Switching Gears: Coyote Bluff Series Book 3

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Switching Gears: Coyote Bluff Series Book 3 Page 11

by Lea Barrymire

  “Hands up baby. Stretch your arms out and clench your hands together.”

  The words turned her on, but it was the dark raspy whispers across her neck that really revved her up. Work-calloused hands slid along her sides while Zeke’s weight kept her pinned. She didn’t obey right away, mainly because she wanted to see what her playful mate would do. He’d shown her that he could be a selfless lover, but this newer, more aggressive side was way more wicked. She liked it.

  A sharp smack echoed in the small room a moment after his weight disappeared. The bloom of slight pain and something so much better spread across her ass.

  “Amie. Move your hands up. I want to see you clenching the blankets and trying to scramble away from how good I’m going to feel inside you.”

  Good Gods. Where had this Zeke come from?

  Another spank, this time on the other cheek, pulled a moan from her lips but had her doing as he asked. She straightened her arms and laced her fingers together. The feel of his body slowly pressing her into the bed again was enough to have her gush with slick honey. He must have caught a whiff of it, because he inhaled deeply before licking the side of her neck. “You’re so fucking hot. This isn’t going to be soft and slow. I’m fighting my coyote and, hell, myself. I want to just take you like this, bury myself balls fucking deep in you.”

  “Do it. I want it. Take me Zeke.”

  He leaned off of her back and, for a split second, she thought he might’ve decided against sex, but hot palms cupped her ass cheeks before he spoke louder. “On your knees.”

  She scrambled to do as he insisted, ready to feel him inside, taking the hollow ache away. She backed up and pulled her knees under her. She’d pushed to her hands as well, but a swat to her left ass cheek reminded her he’d wanted to see her hands. Lowering her shoulders to the bed felt like she was handing something important to Zeke, but she didn’t panic with the emotion.

  “You look so fucking sexy. Gods, I want to mark you like this, cum all over your ass and let it drip down your pussy.”

  She wasn’t going to last if he kept talking like that. She would have never pegged Zeke for being dominant, but she was definitely getting off on the growly, pushy side.

  “Please don’t make me wait.” Wiggling her butt got her another swat and she chuckled. “Thank you, Sir. May I have another?”

  “Oh, I’ll give you something you minx.”

  As promised, fingers stroked along her lips, spreading the copious amounts of honey coating her sex. Two rough fingers slid easily into her opening and were gone before she could even push back against them. She whined.

  “Shh, baby. I’ve got you. Spread your knees more.”

  She complied and felt naked skin, hot and sweat-slicked, between her knees. The bed dipped as Zeke climbed onto the mattress. He gripped her left hip with bruising fingers and she knew his other hand was holding his cock, guiding it to her opening. The first kiss of the head to her opening had a ripple of pleasure cascading through her nerves. He didn’t wait, didn’t make her beg, instead he slid slowly, oh so excruciatingly slowly, into her welcoming channel. A moan full of want and more slid from his mouth as he pushed into her. If a sound could capture the feel of bliss and the pain of holding back, it would have been that vocalization. His legs shook as they finally touched hers, and his right hand found purchase on her other hip. For an instant in time, a fraction of their lives, the entire world shifted on its axis. They were one being, merged together by their flesh, their need for each other and the soul-deep desire to give each other pleasure.

  “I can’t go slow, Ames.”

  Even when he was ready to break, he thought of her. But she didn’t need slow or soft. No, she wanted to feel him unleash the beast. “Zeke, let go. Make me feel you.”

  Taking her at her word, he pulled his hips back, groaning about perfection as he did so. Then he thrust fully into her, slamming his pelvis into her ass, the slap of skin so deliciously obscene. He didn’t pause after that first rock of hips. He pummeled her, drove her mercilessly into the mattress, pulling her body back to his an instant before pistoning into her again. The feel of his cock, so big and hot, stroking her tissues, had pleasure shivering down her spine. She gripped the blankets and mattress to try and keep her body from sliding forward with his thrusts. The echoing noise of sopping wet pussy taking a pounding should have had her cringing, but she loved it. Knew it was the sound of lust-filled sex between her and her mate. The low moans and words growled against her back were ear-candy.

