Lucie's Two Step-Brothers

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Lucie's Two Step-Brothers Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  The only way to steady herself was to place her hands on the chest in front of her. She craned her neck and stared at Edward. He gripped her upper arms. Can he tell I’m all flushed from just coming? Does he know I was masturbating to the sight of his sons wrestling?

  “What’s the hurry?” He smiled down at her, but didn’t release her arms. They stayed like that for several prolonged seconds before he finally released her arms and stepped back. “Are you feeling alright? You look a little flushed.” A frown started between his eyes and Lucie felt herself becoming hotter.

  She muttered an excuse she doubted he heard, and moved past him and down the steps. Where the hell am I going to go? Mortification didn’t even begin to describe how she felt. Just as Lucie was about to head out the front door, she sensed someone step up behind her. Turning around, she stared at Quentin. He brought a tall glass of water to his lips and took a long drink. His gaze never wavered from hers, and despite repeating in her head that she shouldn’t stare, she was helpless to stop.

  A lone bead of condensation slid down the glass and dripped onto his chiseled chest, and Lucie watched in fascination as it slinked seductively down the ridges of muscles. She might have stared at the drop of water forever if not for the fact she heard someone clearing his throat. It was to her increasing horror that Emery now stood right beside Quentin. Both of their mouths now were tilted up in smirks.

  Not trusting herself to speak coherently, Lucie took off out the front door. Her destination was unknown to her, but going somewhere private and isolated seemed like the best option. She had some serious thinking to do. She was a coward, she could admit that, but these thoughts she had of Quentin and Emery lately were arousing as well as confusing. What she needed to do was go someplace quiet and think. It might not help in the long run, but maybe it would help her to try and understand where her feelings were coming from.

  Chapter Three

  As Lucie stared at herself in the mirror, she wondered how she would look to everyone else. She wore a simple yellow sundress that her mother picked out, her shoulders were bare and her hair hung loosely in curling strands. Today was her mother’s wedding day––a day she loathed and had dreaded. She couldn’t really understand the feeling of loathing a day that should have been one of happiness, but as she thought of her mother joining her life with Edward’s, a man that had recently been showing more signs of possessiveness and territorialism, it left Lucie feeling like her mother was making a big mistake. She couldn’t help but replay what Quentin said about his father all those weeks ago. Whatever happened, she knew her mother was an adult and knew what was best for her.

  Thinking back, Lucie recalled the last time she had touched herself as she watched Quentin and Emery exercise. The fact she had fled right afterward had only served to confuse her further. She’d found the resolve to suck it up and push her wayward desires to the back of her mind. Or at least, she tried very hard. She couldn’t deny there was a certain kind of magnetism when it came to Emery and Quentin, which just seemed to draw her in. Maybe it was the appeal that she shouldn’t really want them, that the lust she felt was so wrong, yet felt so right? It didn’t matter, in the end. Lucie knew what the outcome to indulging such desires would be, and that was something she didn’t want to experience. It would end up ruining her life as well as the lives of everyone around her. She couldn’t be the cause of such destruction.

  She smoothed a hand over her dark strands and clipped a small, jeweled barrette to the side of her hair. The deep, calming breath she took right before she headed outside didn’t help her in the least. The wedding was being held in their backyard, and although it was a beautiful area for such an event, and the day was glorious, she wished it hadn’t been so close to “home”.

  It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and the sun warmed everything as a slight breeze whispered by. White wooden chairs were set up in even lines in front of a raised altar, tiny yellow ribbons adding color to them. Guests filled those decorated wooden chairs, each dressed in their best attire and anticipating the nuptials of Edward and Melanie.

  Standing off to the side, hidden behind a shading oak tree, Lucie watched as the guests milled around, laughing and smiling, as if truly happy for what they were about to witness. It seemed to Lucie she was the only one that wasn’t thrilled. Maybe I am overreacting and being selfish?

