Witness to Hope

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Witness to Hope Page 170

by George Weigel

  I am happy to acknowledge the assistance of the following readers, friends, and colleagues in making corrections to names, dates, and citations for the paperback edition: Thomas Bourke; Rev. James T. Burtchaell, CSC; Jan Hauska; Bartek Kachniarz; Rev. Paul Klavins; Jerzy Kluger; Rev. George W. Kosicki, CSB; Rev. Roger Landry; Rev. Michael McGarry, CSP; Joaquín Navarro-Valls; Patrick Miller; Rev. John Sullivan, OCD; Rev. Maciej Zięba, OP.


  October 2, 2000

  Feast of the Guardian Angels

  Searchable Terms

  Abbey of Fossanuova


  “ABCs of Ethics” (Wojtyła)


  in Evangelium Vitae

  Italy’s legalization of

  in post-communist Poland

  see also Cairo World Conference on Population and Development

  Academic Legion

  Academy of Sciences, Soviet

  Action Française

  Acts, Book of

  Adalbert, Saint

  Adamec, Ladislav

  ad limina tradition

  Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See

  Ad Tuendam Fidem (In Protecting the Faith) (John Paul II)

  Adveniat (agency)

  Aeneid (Virgil)

  Aeterni Patris (Leo XIII)




  Catholicism in

  Africa, papal pilgrimages to:

  of 1980 to

  of 1985 to

  of 1989 to

  of 1993 to

  of 1995 to

  Agca, Mehmet Ali

  John Paul’s visit with

  motive and sponsorship of

  trial of

  Agca, Mrs. Muzeyyen

  Agency for International Development, U.S.

  Agnes of Bohemia, Saint

  Aida (Verdi)

  Alaska, John Paul’s 1981 visit to


  Alberti, Irina Ilovayskaya

  Aleksy II, Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow

  proposed meeting of John Paul with

  Alfonsín, Raul


  Alia, Ramiz

  Allen, Richard

  Allende, Salvador

  “Altar of the Chair” (Bernini)

  Alueke, Fataki

  Amantissima Providentia (The Most Loving Providence of God) (John Paul II)

  Ambrose (bishop of Milan)

  American Jewish Committee

  Amichia, Joseph

  Analecta Husserliana

  “Analysis of the Act of Faith in View of the Philosophy of Values, An” (Wojtyła)

  Ancient Homily for Holy Saturday, An (Anonymous)

  Andrew, Prince of England

  Andrew, Saint

  Andropov, Yuri

  Andrzej Bobola, Saint

  Angelico, Fra

  Angelicum (Pontifical Athenaeum)

  Angelini, Fiorenzo

  Anglican Church

  Catholic Church in dialogue with

  and ordination of women

  Anglican Consultative Council

  Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC)

  Anglo-Catholic movement


  Annuario Pontificio

  Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL)


  in Auschwitz convent controversy

  historic anti-Judaism and

  in Poland

  see also Holocaust; Jews, Judaism

  “Apostolate of Love” (newsletter)

  “Apostle” (Wojtyła)

  Apostles’ Creed

  Apostolic Signatura

  Apostolos Suos (His Apostles) (John Paul II)

  Aquinas, Saint Thomas, see Thomas Aquinas, Saint

  Aquino, Benigno “Ninoy,”

  Aquino, Corazon

  Arab-Israeli wars:

  of 1948-49 (Israeli War of Independence)

  of 1967 (Six-Day War)

  Arafat, Yassir

  Arche Community, L’

  ARCIC (Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission)

  Areopagus of Athens


  Falklands War and

  papal visit of 1982 to

  Argüello, Kiko

  Arinze, Francis

  Aristide, Jean-Bertrand


  Ark Church

  Arkes, Hadley

  Armenian Apostolic Church

  arms control

  U.S. bishops’ pastoral letter on

  Arrupe, Pedro

  Ash, Timothy Garton


  Church’s mission in

  Synod of 1998 on

  Asia, papal pilgrimages to:

  of 1981

  of 1984

  of 1986

  of 1989

  of 1995

  Assyrian Church of the East


  as pastoral issue

  in Vatican II discussions

  atheistic humanism

  Athenagoras, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople

  “At the Service of the Human Community: An Ethical Approach to the International Debt Question” (Pontifical Justice and Peace Commission)

