Darcy's Starry Sky

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Darcy's Starry Sky Page 270

by Theodore Daniels

  She retains the ability and the opportunity to be different. It is good that such a war even with a skilled and tenacious enemy has no power over these abilities and capabilities. In rare moments of relaxation younger T'Soni sometimes mood reviewed on an individual reader image, captured it itself at different ages and in different circumstances. Yes, it is that has kept the ability and the opportunity to be different.

  She never told parents how hard she were given the night in the decade of preparation. Yavik taels and insisted that it complied with the requirements of strict quarantine. Yes, they are motivated by it - including the provision of its considerations, Liara T'Soni, security in connection with obtaining osobozakrytoy from extraneous information. Younger T'Soni did not once inwardly regretted that agreed to become belligerent Advisor. Yes, she knew that status determines many things. And her present the real status of the above content, by value and loads than the status of any of the Citadel Advisors. Not officially, of course, purely practically.

  Throughout the decade of preparation Liara felt disgusting. Often she came barely alive in his small room, changed clothes in the usual pants and a T-shirt, Razuvaev to cool a little foot and climbed to his feet in an armchair. And there ... there came the turn of heavy thinking. About many things. On a very large extent. Protheans gave Liara incredible opportunity to reflect deeply and in detail about many things, she has mastered under their supervision complex art paralleling thought. Davao is the art of the younger T'Soni hard, she often had to just blindly believe that it will take time and it will get used to new abilities to new opportunities - not always as it held all the increasingly complex stages of preparation ... And coming to his small room and sat down in a chair, Liara thought. I moved to memory obrёtshey new opportunities

  Liara taels honestly warned that most of the decade her neofitku can torment nightmares during sleep. But, unfortunately, it not warned that the nightmares are real and incredibly heavy. Liara Protheans much talked about how their race war with Reapers for hundreds of years. Much was told, but because of the direct technology transfer mental images - and shows. Heavy were these mental images. Six to eight hours a broadcast - and Liara learned Reapers from unexpected quarters, much is now understood in their tactics and strategies, their techniques and methods of action. It is easy to say that the enemy must know in person, learn the ropes, but it should certainly be added, and an indication that we should try to know the enemy, do not stand on his side. But it has been incredibly difficult,

  Ten-day training with the first Dei led to the fact that Liara felt all his own vulnerability and weakness of the fullest measure. The nightmares is transformed into full nudity, which was used continuously arising from tightened viscous translucent mist generation of darkness Reapers.

  Nightmares were superreality, it was very difficult to get rid of the idea that everything happens only in a dream, only in a nightmare that actually naked Liara does not risk every second to be indoctrinated, to be captive, injured or killed. She saw the generation of the Reapers in every detail and understand - is a consequence of a very dense acquaintance with a variety of data about the very real Reapers and their accomplices. This is - the power of information in all its brutality and totality. The authority, which is able to absorb a reasonable organic, staying sane and solid memory. Endless corridors that unknown voice ordered Liara held endless generation Reaper who tried to delay going Liara. The howling, gnashing, cries, a cacophony of otherworldly sounds. The taste of blood, the smell of rotting flesh. Realism is over a hundred percent mark.

  Not once, not from the first day Liara learned to pass through the endless corridors, not really linger among the creatures of the Reapers. Not once. It's good that the nightmares did not affect the way she lived and acted younger T'Soni day when awake. Wake up to it repeatedly in a cold sweat, I saw and felt the blanket turned out that in one corner of the little room, the other as the mattress slipped from under lying asari and found himself on the floor, and Liara most of the night, as it turns out only in the morning, sleeping on hard plate - based bed.

  Repeatedly he taels she said that she was afraid to turn into a monster. She did not hide from the Protheans what nocturnal nightmares haunt her. Well, they knew it. Yavik taels and unanimously stated that it is - a common consequence of training. This is a pretty little comforted and almost nothing is explained.