  “It’s like watching moths fly toward a fire. They can’t seem to help themselves, yet you have to assume they know they’re about to fall to their death.” Startled at the sound of Quentin’s baritone voice right beside her, Lucie glanced over at him. He wore a crisp black button down shirt and a pale yellow tie. He was strikingly handsome. His strange quote seemed peculiar, yet Lucie felt that it was somehow perfect for what they were experiencing.

  “I can’t help but feel like this is a horrible mistake.” Lucie looked back toward the guests and her stomach twisted with nervousness.

  “We can’t change the course of someone’s life. They want what they want, despite the feeling of impending doom approaching.” On the other side of her stood Emery. He was dressed the same as Quentin, his gaze trained on the guests. His words were also dark, yet somehow right for the moment.

  “It’s time for you guys to take your places.” Lucie turned her attention toward Edward. “Come on, Lucie, I’ll walk you down the aisle.” Edward turned toward Quentin and Emery, his look going stern. “Go on, boys.”

  When they left, Edward held his hand out for her to take. Lucie glanced down at it and slipped her small hand into his much bigger one. His skin was cool, the calluses noticeable. He led her toward the aisle and slipped his hand on the small of her back. She held in her shiver and kept her expression neutral. She didn’t know what it was about Edward’s touch, but it certainly wasn’t welcome. It felt like icy tentacles on her body, tightening and suffocating her.

  When they reached the front of the altar she took her place and turned to face the guests. Music started, and Lucie saw her mother emerge from the house, her simple, yet elegant white dress billowing out behind her. Serenity washed through Lucie as she stared at her mother. She looked so happy that it was hard for Lucie not to feel the same way.

  As he mother walked down the aisle, Lucie turned her attention to Edward. Although he wore a smile that seemed genuine enough, deep down Lucie couldn’t shake her uneasiness. Maybe it was just her. Maybe she was just used to it being her and her mother? It was a big shock, going from “just the two of them” to three males coming into their house. Turning her attention to Emery and Quentin, she noted their stoic expressions. They held the same composure as their father: The perfect soldier.

  As the ceremony progressed and Lucie watched her mother and Edward bind themselves in front of God and everyone they loved, Lucie promised herself she would try and make this work. If nothing else, she would try for her mother’s sake. When they said “I do” and the guests rose and cheered, Lucie stayed back. Holding her bouquet of white daisies, she took in the scene: Her mother and Edward. Married at last. The beginning of the end.

  She sensed Quentin and Emery stepping up beside her before they even spoke.

  “Well, looks like that’s that.”

  She turned toward them and licked her dry lips as they smiled down at her.

  “Looks like we are officially family, little sister.” Quentin wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her toward him.

  A groan left her. She shrugged off Quentin’s hold. “Please don’t say that. It sounds so weird.” The guys chuckled and then headed down to mingle with the other guests. Lucie knew their presence was going to make a big impact on her life, whether she liked it or not.

  Chapter Four

  Lucie watched as Edward and her mother pulled out of the driveway and left for the airport. It had been a week since the wedding, and they were now off on their honeymoon for two weeks. Summer was ending, and the idea of starting school and getting it over with so she could graduate couldn’t happen soon enough. She
was stuck in the house for two long weeks alone with Emery and Quentin, her new stepbrothers. They both worked, so she hoped they wouldn’t be home most of the time.

  The couch seemed like a much better place to be, instead of watching them exercise out the window. Lucie sat in front of the fireplace, and although no fire was lit, she thought about all the times her mother had created a wonderfully warm oasis for them during cold wintry nights. It would just be the two of them, mugs of hot chocolate in hand, talking about nothing in particular but enjoying each other’s company nonetheless. It was a memory Lucie would always cherish. Perhaps, Lucie thought, she was just suffering from “only child syndrome.” She felt ridiculous dwelling on the negatives of this new situation, but despite trying to move past what was happening and how their lives were changing, it was hard not to want what she had with her mother before Edward and his sons had come along.

