside your beauty, bask in the sun Tuchanka. Though you would prefer the freedom of my fence, I will remember your scent and gentle touch of petals. Once my heart can not conceal you from troubles, let my shattered bones erected a palisade around your garden that you blossomed into safety. - Gryunt paused, letting him know that the message is complete.

  - This reader we give Erebus. I am sure that the Charr would like this. Zara contact Alix, ask, where now the asari. - Shepard said, taking from the hands Gryunt device and turning it off.

  - I perform. - Kiborgessa paused. - It is not so long ago, three days ago, I arrived at the Citadel. I get a room in the quarters of the Presidium of the Community, working in the administration of the Technical Support Service. Single. Apply for transfer to the Commercial Service of the station. She wants to become a seller and sell sporting goods.

  - Accepted. - Shepard straightened. - It's not going to tell her anything. Let us return to the Citadel ... and we will definitely return there, and I'll give her this Gryunt reader. Although she did not come out longer married ... yet it has a right to know what the Charr continued to love her. - He made a short pause and commanded. - Come on, move. Ahead - new screens husks. It is necessary to free the queen.

  - Ahead - a large hall. It noted more than fifty husks, twenty Ravagers, a dozen cannibals. - Report Zara has always been a timely, accurate and concise.

  Gryunt, learned from Alix full story Erebus and charr, growled his krogan and ten lizards lined attacking order, and prepare flamethrowers, sniper and assault rifles. As soon as the first two Husk rushed to a group of otryadovtsev, volley weapons commandos blew not only them, but also several Ravagers and cannibals, and then began beating, as it is not changing the order of battle, krogan moved forward, sweeping the impact heavy fire do not have time even to aim Ravagers and do not have time to go the distance melee haskolyudov.

  - Incubators Group. - Lexie sounded a warning.

  - Destroy. - Ordered Shepard saw on the screen of the picture instrumentrona - several groups of incubators. - Machinery reapers gather.

  - Perform. - Donёssya response Zara and screens flooded glow - kiborgessy opened fire with flamethrowers for incubators. - The path is clear. Picked up two new fully charged flamethrower.

  - Ahead - a dead end, the way is blocked armor plates. Management - in a room on the bottom left. - Lexie said in two minutes. - For armor plates - the path to the central chamber.

  - Expect our approach. We will understand these gates. - I ordered Shepard. A few minutes and he came to the wings. - Try to stop us using the obstacles ... So, we are really close to the goal.

  - Commander. - Alenka came and showed the master screen of instrumentrona. - We must hurry, distant approaches to the area filled with the servants of the Reapers. Against this armada us without orbital support not survive, and we need to evacuate the wounded from the planet queen rachni.

  - I see. - XO nodded. - I assume that the key to the gate - in the next room.

  - Captain, you go back to the room only with my krogan. - Came Gryunt, poked his paw into the fold. - Although I have is undermined.

  - Explosives we can still be useful to clear an escape route for the queen. Fifteen meters high - this is not a joke. - Shepard said. - So what is about to undermine the goal - set aside.

  - There aside. - Gryunt waved his paw and went down krogan five spetsnzovtsev. - They will go ahead and the side of you, Captain. - In a combat situation Gryunt behaved emphasized officially that no offended Shepard. The work primarily, and everything else - it is bound to be a time later. Necessarily will.

  Krogan first jumped into a small room, went around its perimeter, seen in the absence of surprises and one of the commandos waved. Following Shepard jumped both of Turian and Yavik. The four of them went to the set in the far right corner of the cell room.

  - Technology Reapers. Simple and stupid. - Summed Yavik. - This good, I've seen enough for hundreds of years of conflict. Destroyed shots in the center of the white circle. Nothing complicated. But unarmed saved, because a different way to open the gates will not work. Even blows cold steel. - Said proteanin.

  - Allow me, Captain? - Nihlus forward left, taking the gun. - Armor-piercing. - He reloaded his shop several times pulled the trigger. Upstairs there was a rattle and immediately heard gunshots.

  - We - under attack. - I reported on the audio-Zara. - It is full of husks, several Ravagers. While coping.

  - Go back. Nihlus, Saren, prepare the sniper rifle. Destroy the enemies on the approaches.

  Turians nodded almost simultaneously. Getting out of the room, Shepard took off his suit mounts his assault rifle and joined to repel the attack. Haskolyudy habitually climbed forward to try to strike blows and wounds with long powerful arms, spoilers have tried vytselit command coming and bring down on them fire their guns wearable. The battle lasted more than a quarter of an hour. Finally, stepping over the corpses of enemies squad overcame another room and was involved in the corridor.

  - Ahead - five gates, for each - a small detachment of husks, cannibals, Ravagers. - Zara reported.

  - Six gates - particularly strong. For them - the room where the queen held. - Lexie clarified.

