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Tableland Page 19

by D. E. Harker

  ‘Mustn’t be late for school,’ Derek joked and described a short cut back to Beauchamp.

  In spite of the short cut, did not arrive back until 7.45. The rest of my group had already been shown their rooms and were, by this time, relaxing and chatting amicably together over drinks in the garden.

  September 8th – Tuesday

  Almost seems like being on holiday – comfortable rooms, good food, every amenity – but we eventually got down to some work this morning. James R Priestly, our tutor for the course, does not live at the manor, but has been imported from Axminster, where he runs a small establishment given over completely to the teaching of selling techniques for salesmen from all over the world, who leave after two or three weeks.

  We took notes from the lecture and on the blackboard was written Faith, Hope and Confidence, all of which were underlined. Some of us were asked what products we represented and sample interviews were held. A short film was shown with a “before” and “after” specimen. A meek, balding, badly-dressed salesman creeps into the office of a large store and states his case in a hesitant stutter. After only three weeks training, he reappears and makes immediate impression with full impact – a changed man with new suit of clothes, shoulders back, a ringing confident voice and a toupée.

  An essay entitled “Progressive Marketing – where does the future lie?” was discussed and set out for us and we were told to read various pamphlets, which were handed round, in preparation for tomorrow’s work.

  Had a game of clock golf with Timms, who’s in sisal, after finishing my essay, and we were joined by an elderly chap doing a course entitled “Richelieu – the torment and ornament of his age” and his wife, who was doing “Dried Flower and Twig Arrangements”. A slide show on High Renaissance architecture in the evening wound up a stimulating day.

  What a diverse range of people one meets. The whole atmosphere is, I believe, similar to that of a university. Felt I should have gone to university. Think I would have suited an academic life.

  September 9th – Wednesday

  A day spent learning American sales techniques with the accent on a firm but relaxed attitude. ‘First impressions are everything,’ Priestly stressed, ‘so smile, smile, smile – come on, I want to see you all smile.’ We all smiled rather sheepishly. Looking round, I don’t think our smiles would have impressed anyone – Timms displayed a discoloured tooth, Peterson’s smile was definitely more of a smirk and one or two of us looked downright malevolent.

  September 10th – Thursday

  Two lectures, with notetaking, in the morning were followed by a written exam after lunch lasting an hour and a half, the results of which will be fixed to the noticeboard tomorrow morning.

  A cello practice was going on in the next room at the same time and in a room across the hall the drama group were rehearsing Julius Caesar.

  Felt rather like the last day of term as we said goodbye to Priestly, who was very encouraging about our progress. ‘Don’t forget to show your teeth’ were his parting words – suppose he meant “smile”.

  Noel Winstanley – the bearded under-deputy warden – announced that an exhibition of the arts and crafts produced during the week would be held in the Wedgewood Room this evening. He shook his head as if it was all too much for him and went to find his baggy-trousered wife, Sally, who appears to prop him up and who gives classes in Indian clubs and morris dancing.

  Went along to see the exhibition with Joe Peterson. A large table was covered in dried flowers, twigs and clumps of polished pebbles and round the walls were displayed a number of paintings.

  ‘Just look at that,’ said Peterson, ‘did you ever see such a daft expression on anyone’s face?’ I turned to look and came face to face with “Gardener’s Boy Takes Well-earned Rest”.

  September 11th – Friday

  Came seventh in the exam – that’s not bad out of twelve. Left the college at l0 am and went to collect Julie and Trev. Her mother insisted on us staying to lunch and I took the opportunity to ask the whereabouts of Bri. ‘He’s in London somewhere but he and the group are going on a tour of Germany soon.’

  Hope this means he’s “in the money” and that we’ll see a return of our loan.

  Good to be home again.

  September 12th – Saturday

  Took Trev to the barber’s and found Steve there with Kevin.

