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by George Weigel

  3.John Paul’s homily is in OR [EWE], March 1, 2000, p. 11.

  4.See ibid., p. 5.

  5.The meeting at al-Azhar, and the cordiality of Sheik Tantawi, seemed to presage a more fruitful dialogue between Catholics and Muslims. Eight months later, however, the sheik promoted the notion of a jihad, a holy war, against “the Israeli tyranny.” [Middle East Media Research Institute Bulletin #137, October 14, 2000.]

  6.Cited in OR [EWE], March 1, 2000, pp. 6–7.

  7.OR [EWE], March 1, 2000, pp. 1–2 [emphasis in original].

  8.See OR [EWE], March 29, 2000, pp. 2–3.

  9.Ibid., p. 5.

  10.Ibid., p. 7. [emphasis in original].

  11.The papal texts for the Holy Land pilgrimage may be found in ibid. A fuller account of the week may be found in my article “Holy Land Pilgrimage: A Diary,” First Things 104 (June/July 2000), pp. 27–34, from which much of the above is drawn.

  12.There were even more informal “jubilees” for i dispensatori di benzina (gas-station attendants) and, on October 24–25, for pizza chefs.

  13.John Paul II, Tertio Millennio Adveniente, 33.

  14.OR [EWE], March 15, 2000, pp. 1–2 [emphasis in original].

  15.See ZENIT News Service, March 12, 2000.

  16.See “The Pope’s Apology,” New York Times, March 14, 2000; to date, the Times has not seen fit to ask the pardon of its readers, or any other authority, for its misreporting of Stalin’s regime during the 1930s or its romanticized depiction of Fidel Castro’s revolution in the 1950s. See also Robert A. Sirico, “The Pope’s Nostra Culpa,” Wall Street Journal, March 15, 2000.

  17.For an overview, see Robert Royal, The Catholic Martyrs of the Twentieth Century: A Comprehensive World History (New York: Crossroad, 2000).

  18.See ZENIT News Service, May 5, 2000; Catholic World Report, June 2000, pp. 30–31.

  19.Ninety thousand French young people, the second-largest national group represented, came to WYD 2000, a surprising outgrowth of WYD 1997 in Paris that may have signaled a new religious situation in France.

  20.See ZENIT News Service, August 22, 2000.

  21.Marina Jiménez, “The game’s first star: Pope John Paul II,” National Post, August 18, 2000, p. A3.

  22.See OR [EWE], August 23, 2000, pp. 1–3 [emphasis in original].

  23.OR [EWE], May 3, 2000, p. 2 [emphasis in original]. The miracle that made possible Sister Faustina’s canonization involved Father Ronald Pytel, a Baltimore priest whose cure from inoperable and life-threatening heart disease took place after members of a local healing ministry had interceded with Blessed Faustina for him and after Father Pytel had venerated a relic of the Polish nun. [The Catholic Review, December 23, 1999, p. 4.]

  24.See OR [EWE], June 28, 2000, for the texts of the Fátima “secrets” a conversation between Sister Maria Lucia, the surviving visionary, and Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about the interpretation of the “third secret” and Cardinal Ratzinger’s commentary.

  25.In a letter to an Italian bishop, John XXIII wrote that “I always think of Pius IX, of holy and glorious memory and, imitating him in his sacrifices, I would like to be worthy to celebrate his canonization.” [Cited in ZENIT News Service, August 31, 2000.]

  26.OR [EWE], September 6, 2000 [emphasis in original]. The “limits and conditioning” to which John Paul referred included the most mediagenic controversy prior to the beatification, which involved Pius’s relationship with Edgardo Mortara. In 1858, an illiterate housemaid had surreptitiously baptized Edgardo, the son of Jewish parents, when she thought he was dying. According to the law of the time in the Papal States, the child then had to be raised as a Catholic, for that is what he was, according to the Church’s understanding. Pius IX adopted the boy as his son; Edgardo, who later entered the seminary and was ordained a priest, spoke of his foster father, the Pope, with nothing but affection and praise until he died in 1940. The Mortara case sharpened a question that John Paul II himself had put on the Church’s agenda with his call for a “cleansing of conscience”: how are we to judge the actions of men and women who, by their lights, were acting in good will and according to the dictates of conscience, when those actions seem to us, according to what we would like to think is a more developed understanding, cruel, unnecessary, or contrary to the spirit of the Gospel?

  That Pius IX’s was a catastrophic papacy at war with every aspect of the modern world is a judgment, widely propagated by the opponents of his beatification, not shared by the eminent Anglican historian Owen Chadwick; see his A History of the Popes 1830–1914 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998) for a balanced portrait of Pius IX. Among other insights, Chadwick suggests that this Pope, who wore his emotions on his sleeve and was extremely popular in the Catholic world of his time, in fact helped create the modern image of the Pope as a charismatic religious and moral leader rather than a European princeling.

  27.The government of the PRC, further demonstrating its nervousness about the impact of religion in China, denounced those canonized as “agents of imperialism.” [Washington Post, September 27, 2000, p. A16.]

  28.OR [EWE], May 24, 2000, p. 3.

  29.Jonathan Luxmoore, “Pope Weeps as He Watches Polish Film,” The Universe, January 30, 2000.

  30.See OR [EWE], May 10, 2000, pp. 6–9.

  31.OR [EWE], June 21, 2000.

  32.Sarah Delaney, “Italy Pardons Pope’s Assailant,” Washington Post, June 14, 2000, p. 1; “Pope’s Role in Agca’s Release Confirmed,” National Catholic Register, July 30–August 5, 2000; ZENIT News Service, August 10, 2000.

  33.The Greek Orthodox Church was also embroiled throughout the jubilee year in a controversy with the Greek government, which proposed to remove religious affiliation from the national identification card, an issue on which the Orthodox were in conflict with other Christian communities in Greece. On the Emmitsburg meeting, see SEIA Newsletter 58 (July 20, 2000), pp. 1–2.

  34.ZENIT News Service, August 8, 2000.

  35.The full text of Dominus Iesus was an insert in OR [EWE], September 6, 2000, and may also be found in Origins 30:14 (September 14, 2000).

  36.National Catholic Register, August 13–19, 2000.

  37.The full text of the Pope’s address is in OR [EWE], August 30, 2000, pp. 1–2 [emphasis in original].

  38.Second Reading, Office of Readings, Memorial of St. Gregory the Great, The Liturgy of the Hours.




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