  “I’m going to come, and then I’m going to flip you over and make you come so hard you can’t speak. I can’t hold it back. I’m sorry.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to even respond, not that she wanted to, before his hips swung at a faster pace and his hold on her became nearly unbearable. He growled and pumped away, throwing his pelvis against her ass so hard her teeth rattled.


  His cry was followed by hot jets of cum pumping against her sensitive tissues. She could feel his heartbeat inside his cock as it pulsed in her channel. The quiet seemed so loud as they both lay there, gasping for breath.

  “Gods. That was…” Zeke laughed. “Wow.”

  Amie grinned against her forearm. Her pussy pulsed with the excitement a fucking awesome hard fuck could bring. Her nipples were tight and rubbed against the blankets. “Yeah. That was something.”

  Who knew that was in Zeke.

  She groaned when he climbed off her back and slid his semi-hard cock from her. The hot liquid flooding over her lips and tickling her clit sent a shiver over her body. Goosebumps erupted. Lying with her ass in the air felt odd, but so damn sexy.

  “I wish I could take a picture of this. You dripping, my cum coating you and a beautiful smile on your lips.” He cocked his head to take another look before clapping his hands together. “But, I have a pussy to make happy.”

  Amie laughed and then squealed as he bounced her on the bed, flipping her over at the same moment. She came to rest with her knees spread and a very naked Zeke lying between her legs. His mouth, fortunately, was at breast level and he didn’t wait for the bed to stop moving before sucking a nipple between his lips.

  She was a goner. Moaning she let him feast on her. Suckling nipples, rubbing her clit with a finger tip, sliding fingers into her sopping cunt. He touched it all, licked it all, and tore a release from her within minutes. Ripley’s wouldn’t believe the speed at which her body surrendered to the pleasure and was played like a finely tuned instrument. She came undone with gasping breaths and a joyous shout on her lips. Her back bowed, breasts tingled and her pussy clamped on fingers she didn’t even remember entering her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Amie came awake with a scream on her lips. The closet had been devoid of light, but even with no way to see she knew there was something else sinister in there with her. She’d heard it crawling, scraping sharp claws across the wooden floor. Had seen a flash of glowing red eyes as the creature came closer. Felt icy breath fan across her face. Terror coursed cold and wet through her nervous system. The nightmare shouldn’t be able to frighten her anymore. It was the same one she’d had for years, but each time felt like the first. In the dream she was a little girl again, terrified and hungry. The telltale smell of her father and brother lingered in her memory.

  “Just a dream. It was just a dream.” She panted as she sat up. Sweat stuck the sheets to her skin and felt like cool, slick slime.

  It took a moment for her surroundings to register, her mind still focused on the thing in the closet, the nightmare circling her head with fear. The cabin was too quiet. And why hadn’t Zeke woken her from her dream? Focusing on the mission to find her wayward mate cleared the last of the fog from her brain.

  The bathroom door stood open, so unless he was actually hiding from her he’d left the cabin. Glancing at the clock gave her pause. Five in the morning? And he was outside? A surge of anger burned away the remaining emotions from the dream. How dare he le
ave? Just because he could didn’t mean he should. Especially knowing that she couldn’t leave.

  With a huff Amie abandoned the bed and stomped into the bathroom. Stupid coyote. And she thought they’d finally come to a place where she could trust him. Glancing in the mirror found a very pouty self looking back at her and she burst out laughing.

  “Yeah, you’re a little over-dramatic in the morning.” She grabbed her toothbrush and shook her head at her reflection. So what if Zeke had gone outside? Maybe he was meeting someone to get more supplies, or something. She’d brush her teeth, take a shower to rinse away the chilly, fear-induced sweat and deal with everything else after some coffee. “Like you need caffeine.”

  Snorting at her own conversation Amie climbed into the empty stall and almost pouted again about being alone in it. Cleaning up gave her time to get over the shock of being alone, and get a new attitude. She’d make breakfast and he could eat when he got back to the cabin. Nothing put her, and it seemed Zeke as well, in a good mood like a full stomach. She’d make omelets or pancakes, or both. Her stomach growled in response. Yeah, maybe both.