  Liara was afraid that remained outwardly as young asari, barely stepping into the second century of its long life, it is something that will be around to his true, in the words of one day Yavik, "mental" age. Long taels with Yavikom jitters proved once again Liara - it happened on the third day of training decade - that in fact all or almost all apparently will remain the same. We prove. Managed. Liara ... believe them. Let a little, but believe. Maybe this is also helped her survive the decade.

  Then, when the training was completed, Liara met Etitoy and Benešov and meeting with parents helped her believe in the immutability of its foreign more. If we are parents, who knew her from childhood, knew it even before birth, it is not considered a monster, then maybe it should be the most to believe that in fact it has remained at least outwardly the same. Yes, it is now more oriented to what to wear armor, weapons, and be ready to repel all sorts of attacks, but at the same time it has maintained a commitment to the peaceful resolution of the problems, issues and conflicts. Perhaps this is the desire to help her to remain outwardly unchanged. Probably. The exact answer to the question - what will happen with it next - do not know how it turned out and Protheans themselves. As Yavik said - there is no future, there is only a choice, helping every reasonable organics build their own way out of their present into their future. His own, at the right time becoming part of the public.

  Maybe somewhere in the heart Liara regretted that in its hundred-odd years - only one hundred and eleven years, she conducts extremely peculiar to most contemporaries lifestyle. She used to work for wear, at the limit, used to seeing not only pleasant and beautiful, but above all - questions, problems and dangers. Yes, the accustomed. How easy was used instead of wearing a suit of scientific medium and heavy spacesuit, and medium and heavy armor, respectively. Accustomed to the gravity weapons, ammunition and equipment. Accustomed even more than in the militia. Yes, its preparation - clear profile preparation and not only military - tribeswoman notice, they're not blind at the end of it all. She will be able to explain them, and most will shy away from self-explanatory - it allows Advisor status.

  Well, she has developed a biotic their previous levels and mastered thanks to new Protheans that applies only if no other choice. Yes, unlike many of his contemporaries Liara continued to improve its biotic training, she could not, had no right to stop there. Yes, perhaps there is no limit to perfection, so you should continue, because there can be so, that besides biotics she has no other weapons, and the racial weapons it is obliged not only to keep in good order, and constantly develop and improve. This is her duty as the asari.

  During the preparation of the decade almost every day for two hours she was at war with the help of only one combat biotics. So I recommended to do taels, which supported Yavik. Maybe he wanted to Liara at least to a small extent confirmed the possibility of converting the asari in the most powerful in its many-sided sense of the word race? Maybe it wanted and taels? Anyway younger T'Soni never once found no objection to the continuation of their participation in ever increasingly complex training on biotic preparation.

  As far as realized Liara, Protheans never concentrating only on one direction. That's a penny, they were not limited to enhanced biotic preparation, and asked her to and even obliged to take the full course of intensive physical and combat training.

  They offered in the form of duties. Maybe for Protheans mnogosotletney with their history and this form it was familiar, but Liara asked Yavika taels and give her time to think. Time was given to her - just a day. And while she thinks preparation, as pointed out by Yavik, standing still can not. And Liara took daily mini-cours
e to eliminate flaws in the biotic preparation. Time is just enough for you to think about the situation. If she did not want to become the ballast, it could not be closed only at the master level of ownership biotics. She always wanted to survive and to make it really, really survived, were required to use all its features. Sooner or later it will come back to Tess and she will not be able to take all that they can to give her Protheans. As long as there is a war - will not she such a possibility.

  In the end, she agreed. And he received three days of hard training. Yes, and tael Yavik it maintained and insured, but they forced her to give everything a thousand percent, as one would say earthlings to see that. The result ... was acceptable. Liara felt more physically strong and developed. Probably, as she later realized that trёhsutochnaya training allowed her to also become stronger mentally and spiritually. Whatever doubt many reasonable, mens sana in corpore sano exists and operates more comfortably and with greater intensity, as well as better efficiency. Liara wanted to survive and defeat the Reapers, and she tried to do to achieve your desire to everything that was in her power. So these three days of physical, military and, of course, firearms training she has lived the fullest life as she could.

