Witness to Hope

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Witness to Hope Page 173

by George Weigel

nuns and

  priesthood and

  prodigal son parable of

  as Redeemer

  suffering of

  truth about

  women’s relationship with

  Jeweler’s Shop, The (Wojtyła)

  Jewish Central Council

  Jewish War, First

  Jews, Judaism

  Auschwitz convent controversy and

  Catholic Church and

  Christianity and

  concept of sanctified time in

  Lustiger’s elevation and

  of Rome

  and Stein’s conversion and beatification

  Vatican II and

  of Wadowice

  Waldheim controversy and

  We Remember controversy and

  see also anti-Semitism; Fundamental Agreement; Holocaust; Israel

  Jiménez Malla, Ceferino

  Joan of Arc, Saint

  Job (Wojtyła)

  John, First Epistle of

  John, Gospel of

  John, Saint

  John Nepomucene, Saint

  John of the Cross, Saint

  John Paul I, Pope (Albino Luciani)

  Wojtyła’s sermon on

  John Paul II, pontificate of:

  accomplishments of

  ad limina visits in

  and alleged U.S.-Vatican conspiracy

  Auschwitz convent controversy in

  Balkan conflict and

  beatifications and canonizations in

  biblical scholarship question in

  Castel Gandolfo seminars in

  collegiality of bishops in

  coronation in

  criticism of

  curial reorganization in

  Curran affair in

  democracy and

  diplomatic corps of

  disappointments of

  episcopal appointments in

  Estermann murder in

  Falklands/Malvinas War and

  first diplomatic initiative of

  first encyclical letter of

  general audiences in

  Great Jubilee preparations in

  Gulf crisis and

  health issue in

  Holy Year and

  humanism as theme of

  humanitarian intervention of

  inaugural Mass in

  intellectual repression attributed to

  international politics and

  John Paul’s daily routine and life style in

  key themes of

  lay visits in

  liturgical reform in

  media and

  media office of

  moral theology debate in

  moral unity theme of

  Mother Teresa as embodiment of

  “new evangelization” concept of

  Opus Dei prelature in

  and outreach to sick

  papal election reform in

  papal household reorganized in

  papal renovations in

  “parallel” diplomacy of

  penitential practice in

  as political papacy

  precedents broken in

  priesthood reform in

  renewal movements and

  restorationist critique of

  Roman Curia’s discontent and

  sainthood process revised by

  Sistine restoration in

  Soviet campaign against

  succession question and

  thematic audience innovation in

  “two-act” model of

  university debate in

  U.S. bishops’ conflict with

  Vatican II implementation and

  Waldheim controversy in

  see also papacy

  John Paul II, Pope (Karol Jósef Wojtyła):

  academic rank of

  academic training reforms of

  as actor

  alleged authoritarianism of

  appendix surgery of

  archbishop bureaucracy and

  assassination attempt against

  assessments of

  autobiographical reflections of

  baptism of

  birth of

  broken shoulder of

  charisma of

  charity ministry of

  childrens’ party tradition and

  as Christian radical

  clandestine ordinations by

  colon surgery of

  confessional style of

  consecrated as bishop

  convalescence of, after assassination attempt

  critics and criticism of

  culture-first view of history

  daily lifestyle of


  doctoral dissertation of

  doctoral seminars conducted by

  ecumenical commitment of

  education of

  elected pope

  energy of

  evangelical style of

  family ministry of

  family roots of

  feminism of

  first book of

  first Mass celebrated by

  first pastoral assignment of

  first world travel of

  as global leader

  habilitation thesis of

  health question and illnesses of

  hip surgery of

  historic qualities of

  Holy Land visited by

  human sexuality in philosophy of

  John Paul II, Pope (Karol Jósef Wojtyła): (cont.)

  humor and banter of

  inauguration sermon of

  inner strength of

  intellectuals in dialogue with

  as international figure

  language interest and proficiency of

  leadership style of

  Lenten retreat directed by

  literary interests of

  liturgical innovation by

  on love and sex

  management style of

  as “Man of the Year,”