  It didn’t take long before the air was perfumed with the rich aromas of coffee and bacon. Amie happily munched on a piece as she whisked eggs. Bowls of cheese and vegetables littered the counter. Everything looked good this morning and, instead of deciding on a few ingredients, she had decided to make a frittata with everything. Her not-so-famous ‘Everything but the Kitchen Sink’ breakfast.

  While she’d diced, shredded and mixed ingredients her ears were trained for sounds from the porch. Surely Zeke wouldn’t be gone too long. She’d been naked in bed with him, that was incentive enough for her mate to come back inside quickly. He definitely had wanted to be all over her the night before. A blush crept up her cheeks. And she’d enjoyed every single second of his attentions.

  Amie tried not to worry about him. Using food prep as a way to stay focused and not start freaking out that he’d been gone well over an hour. But he could have gotten hurt. This was Zeke, the most accident-prone man she’d met. She’d also purposefully avoided his bags to see if he’d gone out and shifted or if he’d put clothes on, but the thought of him stuck someplace, or falling and knocking himself out had her washing her hands and quickly heading to his stuff.

  She wasn’t being paranoid. Nope. Not at all. Digging like a madwoman through his clothes and panicking when she couldn’t find his cell phone wasn’t abnormal. Not at all. But when she found his sneakers and jeans under the shirt he’d had on the day before Amie felt fear, icy and sharp, gouge her heart.

  Racing to her phone she dialed his, hoping she didn’t hear the ringtone, but within a second her panic turned to gut-dropping fear. The quiet melody of some ballad, his way of teasing her, sounded from in his pile of clothing. He’d left naked and without his phone. Which meant he was going for a quick run in animal form. Zeke should have returned by now.

  Amie ended the call, took a deep breath and dialed another number. One she’d placed as her only speed dial years ago. Two rings later she sobbed in relief.

  “Amie. What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

  Skip’s voice, even filled with concern, helped bring her thoughts and emotions to heel. “Zeke isn’t in here. He must have gone out for a run this morning because his clothes and phone are here, but I can’t go outside and I’m really worried about him because what if something happened and he’s hurt or worse and...”

  “Whoa. Slow down and breathe for me.” His deep voice drew her kitty to the surface. “You are safe there. Zeke is fine. We will figure this out, but I need you to stay calm for me.”

  After a moment or two of listening to his deep, even breaths she could feel the anxiety loosen its grip on her muscles. With a roll of her neck Amie nodded to herself. “Okay. Thanks Skip.”

  “Good. Now. Fill me in.”

  “I woke an hour or so ago and he was already gone. I’ve showered, started breakfast and have been waiting. I found his sneakers and jeans here, and just called his phone. He left that here too.”

  “So he went for a run. Did you take a sniff outside to see if you smell anyone else around?”

  A slap to the forehead with her palm and a shake of her head later Amie ripped open the door. She carefully stepped close, but not through the doorway. Closing her eyes edged her sense of hearing and smell forward. A slight nudge from her bobcat gave an extra boost to her nose. With a prayer she pulled in a lungful of air. Dirt, leaves, pine assaulted her, nearly toppling her backward into the cabin. She’d forgotten how sharp her senses were if she let her kitty assist. The second pull of air gave her a chance to filter out the nature scents, and focus on others.

  “I can smell you and Pete, Jason and Ian. Zeke’s scent is fresher than the rest, but definitely he’s been gone over an hour.” Keeping her eyes closed, she mumbled information into the phone. “Connor and a couple others ran through a while ago? Maybe last night? Oh, and Margie. But that might have come off of Connor.”

  It was right at the tail end of her next breath that she caught it. “Skip.” She whispered as her eyes shot open. “Wolves. I smell wolves. More than one. I think maybe three?”