  Yavik approved its relation to the passage of this part of the course and praise warrior ancient race like junior T'Soni. I liked it very much. It does not discourage, not to relax it on the contrary obliged to achieve even greater results. The best results. Maybe Protheans were right and not too blame for the fact that the race asari left in the active transformation. They still have saved the young asari from the unenviable fate of being killed and preoccupied with relentless polumashinami. Yes, Protheans stalled development asari, but they saved the race, and much should be forgiven for that. Now Protheans allowed to asari themselves decide who will be their race, and they began to seemingly with a simple - to try to give a lot of individual young asari. And not just tried to give, and give, rightly judging that Liara herself quite capable not only to master all she will teach, but also to go, with time, of course, not at once, not just now after a decade of intense workouts and other activities, but to go. Go ahead, improving, and not degrading from excessive loads.

  Most interestingly, fairly puzzled Liara - it was the fact that after the end of this decade, she found the strength to quickly return to normal its normal state. Taels, he met with his now quite formal student, explained that everything what it Protheans trained, it will be securely hidden inside the mind and spirit of Liara and appear only when absolutely necessary.

  His first quiet night after returning to her parents fully confirmed proteanki words - the commander of the ship and head Prothean colony. Liara slept per night, and fully recovered. There was no insomnia or nightmares. Only a calm deep sleep. It may even be positive role played by the fact that the first such night Liara held in mother's room. Go to your room, though very familiar, habitual, Liara afraid.

  Benešov was convinced that her daughter is very matured and strengthened. She developments in Liara, liked. Taels next day met with the d'Avignon and Etitoy, they explained a lot about what is now available Liara, answered a lot of questions, of course, without revealing all the subtleties and details. Talk proteanki and matriarchs has been a long and very productive.

  Taels explained Benešov and Etite outset that Liara is now reflect on his life much more fully and deeply than it was available before, but already on the basis of this understanding, it adapts to modern life more fully and accurately set to perform their current multiple and complex duties. Proteanka not hid from Benešov and Etity that the two of them alone with Liara will be the same - they are well familiar daughter. It is clarified taels not lost touch with my childhood, and her difficult youth really just combining with maturity.

  Very soon, the matriarchs were convinced that taels told the truth - indeed, when Liara remained alone with the matriarch, she disclaims mental cocoon counselor and became an ordinary young asari, which Benešov lovingly Named only as wings alone. Liara was happy to multiply these points, because soon it will come back to Tess, who continued to fight against the Reapers and their accomplices. Anything can happen, so every day spent with her parents is very expensive.

  Just before flying away with Ilos at T'Soni family stood out a few days - Protheans acted wisely, recommending a well and fully prepare for a return to the mother planet asari.

  In the evening, one of those days Liara spoke with his parents on a very complex and important subject for her - faith. They spoke then softly, almost in a whisper, said, long, many, often fell silent, pondering heard, thinking that they were told and that should say now. Then, much later, Liara has repeatedly recalled the conversation - just search phrases, intonation, in the smallest details. It was never too pious, but admits, like many of her contemporaries, the existence of some higher powers, who call each blue-skinned virgin could as she pleases, of course, avoiding insults and humiliations so important entities.

  After the conversation was over, Benešov, Etita and Liara came from bar and headed into the forest. Very soon the village, already safely disguised completely disappeared from view. But it opened sky, studded with stars. Without saying a word, all three asari fold their arms in front of chest in prayer and turned their eyes to the sky. A few minutes of silence. A few minutes of direct, immediate communication that represented here in this galaxy are the same higher power and ruling the evolution and nature of the giant complex organized space.

  Liara praying without looking at the parents, but clearly, full of feeling their presence. When the prayer was over, a young asari caught the eyes Etity and Benešov. Special views. Then, later, after returning to Tess, d'Avignon in the evening conversation with his daughter he said then Liara ... light. It shines a new light, an inner light. Her figure stood out clearly against the background of the forest of darkness and gloom of the sky, and face radiated previously unknown calm and confidence. It is said d'Avignon, was brought before the parents updated, mature, strong and powerful, and at the same time - a gentle and deep. After listening to my mother, Liara just nodded and kissed d'Avignon, not saying a word.

