You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 5

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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 5 Page 9

by Nikhil Parekh

  It was a wave that took away all my hunger; and yet rendered me craving for more and more morsels of food,

  It was a wave that triggered me to bathe in passionate perspiration; even in the midst of the austerely cascading snow,

  It was a wave that made me abdicate all my prudence and discerning ability; propelling me to walk enthusiastically even on the diabolically toothed shark,

  It was a wave that made me wholesomely immune to the most deadliest of snakes crawling in vicinity; fervently awaiting an opportunity to strike me with

  their dangerously venomous fangs,

  It was a wave which stole all my sagacious memory; made me entirely forget my delectable surrounding; my very own complete name,

  It was a wave which pierced me like an electric bullet; jolted me from the thick of blissful sleep; well past after wee hours of the lonely midnight,

  It was a wave which caused me to make several trips to the mental asylum; as I was utterly unable to speak any other word except one,

  It was a wave which drowned me totally into an ocean of seductive fantasy; one which simply didn’t seem to have a definite end,

  It was a wave which blended with my blood faster than any liquid or food could coagulate; imparting me witha Herculean stamina that no force on this earth could

  ever dream to curb,

  It was a wave which viciously increased the pace of my heart; made it audible to even the birds perched right on the summit of the colossal treetops,

  It was a wave which voluptuously tantalized me till my last breath; evoked infinite gooze-bumps to creep up my body as each day stumbled into fiery night,

  It was a wave which mesmerized me so deeply; that I literally forgot that I had an entity of my own; that there was a melodiously enthralling voice blatantly subdued in the chamber of my moistened throat,

  It was a wave which had no caste; religion; color or ostentatious creed; swept me off the ground like a frigidly timid broomstick,

  It was a wave which had no dimension or length; instilled in my blood a robust cheer that amplified leaps and bounds by the unfolding minute,

  It was a wave which perpetually swelled; kept on igniting the inferno of uncontrollable desire; for countless centuries to unveil in the center of my heart,

  It was a wave which had made me deplorably blind; as I tripped embarrassingly on every step that I took; even before I could hoist my tender feet,

  It was a wave which had no head; no tail; no significant entity; yet had the unfathomable prowess of luring me with its charm; the instant it nimbly

  caressed me,

  It was a wave which enticed me from the pinnacle of solitary boredom; set my life to a heavenly blissful and happy pace,

  It was a wave which imparted my eyes with a divinely glow; that levitated to unimaginable heights as the clock sped by,

  It was a wave which made time tick past at astounding speeds; and the stages of gloomy remorse which once stabbed me like a million needles; not got replaced by

  a wistful longing for more moments in every day,

  It was a wave which never crashed against the chain of satanic rocks; immortally kept titillating me with its poignant ebullience,

  It was a wave which made me pathetically flounder at every little aspect of life; yet emerge out victorious as the supremely unconquerable winner,

  It was a wave which taught me to embrace a person; trespassing intrepidly across pompous barricades of the orthodox society,

  It was a wave which initiated me to believe in things that I had nonchalantly dismissed before; more importantly made me believe in the Omnipotent aura of


  It was a wave which had the indefatigable power to defeat the entire Universe single handed; reign supreme over all the wealth and power for times immemorial,

  It was a wave which made me stagger on just one thought for eternity; exasperated all those around me; wherever I went,

  It was a wave which was more fragrant than the most incredulous of scent; ardently tickled the inner most rudiments of my reckless conscience,

  It was a wave which impregnated my demeanor with spell bounding magic; metamorphosing everything I felt and softly brushed into glittering gold,

  It was a wave which gave me the freedom to speak what I wanted; perceive the most unconventional conditions engulfing monotonous life,

  It was a wave which made me realize that I had a definite purpose to fulfill; induced in me an unsurpassable desire to lead life,

  And the most special thing about it was; that it was a wave which inevitably cast its ingratiating charm on every youth of my kind; incarcerating trembling bodies

  in the current of its fathomless volatile energy; for it was none other than THE WAVE OF LOVE .



