Battle Mage: The Lost King (Tales of Alus)

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Battle Mage: The Lost King (Tales of Alus) Page 2

by Wigboldy, Donald

  When Mecklin, the eldest of the mages to join Sebastian for the trip, jumped in; his reply surprised them all, “Perhaps it wasn’t the amount of time, but the ones chosen. We five were picked because we were able to learn Sebastian’s new magic faster than most, but maybe they should have sent others with more power? If we were the wrong five to send, then it is on us.”

  Eyes among the falcons started to drop considering his point, but it was Liam, their water wizard, that exclaimed with a short, bark of a laugh, “Ha! You forget that we trained with you too. With a little more practice and perhaps a little creative advice from your owl,” he said gesturing towards Sebastian using his latest nickname, “I think most of you might have made it through the first round or two easily.”

  “It’s not like any of us won the whole tournament either,” the words came from the only outsider among them. Wizard Sharamar was an old friend and current crush of Liam’s despite his protests to the second part. Knowing only what she did from Winter’s Edge, the young woman also had the most clarity by being further from the discussion. She had even lost to Sebastian before he had to withdraw from the tournament. “No wizard who witnessed Sebastian’s duels can argue that he got lucky every time. Some idiot of a noble might still call it that, but I wasn’t giving you a pass anymore than Szurken did. In that match, you shocked a lot of Southwall wizards when you learned and turned the outsider’s spells against him. I’m not even sure how many full wizards could do as much. No one else did during the tournament at least and these were Southwall’s best and brightest in theory.”

  Noting the last part of her words, Sebastian tried to encourage the others, “We all fought well and have nothing to be ashamed of, so let’s stop being down and start enjoying this celebration already.”

  With the food being served, much of the dance floor cleared as they moved to the dozens of tables around the room.

  “Bas!” the sound of a female voice called as he and Yara moved to the outer ring after the last brisk dance. His exhaustion from the tournament was apparent after only three songs among the crowd of revelers.

  A silver blond dressed in fancy robes betraying a different country’s fashion, came hurrying up with a taller wizard looking uncomfortable trailing her. From Kardor, Ashleen was a wilder and another wizard who had joined the tournament and done well. The ambassador she served had been the reason for Sebastian’s original trip east of the Dimple Mountains and the girl had become a good friend as well. Despite his feelings for Yara, the distance had made him wonder what he felt and how he should feel about the electrifying beauty from Kardor.

  “Evening Ashleen, Wendle,” Sebastian greeted the two wizards. Her layered gown of blue and teal was expensive and reminded him that the wilder was also the daughter of rich nobles as well.

  The silver haired beauty looked slightly perplexed at the couple’s retreat from the dance floor and continued, “Don’t tell me that you two are done already. The night is young and I was really hoping to pull Sebastian away for a dance or two…, if Yara wouldn’t mind of course. You know I value walking too much to try doing too much with Wendle, but I don’t really know anyone else.”

  Looking slightly wounded by the comment, the male wizard glanced away knowing that his two left feet had hobbled even the best dancers who had tried to teach him some grace on the dance floor. Sebastian could feel for the man, though luckily he could avoid his partners’ toes most of the time.

  “Unfortunately the tournament has worn me down a bit. We were going to take a breather, but I planned to soldier on for as many dances as I can handle,” Sebastian replied even as the four continued to move away from the main floor of dancers.

  “Oh, then maybe once you have recovered I can get you to myself for a dance or two?” Ashleen smiled fluttering her eyelashes and flirting more than he thought even she realized. As Yara’s hand tightened firmly over his, the mage knew the healer’s opinion even if, in theory, they were still supposed to remain somewhat detached thanks to the rules over wizards, especially female wizards.

  Yara managed to make a reply that didn’t sound too forced thanks to the noise of the great hall, “I don’t own him, so I am sure that Sebastian would be a gentleman and take you out for a dance, Ashleen.”