  Over time, Liara was convinced that she is very much what is available, not only to preserve but also to increase. She, like any blue-skinned virgin, and knew how she loved to be very different if there was a possibility - she has a small, almost imperceptible changed in his appearance - especially on the face, arms, and clothing and footwear. This allowed it to not freeze, do not stop in its development, in its perfection, it helps to cope with congestion, fatigue, fatigue, irritation.

  She often thought of as with Shepard came to the shore of the ocean. Azari has always remained loyal to his ancestral home, his Ocean, from where once, subject and requirement evolution and desire Protheans, came ashore and began to live a new life. Often, in moments of reverie, Liara touches their processes and stroked his neck, closing his eyes and feeling the pleasure. Normal for the blue-skinned virgin gesture for Liara was filled with special meaning - just as Shepard could touch her neck and its processes so that it felt even more pleasure, enjoyment, received a rare depth and fullness of satisfaction. Shepard could only way to touch her head - gently, gently and at the same time - with confidence and care. Only Shepard.

  For Liara it was quite obvious that she is still in love with Shepard deeply and fully. Stay on Ilos, communication and work together with Protheans helped Liara affirmed in the understanding of his love, to find a new understanding of its facets and essence.

  Having learned that Shepard now has two more daughters - now on kiborgessy, Liara for a few days, as soon as the permit case, tried to retreat and reflect, to think as fully as possible on this fact. Yes, she had to admit that kiborgessa able to love John, love is not so, of course, both organic as well as available to her, Synthetic, robot, cyber, machine, armed with the most modern continuously improved artificial intelligence. The ability to love. Shepard is understood younger T'Soni managed to reach a new level - not only personal, but also a company off
icer, as well as, of course - the galactic. Advisor Liara knew that marrying kiborgesse, actually - on a machine with artificial intelligence, Shepard, and not anyone else of reasonable organics, inflicted a crushing blow to the fundamental thesis of Leviathan:

  Liara Very soon realized that it was quite possible for that John passed through the rift with the penny, forced, encouraged, urged her to come back as soon as possible on board the frigate, cruiser on Tess. Of course, Liara, continue to love, John, could not calm and insensitive to perceive the news that a new, second in a row, but not on the value of the wife of John Shepard became kiborgessa. Synthetic, machine, robot, cyber. For some time - she was hampered by Liara then specify exactly how many lasted this period - younger T'Soni tended staying alone, crying. Quietly, silently, but cry. She then sometimes it seemed that John left her, if not betrayed. First, it took a lot easier than the second. The treachery Shepard she did not believe and did not believe.

  She knew that members of other races asari believe, to say the ability to manipulate any reasonable organics. Maybe that's why it asari, Samara daughter-Justiciary, ex-yakshas Ardath, and now Advisor Aria T'Loak world, mastered new to all of this a reasonable organic psihokosmosa space. May be. It may even be. Liara also recognize that evolution, nature and manipulated, and when a reasonable run organics, causing them to act without knowing why they do so. How to read the younger T'Soni in a human book found in the vast Extranet "So why nature wanted -. Not our business to something -. Not for us to judge."

  Yes, the accusations against the asari, claimed that blue-skinned virgin, multiplying at a rate of insects, do not give other races, because they can give rise only to the asari, but it is easy to come into contact with a representative of almost any of the currently existing in the galaxy of famous races and do not bother sexual accessory sexual partner, largely justified and fair, but it's just a way of life asari race. The very Liara always knew that she was a purebred asari, that is the daughter of two asari, and - later the child, because Benešov gave birth to her shortly before that time, as any doctor-Asari categorically be forbidden her to become pregnant, because the body asari have entered into a time of decay, I called people, and not only the people simply and crudely - an old age.


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