  I didn’t want a place in your ostentatiously embellished fabric; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your violently throbbing heart instead,

  I didn’t want a place in your voluptuously lingering mascara; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your mesmerizing eye instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the pompous vermilion coated on your forehead; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your ingenious brain instead,

  I didn’t want a place in your sleazily glittering nail polish; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the center of your palm instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the delectably fluffs of shampoo overflowing seductively from your scalp; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your tantalizingly black

  and ravishing hair instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the resplendent chain encapsulating your belly; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the cushioned interiors of your robust stomach instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the golden glasses of wine which were kept on your mantelpiece; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the stupendously fragrant

  sweat which oozed down your arms instead,

  I didn’t want a place in  your alluringly deceptive lipstick; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your lusciously pink lips instead,

  I didn’t want a place in your slender network of boundlessly huge veins; I infact wanted to reside in the crimson streams of your blood instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the smoke that engulfed you at all times of the day; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your ardently passionate breath instead,

  I didn’t want a place in your exorbitantly costly designer shoe; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your celestial feet instead,

  I didn’t want a place in your opalescent pair of vanity earrings; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your daintily dangling ears instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the armory of diamonds which incessantly glowed on your petite fingers; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your tightly clasped and fervent fists instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the voice that floated from your persona for a few seconds and then disappeared into obsolete oblivion; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your incredulously rosy tongue instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the shimmering chain of silver enveloping your elongated neck; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the profoundly mystically valley of your throat instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the grandiloquently jewel studded watch camouflaging your wrists; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the pulse that indefatigably palpitated beneath your sparkling skin instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the astoundingly appetizing granules of food you consumed several times in a single day; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your immaculately scintillating teeth instead,

  I didn’t want a place in the spuriously spongy car seat in which you sat; I infact wanted to immortally reside in the most volatile of your fantasy; the most

  fabulously titillating of your dreams instead,

  And I didn’t want a place in every person whom you encountered on the streets in your strug
gle for existence each day and night; I infact wanted to immortally reside in your euphorically palpable life instead .




  The butter was still fresh; with adorable crusts of cream oozing poignantly from its molten persona,

  The rose was still blossoming; with its ravishing redolence reinvigorating everything around in dull atmosphere,

  The stream was still gushing at electric speeds; with its gurgling waters diffusing into spell binding froth after clashing against the chain of ecstatic rocks,

  The peacock was still dancing; with its feathers spread wildly wide to a completely full and exotically animated plumage,

  The grass blades were still awake; with glistening dew drops now enigmatically caressing their intricate visage,

  The stars still twinkled in the sky; with the magnificent white beams of light casting a majestic spell on the body of pathetically scorched earth,

  The leaves still vibrantly rustled with the wind; inscrutably whispering their nostalgic tales of day; their stupendously enamoring anecdotes of the past,

  The lion still roared euphorically; puncturing the sedate ambience with an uncanny thrill that was never experienced before,

  The nightingale still sang its melodious rhymes; captivating every tangible and intangible entity with the fascinating melody in its sound,

  The clouds still collided in the sky; pelting droplets of rejuvenating rain in tumultuous fury,

  The ducks still floated in the serene pond; fomenting blissful ripples to spread infectiously around; profoundly enlightening the night with their flurry of

  boisterous quacks,

  The chameleon still fluttered its ominous tail; tantalizingly changing color; splendidly blending with the surrounding it went,

  The mammoth stacks of green chili were still flaming; violently embodying the area around with a distinctly piquant odor; a scent that could bring life into the


  The Moon still shone a tenacious white; with its creamy rays filtering a path through the stringently dolorous darkness,

  The chill still lingered pertinently; perpetuating infinite goose-bumps to inevitably creep up the body,

  The horde of impeccable rabbits still frolicked in their burrows; playing hide and seek with the drifting clouds and shine,

  The preposterously fat python still slithered through the marshes; furtively awaiting to gobble its prey; in the clandestine darkness concealing his belly,

  The spider still spun its web; running at astounding speeds from one end to the other; producing marvelously shimmering silk with its slime,

  C'mon let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest O! beloved; bask in the aisles of uninhibited desire and romance; for the night was still young; the darkness had set blazing fire to our senses; the night was still alive .