  If he hadn’t built strong hands from his years of working with a sword, Sebastian wondered if the healer might not be squeezing hard enough to break his hand. “We have a table over here with the rest of my team, if you two don’t have anywhere better. We’d be glad to have you.”

  Perking up happily, Ashleen pulled Wendle after her as the four took their seats for a short time while the mage caught his breath.

  “With the tournament over, what are your plans now?” Wendle asked though the question seemed almost scripted for him by the wilder.

  With a sigh as he contemplated another long ride in his near future, Sebastian replied, “Well, we’ll probably return to Windmeer through White Hall and see where I am to be appointed next. I was in Falcon’s Keep before Lord Romonus disrupted my winter’s plans after all and that is even further west along the path.

  “If there is still need to help with the orc fortress that we found south of the wall, I may be called on for that as well. I almost hope there is something left to do, since I wasn’t able to help with it despite being the one to find the hidden fort.”

  He referred to the discovery of hundreds of the emperor’s dark soldiers and wizards south of the protective North Wall. A forty foot high wall, the North Wall was a solid obstacle to the armies of the north as it had been built across the entire northern border of Southwall from one side of the peninsula to the other covering over a thousand miles. It had been impenetrable for over one hundred years despite many attempts from the dark beasts, but now twice in less than a year there had been breeches.

  The first had come from a battle mage apprentice turned evil in some way yet unknown. Palose had infiltrated Windmeer as he was believed to have barely survived a trip north of the wall. Welcomed as a returning hero, the man had used mirror magic to create a portal within the castle to bring a small army, not only behind the wall, but into the belly of Windmeer itself.

  Whether the second event had anything to do with first was unknown, but Sebastian still felt responsible as he worried that some of those brought by Palose had escaped into Southwall to bring this new threat into the mountains. A full fortress hewn out of a mountain and filled with orcs, goblins, wraiths and more, the threat of an army of the emperor’s creation had been a surprise and was something requiring the full attention of Southwall’s forces. The worst part was that he had been sent away from the fight to join a wizard duel tournament, a frivolous thing by comparison.

  Yara shook her head and voiced her opinion aloud, “You need to stop worrying, Bas. You’re just one man, even if you are unique, and you can’t expect to be everywhere solving every problem. Remember that you’re only a falcon yet. There are dozens of people above you that are there to tend to these matters.”

  Surprisingly, Ashleen nodded and added, “I know being an outsider I have less of an idea of how the battle mages work in your country, but I do know that a falcon is basically the entry rank for your corps. If that’s true, then Yara’s right. You really need to take a step back and follow your orders while others take care of these things. They are trained just as much as you to deal with them. Aren’t they?”

  He knew when he was being ganged up on and the mage threw up his hands in surrender as he began to chuckle, “Ok, ok, you two win. I’ll just behave and try to not worry over the enemy sneaking into Southwall, but…”

  Like a rehearsed reaction, the two girls stopped him with a harmonized no. Catching them off guard, the girls both had to giggle.

  Wendle shook his head as did the few men from his team still sitting at the table taking a break. “You know that you’re in trouble when they start saying the same thing,” the wizard informed him sadly.

  Having no other way out of the conversation
, Sebastian rose extending a hand to Ashleen. “You wanted a dance?”

  He felt Yara’s frown at his back, but he knew this was merely a dance with a friend. As they moved into the throng, the mage wondered what he would be doing after he returned home, if he could call anywhere home. A mage went where he was ordered and did as he was told. The girls were probably correct about that. He needed to learn to worry less and just try to follow his orders, though had he always thought that way Sebastian would never have learned all the magic he had, so maybe there was also a line that had to be crossed now and then.

  It was a matter to worry about later though as the man led the graceful wizard into the movements of the next dance.

  Chapter 2- Gift of Kings

  Though Sebastian had met the lords of both Windmeer and Falcon’s Keep, the mage had never been as thoroughly overwhelmed by meeting a noble as he was now. King Alain, the second, the king of Southwall and master of the city of Hala, was the highest noble one could ever meet and the mage looked at the man in awe.