  Breathing slowly, she closed her eyes again, trying to home in on the light fragrance of intruders. Her cat yowled in the back of her mind, wanting out and to track the other animals. But even now, as her bobcat pushed, they were working together instead of fighting over space in their combined mind. A thrill went through her, and she’d thank Zeke with some naked fun for helping her with her kitty.

  “Yeah, I’m betting three of them. And they came through right around the same time as Connor last night. Maybe after? They were close, Skip. Way too close.”

  A pause was the only response she received for a moment. Then a gruffer Alpha spoke. “Do not leave that cabin, Amie. I will be there with reinforcements in under twenty minutes. Promise me.”

  She nearly jumped on his words with her promise but then she heard it. Far in the distance the pained cry of an animal echoed through the woods. A harsh gasp left her lips.

  “They’re hurting him, Skip.”

  “Do not leave that cabin.”

  “I—what if it’s really him and they’re killing him. I can’t live without Zeke. I need to go.”

  “If you leave you know what the repercussions are. You know we will drive you from the town and you’ll be banned. Do not leave that cabin. I’m already on my way there.” She could hear the sound of his vehicle as it zoomed down his gravel road. “Hang on. I need to call Jason on the other cell. Do not leave that building, Amie Dorner.”

  She stood transfixed on the doorstep. The Alpha’s command rang through her mind, compelling her to listen, but her kitty was already pushing through the demand. They were in accord. Waiting twenty minutes was going to be too long. It wasn’t even an issue for her to be banished. She’d do anything to keep Zeke alive, but if he was fine and someone or something else was being harmed she’d end up being run from Coyote Bluff for nothing.

  Another shriek rent the air, high pitched and full of pain. The sound sliced down her spine and wedged an icy knife of fear in her heart.

  “Alpha. Please let me go to him. I know it’s Zeke. Please.”

  “Shit. Stay there, I’m close. Jason, Connor and more are on their way. I know you are feeling the need to run out there, but I don’t want to have to rescue two of you.”

  The words sounded so calming, but he wasn’t there straining with every fiber to hear another sound, to catch a whiff of her mate’s scent to prove that it wasn’t him in pain someplace in the woods. She whimpered with the next scream cutting through the quiet morning hush.

  “I’m almost there.” Skip’s voice sounded like it came through a tunnel.

  It didn’t matter if he’d been pulling into the driveway that instant. The next scream was followed by the distinct scent of Zeke’s blood and she was done waiting. “It’s him, Skip. I’m sorry.”

  She dropped the phone to
the floor and ripped her clothes off, shredding them with claws already emerging from her fingers. The shift was instantaneous. Both the cat and human needed to be on four feet, racing to their mate. Everything was sharper in this form. The smell of blood and fear overpowered her as she vaulted off the porch and landed on the soft dirt below. It took her bobcat no time to determine the way Zeke had run earlier. On silent paws she sprinted off in that direction, pouring all of her energy into flying swiftly across the ground. Nothing was going to stop her from reaching her mate and saving him from the pain he was now in.

  Searing agony bloomed along his stomach. The warm gush of blood from the wound assured him the injury was severe, but so were the broken bones and the sliced tendons at his ankle. At least now he was fuzzy enough to not feel so much. Fear should be rocking him but warmth blanketed his mind, pulling him closer to blacking out.

  He should never have left the warmth of the cabin, nor climbed out of bed with his snuggly mate. But he’d felt justified in doing both things at the time. Betas protected the pack. That’s what he’d been doing. Investigating the scents of unknown shifters so he could let his Alpha know someone had entered the area. Being ambushed and systematically taken down by three bloodthirsty wolves hadn’t been in the plan.

  Nor had dying been on his agenda for the day, but it seemed that might be the last thing he got to check off the chore list for his life. A bubbly chuckle left his bruised lips. Fate seemed to think he needed one more lesson before separating him from his mate and life. That thought made him pause and then howl as his heart broke. He was leaving Amie, even his coyote knew it. They mourned the loss of their mate together, tears running with the blood down his cheeks. He’d never know the joy of sealing their mating under a full moon, never know the feel of their cubs kicking and moving while in her womb, never taste the sweetness of kissing his children’s sleeping faces.


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