  Augsburg Confession

  Augustine, Saint

  Auschwitz concentration camp

  convent controversy and

  papal visit of 1979 to


  papal pilgrimage of 1995 to


  papal pilgrimage of 1998 to

  Aylwin, Patricio

  Azores Islands

  Bačkis, Audrys

  Baggio, Sebastiano

  Baker, James A.

  Balamand Document

  Balfour Declaration

  Balladyna (Słowacki)

  Ballestrero, Anastasio

  Balthasar, Hans Urs von

  Baltimore Sun

  Banas, Bogusław

  Banas, Maria

  Banco Ambrosiano



  Bardecki, Andrzej

  Barni, Julian Luis

  Barre, Raymond

  Barth, Karl

  Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople

  Aleksy II-John Paul meeting and

  in 1995 visit to Vatican

  U.S. tour of

  Bartoszewski, Władysław

  Basilica of St. John Lateran

  Baum, William

  Baziak, Eugeniusz

  death of

  recollected by John Paul II

  Wojtyła consecrated bishop by

  Beagle Channel boundary dispute

  “Beatus Vir” (Górecki)

  Bednarski, Feliks

  Beer, Ginka

  Begin, Menachem

  Beijing Women’s Conference (1995)

  Cairo Conference and

  draft document for

  European coalition in

  final report of

  media and

  Vatican delegation to

  Beilin, Yosi

  Being (Swiezawski)

  Belgian College



  Bellarmine, Saint Robert


  Bemporad, Jack

  Benda, Václav

  Benedict, Saint

  Benedict XIV, Pope

  Benelli, Giovanni

  Bengsch, Alfred


  Beniowski (Słowacki)

  Berdyaev, Nicolai

  Berlin Wall

  fall of

  Bernardin, Joseph

  Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint

  Bertelsen, Ole

  Besançon, Alain

  Bevilacqua, Anthony

  Bhutto, Benazir

  Biayenda, Emile

  Bible, Hebrew

  Catechism citations of

  Bidawid, Raphaël

  Bierut, Bolesław

  Biffi, Giacomo


  birth control

  chastity and

  Humanae Vitae controversy and

  sexuality and

  sexual love and

  see also abortion; Cairo World Conference on Population and Development

  Bismarck, Otto von

  Blachnicki, Franciszek

  Black Madonna

  Blamuth, Chaim

  Blessed Are the Pure of Heart (John Paul II)

  Böckenförde, Ernst-Wolfgang

  Boff, Leonardo

  Bogomolov, Oleg


  Bolesław II (the Bold), King of Poland


  Bonaventure, Saint

  Bonhöffer, Dietrich

  Boniecki, Adam

  Boniface, Saint

  Boniface VIII, Pope

  Bonner, Elena

  Books of the Polish Nation and of the Polish Pilgrims, The (Mickiewicz)

  Borromeo, Saint Charles

  Bortnowska, Halina

  Bosco, Saint John


  papal pilgrimage of 1997 to

  Bouyer, Louis

  Bovone, Alberto


  Brazilian Bishops’ Conference

  Brecht, Bertolt

  Brezhnev, Leonid

  and assassination attempt on John Paul

  John Paul’s 1979 Poland visit opposed by

  John Paul’s Solidarity letter to

  Solidarity movement opposed by

  Brezhnev Doctrine

  Bridget, Saint

  Britain, Battle of (1939)

  Brown Joeys community

  Brundtland, Gro Harlem

  Brzeziński, Zbigniew

  John Paul’s meeting with

  Solidarity crisis and

  Buber, Martin

  Buckley, William F., Jr.