  ‘I was coming round to see you as a matter of fact,’ said Steve. ‘Item one: the movie film of our holiday is back and Una and I thought you might all like to come round and see it tomorrow evening at about 8 o’clock. Item two: it’s the Wheel’s annual dinner dance on the 30th at the Station Hotel – would you and Julie like to buy a couple of tickets and join our table? A good evening is promised. The Baroque Room lends itself splendidly to a formal function.’

  ‘Yes, thanks, to both items,’ I replied eagerly.

  Was all agog to find out what had been going on at Steve’s last Sunday night but felt it was neither the right time or place to mention it.

  September 13th – Sunday

  Trev feeling nervous at the prospect of starting at the new school tomorrow. Tried to cheer him up by recounting the first days at my old grammar school but it seemed to make him worse. Suggested he came round to see the Downes’ film with us but he didn’t seem very enthusiastic.

  The film was very brief so Steve played it again to make sure we hadn’t missed anything.

  ‘We’re thinking of going on a winter sports holiday next year, actually,’ said Una as we drank coffee. ‘I rather fancy all that apres-ski nightlife.’

  ‘Talking of nightlife, what are you wearing for the dinner dance?’ Julie asked.

  ‘Oh, strictly formal,’ Una replied.

  ‘How’s the tennis?’ I asked her, feeling more at ease with this subject now that Julie had decided to drop out of the team for the rest of the season but unfortunately I’d hit on the wrong topic.

  ‘Don’t mention tennis to me,’ she said. ‘Les Crow never turned up for the match on Wednesday. He never even bothered to get in touch afterwards either.’

  Julie seemed sympathetic and asked if she’d tried ringing him.

  ‘I certainly have – Anita just didn’t want to know and there was no reply from his office either. And to think I was even toying with the idea of a part-time job at that travel agency of his. Well, he can get lost.’ Una’s voice rose to a shrill pitch. Steve said nothing and I, having no wish to be drawn into a discussion on Les Crow, scratched around in my mind for another line to take.

  ‘I’ve been meaning to ask,’ I said quickly, ‘although I know it’s probably none of my business, about something I couldn’t help seeing, while I was drawing the bedroom curtains last Sunday night. A spot of the old “cloak and dagger” – a few lads behaving somewhat furtively in the shadows.’ I thought I’d make a joke of the whole thing and exaggerate a bit. ‘Plus some very odd noises – all very suspect.’ I waited for the cheery quip and simple explanation but Steve frowned and didn’t answer for a minute, and I wondered if I’d put my foot in it a second time – this topic had sunk like a lead weight too.

  He said, ‘What exactly did you see?’

  ‘Nothing much to be exact,’ I replied.

  He then seemed to come to a decision. ‘Well, I’ll put you in the picture but I’ll have to swear you to secrecy – it’s all a bit “hush-hush”.’ I caught Julie’s eye and I think we both wondered what was coming.

  ‘Chick Birdy gave me this offer of a cement mixer we could use off site, out of hours, as it were. Chick’s an engineer on the council – I play squash with his cousin. So Ken rounded up a few brawny Wheelers and together we moved in to complete our new fish pond.’

  ‘A new fish pond – lucky you,’ Julie said.

  ‘D’you think so?’ Una asked, ‘I was never consulted and they ruined my gloxinias.’

  ‘Mum’s the word,’ I said, drawing a finger over my throat. ‘Your secret’s safe with me.’

  Don’t wis
h him to regret imparting his secret but can’t help wishing he’d had the confidence to include me with his other loyal supporters.

  ‘Come and see what you think.’ Steve led the way round to the back and we looked at the 8ft by 4ft pond, as yet fishless and waterless, and were suitably impressed, although Una still looked sulky.

  Thought we’d better leave after this before I said anything more of a controversial nature.

  September 14th – Monday

  Started the day full of confidence – determined to put the tips learnt on my course to good use but my feeling of well-being was immediately shattered by P.H. greeting me with ‘Bad news! that quote we sent to Proones has been turned down. Lumberjobs have sent in an amazingly low quote and they’ve accepted that.’

  This is depressing news. Turned it over and over in my mind all day. Don’t see how we could have got our figure any lower. Feel in thoroughly bad mood – not improved by Trev grumbling all evening about the new school and threatening not to go back there.