  - Take the Queen's Hall under control. - Ordered Shepard, reloading the rifle. - All at once destroy, making control and move. Queen weakens. - He gave instrumentron indicators rachni vital signs. - Forward.

  Taking the path of samples zhnetsovskoy technology, a group of landing through a narrow passage to move to the beginning of the "central hall".

  - Ther
e is a second way out of the hall, but he was blocked by a gate controlled Reapers cell. - Zara reported. - We together take the destruction of complex goals.

  - Welcome. - Said spectrum. - Nihlus, Saren, Yavik. Support kiborgess fire.

  - Making. - Proteanin moved forward, followed by the shadows slid turians. Shepard felt by both spectra fonit martial satisfaction: the soldiers were engaged in the usual decent work - to destroy the enemies of their race, and soznikov races.

  - Support see. - Zara reported. - Stand at the first gate.

  - I demolish control cells. My radiator allows it. - Audio-Yavik reported.

  - Welcome. - Shepard saw ahead nominated arallahovtsy headed Gryunt. - Supporting efforts.

  - Visibility. - Lexie said. - Clarify the picture in the next three lobbies.

  - Information received. - Shepard sent the maps and charts for all instrumentrony members of the landing party. - To battle!

  In overcoming each vestibule was spent only a few minutes. Yavik short pulse destroying the cell, the gates swung open and husks, cannibals and Ravagers squall of fire. Kiborgessy and turians vytselivat and destroyed Ravagers and cannibals, the rest otryadovtsy dealt with more numerous Husky.

  Stopping in front of six gates, a sign Shepard asked kiborgess scan room with queen rachni. The information obtained is not happy - Queen weakened, besides her chained to a number of cells, and it could not have a more or less free to move.

  - It feels, feels our approach, and we want to believe that we - her friends and does not nanesёm her harm. - Said Yavik, for a few seconds to shut down all four eyes and listen to his "locators". But she doubts .... We are too cruel. We did not leave husks, Ravagers and roevikov alive. She fears.

  - Can you give her information from the first queen, Yaw? If required.

  - Able. - Proteanin nodded. - The main thing - to release her. And you need to feed.

  - In the hall there is no protection?

  - No. As always, the servants of the Reapers did not believe that we are here doberёmsya. - Confirmed proteanin. - But the main forces of the Reapers servants is near.

  - My team and I will delay the enemy. - Came Gryunt. - We can use the explosives.

  - I think the time for that has come. - Shepard looked over at the screen instrumentrona Gryunt schemes and plans of laying charges. - So ...

  - As long as you liberate and bring the Queen, we will lay the explosives and, if necessary, detain exploration Reapers servants. - Said Gryunt.

  - Grigoriev. - Shepard looked at the captain approached. - Select how you see fit, to assist soldiers krogan support.

  - Making. - The officer nodded, pressing the keyboard instrumentrona sensors and a low voice giving audio-team. - We are ready. - He pointed to the approaching ten paratroopers. - They will help.

  - Welcome. - Gryunt nodded, looking round the approaching soldiers. - Now we detain them just to the point where it will be possible to undermine the aisles.

  - The queen is worried. She can not understand that us should expect it - death or life. - Yavik said. - Looks like I'll have to first enter. Otherwise, it can attack ... And this attack could cost her her life - she is very weak.

  - Actions Yavik. - Shepard nodded, letting proteanina forward and shooting from a pistol cell. Collapsed flaps opened up otryadovtsami rachni queen, real, organic queen. Yavik Queen stepped forward and stopped. It is, without doubt, not only learned proteanina, but also joined with him inaudible to gradually enter the hall talking otryadovtsev.

  A few minutes of many of the audience in the hall seemed very long. Finally, Yavik turned:

  - She scanned all of you. Make sure you are carrying is not a threat to her. Captain. - Proteanin looked at Shepard. - Come. She knows that you are communicating with us first found rachni queen. - Yavik took XO hand. - She will hear you and understand.

  - I am convinced that you really saw my tribeswoman. - Queen murmured, bowing his head slightly. - I am glad that you have come to the world ... But ... I'm not free. They polumashiny these ... did not want to treat me ... I felt that ... they do not know how to treat people like me ... I guess I'm too weak ... And the way to the surface ... difficult.

  - We derive you. - Shepard said, looking straight into the eyes of the Queen. - We are many and we'll help you. It will be necessary - come more helpers with our ships.

  - I feel your ships. - Murmured the queen. - But I ... I'm very short time left ... He - the queen turned her head to the beak Yaviku. - Knows how to help me overgrow wound. Time ... is not enough.

  - We can help. - Confirmed proteanin. - Allow me, Captain?

  - Command, Yavik. - Shepard took a step back.

  Proteanin gave patter with a notable series of orders and chirping otryadovtsy, was stilled before the queen, were set in motion. Some went to the cells of the Reapers to remove the shackles from the Queen of the body, some began to unpack laying rations. After a few minutes in front of the Queen paws lying mountain unwrapped, warmed and freed from any packages of rations.