  He was a young king though he had already ruled for five years along with his beautiful queen. The two were regal but like night and day by their contrasting looks. The king was above average in height and blond, while Queen Alyanna was a petite young woman with long dark hair. As with many royal families, they were actually distant cousins. With well over a thousand years in the royal lineage, Alain was in direct line with the immortal king Gerid, while his wife came from the line of the brother Simon and his wife Alyanna, for whom she was named.

  That was as much history as the mage had knowledge of since he was a man of war and magic. Some history related to battles was common with the mages as history held the answer to many tactical issues, but who descended from whom in the royal line had never been in his exams. While he stood before the two as one of the top wizards in the tournament, however, even that bit of knowledge escaped his numbed mind.

  “I am honored to present Falcon Sebastian Trillon representing Windmeer and Wizard Drovan Relgass of Tolmona with these silver chains for their excellent performance in the tournament. This silver stone represents the earth element you used so well, Wizard Drovan,” the king stated handing a felt lined, glossy black case to the wizard. A silver chain with a simple stone shape made of silver rested on the black felt.

  “For Falcon Sebastian, we had this made especially for you. The falcon’s head, since you used most of the elements and represented your corps alone, we thought it appropriate,” he gestured to the queen who smiled and gave a nod. Sebastian was told that the couple had seen quite a few matches from one of the balconies in the castle over looking the three arenas in the courtyards east of the keep.

  Looking at the surprisingly intricate silver falcon head on the silver chain, Sebastian could barely bring his eyes back to his king. Unsure of what to say and if he should say anything, the mage merely bowed his head remaining silent. The moment was handled easily by the king as he simply moved to address the lone woman standing before the assembled crowd.

  “Lady Annalicia de Malef Eremia from Malaiy, who took second place, we offer this silver chain with a gold token representing the wind element, which took you to the Heights. My wife thought a mere necklace for such a beautiful wizard wasn’t enough, so she made me include these diamond earrings,” Alain added with a chuckle.

  The young woman from Malaiy blushed slightly at the compliment since it came from the king as much as anything. Accepting the small case with her prize, Annalicia’s eyes widened slightly noting the size of the diamonds on the studs. While simple in design, the stones were large enough to be worth a small fortune in gold.

  Not allowing the girl to turn down such a generous prize, especially for someone who didn’t win, King Alain gestured and received a dozen horns sounding a heroic anthem. Turning to the final wizard before him, he proclaimed, “Wizard Magnus Trekanus, representing White Hall and the fire wizard school, I proclaim you Winter’s Edge champion!”

  The hall erupted with cheers. Many had seen the final duel and knew how well the fire wizard had done. For some, however, there were two blemishes on the champion’s win. First, Sebastian had been forced to retire before their heavily anticipated match, which was actually a rematch, since the two had dueled at White Hall and the fire wizard had lost.

  The second blemish came when the mage had used a water spell greater than any other in the tournament. From the bleachers atop the outer wall, Sebastian had called the waters of a lake and two ponds, which were also hundreds of feet from the man when he cast the spell. His effort had not only disrupted the final match, but saved Annalicia who had been in dire straights unseen by the crowd and wizards intended to keep the competitors safe. It had succeeded also thanks to Magnus’s quick thinking and assistance, so at least the champion had saving his fellow competitor on his list of achievements.

  Giving a fair bow of his body and head, a largely unpracticed maneuver from a wizard trained so far from the capitol, Magnus received his golden chain with fire emblem also made from gold. A ring laced with diamond and ruby chips was in the box as well. If he didn’t wish to wear a chain around his neck, a wizard could still easily work his spells with a ring and the prize was definitely something that caught Magnus’s eye.

  The wizard’s acceptance speech was another interesting piece of work as Magnus proceeded thanking the king and his teachers that had helped him perfect his art. That was it aside from a few pats to his own back and the rest of Sebastian’s table began to frown.