  Budënnyi, Semën

  Builders of Society

  Bujak, Zbigniew

  Bulgakov, Sergei


  Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)


  Bush, George

  Bush administration

  Buttiglione, Rocco

  Buzała, Kazimierz

  Buzzonetti, Renato

  Cairo World Conference on Population and Development (1994)

  abortion issue in

  Beijing Conference and

  family issue in

  final report of

  and John Paul’s letter to heads of state

  John Paul’s public campaign for

  John Paul’s view of

  marriage issue in

  Pontifical Academy for Life’s declaration on

  Prep-Com II draft document for

  Third World and

  U.S.-Vatican clash over

  women’s issues in

  Callo, Marcel

  “Call to Conscience, A” (pastoral letter)

  Calvez, Jean-Yves

  Calvi, Robert

  Camara, Helder


  Camp David peace process

  Camus, Albert


  Cano, Melchior

  Canon 1271

  Cape Verde


  capital punishment

  Caprio, Giuseppe

  Cardenal, Ernesto

  Cardenal, Fernando

  Cardijn, Jozef

  Carey, George

  Carl Gustaf, King of Sweden

  Caroline Islands

  Carstens, Karl

  Carter, Jimmy

  Carter, Rosalynn

  Carter administration

  Casablanca address (1985)

  Casa di Accoglienza per i Più Poveri “Dono di Maria” (“Gift of Mary” House of Welcome for the Poorest)

  Casaroli, Agostino

  death of

  Gorbachev praised by

  Jesuit succession and

  John Paul’s UN address and

  in Moscow delegation

  named Vatican Secretary of State

  Revolution of 1989 as seen by

  “Case White,”

  Casey, Bob

  Cassidy, Edward

  Castelbajac, Jean-Charles de

  Castel Gandolfo

  humanities seminars at

  Jews hidden in

  Castillo Lara, Rosalio José

  Castrillon Hoyos, Dario

  Castro, Fidel

  Castro, Raul

  Catechesi Tradendae (John Paul II)

  Catechism Crumbs (Rosmini)

  Catechism of the Catholic Church

  assessment of

  capital punishment in

  citation in

  English edition of

  format of

  postmodernism challenged by

  reception of

  Vietnamese censorship of

  writing of

  Cathedral of St. John (Warsaw)

  Catherine of Siena, Saint

  Catholic Action movement

  Catholic Church, see Roman Catholic Church

  Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit (Istanbul)

  Catholic Committee for Solidarity

  Catholic Committee for the Defense of Believers’ Rights

  Catholic Social Ethics

  Catholic University of America

  Catholic University of Lublin (KUL)

  Lublin project of

  Wojtyła’s academic rank at

  “Catholic Woodstock,”

  Cé, Marco


  Cuilapan address in

  Puebla address to

  social issues in


  marriage and

  priesthood and

  self-giving and

  Celli, Claudio

  Centesimus Annus (The Hundredth Year) (John Paul II)

  assessment of

  capitalism in

  consultations in preparation for

  democracy and truth in

  economic themes of

  free society in

  poverty in

  Redemptoris Missio contrasted with

  Central African Republic

  Central Committee of German Catholics

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Cespedes, Carlos Manuel de

  Chalcedon, Council of

  Chaldean Catholic Church

  “Challenge of Peace: God’s Promise and Our Response” (pastoral letter)

  Chamberlain, Neville

  Chaput, Charles J.


  Charlemagne, King of the Franks

  Charles, Maxim

  Charles II, King of the West Franks

  Charter of Rights of the Family

  Charter 77 Human Rights Movement


  birth control and

  consecrated life and

  love and

  in marriage

  sexuality and

  Chebrikov, Victor

  Chenu, Marie-Dominique

  Chernenko, Konstantin

  Chesterton, G. K.


  China, People’s Republic of

  John Paul’s attempts at opening of

  underground Church in

  Chirac, Jacques

  Chmielowski, Adam (Brother Albert)

  canonization of

  “Chrism Mass,”

  Christian Democratic Party, Chilean

  Christian Democratic Party, Italian

  Christian Democratic Party, Salvadoran


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