  as manual laborer

  marriage-preparation program of

  on maturity

  memory of

  military service of

  misogyny ascribed to

  motto of

  as mystic

  named archbishop of Kraków

  named bishop

  nationalism criticized by

  ordination of

  as outdoorsman

  papal name of

  papal style of

  paradoxical perceptions of

  Parkinson’s disease of

  paternity instinct of

  personal charity of

  personality of

  personal quarters of

  phenomenology interest of

  philosophy as interest of

  as playwright

  as poet

  Polishness of

  as political pope

  post-Cold War world as seen by

  precedents broken by

  priesthood as seen by

  priesthood decision of

  priestly style of

  problem solving of

  pseudonyms of

  public accomplishments of

  as public figure

  radio broadcasts of

  restorationist criticism of

  science interest of

  second doctorate of

  self-gift concept of, see self-giving

  sense of one-on-one communion with

  sense of timing of

  social ethics taught by

  social vision of

  succession question and

  swimming pool of

  teaching style of

  terrorist bomb plots against

  theater interests of

  thinking method of

  titles held by

  titular pastorate of

  in truck accident

  as university professor

  “Workers’ Letter” to

  as writer and essayist

  on youth

  youth ministry of

  John Paul II Choir

  John Paul II Foundation for the Sahel

  John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family

  John the Baptist

  John XXIII, Pope (Angelo Roncalli)

  Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification

  Joint International Commission for the Theological Dialogue Between the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church

  Joint International Pentecostal/Roman Catholic Dialogue


  Jospin, Lionel

  Judas Maccabee

  “Justice in the World” (Synod of Bishops)

  Justification, Doctrine of


  Juvenaly, Metropolitan

  Kabongo, Emery

  Kaczmarek, Czesław

  Kaczmarek, Lech

  Kaczorowska, Emilia, see Wojtyła, Emilia Kaczorowska

  Kaczorowska, Joanna

  Kaczorowska, Maria Scholz

  Kaczorowski, Feliks

  Kádár, János

  Kajsiewicz, Father

  Kalinowski, Jerzy

  Kalinowski, Rafał

  Kalwaria Zebrzydowska (shrine)

  in 1979 pilgrimage

  Kamiński, Stanisław

  Kane, Teresa

  Kania, Stanisław

  Kant, Immanuel

  Karadžić, Radovan

  Karekin I Sarkissian, Catholicos of All Armenians

  Karoń-Ostrowska, Anna

  Kasper, Walter

  Kasprowicz, Jan

  Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna (KAI)

  Katyn Forest massacre (1940)

  Kaufman, Michael


  Keeler, William



  and assassination attempt on Pope

  Khan Shah, Wali

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah

  Khristoradnov, Yuriy

  Kierkegaard, Søren

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  King-Spirit (Słowacki)

  Kirkland, Lane

  Kirkpatrick, Jeane J.

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kiszczak, Czesław

  Kliszko, Zenon

  Kluger, Jerzy

  grandmother Huppert

  Knesset, Israeli

  Knox, James

  Kobak, Ola

  Koch, Edward

  Kochanowski, Jan

  Kohl, Helmut

  Kolbe, Maximilian Mary

  beatification of

  canonization of

  Kolbe Church

  Koliqi, Mikel

  Kolodziej, Marian

  Kolvenbach, Pieter-Hans

  Kondrusiewicz, Tadeusz

  König, Franz

  Wojtyła’s election as pope and

  Kordecki, Augustyn

  Kordian (Słowacki)

  Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (North)

  Korea, Republic of (South)

  Korec, Ján Chryzostom

  Kościelniak, Zdzisław

  Kościuszko, Tadeusz

  Kostka, Saint Stanisław

  Kotlarczyk, Maria

  Kotlarczyk, Mieczysław

  Kotlarczyk, Zofia

  Kovlikov, Valery

  Kowalska, Faustina

  Kowalski, Józef

  Kozal, Michał

  Kozka, Karolina

  Kozłowiecki, Adam

  Kozłowski, Karol

  Kraków, Poland

  “Black Sunday” in

  as crossroads of Europe

  Jewish community of

  Macharski installed as archbishop of

  Synod of, see Synod of Kraków

  Wojtyła installed as archbishop of

  Wojtyła’s “fit” with

  Wojtyła vs. communist regime in

  see also specific sites

  Kraków, Poland, papal pilgrimages to:

  of 1979

  of 1983

  of 1987

  of 1997

  Krakowska Gazeta

  Krąpiec, Mieczysław Albert

  Krasiński, Zygmunt

  Krenz, Egon

  Kristallnacht (1938)

  Krol, John

  Królikiewicz, Halina, see Kwiatkowska, Halina Królikiewicz

  Królikiewicz, Jan

  Kudliński, Tadeusz

  Kukliński, Ryszard


  Kung, Cardinal, see Gong Pin-mei, Ignatius

  Küng, Hans

  Evangelium Vitae criticized by

  Kurchaba, Fylmon

  Kurdziałek, Marian

  Kuroń, Jacek


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