  It must be nice to “opt out” to abandon the rat race and go and live on an island and grow vegetables, fish and swim. Was just brooding in this vein, mentally totting up my assets and wondering which hemisphere would be the most pleasant in which to live, when Julie remarked that she’d bought some polyester jersey material to make a dress for the dinner dance. Well, at least that’s something to look forward to.

  September 15th – Tuesday

  Smiled my way round a furniture factory this afternoon but to no avail. My perpetual grin seemed to make them ill at ease and the manager asked me, ‘What’s the joke?’

  September 16th – Wednesday

  Trev still grumbling and complaining about school. I’m sure I never carried on like this. He brought a leaflet home with him to the effect that a school fête would be held at the end of the month to raise money for a dry ski slope. Don’t know why they feel the need for one of these – we managed quite well without one. However, Trev’s class is in charge of a toy stall and all parents have been asked to contribute.

  ‘I’ll make a fluffy toy,’ Julie volunteered but I suddenly had a brainwave.

  ‘I’ll get some off-cuts from the timber yard and we’ll make some simple boats, trains, steam rollers, etc. You can give me a hand painting them up,’ I said to Trev. Perhaps it’ll cheer him up a bit.

  September 17th – Thursday

  Was not able to do anything about the off-cuts owing to a day’s visit to various factories in the North Wales area. Thought I would give my new techniques one more chance and fixed a beaming smile on my face as I greeted the foreman and made a merry quip – the one about the dog and the rat poison. There was a deathly silence. ‘Morgan had to have his dog Bodger put down yesterday,’ said one of the workers, nodding at the foreman.

  September 18th – Friday

  Woke up with stiff arm – must have been lying in awkward position in bed. Don’t think I’ll be able to tackle the garden this weekend. Weather seems quite autumnal and we turned the electric fire on this evening.

  Talk turned to the forthcoming dance.

  ‘Una’s wearing black,’ Julie informed me, ‘and, incidentally, she managed to pin down Anita Crow on Les’ whereabouts. Apparently Les is in Hamburg.’ I thanked her for this little nugget of information but said I really wasn’t interested in keeping tabs on Les Crow.

  Julie’s busy making her dress for the dance. Red and orange material with green stripes going round. ‘A remnant from the market. I’m sure it will look very nice when it’s made up.

  September 19th – Saturday

  Arm felt better this morning so gave the car a good polish but the rubbing must have strained it again as when Steve came round to suggest a game of tennis tomorrow, didn’t feel able to accept.

  September 20th – Sunday

  On the way back from their tennis this morning, Steve and Alan Uppe stopped to say hello as I was retouching the outside window sills with some yellow ochre paint we’d brought from our old house. I remarked on the flaking paintwork to Steve. ‘Oh,’ laughed Alan, ‘that’s nothing, we’ve got dry rot and the house is only five years old. In fact, hello, hello, hello, what’s this I see. If I’m not very much mistaken – incipient wet rot.’ And to my amazement he snapped off a corner of the windowsill. Was quite speechless and only the fact that I remembered in the nick of time that he is treasurer of the Round Wheel this year prevented me from saying something very rude to him.

  Think Alan realised that he’d gone a bit far. We all looked at the piece of wood in his hand and Steve came to the rescue with a good suggestion. ‘A touch of Stik ‘n’ Fix will have it back on in a jiffy – just like new – Julie will never notice a thing. A first- class adhesive. We’re doing a big campaign on it at the moment. I’ll bring some round this afternoon – mends anything.’

  ‘Does it really?’ asked Alan. ‘I’ve got several things at home that need mending. Perhaps Pete could bring it round to me after he’s finished with it.’

  ‘It’s alright with me,’ said Steve.

  I had somewhat recovered my cool by this time and even had the presence of mind to thank Alan for his holiday postcard from Cornwall.

  ‘You certainly sounded as if you were having a good time with the Spicers.’