  “He certainly seems to be giving credit for his success to his teachers, which is fair enough, but shouldn’t he have said something about Sebastian driving him to it?” Serrena complained as she lay her head on her hand braced by an elbow on the table. Turning her head as if on a swivel, her gaze touched on most, but ended on the mage. Lifting her head as her eyes narrowed in annoyance, the wizard added, “If he hadn’t been practicing battle mage casting, we all know he would never have won this. How about acknowledging those teachers?”

  Shaking his head, Sebastian patted the air miming that the girl keep her seat as Magnus continued to enjoy his moment in the sun. With the king and queen in attendance and so many there to applaud his win, letting the girl go off half cocked wouldn’t do anyone any favors. “He still won it fair and square. Let him have his moment. It doesn’t really matter what prompted Magnus to study and train the way he did. It only matters that he won and gets recognition for White Hall.”

  Jaw half falling open, Serrena appeared dumbfounded by his meekness. Olan was the first to voice what she and Frell appeared ready to loudly dispute, “But you’ve beaten him twice. You’ve proven that a well trained battle mage can beat a wizard, even this champion.” He nearly scoffed at the word champion, but Sebastian refused to let things get out of hand.

  “It’s was a grueling tournament and Magnus managed to win, just let the matter drop, guys. If it doesn’t matter to me, then it shouldn’t matter to you either,” the mage stated as he lifted his glass of wine to his lips. He really didn’t care about the recognition. Even going up to receive his trophy for making it to his level was more than the quiet young man really had wanted, but he also knew that such things were expected of him. On the other hand, this was more like the Magnus he had known for the last few years.

  Luckily, they had a new distraction as Magnus left the floor to return to his table of friends and adoring fans.

  “I hope that you aren’t angry that it wasn’t you up there,” a familiar voice queried with his statement.

  Turning with a smile to see his friend Darius, the High Wizard of Eirdhen, Sebastian quickly shook his head. “No, winning was never really the goal. I was just here to prove that battle mages could be more than just swordsmen with a little bit of magic. Yes, I could have hoped to go out from a loss because someone was better than I rather than having my body give out, but I suppose that I am also undefeated,” he finished with a chuckle.

  The wizard wasn’t alone as a gentle to
uch from a delicate hand was laid upon his left shoulder. It was the side opposite Yara, he also noted.

  “I also wished to thank you for saving me during my match, master mage,” the musical voice of the wizard Annalicia said before leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. The surprising gesture left his face feeling warm with embarrassment and a little worried over what Yara might think. “I am told that you performed an almost superhuman spell to save me during the final match and I owe you my life.”

  Her perfume remained even as she stood straight once again. Darius chuckled, though Sebastian thought that it was a bit forced, but he added, “I also appreciate that you saved my granddaughter despite my repeated warnings not to overuse your magic. I’m not even sure that I could have pulled that spell off from so far away without help, so I can understand what it must have taken for you to try.”

  While Annalicia was almost magical in appearance, her silver blond hair, delicate features and strangely light, flowing clothes of Malaiy cut apparently; her grandfather with his silver hair and more typical robes of a wizard appeared more grounded, almost heavy by comparison. The beauty and grace of the young woman from Malaiy had garnered a large following of fans, probably larger than Magnus had despite being champion. Her near death performance also added to that fanatic love, Sebastian thought. Unfortunately for him, all these entrancing points also made her dangerous amidst the other women in his life.

  Yara’s hand gripped his forearm as the healer appeared unsure of what to do in relation to this latest feminine presence showing close attention to Sebastian. First it had been Ashleen, who at least had been noticed as a threat before, but the kiss from Annalicia had been totally unexpected.

  Into the tension, Darius smoothly hugged his granddaughter to him as he changed the subject. “I have been discussing some things with some of the leaders here in Hala, and I was hoping to have a moment to talk with you as well, Falcon Sebastian. Perhaps we could meet to discuss a few things that I think might be of interest to you?”


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