  You were in every step that I took; caressing the earth softly with my indigenously sculptured feet,

  You were in every smile that I executed; spreading a wave of unprecedented cheer in an atmosphere laden heavily with inexplicable gloom,

  You were in every promise that I made; impregnating impoverished demeanor's with heaps of fortification and rejuvenating assurance,

  You were in every challenge that I undertook; unequivocally proving my flamboyantly Herculean mettle in this world,

  You were in every kiss that I blew; deluging the drearily starved ambience with an ocean of passionate fantasy and fiery romance,

  You were in every image that I witnessed; marvelously embellishing and adorning even the most hideously insipid of sights wandering on this planet,

  You were in every yawn that I produced lazily at ethereal dawn; fomenting me to start the heavenly day with unparalleled exuberance in my body,

  You were in every word that I embodied with my own blood; making it more valuable than any amount of wealth ever found on this globe,

  You were in every tear that I shed; blissfully purifying the area you fell with the irrefutably philanthropic essence lingering in your soul,

  You were in every line that I sung; driving the last ounce of despair from my miserably shriveled and exhausted life,

  You were in every mischief that I played; transiting me back to my days of innocuous childhood; the unfathomable naughtiness circumventing my persona even today,

  You were in every punch that I imparted with my palms; augmenting my strength to astounding limits when I faced the ominously vicious and bad,

  You were in every tale that I had to recite; intransigently captivating the most ruthless of personality in the fervent intensity of our immortal love,

  You were in every droplet of my blood that flowed through my veins; giving it the status of being more cherished than the most boundless of ocean; more revered than the most holiest of liquid trickling in this Universe,

  You were in every dream that I envisaged; making me the richest man on soil; sitting merely on my dingy hut's doorstep,

  You were in every scripture that I imbibed in life; metamorphosing me from a simple illiterate; to the most knowledgeable entity ever born,

  You were in every morsel of food that I ate in my quota of limited years; placating my uncontrollable hunger; with the mesmerizing grace of your tantalizing charm,

  You were in every breath that I inhaled; deluging and wholesomely encapsulating my lungs with the ardor to live,

  And you were in every beat that my heart took almost infinite times in a single day; triggering me with the insurmountable tenacity to fight life; find a place of my own to live amongst the pack of wolves that surrounded me every instant; the acrimonious bed of thorns surreptitiously waiting to gobble me; the moment I tread .




  To get out of the towering building; I used the golden escalators; slipping down like a harmoniously dying fountain,

  To get out of the dingily dark well; I used a thick rope as a tenacious pulley to hoist me from the imprisoned ambience into tangy free air,

  To get out of the flying aircraft; I used a buoyant parachute to blissfully cascade down on the verdant and perpetually green lawns,

  To get out of diabolical prison; I used an ingeniously intricate key to open the impregnably looming and savagely gleaming doors,

  To get out of the treacherous cave; I used the slim ceiling outlet timidly visible like frugal specks of dirt; from the place where I hopelessly crawled,

  To get out of the miserably stranded shores; I used a boat of overwhelmingly strong wood; and a swift pair of maneuverable oars,

  To get out of the blazing flames of blistering fire; I used umpteenth pails of water to douse them in rapid succession,

  To get out of the labyrinth of enigmatic tunnels and halls; I used the profoundly distinct chalk markings embossed on the walls; the shimmering magnetic compass

  which I held securely in my palms,

  To get out of the commercially busy and boisterous market; I used an ergonomically molded squashed bicycle to escort me into free space at astounding speeds,

  To get out of the spell binding ocean of sedative fantasy; I used a pail of abysmally freezing water to splash on my wholesomely lost and dreamy face,

  To get out of the baffling web of incredulous complications; I used the idol of my Sacrosanct Creator as the last and final respite,

  To get out of the obnoxiously hurting pair of claustrophobic shoes; I dexterously decoded the onerous armory of black lace lingering from its body,

  To get out of the perennial state of gloom hovering incorrigibly around my body; I used pulsating music to inundate my forlorn life with unprecedented ebullience

  and cheer,

  To get out of the repetitive chain of thoughts which incessantly kept stabbing my mind like a million volcano’s; I blurted a simple word called "No"; banging

  it vociferously into the at

  To get out of the intractably dark stains of dirt adhering to my flawless skin; I used a stringent carbolic to evaporate them into the land of worthless nothingness,

  To get out of the bottom of the deep ocean; save myself from the tyranny of ruthless drowning; I used my hands and legs prolifically to adroitly manipulate my way;


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