  - It does not look very appetizing. - He said Yavik - But she is not in a position to refuse food required it to overgrow damage inflicted accomplices Reapers. - For a few seconds, he closed his eyes and queen, dropping food to the hill head, opened beak and started the meal.

  - We need ten or fifteen minutes, to form the primary layer. - Shepard said proteanin seeing that the queen ends to absorb the contents of the ration packs. - Her condition. - For a few seconds, he closed his eyes. - Has stabilized and improved. She will now be able to move faster.

  - Cells are disabled. - Gryunt reported. - I proceed to the preparation of mining.

  The queen, on hearing this, started, turned her head to the krogan, but Yavik, closed his eyes again, all four eyes, quickly explained the situation to her and she calmed down, very carefully trying to straighten the joint paws.

  - Thank you. - Queen with obvious pleasure and not ostentatious, very quiet joy straightened, returning to his usual position of the body. - I got stronger. It will take very little time and the damage will be healed. - She murmured. - You want to hold polumashiny and their servants? - It drew spearhead sting on Shepard. The captain nodded. - Perhaps, it may very well be able to do this to you. I'll be glad to see the sky again. And feel free. free again.

  Only now the captain felt that Yavik no longer holds his hand and then he heard and, more importantly, understands the queen said rachni. Noting the confusion Shepard, the Queen just opened its beak and Shepard heard her voice:

  - You were with another queen, you were with her at the signing of a formal agreement, Shepard. And now you can communicate with us directly. Just as it is. - She pointed beak on Yavika something explains krogan and pointing at the screen of his instrumentrona. There was a discussion of the Queen protection plan. Noting the interest in the conversation by the Queen and the captain turned Gryunt:

  - We finish the training, Captain. A few more minutes. - Said the commander "Arallaha".

  - Welcome. Grigoriev. - Shepard turned to approach the captain-paratrooper.

  - We are ready. - To krogan-arallahovtsam already hurried ten paratroopers "Volga" on the go checking out heavy weapons. - Hold your coming. Those who survive after so many explosions.

  - All Shepard. - Gryunt looked at the screen of his instrumentrona. - You can no longer procrastinate. They realized that the Queen is free and rejuvenate. They begin to come closer in several passages. - We need to take a position. After the explosions - will be our turn to work. - Gryunt came to Shepard. - I'm glad I can help save the queen. Come on, John. Conclusions it. And we will try to delay the pursuers. - It departed from the captain a few steps, he gave the order had come up three krogan.

  Arallahovtsy volgovtsy and divided into groups of three and five, dispersing the aisles. Shepard knew that very soon they will take positions and then will have to hurry. More time and opportunities will not be late.

  Leaving to one of the passages, Gryunt grabbed an assault rifle back and turned arou
nd. At this point, abrupt Shepard demanding beckoned to him Alenko:

  - Kaidan. Conclusions queen, cover it, doing everything to make it hit the cruiser alive and unharmed. Yavik help. I'll stay and help Gryunt and his squad. We can not lose "Arallah".

  - Captain. I will fulfill your order. - Kaidan said. - Only ...

  - Without "only" Kaidan. Conclusions Queen helps her get safely on board the cruiser. This is - your job. Yavik go with you.

  - And we'll go with you, Captain. - Saren and Nihlus approached discreetly and noiselessly. - Grigoriev gives five more troopers. We will be able to delay the pursuers until the right moment. And then, firing, otoydёm. - Saren, rightfully older, spoke clearly and unequivocally. - The main thing - to delay the pursuers until the right moment. And save arallahovtsev. - Nihlus listening kinsman, only I nodded, not allowing Shepard to doubt that he fully agrees with what the elder said spectrum.

  - Okay. - Shepard looked at Gryunt. - Are distributed. Passes - four, so in each pass will go one of us. Gryunt, I Nihlus, Saren. - He looked into the eyes of krogan and Turian. - Go. Yavik. - He touched the shoulder proteanina. - Conclusions queen. Help Alenko. But let it show itself.

  - He will manifest itself properly, John. - Strekotnul Yavik. - May the gods stand between you and danger.

  Shepard nodded - the same proverb-wishes, was in vogue and earthlings. Warriors, to submit to such a complex job was not accepted to wish each other luck. And Yavik did the right thing when it replaced does not always work as it should wish proverb, incapable of harm.

  - Come on, Gryunt. - Shepard ducked into one of the passages, having notice and feel the care of the tunnel and the queen turned ozhgla him a grateful look.

  - Kaidan, Yavik. - Two kiborgessy appeared next to a man and proteaninom seconds. - This is only our decision. The way is clear - that map the most current. We have just scanned the tunnel: on the surface and in the "gut" - clean. Surprises and never will be. Reapers servants have no time left to organize them, and even more so - to prepare. And we have to cover up his father and all the others. You Owe. - Zara said, as always, which takes as the lead.


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