  Lucie breathed out roughly and ran a hand over her mouth. She didn’t know how much time had passed, but before she knew it the sun had set and shadows danced through the living room. I must have fallen asleep. The dream she had just had played through her mind like a movie reel. She had been sandwiched between Quentin and Emery, their hands caressing her nude body, soft words fueling her desire. Her panties were soaked from the overwhelmingly vivid dream.

  Disgust overtook her, and she wished she could stop her thoughts. They seemed so lewd after the fact, but try as she might, she couldn’t prevent them.

  Activity in the kitchen drew her away from her thoughts, and Lucie got up and headed toward the sound. Leaning against the doorframe, she stared at Quentin’s back. The white tee he wore did nothing to hide his muscular form. He didn’t turn around, and she didn’t acknowledge him.

  Just enjoy the view. Scolding herself, Lucie opened her mouth to say something when she suddenly felt someone step behind her. Before she could turn around, she felt Emery’s large hands land on her shoulders and his chest pressing against her back. She was frozen, and no air seemed to come into her lungs. He was so close she could smell his cologne, a masculine scent that drove her wild.

  “Are you hungry?” His breath teased her ear. “Quen’s decided to cook dinner tonight.” He turned her around and she swallowed upon looking into his eyes.

  His short hair was disheveled and he looked as if he had just gotten up. Lucie was acutely aware of how close her mouth was to all that hard flesh. Oh, God, give me strength. What could she say? She didn’t even know if she could speak right away. She felt as if her body was on fire, roasting over hot coals and simmering from the inside out.

  As she stared into Emery’s eyes, Lucie felt Quentin approach behind her. This was too much for her. Being so close to them, she could feel a flood of intensity and desire. They would surely think her a disgusting fool if she told them what she was really feeling.

  But Lucie couldn’t help it. She wanted to be on her back, her thighs spread wide, her pussy thrust out to them. Things seemed to be moving too fast. These feelings were too intense, too unusual for her to fully understand. The fact that she would let them do whatever they wanted, touch whatever they wanted to touch on her body, should have left her disgusted, not aroused. But God, she was hot for them.

  “So, are you hungry, Lucie?” Quentin whispered in her ear and she closed her eyes. She couldn’t help it. Being sandwiched between both of them was too much.

  “Yeah.” The word was no more than a whisper from her lips, a breath of sound that had escaped in her moment of need. She hoped that lone word would make them go away and give her the space she so desperately needed.

  “Well, come on. Food’s getting cold while you stand there.” And just like that they were gone.

  She couldn’t move after they both went into the kitchen, could only stare ahead as her body tingled with awareness.

  “You eating, Lucie?”

  Blinking at Quentin’s deep voice, she found the strength to look at them. They both watched her from the kitchen table, smirks on their faces as if they knew exactly the effect they had on her. Taking a step forward, she clenched her teeth as her wet panties rubbed against her pussy.

  Emery held a chair out for her, but Lucie still couldn’t find the voice to mutter a thank-you. The aroma of the food finally penetrated her foggy brain, and she eyed the dishes that covered the table. Mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, grilled steaks, and a bowl of salad sat before her.

  “How did you cook all of this?” This question sounded stupid even before it came out of her mouth. Face heating further, she looked at Quentin.

  “Well, while you were moping around and thinking negative thoughts, I decided maybe a little home-cooked meal would cheer you up.”

  Embarrassment filled Lucie as her gaze moved from Emery to Quentin. “Have I been that transparent?” They both chuckled and she relaxed, feeling some of the tension leave her.

  “We both know what a difficult transition this is for you, but it won’t be too bad. We promise.” Emery smirked and then winked at her. “You’re officially our step-sister. We’ve got your back.”

  She did laugh then. As they dished out the food, Lucie felt a comfort for the first time since the start of all this. Maybe the whole “family” thing won’t be so bad.