  A dark look came over his face. ‘Please don’t mention it – it’s rather a sore point at the moment.’ He raised a hand to stop further comment on the subject.

  After lunch, Steve was as good as his word and brought round a large pot of Stik ‘n’ Fix.

  “It’s quick drying, crack defying”

  ‘Sticks tighter than a pressing creditor. In fact, a rhapsody in glue,’ he quipped. ‘Strictly entre nous,’ he said confidentially, as I reassembled the windowsill. ‘On the subject of the Uppes’ holiday with the Spicers – I gather everything in the garden is not exactly rosy, so to speak. A slight contretemps has arisen. If I’m not much mistaken, from various hints Alan has let drop, it could be… but I must say no more. My lips are sealed.’

  ‘With Stik ‘n’ Fix of course,’ I said jokingly, but he ignored this.

  September 21st – Monday

  After work, while Julie was getting the supper ready and still trying to decide whether to sign on for woodwork, floral decoration or French conversation at evening classes, I popped round the corner to Alan’s with the adhesive.

  Ron Spicer was gardening next door as I rang the bell of The Nest and we had a pleasant word or two until Alan ushered me indoors quickly. ‘Thanks, you’re a real pal,’ he said as I handed him the glue. ‘Not like some people I could mention, naming no names of course.’

  ‘D’you mean Ron Spicer?’ I asked, coming right out with it.

  ‘It just goes to show how wrong you can be about people. I’ll never forget what they said, never. Sue said she wasn’t used to gas.’

  Was growing curious by the time Sue came in. ‘I was just putting Pete in the picture re the Spicers,’ Alan continued.

  At the mention of the name Spicer, Sue became tight-lipped. ‘There was no need for them to use such dreadful language, and in front of the children too,’ she said.

  That was all I learned of the dispute as Alan suddenly changed the subject. ‘I hear you and your good lady are joining our festivities next Wednesday evening.’

  ‘Looking forward to it,’ I said. ‘It’ll be our first visit to the Station Hotel.’

  ‘Well, don’t expect too much,’ Alan replied. ‘The Baroque Room has been redecorated and I fear the worst. By the way, talking of decorating, I don’t suppose you have a small stepladder you could lend me, have you?’ I shook my head. ‘Never mind, I think Les Crow has one. I must remember to mention it when I see him at the dance. Ah no…’ he broke off suddenly, looking confused ‘No can do. I was forgetting.’ I just said ‘Ah’ or some other such non-committal remark. Then Alan said, ‘He’s in Spain.’

  September 22nd – Tuesday

  A pouring wet day. Arrived home soaked to find Julie very
indignant. ‘This house is falling to pieces around my ears!’ she shouted. When I asked her to explain her wild statement, she described how she had been cleaning the inside of the living room window when “a large piece of the windowsill outside suddenly just fell off – it just fell off”.

  September 23rd – Wednesday

  Went round to Steve’s this evening as I thought he should know about the failure of Stik ‘n’ Fix but he didn’t seem very grateful that I had taken the trouble to inform him.

  ‘I never said anything about it being waterproof, now did I, be honest,’ he said. ‘You can’t expect miracles.’

  Could sense that he didn’t wish to pursue the subject so steered it round to the Uppes.

  ‘Alan seems very piqued with the Spicers,’ I ventured to say.

  ‘Ah, well, let’s face it, it’s all a matter of Sue’s culinary expertise,’ Steve said with a smile.

  ‘How do you mean?’ I asked.

  ‘Simply that on the cooking front Sue’s not exactly Escoffier, in fact, her efforts are terrible, rotten, abysmal, disgusting… and I should know, we had a holiday cottage with them in the Lakes last year. Luckily for us, there was a little pub quite near that did simple nosh, so when Una wasn’t doing the cooking we made some excuse for a quick getaway. But this cottage in Cornwall was miles from anywhere and I gather after three samples of raw potatoes and burnt tins of mince, the Spicers became rather hungry and exploded, which anyone in their right mind would have done – only Ron’s choice of language was a bit strong.’


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