  Quentin brought out three square-cut glasses and a bottle of dark, amber-colored liquid. The bottle was unmarked, but she knew it wasn’t her mother’s because she didn’t keep alcohol in the house.

  “What’s that?” Quentin set a glass in front of each of them and then filled them up a fourth of the way with the alcohol. She picked up the glass and smelled it. Whatever it was, it smelled potent.

  “It is fifty-year aged bourbon. Our father got it when he was overseas in the Middle East.” Quentin lifted the glass to his lips and took a drink.

  “Won’t he be upset if he finds out we were drinking this?” Eyeing the liquor, she worried her bottom lip as she brought her gaze back up to theirs.

  “Without a doubt, but he won’t notice. Whenever he brings out this bottle he is already too trashed to realize how much was actually in there to begin with.” Emery spoke and then took a drink. “Besides, we don’t plan on getting sloshed off the stuff, just a nice buzz. We have the house to ourselves. We should celebrate.” Emery and Quentin shared a glance, as if they were communicating without saying anything.

  There was a moment of tension surrounding them, but Lucie didn’t want to venture too deeply into it. She lifted her glass and took an experimental sip. The alcohol was like fire water. It burned all the way down and she started to cough. Her eyes watered and she stared accusingly at the two of them.

  They both started laughing. “Grow some hair on that chest, Lucie.” Emery elbowed Quentin.

  “The first time is always the hardest.” Emery winked at her and her face heated, but she didn’t know if it was from the look he gave her or the bourbon.

  As they ate and conversed, Lucie found out more about Emery and Quentin. They were right, the more sips she took, the easier the liquor went down. Soon she found herself buzzed, the feeling of floating filling her and causing her trepidation and anxiousness to evaporate. That was a nice thing about alcohol, but it also had its downside. Her arousal was a slow burn inside that refused to leave. She thought she could become comfortable with them, but there was still her unnatural desire to contend with.

  As Lucie grew more quiet and kept to her thoughts, both Emery and Quentin also stopped talking. Finishing the last bite on her plate, she wiped her mouth with her napkin and stood. The movement caused her head to spin, but it was a nice, discombobulating sense of euphoria.

  “I’ll clean, since you cooked.” She grabbed her plate and reached with her free hand to get Emery’s plate. Her fingers slipped against the smooth china, but before she could remove it from the table, Emery’s hand was clasped around her wrist, warm and unyielding. She lifted a startled expression at him and felt his thumb move methodically over her inner wrist.

  “Emery?” Her voice
was a raspy whisper and she licked her suddenly dry lips. Emery’s eyes dropped to her mouth and she could see the dark storm clouds of desire dance behind them.

  “I wish you would be honest with us, Lucie.” She turned her attention to Quentin and watched as he rose from his chair and moved toward her. Heart beating a mile a minute, she knew she was trapped.

  “What?” She wanted to move away so she didn’t feel so caged, but she couldn’t because Emery refused to release her wrist.

  “The truth.” Quentin lowered his head so that his face was so close to hers she could smell the bourbon he had drunk just moments before.

  She cast a glance between the two of them. Emery released her wrist and moved behind her. His chest was pressed against her back and she was acutely aware of all his hard, defined muscles. Everything around her spun and she knew she needed to breathe. This situation was turning surreal, and quickly.

  “I can’t think, can’t breathe.” They both stepped away, but only marginally. What could she say to make them understand? “This is wrong.” They were shaking their heads before she even finished.

  “It isn’t wrong. All we ask is that you let us hold you, touch you, and make you feel good.” Quentin lifted his hand and ran it down the length of her arm. Lucie’s skin prickled from his touch and her breath came out increasingly faster as she looked between the two of them.

  “Do you know how long we have wanted you, Lucie?” Emery took a small step forward and lifted a piece of her hair off her shoulder. He ran the strands between his fingers. “From the very second we saw you.” He looked at her then, his eyes showing the truth he spoke. “Let us show you how good and right this can be between us.”


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